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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  March 31, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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go up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trail of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. when he, thanks for joining us, a lot. see international this sunday with back of the top of the hours sense, you know, that's the, that's the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the russian states never is as tight as i'm wondering. the most sense community best. nothing was all sense and up the in the 65 with the cable, 95 and speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission,
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the state on the rush us to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. to the question, did you say steven twist, which is the mr. plug into? you're most welcome to the program. thank you. so once again, our discussion of the security council on nato was actions and you can slow here. they've been blocked. why are western powers in your views so reluctant to, to even reflect on not episode of their military intervention? i think they, they are afraid they, i free the tools that will come out. they don't want the world to leave some once again to the details of a that's
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a horrible military campaign. i'm totally unlawful. new to the campaigns of the conductance against against to yugoslavia. but they also don't want us to highlights of the responsibility of their leaders at the time of me to leaders. that's why they want to, to shut the miles off. so everybody, the, i'm not interested in this, but in reality we 1st ask before the, before these meeting on monday and differentiate, presenting to you for using proceed procedural whose is locked. uh, i will be. but in reality, we stopped at every meeting of the security council during this week with highlighting these procedural rules. so follow french colleagues and the 14th of the votes of the agenda of the meeting. and we also squeezed the phrase or 2 about nato's aggression. i guess you guess why it is so instead of having one meeting on monday, just turn,
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they actually have the whole week. it's worth pointing out as well, isn't it fed? russia simply requested a discussion regarding the nato bombing a, not the adoption of any kind of formal resolution on the monitor. something as basic as that on the 1st real, significant down there for history, all of the bombing 25 years on. it's an important date. it was the opposition from a specific countries. you mentioned france, there was, it wasn't one we're using. do think a certain reason or where there are various reasons why those countries did not. why that was so such an opposition to having a discussion of the debate. this is something that's uh, usually you know, it's happening the, the un and the security council because there is an article, a number 2 of the original rules of procedure of security council, which implies that the current president of the call so called a meeting up on the request of any council member,
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usually these equals some kind of freedom of speech and freedom of expression and nobody questions such bees. but in this and this time at this time, we really looks like we really have ships, the nerve of our western colleagues, especially the french calling. there is nothing extra ordinary, not request. and we said that the consequences of nato aggression, i felt until this date and actually all the problems that we have on the ball comes specifically in the relations between serbia and its integral parts costs of a. we're also triggered by need to address them. we can say that this is right here elements. we can say that this is historic for fax only. there are a lot of historic situations on the agenda of the call. so that's a mets or even today. how can we discuss some of the east, for example,
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without discussing the consequences of the last of the 1973 or 9 to 6 to 7 or even 1948 is absolutely impossible. so this is ridiculous. the last volt, yesterday, there were a 6 countries altogether, and actually it was a clear divide between the west some countries and along with some countries and the security council. so the west counsellors, the rest of the countries, they acted in line with the block discipline and they supported each other, but it was absolutely clear that they are way behind these attempt to impose sounds . so sheets in security council, which is a very difficult to conceal from from world public. yeah, there are 15 countries, 5 permanent members. so we got just below the threshold without, without the 2nd number, the 6, if we adopt these very, promote is french logic. them of but in order to hold the meeting, we should have got a 9 volts for the meeting so we will have a short so see what was short of these 9 volts. but according to our logic, as french questions,
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not the agenda items that we used about the meeting itself. they should have. uh, they should have updates 9 volts, but the president of japan. also blaine doesn't bleed into the hands of the west. some countries for obvious reasons, and so she didn't want to formulate the question maybe in the right way. that's happened sometimes. unfortunately, i'm just curious across the people in survey just to pick up and something you said people in the country who survive the, the 78 days of nato bombing. and then, of course, the aftermath were many more people died. and they said we will never forgive, and we will never forget. but you think that you and you've mentioned some of the countries involved, that the western powers that took part wish that they could for a guest thought it was just essentially put under the rug. exactly, that was behind their reasoning, french and best of the planes. that's uh survey. it was not aware of the fact of the meeting so that i should be able to consult with serbia. and this was a blatant fly because soviet was very much interested in the holding these meeting
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ox, everything prime minister. even. so that just came specifically to new york to be brought to this meeting and run the friendship. preventative was thinking she was teaching in default listening to his baseless claims that certainly it was not the way of freshman requests. so actually to assume that it was even more interested to spell that through us. spell out the truth about what has happened then to remind that the consequences of this aggression i still felt this, do felt by people leaving their hands with heads of debris for us to whom i'm very thankful for their readiness to participate on. these refers whereabouts to explain in detail what are the consequences for certain population, medical, ecological, infrastructural, whatever that i felt even right now. uh 25 years after these aggression. so these would have been a very, very important discussions. and of course,
