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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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what was the 5 people are reportedly killed, jorgen, a delivery and gaza assault is better security officials, pets of egypt, and cuts off and go stations with him, lost all the stadiums on. the supporters worldwide commemorates long day about the deadly 1976 protest against because really, i think station of on the stand alone costs us these 5 and, and then the idea of coming of civilians. somebody here at the clinton message too, is what i am the united states of america, that it is time to sanction up up pages. and they actually take a strong positive against what is happening if they say the fire. now,
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the rest of the world will follow it. also the solid hundreds of people deeply moved by the tragedy of the march 22nd. so it's like in moscow called outside the constant tulsa on it. those, the last, the light point investors have also be paying tribute. we will do everything that russian needs. we stand in solidarity with it. we will spare no efforts. russia is a fraternal and friendly country to iraq. we are in full solidarity with the russian people and the russian government and us statements a way out of line. that's something you've done. these responded to whites off some boxes from the rest of the positions they got a month before india's general election. the been to live from us studio heavy. must go. you'll watching. ok. see, i'm pete to scold with all the lights. is this sunday morning?
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now we start this hour in northern garza with 5 people have been killed during a delivery on saturday morning. according to the policy and you invite to crescent, the organization says the shooting happened is thousands of people who are waiting for the arrival of 15 trucks of food. it's believe both guys, since i've seen the distribution on the is really ministry. find the weapons. also the provide some of these thousands of protesters have gathered to demand the resignation of benjamin netanyahu, as well as the release of hostages, held by him us as easily pm's office announced on friday the top secuity officials with lie to egypt and get thoughts and negotiates with i'm us representatives following the reports on the negotiations for release of the duct, these, it should be clarified, that prime minister netanyahu spoke with the head of massage,
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and the head of the i a say, and approved delegations on their behalf to go out to doha, and cairo in the coming days with the scope of action to continue the negotiations . it's already political on the list and consultants, dr. la l. hi, holly believes that the is really pm is stolen piece thoughts, because that's the way garza ends. he risks been prosecuted and even jailed pretty . i mean, it's in the whole business to one this will to and therefore he is going to fiddle processing because the thing was the thing because you choose negotiations negotiate and the end of it, there is nothing that you want me to tell you all wants to get the thing out of the is that because changes and the parent doesn't want to give anything. that's just the pull them out of the, i mean the video i know is very well a is very aware of the fact that if the water stops,
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you will go behind the prison bars and his, the future with the and completely, you know, is that very well, that's why, well or is it not just me that i'm going to can they look be and even today is the 80 they, i mean, you know, once this and this more to continue for his own basement on purpose it because it doesn't want to go to prison and he doesn't want to kill his, the political, the future this can sense, always, really actions in gaza continues to be seen globally. thousands gathered there, these really embassy in jordan for 5 days now. and that's to express that support for palestinians. and i get some was israel's main bucket us. so just as could be had tons and merican slogans and excusing washington a sponsoring terrorism. meanwhile,
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large numbers of people sorted london streets this weekend demanding a ceasefire. and gaza is just one of many protests across britain happening to express concerns about these really actions in the post and in territories they want. in germany, i pro does involved in building some violence on friday. the activists organize the sits into the capitals main railway station, disrupting trains. police use force to disperse the crowds and of an estimated 100 people were arrested for palestinians on their supporters worldwide. have also been commemorating long day, and that's the remembrance of the 1976 valley against these very next station of territory. that events we have friends to publish the new people's ties to the land with those in attendance this year, also demanding an end to the blood shed. correspondence and the you can go visit
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said one of those governments outside the us embassy in johannesburg, on the outside. the us re engine ratings. they're continuing determination to oppose is really occupational demonte accent to be taken in the people i'm calling in god. i'm gonna send you in from god's i am a genocide sort of private and it was they pick you waited with the my family 2 months ago from garza and i'm here and in order to send a clear message to is what and they knocked it says of america that it is time to sanction upon said is that at this time for an immediate impediment ceasefire, and it is time who is the international community to say enough is enough complicit . and they actually take us to on to positive on a game. what is happening if they say sci fi and now the rest of the world will
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fall over? how well we establish and we make that ground, but out so growth because they actually the sewing as well. not only the people, and it's not about seized by you now it's stop the war. now we need to say stop the way we need to stop asking was the sky in the hotel to say the day have an important message to these really a to patient that emphasizes the importance of destruct enough to put the scene in paper. it's the 9 day and it's important for us to be yeah. and to show our number it's also important that walks we can be on kicked off can we can be on a digital space. we need to be out there so that people be solid. garrity in person, it's important so this kind of communication is very important for us here in south africa with our own history of purchase. we stand in solidarity with palestinian for the right to return for that rights to sovereignty. and the method you would like to say, well to israel is you will not succeed at the end of the day,
