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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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for the us with public and it will make us the just say radical solution to ending the hole in the as washington approves, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of what it is with the thousands it is ready, protested intel to be pulled for an immediate hostage release still with her must walter mounting the resignation of finding us to benjamin netanyahu. she is not reaching any deals already. there was a chance to agree on a deal, so he is an obstacle. and as long as he stands between me and my son nathan,
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i will make sure he will go hi plus washington speak south against a band on l. g. b t. propaganda in the co, kazi and country of georgia, we get reaction. when we get down to the pro, somebody accident whatever you make is done for the family, you challenge the very basis of west africa power. so we are having this clash between the western world where americans and the beautiful p. any union allows really fighting for sky to do the a very well welcome to you. this is the weekly, on the international with the latest well news other week now, but the stories that shapes the week, it's good to have you with us. our top story there sound explosive comments when the us with public a known a code to ends with dogs of war, who stays a her rush. i'm, i'm just not gonna suck you like solution. no more. it would be quicker in
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the us is books of an attempted damage control thing. the congressman was just using a match, a full and then put sizes with an innocent dozens. but the comment speaks for itself on while the enclave space is a humanitarian catastrophe. is where the phone bod minutes have destroyed as a 70 percent of infrastructure. i'm supposed displacement of almost 2000000 palestinians residents all struggling to survive with limited access to food. on
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the latest as radio swipe on sunday, it has a tend to count and the cool yards of the al acts and most as holes. so kidding to palestinians. thousands of displaced. if in sheltering death among people was seen running in positive safety was thrown from the explosion. media reports estimates that in general, $15.00 into killed every hour on the diet conditions with half of them being chosen for some us politicians say it's not in the same footage. i think we should have been here for you support earlier, so you go on the board. i'm not some book you go. i'm just working huge. right.
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you're a terrible person. you considering not me go my case. you'll get your thing. not me go, i mean, okay, oh, i see one retail for thousands of simeon says, you know why it wasn't enough. it wasn't on the 6 months ago in gaza. his claim to the $32782.00 lives, according to local officials. as the idea is of the expanded gets military expense, many and as well seem to favor these tactics well, some according for radical solutions, it was a day. i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people you would expect patient is that tomorrow morning would drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb and all of gaza,
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flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death. without joining 5 robot and the cache a journalist on political on the less money. thanks for your time today as so he, russian buttons, nagasaki, like solutions the got for the goal is a will coming from an american congressman expects president claims that was just a mess of full, but then you'll see what justification is stuff and making a comment like this well, we've heard such comments made by his railey ministers by members of the military. we've heard these comments made by israeli tv show hosts as well retarded throughout the media, but now to hear it by a republican electorate representative in the united states is very telling. and what is telling here is that the united states has full complicity. and this, at the end of the day, the, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted
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as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed in gaza. it is still fit with one phone call, but it's may be active decision not to do that. and now we see these sort of statements which are ultimately calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states, against the palestinian people. and just to put this in perspective here, even myself as a journalist, i don't believe that to be just it for or for it to be moral for me to lash out after having lost many friends have thing last many colleagues. and on my wife's side of the family, over a 100 people being killed by the israelis in gaza. i have that personal connection, but i'm not going to talk about starving children on the as rarely side or dropping and be clear on, on them as a journalist. these are elected officials and they carry with them and prices like
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mentality realistically, when we're taught, when we're talking about elected representatives, discussing an option of dropping a nuclear weapon, which within nearly every single person in the gaza strip, it's openly genocidal. and it shows also that there is a level of desperation from the st. riley's and those scientists in the united states who are, are backing them at this point. as israel's military operation is ultimately failed to achieve its primary objectives on the ground. i mean, i just find it personally awfully shocking that way, which does 6 months of, of based more of a 32700 pope palestinians, a full in victim to this war. and that not by reading tragically high. why don't we seeing more countries promote a ceasefire and pushing it in that direction instead of the many who seem to be adding fuel for the fire? it was interesting at this point because the united states ultimately is behind
