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tv   Documentary  RT  March 31, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

7:30 pm
sublet of the city, jesus says, well sure that the the illusion of the session hey, why is this just to see move 12 sure. and that sort of fits and one of the issues of the story, i'm pretty much slower originally the 1st case i've been with the office is not goose to the music. does it come from it to go to the price? yes. need to know. so don't have to use a through g is acceptable from you got to buy cheap. i'm not less than you would for one of the americans with blue sky support. but additional
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researching and with the corps are present in the back is assigned to i'm almost close to assume. yeah, was, disney is the most close to the mazda 3 years press. any running just a few last a global struggle she model, year with them is all either me dr. morrison was see me another blood pressure bolt of which i sort of she knew over to cover about the pulled up pretty good. the promise. pretty good. they are on the vehicle, which did which saw where you look through each tier. one bills i deep georgia state just for your spine. it even moved to you can learn more about our variables to deal with reduced of the music on the face of for the most
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consistent show you both of us. here's the, in the with the blue cross included. i see the process of finding us as humans do us these though it is the by
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the way, the kind of fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure to nebraska. let me go by michelle from what that's what we're going to be out of as a, as a customer to open these prints via general flow. you just forgot some with us comp, almost most of claim or be able to develop more. you've got the little depth of homes that you should you might of this year should have parties sloniker. i have all of your stuff. i'm assuming you go on, you have to buy more stuff. when you want me to talk to them or show you that from you, i don't a simpler state of the. it's a little more quotes, but uh are you and your actual, somebody's the are going to use in your notes just kind of in the short 3,
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but that be able to genuine the phone calls to become available that you divide when use the old daughter, olivia your bill is yours for the partial on the pretty more goods on the definitely going to cover it, the more your good is honestly because the other one is most of these are the bottom solutions for my handles. plenty of them usually, and you've got those clips to be depressed took on the course to maria. so those are kind of are still going to should have that level he is on the difficulty is i can either does what it is mastercard, or she has a little glass up with this cryptic, the
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one you would like me to look at. i'm not sure because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with i'm complex, more and emotions less than that. but i'm still looking at the time that it duncan was progressing here, which course does flushing more on performance because i didn't get it fixed. is that 5 or 4 chairs was going to perform a spanish spanish form because even though i need to put it across the board, i've had to apologize. but we're still on the blue. the for blue lotus is just that
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it would show up just because of the combining the app just because i because of them i thought of the mobile open brand new. and what would you say to the assistant? i don't mind the expert as professional management. the same, you please be careful the visit, the condition, the 2nd problem for looking for smart example, which has come from when you have to use to clear books. doable listed in root and show vi from the neck, which of the differential table conditions. so is about the, come on the left, come on a for the so 1st be solution that was always per month. plus the means, the new one, you sure new brand new information come on the new quote 1st because it was 10 years mission, national of supplementary. if i'm to the phone, we're going to just look at the showing, this was the garbage of a refrigerator. there's this machine, moses mission, fluid flush a spend money for them or more from,
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of just going to groups on us with that our lives are putting in the yards of what she'll do is to, on the other for numerous. so the 1st one was if she got the distribution here, look good right here. so we have to leave it on the phone to see says your youth is just the washer was, was on the, is using, you know, the uh,
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the truck, the new plus the new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was. it will move washer, move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit for all for us it took me, you know, took us or is, or if there's a few ladies who choose who you might be a vehicle so that the
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true know right. gosh, i think the, the most that you will see the faster we designed for this just because the easy to see or was tom. yeah. the, i'm guessing the because of got cheated. nobody. how about the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i yes, this is one of my will. it will compete. stomach virus, i'm, this is keisha lee, but i've seen them around me, but 3 months i think like, you know, when the deal
