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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the, the us statements sound way out of design stuff, new delhi slamming washington's with knox on the rest of the k opposition. the, the one lot of people in the is national election. so it has the 5 people killed during an age delivery s. as in dog. the while b is wally department assistance is 12 security officials to egypt on costs for negotiations with him on the desktop from the most co, tara tax rises to $144.00. with the media focuses on the heavy handed, the rest of the suspects. we look back at the notorious torture of prisoners on the us itself and a copy of grade and it was subjected to relentless torsion. dogs was sentenced.
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they stripped us native except for shorts and they pulled ice. it was almost through starting grenades that tossed and even 5 to knock on the nation. the rest of the 15 pm here in moscow, new watching onto the international with the very latest wells news out date is good to have you with us. as always, our top story, new delhi has lost the remarks made by a washington official on the rest of the key of position figure one loves before in this national elections. the us state department is way out of line and it statements pertaining to the arrest of calgary wall and the id department's attachment of congress funds. it is in fact a slower on the indian judiciary which has seized both. these matters to be empty. elidah added that focusing on the hands of bite and on donald from capital in persian cases would be more appropriate if the us is concerned about the elections have a good, a level playing field is called lens photos. for those of us state departments.
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folks posted matthew miller on monday, who said washington and coverage is a fat transpiring done. timely legal process, full of ins, catch me well, the chief minister and they'll put the k all positions. they go was arrested last week on corruption charges. and we're seeing the routed on the streets of the indian capital as though physician protest this class with police early this week. supporters of casually while attempting to march the prime minister's residents, demanding his release on police, moved it and making a number of the rest using what was the kind of him to break up crowds. pro government demonstrates is also gathered for accounts to riley attentions wise. is the kinds you propose to go to the post the next month's general election. we have some food. my indian um boss of the non jews says who told us the us is concerns the world is new zone guys, unit po. the id for, to dollars by the government or this uh, you know, they have activities on board instead, the comments as we have a very strong,
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you know, independent judiciary and the case is all been good in the quote. so i also, so i don't think it's just very, very um, you know, and very much to the don king, they should not have commented about why they're doing it. maybe. uh, you know, but us seems that uh, it is relevant in its rights to make comments on other democracies. the us has, has been up the world and definitely be the different one to resist this. and so i think that is, uh, you know, uh, definitely of a concern to them. um, but as far as india and other control, uh, other countries are concerned. then you know, there's the most people, you know, it because of the, what the coverage. uh, what is the economy the, the government to open it because situation is not the same as it was, it cannot continue as its boards. and i think it's the pretty uh, the thing. what should i say?
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other countries, the margin or the majors because emerging economies and other countries are beginning to also have a similar view that most people are not at the is the reinforcement. is alex then, you know, in today's blood and indian students at the london school or they can all make face, he's become the victim of a smith town pain. for supposing his native country is governments. according to such, m serrano has tons of se was targeted during the recent student union election. he says it was brand new, the fascist assembly, backing the policies of indian employment as a new, regular, moody and his ruling party, the b j. p. last, here's the wrong, i'm like the news when he quote was, quote un on camera picking up an indian slug that was thrown to the ground, stealing a protest by a separatist group in london. we all sat down surrounded himself, what he'd like to say to his critics, are these people are not able to die just well. virginia is going to be a bill is the lowest one that. a is of build their decision may go into google.