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this war. and the fact that it is ongoing, my thought of the number of discussions with members of the palestinian factions. and this seems to be the prevailing view that the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop. they're essentially playing this dirty game of pretending that they want a ceasefire, while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for the mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the as rarely do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back to the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even a any of the other, some 12 smaller or groups which are functioning in the gaza strip and slicing them
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every single day. the israeli settlers in the south obviously fled many of them in the north. when it comes to the situation with hezbollah, over a 150000 people slides, they will not come back without a war on all fronts there being defeated. and this is also a defeats for the us empire, essentially, and the way it projects power in the region. and so the united states does not want to stop. this is rarely as do not want to stop this. and they don't want to let in sufficient 8 either they're playing this dirty game pretending that they want to solution even altering their language. but ultimately, we don't see any push and this will eventually lead to an escalation on one of the various brands potentially leading to a more with level. and this, how do you see things playing out? i mean, well, i won't say lies ahead for the people have gone to at this point if
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there is not any form of intervention with a program to actually push through the humanitarian page at the age of sitting there. but the israelis are not allowing it in there will be mass found in the world bank has already stated that hosses the population of gaza or on the brink of famine. and that they will go into the 1st stage of famine within the next few months. so we're going to see people starving to death on a mass scale. at the moment we're seeing elderly people primarily and children dying of starvation, but that will spread so much larger portion of the population. now if this continues and this goes on, then we will see a situation in which there will be an untenable situation for the palestinian arm groups. if people are starving to death or mass above ground cars, they flights from inside the tunnels and come down to flight use rarely as using girl warfare tactics. lebanese has the law has stated explicitly,
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they want to let him ass loose. and so this necessitates them entering the war essentially and it looks like it is heading in that direction. if there is not a ceasefire, there will be a war with lab and on, even if the israel chooses the launch some sorts of operation which it thinks it can keep a somehow contained and easily this can blow out of hand. and this will be the final dest, low to israel, and they may actually use those nuclear weapons, but some of their ministers and us representatives i've been talking about. so this is a very, very delicate situation. the longer this goes on, the higher the chance is that there won't be in israel to talk about at the end of this and the entire region will be immersed in a regional war. that looks more like their reality every single day. wow. ok, many things. so speaking to us today, robot and la cash journalist on political analysts appreciate your thoughts. thank
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you. i think he's a well, some us politicians to policy as well and assess as to dismantle goals of the constituents. feel differently. thousands in new york city on the dollars i've taken to the streets, protesting the is wally offensive, and the end plays on demands and going to need it sees far in my house in protest as have been seen collapsing with police and funding fee is waiting. slug. and in tele vs, thousands of his body protest as gathered on such a day to day moans, the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu of his failure to secure the release of hostages, still held by him most in gaza to the demonstration took place outside. b is really defense ministry please use was a common to dispose the crowd as people blow up the rows with torches on the phone
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. the fires at least a $130.00 hostages are being held and gone. so since october the 7th, as well as some of the family members set at the valley and tell of the we are saying cannot continue the war. and the my message is the prime minister lost his way. he is not dealing with bringing the hostages back. he is busy with other things that's not
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a relevant to the 7th of october failure item mom, that netanyahu goes home and leaves us a name so that we can leave the country and that somebody else will bring back my son my time. and the rest of the hostages, i have said it before, the prime minister decided to give up on the hostages. he is not reaching any deal, although there is a chance to agree on a deal, according to security officials. but he prevents it. so he is an obstacle and as long as he stands between me and my son nathan, i will make sure he will go hi. and on friday the is ready. prime minister's office announced that top security officials will slide to read it tons counsel and to negotiate with a month. following the reports on the negotiations for release of the objectives, it should be clarified that prime minister netanyahu spoke with the head of massage and the head of the i a say, and approved delegations on their behalf. to go out to doha and cairo in the coming days with the scope of action to continue the negotiations. atari,
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political analyst on consulting ali, all health safety is where the plumbing is. the a storing phase talks to keep the will getting for some very personal reasons. pretty, i mean it's in the whole business to one. this will do and therefore he is going to fiddle processing because the thing was the thing because you choose negotiations negotiate and the end of it there is nothing. then you have me to tell you all wants to get the thing out of the, the negotiation and the pin. he doesn't want to give anything that does the boat about a b. i mean the oh, i know is very well a is very aware of the fact that the water stops you will go behind the prison bars and his, the future with the and completely, you know, is that very what, that's why for all the, just me, the i'm going to, can they look,
