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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the, the, the 5 people are reportedly killed during an, a delivery effort in concepts and coming as the as really pm census top security officials to egypt and pets are for negotiations with a come us policy in the ends of their supporters worldwide commemorate. so called lum day, the deadline, 1976 protests against b is really makes ation of how the city and phone calls for a cease fire on an end to the idea of killing of civilian solid industries hit and hold the clear message to it and say not good sense of i'm going to get that season time to sanction upon pages and they actually take us to, to,
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on, to positive against what is happening if they take the fire. now the rest of the world will fall over hundreds of people deeply by the tragedy of march 22nd terror attack in moscow. gather, i saw the concert hall to honor those who lost their lives. foreign and passengers have both to be paid. we will do everything that russian needs. we stand in solidarity with it. we will spare no efforts. russia, is it fraternal and friendly country to iraq? we are in full solidarity with the russian people and the russian government. and the us statements are way out of arrives. how new tele house responded to whitehouse remarks on the arrest of an opposition figure a month before it could be as the fly for most good. this is archie good to have your company for then use our we
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begin in northern gals. there were 5 people were killed during an a delivery on saturday morning. that is, according to the palestine red crescent society. the video footage shows a convoy of laurice moving through debris as gun fires heard in the background, the red crescent saves the shooting, and subsequent stampede happened. this thousands of people gathered to await the arrival of 15 truck loads of flour and other critically needed to believe both dozens overseeing the distribution i'm the is really military fired there when the well, these are the scenes this saturday night in tel aviv us thousands of protesters gather to the money the resignation of benjamin netanyahu. people that are on fire,
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which police extinguished only for another one to be set. all protesters are also demanding the immediate release of hostages, held by from us. that's as these really pm's office and launched on friday, but top security officials will fly to egypt and could talk to negotiate with i'm us. following the reports on the negotiations for release of the duct, these, it should be clarified, that prime minister netanyahu spoke with the head of massage and the head of the i a say, and approved delegations on their behalf to go out to doha and cairo in the coming days with the scope of action to continue the negotiations. what could tardy political, homeless, and security consultant? doctor ali alfredo is all of the view. mr. nothing. yeah. who is stolen piece, thoughts on this doing so because if the word gals, the ends, he risk being prosecuted and even jailed a pretty. i mean,
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it's in the whole business to one this will to and therefore he is going to fiddle processing because the thing was the thing because you choose negotiations negotiate and the end of it, there is nothing that you want me to tell you all wants to get the thing out of the the because changes and the parent doesn't want to give anything. that's just the now on the, the, i mean the video i know is very well a is video, we're over the fax. you add them up. if this helps, you will go to behind the present bars and his the future will the end completely, you know, that's very well. that's why. well, as the most just me, the, i'm going to can, they will be in the, even today is the eighty's. they. but do you, i mean, you know, once this and there's more to continue for his own spears,
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i'm purposes because it doesn't want to go to prison and he doesn't want to feel his the future will discontent over his really actions in dallas. it is growing globally follows and is helping gathering near the is really embassy and jordan for 5 consecutive days to express their support for palestinians and under $23.00 of main bunker. the united states. protesters could be heard jumping empty american slogans on the choosing. washington of sponsoring terrorism and being completed in the killing of civilians. meanwhile, large numbers of people flooded the british capital this weekend and monday and cease fire in gaza is just one of many protest londoners helping staging. to express concerns if i just really actions in the palestinian territories with some gatherings resulting interest. while in germany, a pro gals and protests in berlin turn violent and funded.