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it gave our western colleagues uh, hold seats and they wanted to have where that does any price. and that's why the really uh, stakes the for the ability and there they all started to in the council asking for the so need degree to a procedural a votes and trying to conceal the fact that they were questioning the effect of the meeting and not the item on the agenda, this was very shameful and pathetic to which there may be people watching, sir, wondering why 25 fat years on that. of course, the anniversary is so significant this week. but why the offense of what happened in you? then you can slow be, why are they so important? no, for russia that they are important not only for us, and they are important for the whole world. and we see that there are still open. the ones in the ball comes not only in serbia, but elsewhere. and especially when we speak about the relations between billed
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rate increase to now there are a lot of the full outs that's really offensive as, as a substitute for them right now. in serbia and around and so the cost of assorted is defining international community out if i give it to council. what are the illusions, the relevance of 1st and foremost, foremost, $1244.00 recently were shows that the elementary assembly of the council of europe recommended the mission of course, of all uh to the council, which is a clear violation of resolution 1244. so all these things are happening because of a need to aggression goes through gus lobby because of the fact that the national war was absolutely devastated tons of rapes by west some countries. they bypassed
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security council. the moments the this to the trash of china will not support such an action. uh, some uh, some scholars believe that this was a turning point in the whole system of international relations. because this was kind of a different uh, the freezing or for the free for the freezing of the contradictions that frozen off to the cold war. so it was kind of a resurrection of, of, of cold was searching for. and i think that there are a lot of reasons for that. so we, we believe that these presidents are when the night so of luck attacked an independent country and actually sees, brought to get started today. and them declare it's uh, the independent clause, the independent states. they are of always imposing on every body to recognize these states. this is likely a precedent when the post war, the post cold war system was chapter and the helsinki act was chapters at this
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moment. and of course, the west doesn't want to acknowledge it. they, they say that doesn't matter very much. they are now referring to the ones that have them in 2022. but they are absolutely authentic and trying to conceal the truth about this aggression and its role in international relations and the, they're all of which fall out and that the national relations. yeah, you raise a lot of fab big topics there. i'll return to something a little bit later if i can, but just returning to 1999. what was your assessment? what is your assessment of russia's stance on the nato bombing campaign of thought time on? how's most school was position shifted at all over the years? since then, well that was the turning point. i remember it's quite well, it was already a young diploma to me before and service. and the very many people remember as well that's uh there was these famous. so you turn over the atlantic by the
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russian by the russian federal government. so you're getting, you pretty, my goal was going to washington to sign. so it's an agreements about financial assistance from the states and the international money into the funds. so what that i don't remember exactly about people that decision, i'm going to learn to about the aggression to make a u turn indicated. tons of moscow. this all was a very symbolic and so i think that was the rights move to make because it was absolutely clear at this point. that's the only problem is this of the west. all the, all the hopes that there will be a fair international system built up to the dissolution of the soviet union out that, that the west will keep the problem is that where you want to, to solve you attend the russian leaders at that moment. all these hopes are absolutely useless and baseless the west is having its own agenda and its implies these, these time and the ease implies the doing away with us live in serbia who knows
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what will be next time. so the moods right them where kind of a shock, because people really where hoping that this going out, this would never happen. that way, hoping that where there were some openings in the relations between the russian, the west. they were hoping that the, the, through the events of the cold war has gone forever. but the west with its actions proved otherwise. and we are where we are. i think that a lot of things that happen easily, also route back to these very unfortunate to the criminal decision by anybody need to lead us just to point out what the russian leader has said. subsequent through the following were put in stating of the bombing of belgrade was a turning point for moscow itself on one of the defining moments between east and west since the cold war a. do you agree that it was significant? how's that? oh, absolutely, absolutely. i would like to say that so this is a, this is
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a ethics ethics of, of these time and the ethics of international relations. and of course, this is a benchmark, the whole market that we all remember and this will forever stay in our memory. and no matter how the west tries to, to consume with them to put it in the shade, they will never succeed. in doing so. the western refusal to discuss the events come shortly after serbian president alexandra bu. church warren, that quote difficult days lie ahead for his country. what do you think he meant by that? well, i may be mistaken, but it looks like she was mentioning this decision. that's a reference to the decision of 11th or assembly on the council of your, of to meet the customer as an independent states. this is, of course, total violation of international law for un security council resolution absolute lawlessness basis. it'd be placed on the example of these rules based international