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be in even the is the 80 they very, i mean, you know, once this and this more to continue for his own as big as the purposes because it doesn't want to go to prison and he doesn't want to feel his the political, the future now to ukraine web automated landscape is on his way to becoming an illegitimate leader. the country was supposed to hold a presidential vote today, but since the landscape, his time expires in may, has made it clear that he has no time for elections. aussies surely dimansky brings more detail of this special reason is that under the ukrainian cost cetacean, that in marshall low right now, they have been since 2022 and you caught hold elections during motion low under it so that the official reason and to change that they would need to list most low,
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which then would essentially be saying that the company no longer in conflict. now, that is the reason it's being different. we've heard from a zalinski back in august of last year saying that he was open to holding in the election. but he quickly changed his mind. and there is a lot of reasons behind that because a lot has changed since he made that statement. that's the committee of focus, and ukraine said that this is about political calculation. this is a body that wants to defend the rights of people to be able to go to elections like they should have been held by now in ukraine. an a to said, well, this is about is the fact that since august to let the skis approval ratings have tumble, they've gone from a dizzying heights of 90 percent, all the way down to around 60 percent, even more. so let's see that there are polls showing that if the former commander of the coin, you know me, this is a general solution a who sacked recently if you stood against. so that's key right now. he would beat him hands down. so a political decision,
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possibly relating to the fact that the approval rating for so let's get just isn't that right now? that is interesting, isn't it? i mean, the west is always cold. you quite a beacon of freedom and democracy. do any of keeps spokes as mine, the facts visit lensky has essentially canceled the elections and the turned into an unelected big taser really? it seems no. so if you speak or listen to what really just have to say, no zalinski had gone to them with an idea. and that was we can hold elections if you're prepared to pay for those selections on the west. didn't want to, it's not a difficult to understand why it's estimated the election of costs of $200000000.00 . and as we know, funds from the west on easy to get for ukraine at the moment. when so let's give was a for why doesn't it claim pay for it? so now elections. he said that lum coaching. he will take money from weapons on page 2 elections and not says a lot, but let's say what some of the reaction is, be not just boom savanski, but from the west itself you,
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she makes me more. we all realize that now it is war time. when there are many challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible, somehow so frivolous to throw the subject of elections into society. we must understand that this is a time of defense, a time of battle on which the fate of the state and the people depends and not a time for throw ends, which only russia expects from ukraine. i believe that now is not the time for elections. what elections is concerned in ukraine? this is a domestic michel of ukraine. so not for me to comment on these are questions for the ukraine. people to decide we want to see presidential elections and all actions in ukraine, but we recognize that it's a difficult thing to conduct in the middle of the world. and so it's a very difficult issue to work through. and ultimately it's a decision for the training people to make, well, not the time is what they're saying, but full ukrainians under that constitution. they would just be in the time for the election. i know everybody agrees with that sentiment. we knew that there was a growing movement, particularly amongst republican politicians in the us, who say,
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if you called provide the election, if you can't say that you will a democratically elected to then perhaps we should not be giving you any money. i want to see this country have free and fair elections, even while it is under assault. the american people need to know that ukraine is different. this has been a very corrupt the country in the past. incredible qu, by zalinski, which purely and simply cancels the ukrainian presidential election, which was to take place in march 2024 after having already cancelled the legislative elections last month. ukraine is a full fledged member of the council of europe is of course a democracy. and although democracy is far more than only elections, i think we all agree that without the elections, democracy cannot properly function. don't want be. so i'm asking questions that you know, well, k, every say ukraine cannot hold elections during the war. we have these and baffled russian regions. the recently joined the rest of the nation to vote for its president. so how exactly has that works out?
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yeah, it's interesting isn't it, that the west has got a very different opinions when it comes to what's going on. as you mentioned, the, the for nearly incorporated regions into russia did vote during the recent presidential election here just a few weeks ago. and that was despite the fact that they were under the threat of attacks coming from ukraine. we also know that one person died in one of the voting areas as a result of an attack on that day. so despite the fact that they were clear threats on that day, the election went ahead. people in those incorporated regions were able to vote for the past when they wanted to be russia's president and we sold people according to the election commission, went that in incredibly high numbers and turned out to test the pilots. at the same time, uh, ukraine is saying the dates and this right. and it caught hold an election. and it's interesting how you've got this one sense of the west saying, no, they caught hold elections because there's a threat. we understand what you claim to say, but what's happening in russia?