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the will activists organize. they sits in capitals main rail station, disrupting train operations. police use force to disperse, they provide the best fit and estimate of 100 protesters and their supporters worldwide hopping commemorating the so called lum day, this summer night. it's a remembrance of the 1976 raleigh against these really confiscation of territory that claimed the lives of 6 palestinians and injured over a 100. v annual events reaffirms the palestinian peoples ties to the land with those in attendance this year. also demanding into the killing r t correspondence slip. you can go visited one and such gathering. now inside the u. s embassy in johannesburg to purchase the land,
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the outside, the us consulate, to re engine rating. their continuing determination to oppose is really occupational demanding action to be taken in people including who does what i'm going to send you in from god's i am a genocide sort of private and it was the pick you waited with the my family 2 months ago from garza and i'm here and in order to send a clear message to is what and they united states of america that it is time to sanction. upon said, is that at this time for an immediate impediment cease fire and it is time who the international community to say enough is enough complicit. and they actually take us to on to positive on a game. what is happening if they say fees, fire, now, the rest of the world will follow it. how well we establish and we make that ground, but out so growth because they actually the sewing as well,
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not only to people and it's not about sci fi, and now it stop the war. now we need to say stop the way we need to stop asking with these quite enough protests to say they have an important message to these read it to patients that emphasizes the importance of the struggle of to put a senior paper for that day. and it's important for us to be yeah. and to show our number, it's also important back walks, we can be on task and we can be on a digital space. we need to be out there so that people see solid gravity in person . it's important for this kind of communication. it's very important for us here in south africa with our own history of protests. we stand in solidarity with kind of kenyan for that right to return for the rights to sovereignty. and the method you would like to say, well to israel is you will not succeed at the end of the day, how this danielle williamson to the land. and we are here to remind you of that. the purchase was organized by i guess that african phones are kind of some of the
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holocaust comments each also in a team is would be to be some use little communities as well as the general work is the and also back become old thinking the same song singing is to save and pop up to between 2 to 3 feet. the kind of time to have missed in moscow 100, some gathered outside the trunk of these tricking focused concert hall to pay the respects to the victims of last week's terror attack. the, the, the image side, you mean frames, as you can see there at the bottom of your screen flying into the sky that's become a symbol of those killed in the estimates for the time there silhouettes is laid
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out in the ground in front of the venue on this being projected on a steady stream of people also continued to gather a mix, shift memorial out the site. it's not packed with flowers and candles. says people pay their respects to all those who lost their lives. earlier on saturday, over a 100 foreign diplomats gathered to lay flowers at the memorial as well expressing their solidarity with the russian people in the face of the a trust of the have ups of money. it was completely natural for us to come here late flowers and be together with our friends. russian citizens. solidarity comes in many forms. we in egypt are very worried about what happened. we also suffered a lot from terrorism. and of course, we will do everything that russia needs. we stand in solidarity with it. we will spare no efforts to heather, this is a very unfortunate sad event. we suffered a launch and a rock because of terrorism. russia is
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a fraternal and friendly country to a rock. we are in full solidarity with the russian people and the russian government in the fight against terrorist groups in india. can you here today to express condolences to friendly russian people, the russian leadership of the, to a firm level non solidarity with friendly russia. and i'm over here in the concert hall in the household uh, including women and children, the whole f. this is a crime. and undoubtedly, because i remember those who committed it mostly punished, not only the direct perpetrators a little. so the plan to be doing the organized and art dissipated and its financing, the sell will have to buy. another victim of last week's must go to her attack, passed away on thursday, bringing the total death tool to 144 people. the number of casualties has also risen to 550 people. many still are being treated by doctors. russian investigators save a for goodman records while trying to fleet to ukraine,
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slips them could. the investigative committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspects, skilled establishing their accomplices and organize as of the terrorist act. both of those accused of commuting. a territory stock in was revealed during the initial testament and subsequent interrogation is showed up at their actions both at the stage of preparation to fortune and off to the on the time in the crook. a city only a little coordinated by mind and presented himself under a suit. and then he, of course, according to the coordinator, go to terry's off. she's off to committing the crime with directed towards the russian ukrainian folder. so in order to get to key thing where they would receive the reviews they were coming to study, the investigation proceeds looking into the involves some of representative simply ukrainian special services. in arranging financing my terrorist act nipple genius, russian authorities have now detained, and i suspect, and they get another native of to g, gets the officials in the country are fully cooperating with the law school. so say
