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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the incredible genocide, the thousands of is rarely protesters until a bead called for an immediate hostage release deal with him off while demanding the resignation of time minister benjamin yahoo! he is not reaching any deal all day. there is a chance to agree on a deal. so he is an obstacle, and as long as he stands between me and my son mason, i will make sure he will go home. hundreds of people deeply moved by the tragedy of the march 22nd terror attack in moscow. gather outside the concert halls, the honor of those killed there. the opinions are divided in russia as some call to reinstate the death penalty after the terror attack we slipped the
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topic up for debate with our guests and here from locals on the streets of moscow. i feel positive about this because it seems to me that some people cannot be fixed, such as types of files, terrorists and so on. the lifting. the moratorium is a big step back for our country. a stuck into the dark times when we say that we will lift the moratorium. we are encroaching on the very right to life, which is inviolable, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching our t international starting in tennessee for thousands of is really protestors gathered on saturday to demand the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his failure to secure the release of hostages still held by hamas in gaza. the,
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the demonstration took place outside the israelite defense minister and police use a water cannon to disperse the crowd of people, blocked the road with torches and bonfires. at least 130 hostages had been held in dogs since october 7th. here's what some of their family members set up a rally in tel aviv. we are saying cannot continue, cannot be the one who is the is the war and
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the not my message is the prime minister lost his way. he is not dealing with bringing the hostages back. he is busy with other things that's not a relevant to the 7th of october of failure item on that netanyahu goes home and leaves us a 9 so that we can leave the country and that somebody else will bring back my son my time. and the rest of the hostages, i have said it before, the prime minister decided to give up on the hostages. he is not reaching any deal, although there is a chance to agree on a deal, according to security officials. but he prevents it. so he is an obstacle and as long as he stands between me and my son nathan, i will make sure he will go hi. on friday, the is really the prime minister's office announced that top security officials will fly to egypt and guitar to negotiate with him us. following the reports on the
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negotiations for release of the duct, these, it should be clarified, that prime minister netanyahu spoke with the head of massage and the head of the i a say, and approved delegations on their behalf to go out to doha and cairo in the coming days with the scope of action to continue the negotiations. guitar political analyst and consultants. lee, all hill says the israeli prime minister, installing peace talks to keep the war going for some very personal reasons. pretty . i mean, if any, a whole doesn't, to one, this will to and therefore these going to still processing because the thing was the thing because you choose to negotiations negotiate and the end of it, there is nothing that you want me to tell you all wants to get the thing out, the v is the negotiation and the parent doesn't want to give anything. that's just the boat about a b. i mean, the video i know is very well a is very aware of the fact that if the water stops,
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you will go behind the prison bars and his, the future with the and completely, you know, is that very what? that's why, well or is it not just me, the i'm going to can they look, be in even today is the 80, they very, i mean, you know, once this and the more to continue for his own based on purpose. because it doesn't want to go to prison, i'm the doesn't want to kill his the future. a little speaking of the un security council this week, they and jury and bachelor rear from this country's move to seek a full representation of the world of body for palestine and the value. so to algeria will soon return to address the security council to once again to ensure that palestine is in its rightful place as
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a full and suffered member of the united nations and 44 month old jerry at his side to pass several prominent ceasefire resolutions for the gather strip of the united states have repeatedly locked such airports for the range of putting pressure on israel and its assault on gaza, often times blaming her mouth for the ongoing war. but why is all jerry? are so supportive of the palestinians? on october, the 7th in gaza. come off. milton feud is rarely forces and civilians prompting a retard years on some tele be more than $31005.00 simians have been queued since then the situation in the gaza strip. it's very reminiscent of the reprisals by the french army and to vote vigilant sees against all jerry and rebels and all mobs in 1955 following rates by rebels, which mostly took the form of f. the riots what resulted in the mazda of several
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thousands of the volume settlers known as p at snores in retaliation. price forces jude several 1000, mostly in old jerry. and it was also known as the affinity for bill mazda of the august offensive author of those on jobs electronic events, collective responsibility was essentially apply the gaze, the all jerry and just as it was against the palestinians who vote in favor of this stuff to dissolution. these a support to the palestinians, and i to life conversely, voltage, your guest slow to get guess it implies and boseman of the brutal violence and collective punishment inflicted upon them. the c cause, the furniture and any time lucian,