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a blog with people stay in the lady just go to chicago assuming which those show solution was you know, a lot of them belt bodies the mushroom owns the vineyards in west ocean city of novels orange stores. oh, yeah. what kind of, i mean if i'm just bare smug around the cartoon, isn't this is beth issues. but the jenny, both on this verse megabytes were used to move more of the webinar from us, letting yourself come on on the back of, of the image and the stuff that come on there. so pushing fast, get the full chassis. otherwise, when we get back to you with the phone, you might just be the one of me since i should because you've been on the for the 3 i'm, i'm really interested in your when you pull chairs backwards presents, is that gonna ship under able to ship the junior and the the, the ever you have the animal that yeah, yeah,
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yeah, i'll get off the bus. so just need to fill out those to me or is it just all buses? felicia, exclusively on it, the bus this, the sport to maternal american police because he have a go and you could actually just for the muscle as a pretty good actually thing with the basic up a little bit that's it was less of virginia was published and funding i terminated so some of them because it becomes very, you know, to consider the concept and both position investment of the ship. what should we in the or yeah, you do of shifts coupling you g was yeah, you purchased coupling energy and asking the population invest offers will be able to meet on the way people stand, the shape looking for some of those 3 bar secular design of this company with i have solutions. awesome. i'm going to do a bunch of phone them with the smart way to store them in some reason. did you not the do said i wish to brand new space. there's lots that i saw. some of this i'm
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interested always recommended might be a group of funds, different federal trade commission i spoke with of usually referrals total. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black explosion. first of the long distance with the who shuffle. yes, you're going to what's gonna be in the show for charles total mission i was, i thought it was, this was the most pressure i was the best thing is installed for you all cars and storm. so the smart is replaced with luke about this, i will double city pointed to that 50 miles below us plus a flush which it added to whom you can you come temple will go should think i'm still really powerful government. god bless you. this is a good the super, a hold of opening pollution you literally found, suppose the story is doing a brand new news. i sign the bank because of my old while this deal
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was through it. what about what was the email with a google sketch sheet? you what the issue is, you've got the quote move along the lines. so this the gosh, you've got the shipment, the smart piece you. what's the most confusing? are you how you doing? i'm your person. we'll certainly storm people. so i'm, so i'm pretty sure the bulk of the furniture best of the, the less of a format, scratchy, with the beauty of it showed me lot of other industries marked a company by going through sophia or the deal with these above the surface that in your box and you called me last night, but what most of the demonstrative scheduled for you, the doctor, was just going your smooth fan store them on the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the following day long quiz of dining which will not talk to people most will put us down with them snowball kansas for
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the full so that was the by you to me and use our mutual customer with as many other the the the task. busy the to in your was there was actually to, to do i have good. it was fighting which is a go bustling, one of the solution. 3, not mind the standard is but the modern home can look at the 1st of course your religion was his own. it shall be difficult type of job compared to that as a graduate of school. we live in excess of the actual server because just a can you deal separately to love just to have the browser to show where you
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propose, send me to cosco, go to the job i'm a or is or is that the group just meals or so much may is dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple of gentleman's board. but when you're sort of assignment and the various by 3, believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is done. but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me do that, i'm going to keep it as of feeling me. what is the problem? seeing was it general jo, us because of 5 in bold talk. i asked him more than what you like, a visual i will student by that the severe i'll be able to play music, record of them, bob, which could be more. i'm actually glad she was a $34.00 separate out what i get, what i get the political agree with the additional q most of course you what was easy, the notion of the the the only is yes. you will just because i hope i can find you more
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room. you guys to do so, but would you not do the future de assisted? i don't know. what's the issue? yeah. well the reason for my was this the yesterday i'm under a 100 of them. sure. there's enough, you're dollars to the search. you're such a village george not going to look at it. so as a split 2nd for glover, i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to center part of able stablish and when quarter you kind of ash, apart from the one that's almost color cartridge, or is this the last to be reserved for conflicts or compare motors means just to go washer and you know that have some oh yeah. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what to do. who is here to pick it up?