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excellent. and these people are not able to do. i just decided they didn't. yeah. clearly you mind as of, of bill the bali cord. 19 of i never read in all the news isn't the word we're looking up to india for him and the deciding the on the listing agent global google, but it's just, these people are unable to digest. and this is the key thing for the uh, not the goal, and that is very successfully the default of any plans to somebody to choose campaign of use me because a lot of my id in the limits of the left doing extremist elements in london. i was running for the energy storage unit and the license for the blues and the secretary and of these people who came on and talking to me, they started living on my foods. don't see i one of the positive, but the, the discount management needs and the multiple elements be this campaign is the very best to my big syndicate that has be decided to be organized. this got to be
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that people from all sorts of ideas and nobody knows what's going on. that owns pretty idea in the i'm, the movie here in the room is the, all these people collect to be involved with this. they've got been abused me nothing older than dogs, that with 5 people have been killed doing a delivery on saturday morning. according to the palestine red crescent society, the video 1st, it shows accountable of trucks moving through the day brands guns fine can be heard in the background requested to say that half of this thousands of people gathered, awaiting the arrival of 15 truck loads of sour, angelic for exactly needed food. this contents are the is really actions in gaza is growing worldwide. thousands have been gathering the, the, is really embassy in jude. and so 5 consecutive days to express the quotes, the dasa and, and to what was the us to us, we had tons of anti american slogans,
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accusing washington sponsoring terrorism and being complicit. so in killing civilians involved in europe. thousands of london is have flooded the u. k. capital streets, demanding a ceasefire, and garza is just one of many protests. the brakes have been staging to express concerns about his where he crimes in palestine with some gatherings resulting and arrest hopes for a truce. have wasted, as he is ready, private as says office announced on friday, the top security officials will slice to egypt and cast off to negotiate with the following. the reports on the negotiations for release of the duct these, it should be clarified, that prime minister netanyahu spoke with the head of massage, and the head of the, i a say, and approved delegations on their behalf to go out to doha and cairo in the coming days with the scope of action to continue the negotiations. that cost live now to, to meet with any, any spokes person for the foster reformist democratic foxley. many thanks for
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joining us on the program today. and i'd like to ask you how significant is it that's less than yahoo has sent his top security officials for negotiations. and i think that, uh, whoever sends uh, nothing you know, cents over to door high or cairo, they have one mission to complete, which is the stall as much as possible. take as much time as possible. i've tried not to look like the one or the side that is rejecting computing deal that would and the genocide in got this is the mandate that has been given to every, a convoy to every uh, group of people, whether it was a personal analysis or an open so i'm, i'm else that dealt with business portfolio that dealt with this issue. and the reason is that benjamin, that's i, me out. personal interest, which has rolled this bit of israel for so long that it does not meet up
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or does it, it does it, does it get served properly or the week? nothing else. 16, if the is weeks is personal, political interest is for logging the genocide as much as possible. this is also the interest of the brother to the right political parties in his coalition. and that the anyhow has been playing this game all along to make this genocide last longer. and it doesn't matter to him being to walk criminal to begin with. if there are more blood cells on the palestinian side or not. because as of the promise of genocidal ideologue, he is totally fine with it. could i don't pay that. this is a sign that washington has persuaded net from yahoo to negotiate for the for the subsea sfa. nothing. yeah. washington dc. again, it's personal political interest by the political interest does not contradict
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nothing. yeah. whose political interest biden is losing grounds within the democratic party? according to the gulf, uh, uh, full, a few days ago. 75 percent of the uh, the, the democrats do not approval by just policies in supporting israel, genocide. and this also has moved on to the republican side. but overall, the majority of americans no longer support the state of israel and its driver side . and the apple is divided administration's policy, so by then asked to align himself in this alexys year with the attitudes and sentiments of the people of his motives. and as long as the war is going by them 3 years of life, do support israel with weapons. a, according to the strategic alliance between the 2 bodies. so that's why it is in his interest to stop the war at as soon as possible. on the other hand,