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is the terrorist receive payment in both cash and crypto currency from quote, the premium, the national its for my colleague, nicky irvin spoke earlier with a defense on the list from indonesia who told us that despite washington claims that this law makes staples the sold perpetrator, the fact that the attackers were caught on the road to ukraine raises many questions the, the 1st minute after the day. of course we have so surprised because it's directly apply symbol united states of glen ices. but via but the really a spect. well, that is the deed, as a how a did they find out is that they connect to the head to try to escape to what you create. so he's me is like, we more believe on what i say investigation. uh, you know, actors deep and the police, this is a control by some other countries thought you could as well whatever it is to getting the event. we are up to a certain process. but again, the issue of
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a body to go issue or heavy board to purchase it from other countries. and if it is not a nother story that they have to solve, especially using the ukraine as a place of to you know, to destroy or to start that last. yeah. or whatever president would be an investor and find out the good this. i think this is actually, the more is being open to but the, the more people understand or then just if it's the day that people inside of the country could actually, uh, you know, control by either outside countries to destroy or something inside. so i think this is a good next and for us. yeah. and i hope this is going to be a good listen for the other company as well. how to send them the borders out, the st. the people that come in and come out. okay, know the story we are across today. new delhi has blasted remarks made by a senior washington official on the arrest of an opposition for the one month before india is national elections. the us state department is way out of line and
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its statements pertaining to the arrest of cadre wall in the id department's attachment of congress funds. it is, in fact the solar on the indian judiciary, which has seized both these matters to the ruling bgp legislative leader. there are the best that you guys should be focusing more on the hunter, bide non capital incursion cases if they're really concerned about the elections having a level playing field. he was responding to us state department spokesperson and a whole lot easier this week said washington quote, encourages a for transport and some time lead legal process for our vend tedra. well, the delhi chief minister and opposition me party leader, was recently arrested on corruption charges and received directed on the streets of the indian capital as mister casual wald supporters, flushed with police earlier in the week, they were attempting to march to the prime minister's residence to the mom, the opposition politicians released police made
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a number of arrest and use water coming to pick up pro government demonstrators also gathered for a country. really, the tensions come as a country prefers to go to the polls for next month. general electric we heard from former indian ambassador amend yusef, who sees the us is fighting against the tide. i'll be multi puerto world and cannot keep acting as the world's post. and the id for to dollars by the government. uh, is this uh, you know, they have absolutely onboarding comments and we have a very strong um, you know, independent judiciary and the case has all been good in the quotes. so i also, so i don't think it's just very, very um, you know, and very much to the don king, they should not have commented about why they're doing it. maybe uh, you know, but us being that it is ready for them. it's right to to make comments. so now the notices for us has,
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has been up that had to be an equal level and definitely be the one to resist this . and so i think that is, uh, you know, uh, definitely of a concern to them. but as far as india and other control, other countries are concerned, the new know will be my people. yeah. it because of the what the company to was the economy, the government to a political situation is not the same as it was. it cannot continue as it was, and i think it's a pretty uh, the thing was you guys see other countries the imagine are the major emerging economies and other countries are beginning to also have a similar view that mostly for dr. dukes is the reinforcement it's, it's the new norm introduced by. meanwhile, an indian student at the london school of economics saves he's become the victim of us and your account pain for supporting his native country's government. according to such e m a ceramic, his candidacy was targeted during
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a recent student union election. he said, you see it was front of the fascist for simply barking the policies of indian prime minister and a rendered moody and the ruling b j. p. last year. such a made the news when he was caught on camera picking up an indian flag that was thrown on the ground during the protest by a separatist group in london. we asked him what he'd like to say to those a tucking him for his. 8 a little would i just, well virginia is going to give you a list of the lowest one that. a is of the decision maker into global bond? excellent. and these people are not able to do. i just decided they didn't. yeah. clearly you mind as of, of bill the supervisor, the cord, 19 of i never read in all the nations and the word will open up to india for him. and the deciding the on the will lose, given the do not to of, of do with it. but it's just, these people are unable to die just and visit the get the goal. and that is maybe