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or this danielle williamson to the line. and we are here to remind you of the purchase was organized by, i guess that african phones are kind of some of the holocaust comments each also in the tween is, would be to be some use of the community as well as the general work is the and also back because old thinking the same song singing says to save and pop up to between 2 to 3 feet, the kind of time the key to happen is not so another story we were across today. at least 7 people were reportedly killed and dozens more wounded by an explosion caused by a mind caught in syria. a quick warning there, disturbing images coming up now with the bus routes, the busy marketplace and the city of as us which borders we took here. emergency services working at the scene, cleared debris and delivered helps those in need. service. security forces have launched investigation into the instance with a no group so far as claimed responsibility
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over 2 months ago. now where grieving crowds have gathered outside the crocus concert, hold to pay their respects to the victims of last week's talk about. the hundreds of condos were displayed in front of the venue in the shape of a crane, which has become a symbol for those who lost their lives. and they can attack as well as the fire. a steady stream of people also continued together to make shift memorial, besides pots and flowers and candles, and people pay their respects all those who lost their lives, and thought today over a $100.00 for different months together, till they flowers at the memorial. this plan a has office of mind, it was completely natural for us to come here late flowers and be together with our friends. russian citizens. solidarity comes in many forms. we in egypt are very
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worried about what happened. we also suffered a lot from terrorism, and of course, we will do everything that russian needs. we stand in solidarity with it. we will spare no efforts. this is a very unfortunate sad event. we suffered a lot in a rock because of terrorism. russia is a fraternal and friendly country to a rock. we are in full solidarity with the russian people and the russian government in the fight against terrorist groups. the endo came here today to express condolences to the friendly russian people, the russian leadership, to a firm level non solidarity with friendly russia tier. in the concert hall, people died including women and children who are as this is a crime. and undoubtedly, those who committed it must be punished, not only the direct perpetrators, but also those who planned, organized and participated in its financing. another victim of the march 22nd must go to attack, passed away on thursday, bringing the total debt sold to
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a 140 for the number of overall casualty states at 550 people with many of them still being treated by adults as a quick reminder russian investigate to say the full commend we're attempting to say to you claim the slips them could be investigated. committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspects, skilled establishing their accomplices and organized as of the terrorist act. both of those accused of committing a territory stocked revealed during the initial testimony and subsequent interrogations. but their actions both at the stage of preparation and off to the armed attack and the crew could city who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym, according to the coordinator. the terrorists, after committing the crime, were directed towards the russian ukrainian buddha in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised. the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing, the terrorist act, nipple, which personnel saw it says,
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i have now detained a 9th space and of the native of the central asian nation of subject. he's done. officials in the country awfully cooperating with the prob, i'll see also says that service received payments in both cash and trips are currently from quotes ukrainian nationalist. my colleague, nicky, are in spoke earlier with the senior indonesian defense analyst who told us that despite washington claims that is lemming state was the sold perpetrate to so many on answer questions in the front of these uh, we got the uh the, the 1st minute after the date of course we have so surprised because uh, statically appli symbol united states of glen ices. but, but the, uh, the, but the, uh, really a spec. well, that has to be d as a how a did they find out, does that they can actually have to type as good to watch. you. great. so its means like we more believe on what i said investigation. uh, you know, after state and the police, this is uh, controlled by some other company. so i,
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uh you could as well whatever it is to getting the event we are out here uh saturday, but it is. but again, the issue of a party to go issue or heavy board because of the front of the countries and everything is that is not the story that they have to solve. especially using the ukraine cut off as a base of to you not to distort or to start that last. yeah. or whatever president up would be an interesting find out about this. i think this is actually, the more is being opened to, but the, the more people understand or then just it is the day that people inside the country could actually, uh, you know, control by either or outside countries to destroy something inside. so i think this is a good next and for us. yeah, and i hope this is going to be a good listen for the other company as well. i'll just send them the borders out, the st. the people that come in and come out on any mainstream, you do all that so focused on the heavy hand of the rest of the terrace suspects. fullness ha, chief of rush operations even claims is no such thing would happen in the west. i