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he's making the midnight collective responsibility in. oh jerry, i only meant increased resistance mocking, unimportant turning point in the conscious history to colonialism is policy of collective oppression. we must reply with collective reprisals against the europeans, military and civil to a rule united behind the crimes committed upon all people. for them. no pity, no call to the war costs, but the depths of between 400001 point 5000000 or jerry and 25600 francs. so just as $6000.00 you appear in war primes to meet a jar and the conflict included mazda girls of civilians, rape, and torture. the french destroyed over 8000 villages and relocated over 2000000 of jerry and to 10 centuries and towns. i lay there naked, they could come $12.00 or 3 times a day. as soon as i heard the sound of their boots in the hallway,
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i would start shaking. the hardest part is getting through the 1st few days and getting used to the pain. afterwards we mentally detached as if your body were floating. today is all is follow in a similar trajectory, raising questions about the goal of each offensive and gaza. so face the japs of hundreds of easily forces and civilians. at the beginning of the war, we wouldn't be abused and the majority of prisoners sustained fractures in all jerry, a more than $1000000.00 people were displaced by the french, worse and in the prices. and in turn, supply and resistance. more than 3 quarters of gathers 2200000 people are now internally displaced by them. a 1000000 prompts into the city of ross off a tiny silver of land with a population that is now 5 times larger than it was before the war. similar already of the faith of probably the same and old jerry f as in quarries,
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all jerry after support policy and all along. this is a very important occasion. the question of palestine is being reexamined by the united nations. and we consider that step to be a victory for the world organization as much as a victory for the cause of our people. our product was invite of fair by ontario in 1962. the french eventually accepted. oh jerry and independence. 7 years of the philip of bill mazda for 18 years out, the old german demand for federal autonomy and 132 years. although german nationally suppressed views on resistance of gaze, branch occupation, but violence continued because of seats stones are in the war. sapient authoritarian who you know, its area, the 99 years old. jerry and civil war and connections to global terrorism. france defeat of your german rebels militarily, but ultimately grounds at all jerry independence. diesel is now defeated her mos
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militarily. but given all jerry as experience of assistance as raleigh taxes as well, and saw that even offer a mandatory victory, palestinian political demands well only intensified some seo, peasy arts and materials to southern russia. now where an anti terror operation is in full swing and the republican pakistan the f as b says it special forces units have blockaded. a group of arm suspects inside apartments in 2 separate cities. their locals have been evacuated from the areas will keep you updated on this developing story. for the latest anti terror moves come as rest. some laurens, the victims of the march 22nd moscow massacre. 144 people were killed with many other victims. still recovering in hospitals, crowds had been gathering to lay flowers outside the crocus concert hall. throughout the week. the
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hundreds of candles were displayed in front of the venue in the shape of a white crane, which has become a symbol for those who lost their lives in the shooting and fire there. a steady stream of people continues to gather out and make shift memorial at the sight and smell, packed with flowers and candles as low holes that pay their respects to the dead. on saturday, more than $100.00 foreign diplomats also gathered at the memorial. here's what some of them told us as often, it was completely natural for us to come here late flowers and be together with our friends. russian citizens. solidarity comes in many forms. we in egypt are very worried about what happened. we also suffered a lot from terrorism, and of course, we will do everything that russia needs. we stand in solidarity with it. we will spare no efforts. this is a very unfortunate sad event. we suffered a locked in
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a rock because of terrorism. russia is a fraternal and friendly country to a rock. we are in full solidarity with the russian people and the russian government in the fight against terrorist groups. the indian came here today to express condolences to the friendly russian people, the russian leadership to a firm level non solidarity with friendly russia. here in the concert hall, people died including women and children who are as this is a crime. and undoubtedly, those who committed it must be punished, not only the direct perpetrators, but also those who planned, organized and participated in its financing. the russian investigators say the terrorist received money from ukrainian nationalist and rook hartwell, heading to key have of us has denied that and claims isis is to blame for the attack. shows. foreign ministry says washington's position is clearly a red flag. they have exposed themselves, the us started shouting,
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not quoting for an investigation, but started taking ukraine out of the picture, their engagement and involvement. and the story is of this, if they had not to be in the 1st statements, would have been what they should have been, namely about the need for an investigation and inquiry and the presentation of facts for the russian foreign ministry spokesman went on to say that the us has no right to absolve anyone unless i can prove who orchestrated the terror attack. but marie has a heart of his counterpart in washington has doubled down on denial of ukrainian involvement while providing nothing to back up the claim. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. and while washington sealed his allies and he evans dead, firmly putting the blame on isis, the stomach staves choice of targets in recent years has re some alarming questions . as our 2 solid quarter explains, in washington has been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis ever
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since. it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the effects of nations are all enemies of the west. oddly enough, isis has adjusted his plans and reason. he is a now what types? mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the river aliens the legit to mental storage. he's in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in iran, nearly a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. and is your last over 50 people just a week ago? and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is lot mc states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's
