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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
the, the director of human. yes. and what is the man this to image says that my e and is this we should to in the moon, use the queen. yes. the name. what's that as you get paid the bill and you pay them. gloss them just gets a place to invest plus or or can we just come down were listed here, but the only thing to notice of it. yeah. because up for me all the time that the kind of dental and vision risk of dollars additional volume is coming down. the
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doors to stay with the video for us to be tricky will be able to slide the some west coast of order to move it down to the thumb. vip just of less than one way or yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deals? what that's the foot, the initial, the one you sing that one meal that's dutch, and happy to select that kind of jam or that you or to me. and i'm going to take your questions grab it wasn't yours, boss. of course the, because that's what it was to opinion and you could down with the talk with, ha ha, chris showed it
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to the of the notes adjusted to the slide. the so what sort of fits are, what's the, who nick, i can see if i do yes. just to go with a full, which i assume you can go to as soon as you can store the items from us. and let's see, what sooner would it's m o, it's not for california, i just don't want us to invest them all of this. so those are the source formulas that there was news on the symbol of the
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mobiles familiar with the show. but of course the so we need to know is really simple cut are terrible in your quote for them with that on your personal family. so we would your new we mentioned astra mom. well, i mentioned that to her if i can't do another way. so a to keep the media was kind of the way. okay. and when you're using your so, so we're going to start with that. what's that? no. it's what are you able, watching me and you would you are. he is not from playing a song through that sort of reason. i say this is then there's the wasn't so easy, but you should go through them as soon as the closer skim to run through and assume what are you and you're done with school counselors from an interview and you put out as investment peters to this computer overtures the,
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the, the total invoice that i'm going to be additional specialist from device here. what i found chance is just coming get off california, calling you with those numbers into a spectrum. if you have any openings or how's the most efficient fuel have special with you on the horse on the move custom desk. okay. let me finish last your quote for some books here. this got the yeah. when you bought a new deal on this new for you on a stretch nauseous, move, a mazda destiny will be for a sub sharing. is such a boston as unless unless somebody should i ask if there is a country to come into the orchestra course or something like that? sure. what's the phone number? something else for participating in domestic dental or yeah,
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well i thought i would raise your concern go. so for the 1st off to to, to push the fee ratio. the surgery is gone like 0. can you bring it when you keep your sure we want you to do for us? oh, no 100. what's the most in the future? future subscription. corrosion, where does anything otherwise for? for for solar affairs, all failed. and the coverage will come for sure. it will work for me to actually buy to pick the best the best one 1st. i think there's there's no chester for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you close me not but yeah, but when you as well, thank you. most of all, some action, fortunately for us to action, for some families to come with the show or the it was the longest you with those
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original one moment which today. sure which of the course videos now, you know, numerous gospel cool. a story on to cook the laser by video and students to tune them to come to check on the board is showing that emission your team will allow us to bring ship them to the doctor the for you the step in your stalls because there's still some young movie a show, a little bit of putting you much to no longer to listen to us when it's important to patients. right. the
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pretty much the whole story in the future. i know definitely more interested in the 2nd the publishing is atanya. simpler which it took you up when you lost them, but i went to the group home by slow fee. was it just the appraisers to the desktop? do funny is the uh, the, the desktop for this thing i chose to and the us next to the team according to the article abuto international produce. could let me see this order with the pictures and speak your thoughts, concise, because it is also boy beautiful. felicia, the soul of the age of this little suppose
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there was a deal when you call it the left to the, to the zillow. so sooner to associated with the special. so someone and the reason it's precisely there's the coming you and she gets very near associated with too much it's just was in your mind. so what did you guys do appointment? wait, and when is the professor of the who's most fixed? since i know is that when it's sitting in a traditional which one of them all 3 of the vehicle is consuming. just
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curious. we do have a jail special. you're here with which can you lecture succeeded. castillo glasgow. messer, the business criteria locksley, also for anything sister food or is it the hold on funding and what's inside that is, i guess i'll send that over to she who is this will just be a simple follow the boom. boom, yours me see, we'll story more with him soon as really a long so even though the future will deal with them on each end, you know. uh huh. was do you smoke when you was it was for your can is uh no, says union is on the whole list as a so the to facilitate this. i'll just last thoughts as you said, that was 3 of the door of the yeah, i don't know what the one such as pressure both of the
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or the this is sort of spray of the work and then we just have to show some of the store control the business office, which is this is for slipping, is just simply the
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steps you know, skills owners because of the syndic, some of them visitors for the most trouble fitness in your sample to peach tree. but the point assume you just need some help. so the 1st issue is if you can purchase a, some of them with is a feel for the as to the best on that just to get to yes, they all sold the okay. i need to make sure that she is looking for wi fi is a comfortable need, a new offer to come down for the shopping. some of the original grades didn't even
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go that old book on the now it's not send out a or someone who was frustrated when you and you're like, what was most us because i was pretty serious spanish someone was like when you miles or something that i smoked it thought aspect of the
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vehicle. so the, the oh, when i was wrong, just don't you have to see the house and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves will the parts we choose to look so common ground the
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the source of the godaddy degree. and then if the kids took, the ministrations them is not it keeps ability to be by which, cuz some of the news tribune does look to be on visual beverage and as much that they're in this list. it's continuous newspaper to support your decision on the color of grids to cut off scripts and everything. isaac disappeared and those extra features we definitely assist you headed out as a slot to have just left your mouth just sooner the shuttle and then just use the purse matters to my to skip the past most will pick about she read it morgan and she doesn't have to hit a moist, processed the actual then you play as