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like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on in russian, what's going on in the west. and even though is something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would just be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally a, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia with the fullness, say, officials claims, find the face of these countries own history of detaining. unfortunately many innocent people during the so called war on terror. american military presence like once on a bay and a boot gripe became notorious for the atrocities committed within the walls. we've been looking back at the grim legacy and hearing from the victims news
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the i was just visiting my wife's parents house in on boss, come in from bug adults to settle disagreement with my wife. on the morning of october 31st in 2003, the area had been called auto ols by the us forces. and they did i stump the house and apprehend me even though the residence told them always not from the area and had no relations with the rocky resistance. my head was covered with
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a plastic bag and my hands were tied behind my back with flex costs. before they put me inside demetri hung be the dog was subjected to relentless torture. dogs was sent on us. they stripped us naked except for shots and they pulled ice. what's all of us through stunning grenades that task and even 5 not tell the nation i witness been mailed, you have too many. no section one with the book to the hearts. and the other was shot with a pump action rifle. the most annoying thing was tripping us and the kids and being bitten by 2 serviceman, i guess the plastic stick because were blindfolded him on the reprehensible of users. they made 2 naked prisoners stamped and touched each all the the, the
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polish mercenaries, ukraine, say they've been fighting alongside this self labeled russian bullying typical since the very creation of the group. so i'm gonna be out on the 1st days of the creation of the polish corps, its soldiers stood side by side with the soldiers of the russian court. we continued to carry out combat missions and we'll move forward together to victoria the lock you have in the west. the media describe the of the c as on see preaching . freedom fights is actually a pitfall from russian speaking only in ukrainian during the operations. that was brought to public attention and the video received biopsies, editor in chief sense from russian soldiers, you found
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a camera on one of the groups that members of thousands of other pro ukraine investments have stuff with the same fates. according to the russian defense ministry, it says around half of the total of $15300.00 volunteers. i've been killed in the count states, majority been polish. graveyards have been emerging in the myspace homeland and also on funds. question to base security policy unless michael muller, so don't see why fall investors sort of must long and you claim a lot of these mercenaries private military contractors after a few months. if they're not dead, they leave. just because a, there's some very they have real horror stories for being uh for fighting for ukraine because they feel that they don't have the support. they don't have the backend. and they don't have the immunization. they don't have the, the logistical backed back up that they require. and if you're a mercenary out there in the middle of nowhere, the m, n,
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n r a n n are on the brink of being shot at q and kill. you would think that there would be some backing, but there isn't. and there quickly seeing that emma leaving their cleaning well, new deli has blasted remarks made by whites house official and the rest of an opposition to figure out one months before india's national elections. the us state department is way out of line and it statements pertaining to the arrest of cadre wall in the id department's attachment of congress funds. it is, in fact the solar on the indian judiciary, which has seized both these matters. the rolling beach i paid legislative ledia leader does the the us should be focusing more on the onset bind, and then capital in cousin cases as if they're really concerned about elections having a level playing field. is this funding to us state department spokesperson matthew miller? this week said to washington quotes encourages fet transplant and finally,
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legal process. the deli chief minister of into catch. we well, the opposition on an automatic party excuse me, had was recently arrested on corruption charges. the language seems. i wrote it on the streets of beginning capital as mister touch, we will support as collapsed with police. earlier this week. they were attempting to march to the prime minister's residence to the emergency opposition politicians . police police made a number of arrests and use war to coming to break up. the crowds welcome and demonstrates has also got this account for valley extensions from as the country profess to go to the polls. the next month's general election, we had from former indian and bus, the manager seth, who says the us concubines is the world's policeman. a very likely for to dollars by the government or this. uh, you know, they have activities onboarding to the comments. um, we have a very strong uh, you know, independent judiciary and the case is all being called in in the quote. so i also,
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so i don't think it's just very, very um, you know, and very much to the don king, they should not have commented about why they're doing it. it'd be, uh, you know, but us seems that it does relevant in its rights to make comments on of the democracy. the u. s. has, has been at the head of the global in desperate need of a different one to resist this. and so i think that is, uh, you know, uh, definitely of a concern to them. uh, but as far as india and other control, uh, other countries are concerned. uh, the new no lives the might be for you. uh, because uh the what the coverage. uh, what is the economy the going to a political situation is not the same as it was, it cannot continue as it was. and i think uh, if typically uh, uh, the thing was, should i say other countries, the monthly or the major, emerging economies and other countries are beginning to also have