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if any of those buying time he's trying to rebuild squared ability, he's trying to use any progress at any front to, to you, to use it to trap his political opponents. and negotiations is just one of those tools that you use is to for a long door and the driver side. and that's why there's a conflict between the personal interest of nothing, you know, and the personal interest of by that the only difference is by that is tied up with the pros. i's money and influence in washington dc. while uh, nothing. yeah. oh. even though there's bunch, a whole lot of american influence in telling me, but no idea who is basically his back this little i'm here with guy last only was another shot at political life, maybe not after the next elections, but he is not willing to quit already thank you for speaking to us today. is this
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grace go inside the situation, dimitri, to the, on the spokesperson, the fonts as reform is done a classic function. thank you. thanks for asking the question security of what was it say they prevented another terror attack in the south of the country. the fs be detained. 3 foreigners from central asia, explosive islands, chemical components will cease to the residence of the suspects. they faced charges of preparing a terrorist attack and now being investigated. meanwhile, another victim of last week's most codes. her attack is passed away, bringing the death toll to 144. a number of casualties is waste. 551 people with many still being treated by adults is russian. investigators say the full gunman will quotes while trying to flee to ts slips them could be investigative committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspects, skilled establishing their accomplices and organized as of the terrorist act. those
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accused of committing a terrorist act revealed during the initial testimony and subsequent interrogations . but their actions both at the stage of preparation and off to the armed attack and the crew to city who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym. according to the coordinator, the terrorists, after committing the crime, were directed towards the russian ukrainian buddha in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised. the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing the terrorist act. yep. a russian ortiz, if not just find a 9 suspects, he has another native of to jake. he's done, officials in the country all fully to operating with the investigation. most also say is the terrorist receives payments in both cash and crypto currency from ukrainian nationalist at the scene of the months ago on the outskirts of moscow, many people are lying sideways and children's toys outside the chas ruins of the
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quote. because concert hall does what is of wife balloons were literally sent to the sky in memory of the victims, russian orthodox priests have held a memorial service. the victims of the tragedy as far and delegations to rush. i have come to the memorial to commemorate victims of the tragedy as a political correspondence, equal pissing off was that the size in both is this report. even though a week has now passed since the barbaric act upstairs here at moscow's progress, a concert full people are still continuing to come to this mix shipped memorial, bringing flowers, laying down candles, leaving notes and tories to show their respects to the victims of the horrific attack and earlier today, dozens of and bachelors and other foreign diplomats were here as well. taking part in a collaboration ceremony. a minute of silence was held and then they also laid down to the flowers and paid their respect to the victims of this uh, roof attacked. i think 2 of these things do go to show that despite the political
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differences or you fear, so why release? we're all human role model and, well, terrorism is truly a mutual threat. it's a for a tool, that's why it's so it's really important to exactly establish exactly which forces are behind this horrific attack. connie, how can the back create an indonesian senior defense on the list, on strategist told us that despite washington came. zeiss is to blame the fact that the attackers were trying to escape to ukraine. speaks for itself in the front of these. 3 are we got the uh, the, the 1st minute after the date, of course, yes, i was surprised because uh, statically, for example, united states of glen ices. but, but the, uh, the, but the, uh, really a spec. well, that has to be deep as a how a did they find out, does that they collect to the hype, to type as good to what you create. so it means like we more believe on what i say
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investigation, you know, i to, as deep and the police, this is a control by some other countries thought you could as well whatever it is to getting the event. we are out here a 2nd, but it is, but again, the issue of a party to go issue or heavy board because you from other countries and everything is not the, not the story that they have to solve, especially using the ukraine cut off as a place up to, you know, to destroy or to start that last. yeah. or whatever president would be an investor and find out about this. i think this is actually, the more is being open to but the, the more people understand or then just if it's the day that people inside the coffee could actually, uh, you know, consult, but either outside countries to destroy or something inside. so i think this is a good next and for us. yeah, and i hope this is going to be a good listen for the other company as well. i'll just send them the borders out the st. the people that come in and come all the mainstream media has focused on the heavy handed rest of the tire or suspects as well. my c,