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order that the us and its allies promoting, where they are formulating the rules and they are asking and demanding that all this a be to this rules. it says nothing to do with international law. and you mentioned costs of o earlier, the self proclaimed authorities, they are how they choose most good trying to use the issue of the nato bombing. it'd be this lobby of some sort of justification for what is now happening in ukraine. how would you respond to that as well? is difficult for me to comment. so what's the, what's on the minds? i think they'd better think about how to manage the problems that they have. great, it's in relations between christian and build rate. we recently discussed in the security council of the issue of the banning of the circulation of serbian deena in the northern parts of, of casa, which means the life intolerable for thought for certain population of these,
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of these area. there are a lot of other things that's cost of lead us from is to build riots in the framework of the brussels discussions under the us of the european union. but the gaps, no single pro from is out of this and things are further being complicates. it's by these uh, the prospect of, of course, so uh, being admitted to the council of europe this up to so again, friends to formulate their reaction. but this is that something disgusting. frankly, what the west is doing in these so called solicitation. so i think that the cost of, of the fact i started to distribute to think about this events and lots of mentions, something else happening in the other. but, you know, you can solve an ukraine, have both become focal points in the re shipping on orders in europe. however, while the west was quick to back, the self proclaimed independence of costs of
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a rapidly quick. i remember when that happened it's refused to recognize rushes, re unification, to try me on more recently for new regions. can i get your, your, why such an inconsistent approach to this? it just seems to be an absolute different levels as well. these are absolutely shameful. the blades and double standards, we discuss this issue repeatedly with the rest of the colleagues, but they pretend to be absolutely deaf blinds. and now, when we raise these issues, we, for example, point out to them that you know, even costs of the independence was brooklyn's by the problem. whereas the decision on the crimea was taken as a result of the financing. so if you speak about democratic procedures, then they were absolutely observed in case of, of russia, but they were absolutely disregard as in case of cost of a. so of course,
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these are, these are believes on the double standards. this is the, the cornerstone of these um, a double stand that sound the policy of rules based international order. that's the west is trying to impose. i think this is all because for everybody, for every unbiased scroll up for every unbiased diploma, this is absolutely clear what has happened in past summer and what are the fall out? what does it fall out of? it's on all of us. if i can turn away from the uh, you can stop the underbrush tree for a moment or 2 and talk about the un security council itself. or to what extent is it still relevant able to fully function when it comes to conflicts like ukraine and gaza. there's some critics say it's turning into another league of nations which became the funds they had of the 2nd world war. how does the time come to reform the u. n. s. c, and what sort of changes are needed there in your, if you?
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well, frankly, i don't think that the skillets across the security council is the relevant and the, i don't think that there's a price comparison between the u. m and the league of nations. the big difference is of the existence of, of the permanent members of the security council who have the right to veto. this is a very important function which x actually should be viewed as the key incentive to find and negotiate the solution. and that's how it usually works. for example, recently a restaurant china to use the veto when you yes, table to resolution, which was actually the green light for you. so to continue what it does in gaza, we transferred to the ceasefire, which was actually the main demands of the international community. only as determined determines the imperative of immediacy is fine. so i really felt on the
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stand, what is it determines doing parents if on how it can be implemented practically. so when he told these draft, and immediately after this uh, there was another draft prepared by a non permanent members of the security council, which demanded ceasefire. and these dropped was adopted, the bulk of the situation was on the edge of the security cause of those where there are no deep differences among the 5 permanent members. and so they are, the council is very efficient. they forget the council works together. i specifically have in mind, for example, i have frequently issues or like columbia some other crisis situation so. so these 2 issues, they are very important. they are very loud, but these are not to be present. the bulk of the agenda, of disagreements across the counsel of course needs to be reformed. everybody agrees that it's needs to be before, but the positions of the counselors,
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a very different of everybody. for example, acknowledges that's a security council. it should be the compositional disagree with your council should reflect the situation in the world and of that there should be in the correction of historic injustice. was the every come continental issues, numerous under which it presents a lot of the items on the agenda of security council. so everybody's in favor of adding a african members to the security council. same about different candidates in america, but uh they are, there is also understanding that's such an important issue as a form of the security council should come to a solution which would be uh, ideally, consensual or close to this because this is something that can be imposed by a majority to minority, for example, is a vote in the general assembly. this is too important and this will never work if it is the case. and there comes some diversions to diversion says on the presentation, for example,