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are michelle's to swing voters? somebody has a question. yes. can i see you and i should note a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of suits on the choice you have. so you might be good on this too. uh from us. uh you have of, uh, been waiting on this to when it oh, but if my are still on uh, do you mind with them shows do you want me or you could use as well? so mr. griffin was able to restart 3 of them, which did you mentality and yes as well. so. all righty. so the program schedule is under the brasmer boy. yeah. more as long as they go to the federalist for what's to be to do to me since it was in life. and while it was me was a number, but it was cut off at the, in the mission. i'm pretty me and then you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it the more to say to me, really things to come is that and you know,
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i didn't mean the one i'm and use it does least possible. mean wayne. but some of you see him, but i was the cause was pretty much it is. and then when you just for getting in the web know, mean you more than a religious for opportunities that they will reduce a woman because there is a, for the whole i'm the time frame to be charlie of the the thing the interested in attending pretty good this cousin who so who, who, who can listen to some of these interesting,
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who just wants to use it and study is continuous. who is the most in was, is for you are older, excuse me, if it is because i don't know how do i feel pretty sure most definitely. and then other with the most part was all right, dispos senior general and the for the sure that i want to do,
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i am said yes. tell me that you're not to do this. i think we proceed to the place. so good. i was just as soon as i remember seeing the particles, this was comfortable for you to just all his arm. i didn't go shopping and it was pretty sure it's a joke. these up near but off
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by is, is we ask you why the dog guy ambrose to oh, i go to the phone with us for the most part. it was just a moment. is the sum of buffalo avoiding difficult little simply clear. i certainly could not have a look at i should like, well you can restore 1st of all what she quoted the was it the most. yeah,
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i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is never seem just, but i must have business with the research. i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new, you're not good because of i am and you want us to come off, which to me is this, this, this tell you that or does it really if i it the function leave? cuz because some of the got it. so what is the moist, what's me about not, i mean that, i mean that's the cost and both got it for the the, the model for the middle of the front of the as much as part of a plane door to bring it replaced, which is the father
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that through pollution is almost there. which effort of safety for more information over to the to for most of the small did this the good news. the story of the year for the christmas to some done to someone to mos mile to come out and do the bulk of the car.
7:55 pm
so you as not those covers without the cheese for you as a matter of reason is a long number of seats available. the list that's assessable from the, from sure it's pretty reserved for the con, the song at them. susie, also known as declared to have you missed the scenario as far as far as though it's actually a little concerned. little minister is, is or is loneliness and we're still on attendance or show or is just that through the store. said some of the assistant for the stairs, but the whole new level of security on both ends will increase. i remember,
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i mean the year for the research that is the juice of the stuff she was not going through the sheet or other goodies stuff on the board designed by those last the minutes or so. just if the size of the previous a decision i'm divorced on this other. so i so i suppose the amount which is shown here, which are used to the g column, the special as much as
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well. great. and then it goes to the in 1884, the german empire began its colonial invasion into nam may be from the very start. berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drive. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as
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a cheap labor source. this was causing major protest and led to a rebuild your in 19 o 4. they hear arrow and now my drive is rebuild against the german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined in order to suppress the rebellion with the up most severe a date against the inhabitants of nan, maybe a germany through its 15000 well equipped army all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans gild up to 60000 people, among which there were 80 percent of the here railroad tried and 50 percent of the number dr. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century and not without reason. park compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later
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after the massacre in nam may be a hitler's the solve unit foot on the same brown colonial uniform which puts the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war the the the the
8:00 pm
push the button here, the rest of the crating security chief over allegedly tv crocuses, safety hold cetera. it's ok plus thing. it also puts the deadly pride in rigid side fucking 20. 22 is really pm. benjamin netanyahu says that will be no snow for elections as thousands of protesters got outside his residence and surrender haldeman in jerusalem. also, the issue you're simply picking. lawmakers suggest a vertical solution to ending the war in gaza as washington approves another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel plus.


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