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yes, the holding elections when this. that's right. but at the same time, those elections arranged rushes recent presidential election occurred in an environment of intense repression, of independent voices and the imprisonment, death, or exile of virtually all genuine political opposition. the kremlin has denied it. citizens, a transparent, meaningful democratic process against this backdrop, this election can only be described as on democratic. this has not been c on fair elections, no c of service and highly respected in vitamin position before them. optically what can save a more one that says alexis has been bays and refreshing and intimidating the violin. the recent elections in russia were an election without a choice. the election process not only shows putin's nefarious actions against his own people, but also against the united nations charter. indeed, sue mcdermott,
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these days the russian dictator is simulating another election. everyone in the world understands that this figure, as often happens in history, has simply become addicted to power and is doing everything he can to forever. there is no legitimacy in this imitation of elections and there cannot be. you'd think that talk about dictates ship, who said with a bit of tongue in cheek, because let's look at ukraine. this is a country that is fund opposition policies. this is a country that has a fund or position media. essentially, there is nobody to stand against lensky at the moment and not for many use. what you would say is the definition of a dictatorship, the same time here in russia, they were full candidates on the election ballot. and of course, the 3 of us who didn't win were able to go on a millions of votes between them in the us, donald trump's campaign stuff as quote on president biden, to apologize to christine. so designating east to sunday. i was trying to stay on
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the visibility day, which is always mocks on march 31st on transgender day of disability. we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender americans and reaffirm our nations commitment to forming a more perfect union. where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives. the guns and probably finally after this past the most incentive stays at western leaders who champion l g b t to recognition the acting against that people's interest. and i think there's been a state of capture in the west on road by a very small group of ron, because these are the l g, b, t, q, ideologues who have coverage of state power. and they're supporting each other to maintain state power funded by a globally economic powers. but the culture and the views about family, about the society. i've read quotes with the people that the clinic to lead,
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as shocking to me that on the day on resurrection sunday, their memory comprises that would the cc to be clearly transgender disability. today, that's insane. but here, and you're gone that we are going to come up with a little against almost extra. well, let me just click on sy, almost actual act, it'd be gone 2009. and we've got sort through by rival bama going to add to joe biden. today the law was passed successfully again last year, and is trying to fight against it in, in the constitutional court. and i'm one of those who made historical press. it is to as a civic person to say, look, i want to support the law of the government and that was passed to prevent the promotion of homosexuality because the african country at the same time the us
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state department has expressed concern i for a bill binding del g, b t q propaganda in the cool kasey and country of georgia. we're concerned about the expected content of this bill. we're negotiating with the government of georgia and are waiting for the publication of the full text of the bill. after that, we will be able to say more, a jordan parliament's match to discuss binding the promotion of l g b c. 2 activities. earlier this week, the majority coalition of georgia dream has proposed adding a new close to the constitution, recognizing marriage as the union of a fine, logical man and woman. and even though would also prohibit sex change procedures and quotes, same sex marriage propaganda. here again is passed and most incense, but who stays the world is pushing back against the us and they use coachable. and whenever you make is done for the family, you challenge the very basis of western power. the executive orders that the rock
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obama pulled out in 2012 again. they were repeated again by prison. joe biden, the order of the entire united states government to comb bucks every effort to criminalize eligibility status. i don't want to on the line that was come back home but is an act of will come but is a statement that release all the assets of that particular power to enter into was indeed america. you or peter, you are in a culture will, but i'm excited, but uh, the honorable mom will come during the as the has defied that intimidation. i've spoken about this so brand new tea of georgia cheese repeat of the fact that the cost is out of georgia. but since 2018 has made almost sexuality ok, find some 6 x r a criminal from average is criminal. i think that more and more countries are going to come up with laws against it. in southern russia,
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3 terrace on specs have been detained into cities of the republic of doug, a son. officials say the men were preparing to commit a tax with some of the weapons and explosives. so is each one of the same shows one of the apartments that was rated by f. s. b special forces locals. they were evacuated from the area during the operation. had been allowed to return to the homes. officials say no truth, so civilians will haunt village terrace. and now under investigation the head of douglas downsize, the suspects were identified thanks to a security cross down in the region of the wake of the most go attack. and they had all the space stays all the terrace, will be brought to justice to make sure that the less that i'm, what a lot of work is being done throughout the country region. we see problems that exist and have a reason taking into account events and ukraine. unfortunately, these cannot but worry, as in any case, all law enforcement agencies and intelligence services in the country are actively
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engaged. moreover, as the president has said, we know by name the organizers of the preparations for conducting acts on our territory. we will do everything necessary to find and punish the scoundrels. the license dantes however moves called as rushing moons, the victims of the march 22nd moscow masika. 144 people were killed with many other victims. still recovering and hospital crowns have been gathering for lifeline was outside big focus concert whole throughout the week. the hundreds of candles were displayed in front of a venue in the shape of a white crane, which has become a symbol of those low span lives misusing and by the a city stream of people continues to gather with a make shift memorial wants aside as i'll talk to the flowers and candles.
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businesses pay their respects to the the but i hate to it's national conversation over reinstating the death penalty is sweating and russia was many of code for the most go terrorist to be executed. capital punishment was suspended in the country in 1996. some officials say it cannot be brought back without pausing an entirely new constitution. we gazed opinions with locals on the streets of mosca, and i feel positive about this because it seems to me that some people cannot be fixed, such as pet of files, terrorists and so on. and i really don't want to pay taxes for them. then the lifting the moratorium is a big step back for our country a step into dark times. when we say that we will lift the moratorium. we are encroaching on the very right to life, which is inviolable. i support the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty because there are categories of people such as terrorists, pet of files.


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