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a short spice, you scroll down and go to once you just pass on that doesn't go through the sway and you want it to so so can you substitute into story and we'll just start the electronic signature just one minute, national or just shut off was gonna condition because over the adjuster should either deal with the stage love testing sheila used you can get off. so if the singles cause robinson doesn't please at all is the
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story and we could almost say on go to the game. so that's the, both of these, his book, the bells and that you really just the system of the organ picking this cup out of this almost to the police getting the, what's the reason for you and it needs to be able to. so the nursing much jamie morgan just isn't available for them or somebody sticking with video only to to see the degree of so yeah, some now yes, i'm assuming go to see me, which is the we're going to see if i chose to process the blackboard versus whom she must do or how to access those are so special moment lecturing in with them such. and yet i just showed that there was a sheet over the course of come down. is that about the word on what funds you put the see communities where it's now changing the attention of the one, the board mission oaks that i submitted to the board come fix more than that of the
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decision. the mazda must give the work and he's got a good number of our youth. not that good to be a good for now, is it will come, come on board and get us to another, provides a variety of a good deal. you know, you know, the weeks from now the technique of doing this, if you need to send that somewhere, but you have just a digital image slash, but digital it will come with the business. plenty of time that you will put digital issues slow run medium with testers like a kit that appear to do next to the consumer. curtis, to be the, the, the media. this is the story that we chose here on the tonight's us to get those books for yeah. and supposedly always. so what we're going to choose a pool or so i want you to kind of show it to her for the less than that. what it
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would say was, if your interest is you just, you know, if this play on your thoughts and kind of so we're pretty much with the lights and the same which to, to was the moon, the, the, the, or who said at the band, i don't know it just just yeah, the manual sheila in one of those 2 will go as a with only when your mom or you boy yep. the spark or sort of goofy me when you more so it won't let me up like someone to today. well, no a while now we really send that to the receive fax. no, not the
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the, but also after the do we use? cuz the sign in that's supposed to be in a control center. the goal was to be able to go to the, to petition and i want you to let me put it on wheels. but you can tell me where to put me in the notes on the introduce nimble a credit for what the solution because to the homes and frontier thought that they would get to the store based on the
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video. so that works here when you want me to start blow up or yeah, that's what the somebody be out there and we'll put here, there's a solution. very somebody called my dish previous to bowsman yourself behind these yeah i'm, i'm glad you agree with me. we use the wrong way of we're still because we were just a few of them or should i go to new york, some of the, you know, community risk or for us to a sole intrusive motional thing is missing though i do want to be the guy to me is the frontier was some of the people
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you know what the do me a but i also the number echo long that the car was most and she's just the you get to create a motion for the people can do it. this. i'm going to throw it in. yeah. so that's the shape long is that good as to waco was that the square co within the square foot length for this was the customer for one that's sold into the base focus q a senior meeting the judge to assure sure there is a serious before and the dr. shaker to the house officer such as the for what's the
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story slash like right here. she just doesn't journalists, us, but she has steps to restrain that. i mean, does a separate industry up as well? yes, that's the thousands of spend a minute to explain the the finals flush the toilet this morning is very good. the shame is the yeah, i think you might even vote with a former ship. i shall, domestics,
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and that person you put the get push for the just a national. i understood the campbell and is there somebody to produce the rates are doing the shirts and future the shots to create a living condition. what those types of just mission. i was wondering, but the name of the nation with the national, moisture smashing and different starting the shipper when they're on the shelf in your strategy according to their if ma'am, for your whole day, you for checking on him since you mean stucco in the me when you pick this thing is that, don't you with the resolution you she and you get to that she will be
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back soon. she didn't need to do this because people come put a name. usually you do, you do any of the different, you know, a user story dvd team in chase state of course calling you told me to give you call and name is sheila w b e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical. it would be a pretty good deal. you will do what he gives you to pretty, pretty sepia the the you which do supposedly did you need to use the sensor?
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but the most i'm going to get enough sleep, but i mean that's a really loud noise. the media, i feel the same for the detail for the speech, it's you lose reason money to see, teach me time. it's the groups you know, employees the cost of the semester when you press one of the stuff it's now the answer is not as much
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as we mean. yeah yeah. sure. as simple as a chat is good or the
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the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is, will be the
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the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hold for independence. but the colonial power, so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to
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a rack and used aircraft where it is war. secretary winston churchill urge the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i on their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. for being a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crush. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v. a racket revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to final independence.
7:00 pm
the 5 people are reportedly killed during an aid delivery and got to stop. it's very secure with the official touch of egypt, arkansas for negotiations, for the sum of all the stadiums and their supporters world wide coming right. so cold blooded to us, the deadly 1917 protests against these really an extension of the palestinian potent month process. these 5 and then so the idea of killing of civilians sound industry hit in order to send a clear message to is what and they knocked it to somebody to get that piece of time to send you an update as the.


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