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a similar view that must be provided to you. is the reinforcement is alex the new nol introduced by and meanwhile, an indian students of the london school of economics such he's become the victim of a smear campaign, also supporting his native countries, governments, according to such m. serrano, his candidacy was targeted during a recent students union election. he says he was bound as a fascist for simply blocking the policies of indian prime minister and event promoting under building b. j. p. a. c. a. such a made the news when he was filmed in london, picking up an indian flag that was thrown to the ground during a protest by a separate. typically, we asked him what you'd like to say to those talking in place views. these people are not able to digest well, virginia is going to be able to lose the lowest one that. a is of bill their decision may go into global bond. excellent. and these people are not able to write, just decided they didn't. yeah. of clearly you mind as of, of bill the supervisor,
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the cord, 19 of i never read in all this isn't the word we're looking up to india about him and the deciding india on the listing agent global google. but it's just to meet people at our neighborhood, i just and visit the jupiter for the means. i'm going to go and that is very successfully the default of any plans system. either choose campaign of use me, which one my id in the limits of the left wing. that's the most elements in london . i was learning for the energy storage unit and the license for the blues and the secretary. and these people who came on talking to me this started a bit more. my pulls those t, i wasn't, the idea is a good one. was it might be the discount, same as the needs of the multiple elements. the business campaign is the very best to my big syndicate that has be decided that the organized this got to be that are people from all sorts of and being done by the loans. what's going on? it owns pretty. i do. yeah. you're in the, i'm the movie here in the room is oh,
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good. all these people are collectively involved in this account being abused me donald trump, campaign stuff is called them the us present, joe biden, to apologize to christians for designating east to sunday is transgender visibility . day on transgender day, a visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender americans and reaffirm our nations commitment to forming a more perfect union, where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives. where you've gone to pro familiar to this past. i'm not in some post as the western leaders who champion l g b t q recognition or i think against the people's interest. i think there's been a state of capture in the west on road by a very small group of ron because these are the l g, b t, q, ideologues who have captured stead power. and they're supporting each other to maintain state power funded by
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a globally economic powers. but the culture and the views about family, about the society of great poets with the people that the claim to lead and shocking to me that on the day on resurrection, sunday, the, the comprises of that would the cc to declare read, tries in the visibility today that's insane, but can you gone that we are going to come up with a little against almost 6? well, let's click on sy, almost sexual act. it'd be gone 2009. and we've got to through bar code bama going through add to joe biden. today the law was passed successfully again last year and is trying to fight against it in, in the special court. and i'm one of those who made historical press that as to,
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as a civic person to say, look, i want to support the law of the government and that was passed to prevent the promotion of almost sexuality is a african country with the same time us state departments has expressed consent over a bill binding quotes l g b t q propaganda in the caucasus nation of georgia. we're concerned about the expected content of this bill. we're negotiating with the government of georgia and are waiting for the publication of the full text of the bill. after that, we will be able to say more or judging parliaments met to discuss binding the promotion of l g b t 2. i'd say if it sees earlier this week, the majority coalition, georgia dream has proposed adding a new close to the constitution, recognizing marriage as the union between biological men and women. the new law would also pay bit $6.00 change procedures, unquote. same sex marriage propaganda estimates and stuff again says the world is pushing back against the us. use cultural whenever you make is done for the
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family. you challenge the very basis of the west of the power of the executive orders that the rock obama pulled out in 2012. again, they were repeated again by prison, joe biden. they order the entire united states government to comb bucks every effort to criminalize eligibility status. i don't want to on the line that was come back home, but is an act of all calm but is a statement that relieves is all the assets of that particular power to enter into was indeed america, you or peter, you're in a culture will but i'm excited but uh the honorable mom will come during the as the has defied that intimidation. i've spoken about this so brand new tea of the georgia cheese, repeat of the fact that the cost is out of georgia. since 2018 has made almost
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sexuality ok. find some 6 acts are, are criminal from average is criminal. i think that more and more countries are going to come up with laws against it. and that's all for now to be sure to check out our comp. all of the lights just breaking using updates. i'm gonna see right back at the top of the out the
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car acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted or opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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welcome to was a part of from a special military operation to a state of war. the kremlin definition of facilities on the russian ukrainian border shifted starkly this past week. following a glory attack on concert goers outside moscow is this which in the rest of rick likely to be followed by change in military tactics. while to discuss that, i'm now enjoying by demetria training and research professor of the higher school of economics in moscow and a member of russia's foreign and defense policy council. mr. training, it's always an exclusive.


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