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something really don't see the fall. somebody plans to somebody who's kind of being of use to me because a lot of my id and the limits of the left wing extremist elements in london. i was running for the odyssey sort of unit of the license, but the blues and the secretary and of these people who came on and talking to me, they started jumping on my foods. don't see i one of the was the discount payments to meet the must be this campaign is the very best to my big syndicate that has to be decided to be organized. this got been set up. people from all sorts of ending their backgrounds was very idea. and the, i'm, the movie here in the room is open and all these people collect to be involved with this we've got been in, is me the wealthy nation, including the u. k, the u. s. recruit significant numbers of nurses from per african countries leaving
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the continent with i'd medical personnel, i'm a declining patient care system. now there's, according to the international council of nurses. the group says high income countries exploit their academic power to draw a health care workers away from vulnerable regions, feeding long term dependencies. since cobit, there's been a surgeon global medical recruitment due to per night in jews shortages and the need to address post some technical issues. african nursing leaders recently expressed frustration of the meeting and were one the over the trip which is being described by some as a new form of colonialism. w h o regulations and to curb the poaching of stuff from countries with we can health care systems. i'm to put in place formal agreements for recruitment from states on the so called methodist will discuss the story that's called lie to leader of the communist party of great britain marxist minnes images, consultant, surgeon rundridge bra, you're most welcome. what consequences could this policy also mean,
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wealthy countries hiring medical staff from african nations? what is it going to have in the long term? it's good to be with you. thanks for having me. this is our new policy. we've seen it for a long time. i've been in the attic chest, that's over 20 years or no. first was a in a medical student and young adults to receive very many nurses and doctors comfortable the philippines. i liked it from india now also from africa. so it's been a long campaign to target and recruit, flip to prove it has a few effects, but really they can't be distinguished from the overall effect of the fact that we have you know, i divide in a little between few very wealthy nation and the boss must have nations who had formerly been the colonies of those nations where we don't have that direct system of clean using. i think the reference made by leaders of africans masses are essentially right because we have a neo clinic,
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isn't based on economic device. and that of course, leads to an ongoing brain drain, not just in a medical field, but across the spectrum of a skilled label. people who are buying to, to the building of all aspects of it's going to be from the so called low from the vehicle noise wilton global majority to the impurities top ends. and they do it for money because money, of course, in, in the car world, in the current economic, older, you know, and decides in things. so you can understand the motivation of the scale leg was coming. but they do leave a domestic countries struggling to provide if we have knowing this is by 1000 of the population in the west african nations if that were particularly high nightstand to go over can be, you know, they have 110th of that number and it's the most skilled nurse who come in and they sometimes the colleagues i can tell you that the minutes is a comfortable order. fantastic. hold example. vital to any of the any chance the increment just appeared to me. i speaking
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a sticking pastor doesn't that because when you've got western countries choosing the higher medical personnel from nations with lower health care standards, they're, they're doing so at the expense of props, developing their own health care system long term as they do. and that's another effect of having a global market is the same reason. why is that button grow all of its own food domestically? it could have police has a domestic type of culture that could support a 100000000 people. but it doesn't because it has a market system that actually lives to be besides what makes it like with and he lives in a lot, thomas city of the body, of the labels. and most of our wells actually comes to comes from experiencing formerly. and so we have explosive capital we have is the industrialization feast giving up their own labor force. and with the business, the level of existence which is guarantee to our work is there was a downgrading of our education to buy housing of a health resources which is, which is happening in and actually what's currently we've seen with most is
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domestically they've had the removal of something called the best way to these be funded to work. so you would look at your cost would be seems to be paid for your board and living would be paid for while you train. so after 3 years you come up on a fine us. without that now people are paying like students and $910000.00 pounds a year, plus their accommodation. plus they have training and it cool sees they make coming, settled into actually for the low paid profession. now, with huge amounts of debt, so you are 2 people coming to nursing and as a result, you know, to meet this crisis of other stuffing. it's, you know, just simply cutting upload. and as you say, leach and really easy, skilled and vital labor force for much as a 3rd. well, can i put the, perhaps an opposing view to the on a personal level? surely if, as such, migraines want to travel to other states to perhaps better their lives after receiving countries requests as well. that's their personal choice. what?
