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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

12:30 pm
one, however, there's also a tradition suggesting it could fall on any of the last and nights and there are on the 19th 21st and 23rd nights are the most common lee observed. seems like this can be seen across the lawn during the night. i didn't get an extra layer of to the past few months of these people will stay on the night, the prayer and reflection on to the break of dawn seeking to see if either phones it's fine, was for to the central on the scoring during invoice to total capital, i'm not sure i'm used to be fine. company this saturday is always appreciated that so for me, but do make sure you join my colleagues even though neil for all the latest news on the days and 30 minutes for now the rest
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of the okay. i just let us know. so the syndic, some of them visitors or the goals for the services, the,
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the, the, the access you mean? yes. and what is the, ma'am? this to image says that my e and is this, you should always in the moon. use the queen? yes. what's the name? what's that? as you get a little bit, it's beautiful. gloss them just give us a place to invest, plus or to can. we did conduct were listed it, but the only thing and the rest of it. yeah. because i put in your thought of that the kind of dental and vision read us come down as a special wagner. you come down the bills to stay with the video, but as a check,
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you only have to select the somewhere as close to the order to move it down. you get the thumb vip, just less than one way or yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deal? what docs to for the initial one, eastern dot one meal. but that's dodge in napa. just let the client jam or that you or to me, and i'm going to take your questions. great. it wasn't yours, boss. of course the, because that's what it was to opinion and you come down with the talk with, ha, ha, click charlotte
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of the notes adjusted to the slide. the. so what sort of fits are? what's the, who the who in the vehicle and see if i do yes or so to go with the for which i think you to as soon as you can. so the judge must it unless it isn't. what's the lowest level of california to the minus 2 bathroom, all of the sales with the ssl formulas that there was no doubt in the system with the
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mobiles familiar with the show, but it was there. so we need to know really simple. cut out the boeing your quote for the push the family, the room wondering and we mentioned astra mention the items are calculated. so a to keep the media was because of okay and when you're using your so. so we're going to start with that and let them know spray and really be watching you or he has not come up for a financial service or is reason i say that then the for the so you could have it uses the food in as soon as the closer scheme to one do assign, what are you and you don't want it don't to assume an interview and you're put out as an additional peters, greater overtures,
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the, the, the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialist from the bar here. what i found chance is just to have come and get off to an appointment with you with the doorstep the motion hattermio pursuing, asked about the kitchen for specialty on the horse on the west coast and asking for him going the potential extra construction was the sped to affiliate and when you're bolling me with, with you on this new for you on a stretch and or signal my to put this new will be for a stop shooting as much of a brush. don't as unless unless somebody should perhaps get there is a country a to you're coming to orchestra for sure. something like sugar, which if one of the show eligibility and domestic mental or yeah,
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well the average trunk also for the 1st or to to to push that the reason the or the other surgeries gone $10.00 when you when you keep your sure you do for us when you a 100 wasn't motion, is a beautiful shorter subscription, lose your clothes or does anything just remove it otherwise for, for, for the last years that also felt that covers good work on for sure, will work on to actually is on the rest of the shop by to pick the best, the best one for us that you can use. there's no chester for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go, i do not when yeah, but when your husband likes you most of all some searching for cheaper selection or some family to come with the show they
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put from august you with those original one moment, which did i show which of the course videos now, you know, numerous close by cool, a story on the books and laser by video and students teaching them to come to check on the board is showing that emission on your team will us to bring them to the doctor the for you? the new are sounds better. so some young movie a show a little bit to bring you much to no longer and you're still listened as when it's important page, right? the pretty much
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the only thing is we just, i know definitely more interested in shipping the mm full what you sent on your simpler which it took you up when you are somebody with a group home by slow for you. is it just replacing the desktop? do funniest, but if can customize the settlement for this to for this day and i chose to and the us next to the team according to the to be get those couple abuto international produce. could let me see it's over there because the speak you thought consequences is also going to be available. felicia brussels from the age of this little suppose
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you for the call to come onto this one. but the left to the test for super, for the video is over. so sooner sales associated with the special for someone. and the reason it's precisely there's the coming you and she gets very associated with too much it's just was in your mind. so what did you, where he goes to a funny waiting list of the i use those to fix since i know is that when serena parker, i can just know which one of them all of the eclipse without the recall, notice come sooner. just
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curious. we do have a jail special, you're here with which can you lecture succeeded or whatnot. castillo, as most of the business criteria locks and also for anything sister food or say to you hold on, let me get a hold of it before then please. i guess i'll send that over to she who is this will just be a simple follow g o. yeah, boom, boom. yours me see we story more with them. song is really long. so even though the future will deal with them on each end, you know, uh huh. was, do you smoke when you were in? was it was for your can is uh no, says union is on the line as well. this is a so the, to facilitate the flow starts of video, the history of the door of the jack on the launch, which is preferable for student learning. they're putting it in the,
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or the shortest spray of work. and then we just have to show some of the shortage on the business office. let's use this to me. this is just simply
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the steps you have just left no scrolls on this cuz i've been doing some of them visitors for the business. and it show up to 12 peach tree me. what's on point, assume you see it so that you folks. so the 1st issue is if you can purchase a, some of them with this is a feel for the is the best the best on that just to get to. yes, they all sold the okay. and you make sure that she is looking for was might as a competitor to a new offer to come down for the show. could some of what i did,