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that i shot and some other countries. clearly saying that the rest is over representative and i think that the recent situation that we just talked about discussion ways in the, in the you got 5 am using clearly shows this. there are some countries they use blog discipline and they defect to block uh, security costs are from discussing the issues that they don't want to discuss. they have these kids on the beach. so sometimes united states and its allies, they don't need to devote against dense. this doesn't count as a veto power because because um, we simply do not have enough votes to prep the bremo. the decision will definitely want. so the west is already presented various of the international or arena. they're all over the west is declining. best way to clear around the voices of the african agent ways in the american countries of sounding louder and louder. and they are not held in this acute to call so either way they should be here at 10
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just finally. and i hope i don't part of phrase you wrongly but, but earlier you're saying that if you don't have an understanding of the past, you're doing to repeat the mistakes in the future. not if we go, if we look at certain things in the recent past, the past 100 years or so, you've got the san francisco conference in 1945 famously annual at the post world war 2 order of international relations. the most to summit in 1989, the us and the soviet union, the current, the end of the cold war, essentially paving the way for a unique port of world order. know that the world is again going through a huge change. the next lunmark peace conference, b is world offering. it is there, is there a bill it to you for that to happen on where could that happen? well, it's difficult to speak about it at this stage because we are not there yet. i think that at this stage the west is still trying to break down. so that's uh,
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nothing is happening. that's the world is not changing in the way it is changing and they are trying to degrees to grasp it's they're waiting position in the world . but this is the process that we, we negatively come to the point where, when you, then you will to really manage the multiple world. and we will of course, have to discuss of the foundations of this world. by the way, i could say maybe some people will not agree with me about the u. m. i couldn't be, i shouldn't be very helpful in these exercise because the chapter of the down is the basis for international law. as you're on the isn't in itself. it's the, the cornerstone of multi polarity is the question of interpretation. not the fact that the, for example, the charts that needs to be corrected in the, in the. so that way it's not necessarily so, so why don't you have there when we could discuss the next conference where it should take place and make some traveling arrangements for these so far the way to
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so it's very is step stubborn. it doesn't want to dialect it still has some folks to inflict to my country strategic defeats or at least a week. and it's significantly, but it's quite obvious from what we see in reality. that's um, this is a really wishful thinking. i'll follow with some neighbors and they will inevitably come to the understanding that we should talk. we should speak about the root cause is not that's what happens in 2022 as they pretend that this is the uh, the only thing that we can discuss and what we should discuss. a lot of things including yugoslavia including needs are enlargement including the uncapped promises of uh, what's the latest to, to the saga time the address and leaders of the staff, a lot of issues that should be very frank discussion and we are ready for these. we already, we all was cold for the west engagement side discussion. you know,
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that we made the proposal proposals on european security and in the, in late to 1021 which with understandingly rejected by the us and by need. so there are a lot of things to be discussed. i'm sure we will find a time in place, provided the west a takes away, so rosie glosses and looks at the reality, which is quite green for some countries right now. well, thank you for having a dialogue with our tea. you've been more than good with your time today, sir. we've been speaking to rest as deputy and foster to the united nations. dimitri podiums. good. good to see you. the 19 sixty's we're attorney point advertised struggle for liberation. however,
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in the south of the continental european res is decided for alarm. the agony of colonialism is 1965. the white minority unilaterally declared the state of rhodesia . its authorities pursued the policy of racial segregation. the indigenous population was deprived of rio political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation ever conveyed. rates with the support of the soviet union and china oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries took the side of rhodesia, the gorilla as carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia and mozambique, and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse than the road easy, an army turned to chemical and biological weapons. the races boys in the water and food, and planted contaminated medicines on the gorillas. this caused an epidemic of cholera and anthrax and led them aspect to ality. however, the attempts to break down the adver against resistance, where feudal,
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the white minority relief was due. in 1979, it could be delayed a year later, free elections were held instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe appeared on the world map and became a true vast yes of the ideas of man african is of the 1941 with the nazis help creation ultram nationalist. the eustace has the claim, the independent state of croatia, shortly on the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to the stash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and
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the prisoners this and in the constitution tense. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the us with public and lawmakers to just say roderick whole solution. so anything new boring goes up as washington approve, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of lessons to is around the k through to the killed in 2004 injured in. the latest is where the strong on the central office of thousands of civilians, the pin filtering. since wisconsin russian special forces retained 3 suspects you in


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