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so by the, by giving them the opportunity, you know, the personal level is that you conquered design. i would completely agree with you, but you, we have to last, you know, what is the choice based upon the personal level? it's based upon the systematic impoverishment of the home countries and it's not fundamental economic injustice which was the basis of the primitive accumulation. of course of that of the will of the 1st low countries. now the time because went to india with a full country, india and china will reach countries of the 200 years, including isn't in a written in the us in europe and become rich countries in most countries, a whole country. so it's a systematic new thing and i'm afraid that the ongoing economic relation, you know, which is lead to that being picked to lead a case. and now by the debt that i missed, that was the will, the, one of the unit economic institutions, which actually are leading to the other stories that you'll cover today. if you're talking about elevators and to your coverage of the palestinian genocide of the war and ukraine, you know, these are the battles that our country in the us fight to maintain the economic
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injustice which leads to the systematic impoverishment of much of the will. and then of course, people will follow the money, they will go away from the chaos go away from the will and follow the follow a better life. so from an individual detective, nothing wrong, but it is, you know, the west, which is the criminal, an inmate economic system of causing this problem and, and compounding it by recruiting and taking away the scale of labor force of those countries. we very much appreciate your time disorder. thanks for coming on the program produced. and it just, the surgeon and british politician run jeep brought thank you, the serbian president alexander, of which it saves his country is now facing enormous pressure over its position of military neutrality. his statement came on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of yugoslavia. we'll be bringing you special coverage of one of modern europe's darkest periods. the react to protect thousands of innocent
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people to diffuse a powder keg at the heart of europe. to stand united with our allies for future generations, never to see those in europe again. the sizes of civilians were killed in 1999 when the us led block bottom, the country for 78 days. some serbs are still suffering from the consequences of depleted uranium shells, which were used by nato, shar to charlotte davinsky. but the story, as soon as i the 2011 dear of yours, we have just received news from our report and it appears to me that the enemy
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aircraft of the grocer, nato forces, wants to be silent tech from the territory of kosovo. and we talk you around 8 p. m . as you heard, and there are certain was given for the bell great a few minutes ago. the natures i'm hoping of you could solve the may now have been confined to the dusty pages of history for the west. but here in what's now serbia, the suffering continues, it was of no to or and the chemical war that has been done against my country in 1999, it was the original ecological catastrophe. a lot of uh, very toxic income sort of good news. things were in the air as a saw, it was the water during the bomb being through enough volume concern and talk to
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you about also in the north to serve you. what i, so as a doctor is, 1st of all that there is much, much more oncology go diseases, but also that the tumors more address and the results of that will be, were less fortunes then it was before. that's the 1st thing. then we saw that there was the review among man twice as before. then we saw the genetic anomalies of kids among animals. and that is, was the 1st who said that something was going on. then we had also a larger number of wildly new diseases. you know, the depleted uranium, react, sonya, or even the system. so we don't people to know how many consequences we can connect with the bombing and, and i, the induction, depleted uranium during its illegal campaign. nature forces attacked with munitions that contain the police to geranium across $91.00 sites for some $31000.00 radioactive rooms,
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being foliage now well need to his claim. dover know that there was no loss thing impact and you end zone nuclear watchdog houses may see that the health risks from the chemical toxicity of such west but not more than 2 decades on survey is looking for conclusive offices itself. so if you suppose you own your car, because there are studies that suggest there was an increase in cancer patients after the bombing, for example, due to the high concentration of uranium in the air. we know that radiation is one of the risk factors for cancer development, and there are probably some correlations with the number of people following l. one study found children born between 19992015 were exposed to a toxic fact that making the move unable to malignant diseases with the countries institute for public health showing children with sufferings.


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