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even though that will bulk on the on the no, it's not cable system issue, especially a symbol new and you're likely a newborn was most us for the producer of spanish. so my thought was, when you mazda or something that i smoked, it thought aspect of the
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vehicle. so the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the source of the godaddy degree and then at the district administrator has them, is not needed to have somebody to email which customer the news tribune. we want the bill come, but additional coverage and as much to serving us with us. yes. because most people that support your decision on the color of grids to cut off credit. so everything isaac, this opinion, dollars, extra fees. and that's what it says about the slot to have just left your mouth just sooner the shuttle. and then just use the purse my 1st year. i just you the
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past most talking about she really morgan and she almost nice to hear a yes more that processed i turned on your players a short on his bus. nice go down and go to lunch. just as pass on i don't really see quit. so somebody has to have sufficient interest to remove this winter so you can start the electronic signature, just one minute. national logistics should of course, can accomplish because of the business or should i the so this is the idea what the steps of testing was. sheila,
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looking for the use was you can get to the rubbish for some reason. oh, that's a good long story. and we could also go to the game. so because the both of these, his both the bills and the to the, just the system of the when were you thinking about of the following most of the police getting the, what it means to 40 and it needs to give, which is which is not so much jamie morgan, interested in the summary of the game. it will allow me to, to see the degree of. so he asked me my number to send me over to deliver to you. if i chose to process the blackboard for system, she must ok or how do i access? now those are so special models for your business selection, you would have done such and yet i just showed that there was a sheet on the 4th of come down. is that about the name of the? what do you put those c for mediates voice? now, jimmy, the jim jimmy,
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the one the board mentioned alex that i was admitted to the, to the board come fix was made of the decision, the mazda, most of the wood needs good, a good number of our and it's not that good to be a good for now is a little come come on board and get this to another, provides a variety of a good deal. movies need, you know, that you know, that we know. now the guy is picking the guy i gave you. most of you need to send them somewhere, but you have just a digital image slash, but digital it will come with the but as a sonya dime, now you will put digital. this is lavonne music with doctors like a to the to i just to me i did. yes. just depends on what card has to be there. the, i believe a, me, a, this is the story that we chose here on the tonight's us
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to get those books for yeah. and supposedly all as well. so what we're going to choose a flow, or if i want you to kind of show it to her for the less than that, what it would say was if your interest is you just, you know, office play on it, which is kind of so we're pretty much with the lesson plan, which tooth to was the move the sick off at the band. i don't know. it just just yeah. go ahead and just press the menu was here right now, so we'll go over with the only one you mom while you boy yep. the spark or so the good thing there for numerous so it won't let me know thanks more to today. well know
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a while now we really should not have been on the phone or so that's not the the but also after the do we use because the sign in the spitting and close the ticket or the call was to be able to go to the, to participate and no one should have only put it on wheels. but you don't want to pursue an announcement.
12:52 pm
it is numberless. i did that the for the explosion because she used it that holds the frontier. thought that they would fit into the store based on the deal. so that works here when you want me to start bought the eclipse without somebody built that single premier who the pleasure of serious nobody calls my wish previous to but other than yourself behind it. yeah. i'm glad you agreed. it was really just the way we split cuz we were just a few of the or the customer who, you know, committed this, correct? because i thought the order goes to who interesting most of the things are
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missing the you want to be the guy to me is the for to us some of the you for you. what on the order to do me a but i also the number echo long at the core was more since just just the you get to motion for the people can do it. this. i'm going to throw it in. yeah, that's the shape long. is that go with that? so like all the square go thing, the square foot length, but this was gus my for one the soul and the fish folks you can we assist you to do is meet the the
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key is to assure sure there is a serious before the dr. shaker. cute the house also such as the for what's the story slash like right here. she just doesn't journalists us, but she has steps to very strange like a kid named does it separately in the industry up as well? yes, that's the goes off of that section. of course, these funds flush the toilet this
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morning. this fails squared. those libya shame you get to the came on board with a former ship pressure domestics. and that person you probably get pushed by the jets a finding milestone area. i'm not sure what they can't control and is there somebody to produce the rates are doing the shirts and future restaurants to create livingston vision? what those types of judge mission i was trying to put the name of the nation with nationwide, and i see the different styles of shipping moving around the shelf in your book or in the the so the, the, the food chain. my name is cindy. me stucco and the me, me because i don't have anything the resolution. i understand that you did see
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that she will be back soon as she gives me a do this because, but the people come put a name, leave usually you do v doing either for tomorrow or use. there's plenty of edits. you get to choose 10 of your car. know your car name is b e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical, it would be a pretty good dispute. we'll do what he gives you to to be pretty steep. yeah. the
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see would you, which do supposedly did you meet with the sensor? but the most, i'm gonna keep it at norfolk, but i mean that's a really loud noise. the media circulation for the detail of the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen, the time it's the cliffs, new employees, the land lease
12:58 pm
a man the wolf looked up. it's nab. yeah, it says nice. we here. you mean? yeah, yeah. could show us the simple,
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it doesn't show the zillow, the the, to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills,
1:00 pm
and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground again? the 5 people are killed during an a delivery effort entails the coming of the is really p ends ends is job security officials, to egypt and capt. tarp for negotiations with from us all the city ends on their supporters worldwide commemorate so called lum date. the deadline,


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