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somebody who said you were farm american colleagues, have actually stuff fight an ice as in the air country and have long been using the fighters to have naturally, exclusively for their own needs. including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want stability or an improvement in the economy, trade, and security and afghanistan, because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china, with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? in the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of syria's resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices, but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth. the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy thing we created,
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isis reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuing its occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time, the us is trying to convince the world that isis was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and the flex, any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who is already trying to link this to you. grain and say that the printer's responsible and so you guys have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks in russia. it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack
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russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trail of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. turkish political scientist on north and on goes alton, says washington has long been using terror groups as a geo political tool. a lot of them he has to be named churchy for a while. and secondly, i have to say that the north of syria, if the and the other side of the lot of syria is kind of a big because for the terrorist and united states are using these 3rd group, the former united states president donald trump. he ultimately said that i see this creation of the hillary clinton, that's an example. and the 2nd example that we know from turkey, that like p t t y, p g or all the sit. but at this point, it's not enough that syria, they united states giving them their arms. and there is no difference between these
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. there's groups and i see. and i have to say, i have to repeat myself that all these groups are please all to like the state. and now now i'm going to leave the weaknesses in other texts, cheating by these blues in dresser. the multiple, a heated national conversation over reinstating the death penalty is swirling in russia as many have called for the moscow terrorist to be executed. capital punishment was suspended in the country in 1996. some officials say it cannot be brought back without passing an entirely new constitution engaged opinions from locals on the streets of moscow. i feel positive about this because it seems to me that some people cannot be fixed, such as pet of files, terrorists and so on. and i really don't want to pay taxes for them. the lifting the moratorium is a big step back for our country,
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a stuck into dark times. when we say that we will lift the moratorium. we are encroaching on the very right to life, which is inviolable. i support the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty because there are categories of people such as terrorists, pet of files, rapists, traitors to the motherland, who are not worthy to live after their committed crimes more over. they are not worthy to eat all paid for by my taxes. i am against it because there are situations in life when mistakes are made. i don't want to think that this happens . i am in favor of people being kinder to each other and understanding more about why this is happening rather than resorting to some drastic measures like the death penalty. earlier this week, my colleague, michael quietly put this complicated topic up for debate with experts from some nations where the death penalty is still practiced. i believe that uh and i for an i a just for a tooth. uh, if someone could. uh someone i loved,
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i would like to see him killed and that's a good justice because it is the terrace for other people more to to kill me. i don't think i'm thinking about this one really is not just a simplistic one. this don't call me to put these on hold on to find on say, old dot the they've been out to the, to the, on a set up the long desktops. or do we have to come in and don't, you're going to my country business. i was call so it's, i mean the granted you don't do that in so many different options because if you execute somebody, you know, a 100 percent, they are not going to commit another crime. it may be a good a less than for others to not commit a crime because they know what the punishment may be, but we know a 100 percent of those who are committed and executed. they will never commit another crime. and the time that you see cartels and terrace groups,
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often asking for the release of their colleagues if they're still alive, they can be released, but back out on the streets to commit other terror acts and other atrocities spend up the cost of that. the concern that we, how would i do most of what i take it to us or that, you know, you know, there is always tons of them. you know, said person may be convicted, they don't worry about the possibility. i spent a month in under, on prison, on the account number one, school kid that i had many government and i saw the person that was sent us. we did, i didn't do this, did i still have to strongly do you want the website in the us? we often conversely, well, if you are interested, i'm just assisting yes this, this is, this makes sense. but if you have a really good system. uh good, just assisting that would never allow this things to happen. and then um, uh i be at least uh the risk is minimal and you would never have 100 percent