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i a chief of russian operations claims that no such thing would happen in the west . i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on in a rush and what's going on in the west. even though it's something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would just be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally a, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia, but the full most c i, a officials, claims line to face of his country's own history of detaining and torturing thousands of innocent people during the so called war on terror. american military presence, logic, guantanamo bay, and on be great. became notorious for the 12 days committed within the walls. we've been looking back at the dream legacy and tearing from one of the victims
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the i was just visiting my wife's parents, house in, out, in boston. come in from bugged out, to settle a disagreement with my wife. on the morning of october 31st in 2003. the area had been called on both by the us forces. and they did i stump the house and apprehended me even though the residence told them all was not from the area and
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had no relations with the racket resistance. my head was covered with a plastic bag and my hands tied behind my back with flex costs. before they put me inside demetri hung be the dog that was subjected to relentless torture. dogs was sent on us. they stripped us naked except for shots, and they pulled icy. watch all of us through stunning grenades at task, and even 5 nights on the nation. i witnessed the knowledge of too many, no section one with a book to the heart, and the other was shot with a pump action rifle. the most annoying thing was tripping us naked and being beaten by 2 servicemen. i guess the plastic stick because we were blindfolded him on the reprehensible of uses. they made 2 naked prisoners stent and touched each all the
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the equipment in presidents, a lot of as a landscape. ms. washington has not been supportive of cab strikes on russian energy facilities and the tax will continue as long as the us withholds the weapons, your claim needs to find. the reaction of the us was not positive. on this, we use the drugs. nobody can say to us, you can't, if there is no air defense to protect our energy systems and russians that could. my question is, why can't we answer them? but he was has, what was that? most guys, retaliation in the form of strikes on ukrainian energy and infrastructure causes
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a such an energy prices are combined with care of the tax on russian oil facilities . the latest, massive, less than most. so islands wrote a tax and fuel death, both of stock, say 6 percent increase of oil costs, according to the brand index. that's the costs out to discuss this with elijah magneer venture and will journalist and political all of us who joins us from brussels when he, thanks for your time today. really appreciate that. so at a friend has a friends until their actions hit the pocketbook. oh, what other reason could the us have issuing his warnings to thank you for having me . i think there is a clear reality here that the americans all trying to sustain this war. and you sustain clever ukraine as an offset, the especially batch and elections in the hope that you crank and hold the ground and not collapse, as perhaps way down the way down to us forces in the long war. however,
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the presence is it is key, can know the have a say on what kind of what they need using because he's not the one who's directing the will know so direct and the role as the americans told us. although sitting in front stated germany, 50 nations that by the americans, they all the one financing, supplying weapons, supplying intelligence, tending the crime is what the hey, contributing, anything solve it's in wasa and directing b o. box of line logistic and knowing what to hit logistics on the, on the side all to have a dog and civilian targets inside russia. so it is not because it is, could you decide whether it would not play? nevertheless, there is a clear understanding here in the life that you create and has lost the rule and can no return to another. gone through the sensitive because that need these treat
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to one advantage in main power and considerable inside power. that there is no longer available need to bug americans know bother europeans. it feels like things are becoming best. so when we have the ukranian precedence, lensky is saying the attacks with impacts weld lock is will continue. and so k of get, so the weapons that need. so it, what kind of message is he sending to washington? and he's sending a desperate message saying that i can stop the war because. busy he doesn't have the main power and he's just saying words to invite the bins and the man to continue helping him. however, they've lost the expedited because it becomes a little sensitive, it has faith, and the result of the counter was offensive is very new to everybody around why this is why the americans are very reluctant to pay in money on top of what they have already paid because he did not get resolved, this is what the main goal is to say. europe,
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instead of supporting your brain to the point that you grad continues, getting more craniums for the war, not to spread. the young you frame o, at least not to declare that the fee is not easy for your and do not. so it is to say, we have gathered for nations all the west against russia, and we have been defeated already. they said we're going to run with the russian economy. and it turns out that all the economy is in this situation. so we have already to be defeated, they to lovely concepts and it's only because those law could argue crazy and, and only small number of europeans or just change the miniature petite angry and find for the crazy never that this is very welcome at the same volume graham to continue exciting and to continue losing momentum and the infrastructure
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destroyed and no losing one american or european soldiers officially knots and do you agree so that. busy will continue working for the next presidential election in the us to see who's going to be the next president of the 100 because it landscape stockton loans for funding. and now we have the us joins joined chief chad, general brown saying that sending a type of secure have is no longer a risk. most go has appointments to severe responsive loan grange missiles on supplied. why is the risk now being considered? so everything you crazy is doing today is only on tactical level, but not on strategic labs, sending dra karen how terra's operation can oh, that's a good operation to keep the russians busy on different front bits register. very mind the victory and this would be hit that 10 times more. that is not the victory
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. so what's the prey is all doing it just from the minute. 3 approach is no sense. important because there is no uh, victory behind it. there is nothing that is at closing the terrace to russia, and there is nothing that stopping or upset to continue to fulfill its objective of the notification and for you for a not to be false nato. and yet your crime is didn't blame me that everything get these doing is fall, snake go stand those. this is what president there is that is he said, when your brain is not often, nature will not be fault with nature. and then as you start to embarrass this again, nato secretary general said you, great achievement to, to victory today at the victory is off of the question. any of the 3 of the question, the problem is our inquiry can maintain what remains of few grades and this is also
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questionable. so whatever the math is all saying today that will do that to see ukrainian continue fighting the cheapest you as well as the any thanks for speaking to us today, appreciate your thoughts on the situation. elijah magneer, a back to an warranty on the list on political on the list. thank you for having millions of lost lives in the wrong of celebrated the night of destiny, the holiest nights of ramadan and all of his. um, i'll see if he's at the law, they reports from the persian countries when they just capital. it was 1st of prayers resound in the air on a special night that's believed by muslims to be a time when gods fulfils their deepest desires. it's called left to god or, or the night of destiny falling on the 19th night till the fasting. most of the time of on the occasion sees most of them coming together in mosques and shrines. to take part in congregational rituals. the past until the break of dawn for ronnie is there is no place more sacred to spend this night that are the trying of amber's
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on the 8th street. i am a located in the northeastern city of mesh at just the early days of hamilton. the city has been bustling with millions of po groups, a flock from across the country to seek blessings on this perch, what location as muslims we believe that on the night of destiny, god determines our fate for the year ahead. it's described in the koran is more important than a 1000 months. therefore, we have gathered here at the mom, raised the shrine to appeal to god, to decree our destiny in the most favorable manner. the night of destiny holds great significance for us. it is a night when many of our sins are forgiven, bringing solace and peace as we do other to pray at the mom reza shrine. by reciting the kron and special prayers on this night, we seek god's forgiveness for our wrong doings. will sometimes believe that less one guy was the night when the 1st verses of the holy koran will reveal to the prophet mohammed for the angel gabriel. the revelation of the koran continued over
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a period of 23 years. the koran says that the angels this sent to earth on this night to listen to the prayers of the faithful chevrolet advocate on the knights of destiny. god seeks to bless us human beings. he wants to shower us with his mercy. so we spend this night praying to god in supplication seeking closeness to him and asking for everything we desire. a problem with aspects of the rituals is the collective presentation of a prayer that invokes cause, but he's 1001 attributes. as mentioned in his law, each representing a different facet of the vanity. thousands of pilgrims simultaneously placed the car run under hats, reciting the prayer in unison. 757. the night of destiny is a special and significant knight for us, as it provides us with the opportunity to seek forgiveness for the sins we have committed through the year and ask for god's blessings and mercy by invoking his 1001 names. it is a time for introspection, repentance, and seeking forgiveness from god. while the exec data of the night of destiny
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remains on specified, muslims believe the local gods falls on one of the number of nights in the last 10 days or frame of on the 27th night being the most probable one. however, there's also a tradition suggesting it could fall on any of the last and nights and there are on the 19th 21st and 23rd nights are the most common lee observed. seems like this can be seen across the night. i didn't get an extra layer of for to, for the past few months of these people will stay on the night, the prayer and reflection on to the break of dawn seeking to clarify, their souls assign was for to the central on the scoring during the full capital much i'm used to but he thinks the company here and on the international decisive day with bad width times the more the top the.


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