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justice. but at least if you have a 99 percent, that's great. because otherwise you would have 99 percent adjusted by letting criminals coming. i tried them without fear of a strong punishment. we can see some people suggesting that putting criminals behind boss for life is a whim is where most suitable punishment on a creek death. the prisons have become, at least of the united states, more comfortable than their own lives outside of prison, and many cases are present from television sets where they can watch their favorite shows. they have gems where they can work out. they're getting fed 3 times a day. they to buy snacks to, to eat in prison. but they have a pretty comfortable life in us prisons versus, you know, the death of their victims and the grief that their families will live with for the rest of their lives. to inversion table for 25 years or maybe longer and keep in
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mind and protect them and, and keep them alive is costing the taxpayers a lot for people who actually don't deserve the it's been revealed to that polish mercenaries have been fighting alongside the self labeled russian volunteer core since the very creation of the key of back terrorist group and new frame. so i'm gonna be out on the 1st days of the creation of the polish corps, its soldiers stood side by side with the soldiers of the russian corps. we continued to carry out the combat missions and will you forward together to victory a and well key of and the western media describe the r v. c is russian rebels. the terrace of actually been speaking in ukrainian during the operations that was brought to public attention and a video received by artes editor. and she was sent from russian soldiers who found a camera on the body of an r, v. c member and thousands of other procure of mercenaries have suffered the same
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phase. according to the russian defense ministry. it says around half of the over $13004.00 and volunteers have already been killed in the complex majority. being from poland, fresh graveyards have been spotted in some of the mercenaries, homelands from a pentagon security policy analyst, michael maloof explained by such soldiers of fortune don't last long on the battlefield. lot of these mercenaries, private military contractors. after a few months, if they're not dead, they leave. because they, there's some very, they have real horror stories for being uh for fighting for ukraine because they feel that they don't have the support and they don't have the backend. and they don't have the immunization. they don't have the, the logistical backed back up that they require. and if you're a mercenary out there in the middle of nowhere, the m, n, n r a n n are on the brink of being shot at q and kill. you would think that there
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would be some backing, but there isn't. and there quickly seeing that emma leaving their cleaning, donald trump campaign staff, have called on us president joe biden, to apologize to christians for designating easter sunday as transgender visibility day on transgender day of disability. we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender americans and reaffirm our nations commitment to forming a more perfect union, where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives and again, and profoundly active. as pastor martin semper, says, western leaders who champion l. g, b, t, key recognition are acting against their people's interest. i think this being a state of capture in the western road by a very small group is wrong because these are the l g d t q ideologues who have coverage of state power. and they're supporting each other to maintain
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that power funded by a globally economic powers. but the culture and the views about family, about society. i've read fluids with the people that the clinic to lead and shocking to me that on the day on resurrection sunday, their memory comprises that would the c c to declare lead prize gen the disability today. that's insane. but here, and you've gone that we, our goal is to come up with a little against almost extra well, let me just click on sy, almost actual act, it'd be gone 2009. and we've got sort through by rival bama going through i to joe biden. today's, the law was passed successfully again last year, and it and trying to fight against it in, in the constitutional court. and i'm one of those who made historical press that is
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to as a civic person, just to look, i want to support the law of the government. and that was passed to prevent the promotion of homosexuality because the african country at the same time, the us state department has expressed concern over a bill banning quote, a l g b t q. propaganda in the caucuses nation of georgia, we are concerned about the expected content of this bill. we're negotiating with the government of georgia and are waiting for the publication of the full text of the bill. after that, we will be able to say more the georgia in parliament met to discuss banning the promotion of l g b t 2 activities. earlier this week, the majority coalition, georgia, dream has proposed adding a new clause to the constitution, recognizing marriage as the union of biological men and women. the new law would also prohibit sex change procedures and quote, same sex marriage propaganda. pastor martin simple says the world is pushing back
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against us and use culture war whenever you make is done for the family, you challenge the very basis of western power. the executive orders that the rock obama pulled out in 2012. again, they were repeated again by president joe biden, the order of the entire united states government to comb bucks every effort to criminalize eligibility status. i don't want to on the line that was come back home, but is an act of all calm, but is a statement that release of all the assets of that particular power to enter into was indeed america. you or peter, you're in a culture will, but i'm excited, but uh, the honorable mom will come during the as the has defied that intimidation. i've spoken about this so brand new tea of georgia. she's repeat of the fact that the cost is sort of georgia, this is 2018 has made almost sexuality ok. find some 6 acts are,
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are criminal from average is criminal. i think that more and more countries are going to come up with lowes against it. the right to stay with us. i'll be back with much more about 30 minutes time. in the meantime, be sure to visit our website. archie dot com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the
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