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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  March 31, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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to criticize the russian presidential, very thing which i understand that you actually followed as an international observer. why is this such a big difference in the rest of right now? absolutely. i mean, i mean it's most the standards, it's a multitude more than that. you have to pay for that as part of the support via. busy the project and so the company with the big spaces, explanations why hayslip just as also trying to cite. busy americans for putting lipstick on page you're trying to make something beautiful when that is not where is when we're looking at the russian and. ready that's a problem for them because you have the cycle bad side or the one that's labeled bedside doing was a democratic state. what do it's business for? ration which is driving this and finally, a new favorite to house to 2025 games of the future has emerged. the 1st of the innovative, international tournaments,
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which combined competitions in both of physical and digital dimensions. so saturday, march this year in the russian city of cuz i'm now trying to once a piece of the action, i'll tease it, rebecca, not bits of blue spots, anybody's in part of it is just, it's a matter of fact how smooth um, i used to tear down the truck on his motorbike flying past the finish line to take to the podium. but his life changed after a raising cash in 2014. the accident left him paralyzed from the waist down. he started his new journey as a sport shooter, while going through we have a location until a new door of opportunities opened for him. in 2023, he was invited to take part in the civil ethics in cousin russia for presenting indonesia, the fighter and he agreed without hesitation by to we weren't born this way.
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however, we each have unique accounts of the tragedies that led to our disabilities. this game made us feel like we were born again. it pushed us to think about how we get back in life. even for those who were born with disabilities, it opens the door to opportunities to become athletes. then a nation government has shown that supports to disabled ab believe in competing in different international sports events. although the story of disabled athletes, half leveling known to populate. however, if thousands stopped being to see as a office for athletes to compete in the game stuff, the future, the civil attics was unlike anything your house has participated in before. the relate competition consisted of day to day activities that come with their own challenges for disabled athletes. moving items from one place to another. walking through stops mid of boxes and opening doors. and each task had to
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be completed as a team, as fast as possible, or even though a new nation, i didn't bring any trophies home. the experience has become a memory of a life to time that they hoped to repeat next year. we are quite happy with the enthusiasm shown from the russian government, from the event itself, and from the fact that disabled people are able to compete in the same environment . it was an amazing experience. we also saw enthusiasm from other contingencies. we are all looking forward to the next type of flex. the struggle for disabled people in indonesia is really not to mention your card out. for example, as the capital city ability shot is still far away from being disabled from late. but what the civil attic offers might change the game as he has continued to tackle new challenges in his life. he hopes that more disabled people in nature will be
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willing to join future competitions. not just throw in a trophy by to win back their life. that's how the world is looking as a new week, get some of the way do head over to our websites for all the latest i'd be just got on the back with more inside the mr. plug into you're most welcome to the program. thank you. so once again, our discussion of the security council on nato is actions and you can slow here, they've been blocked. why are western powers in your views so reluctant to, to even reflect on not episode of their military intervention? i think that they are afraid. they, i free the tools that will come out. they don't want the world to lose some once
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again to the details of a that's a horrible military campaign and totally unlawful new to the campaign that they conduct it's against against yugoslavia. but they also don't want us to highlights the responsibility of their leaders at the time of need to leaders. that's why they want to, to shut the miles of everybody they, i'm not interested in this, but in reality, we 1st ask for the before this meeting on monday and differentiate presented to you for using proceed procedural whose is locked. uh, i will be. but in reality, we stopped at every meeting of the security council during this week. with highlighting these procedural, russo follow a french colleagues and 14 for the votes of the agenda of the meeting. and we also squeezed the phrase or 2 about nato's aggression. i guess you guys live here,
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so instead of having one meeting on monday just or they actually have the whole week, it's worth pointing out as well, isn't it? that russia simply requested a discussion regarding the nato bombing a, not the adoption of any kind of formal resolution on the monitor. something as basic as that on the 1st real, significant down there for history, all of the bombing 25 years on. it's an important date. it was their opposition from a specific countries you mention france, there was, it wasn't one we're using. do think a certain reason or where there are various reasons why i, those countries did not why there was so such opposition to having a discussion of the debate. this is something that's uh, usually not happening uh the as the u. n. and the security council, because there is an article uh, number 2 of the provisional rules of procedure of security council, which implies that the, the current president of the council goals are meeting up on the request of any
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council member. usually these equals some kind of freedom of speech and freedom of expression and nobody questions such beats. but in these and this time at this time, we really looks like we really have shipped the nerve of our some colleagues, especially the french calling. there is nothing extra ordinary, not request. and we said that's the consequences of made so aggression, i felt until this date and actually all the problems that we have on the ball comes specifically in the relations between serbia and it seems like robots costs of a. we're also triggered by need to address them. we can say that this is the relevance. we're kind of saying that this is historic for fax only. there are a lot of historic situations on the agenda of the call. so that's a mets or even today. how can we discuss me the east, for example,
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without discussing the consequences of the last of the 9273, or 9 to 6 to 7 or even 1948 is absolutely impossible. so this is ridiculous. the last of all to yesterday, there were 6 countries altogether, and actually it was a clear divide between the west, some countries on longer with some countries and the security council. so the west countries, the rest of the countries, they acted in line with the block discipline, and they supported each other. but it was absolutely clear that their way behind these attempt to impose the sounds. so sheets in security council, which is a very difficult to conceal from from world public. yeah, there are 15 countries, 5 permanent members. so we got just below the threshold without, without the 2nd number, the 6, if we adopt these very, promote is french logic. them of, in order to hold a meeting, we should have got a 9 volts for the meeting. so we will have a short sale, zeroed shorts of these 9 volts. but according to our logic, as french questions,
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not the agenda items that we used about the meeting itself. they should have. uh, they should have updates uh, 9 volts, but the president uh japan. also, blaine's was like bleed into the hands of uh, west some countries for obvious reasons. and she didn't want to formulate the question in the right way. that's happened sometimes. unfortunately, i disagree with your call some people in serbia just to pick up and something you said people in the country who survived. they the $78.00 days of nato bombing. and then of course, the aftermath were many more people died. and they said we will never forgive, and we will never forget. but you think that you and you've mentioned some of the countries involved, that the western powers that took part wish that they could for a guest thought it was just essentially put under the rug. exactly, that was behind their reasoning, french and best of the planes. that's uh survey. it was not aware of the fact of
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the meeting so rational didn't consult with serbia. and this was a belief and flight because so that was very much interested in the holding these meeting up to everything. prime minister, even so that just came specifically to new york to be brought to this meeting and run the friendship presented. he was speaking, she was teaching him default listening to his beasley explains that certainly it was not the way of freshman requests. so actually to a survey who was even more interested to spell that through. so spell out the truth about what has happened then to remind that the consequences of this aggression i still felt this, do felt by people leaving their hands. we had to reverse the whole mind, very thankful for their readiness to participate on these reverse whereabouts to explain in detail what are the consequences for certain population medical, illogical infrastructure or whatever that i felt even right now 25 years after these migrations. so these would have been a very,
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very important discussions. and of course it gave our western colleagues uh, hold seats and they wanted to avoid it at any price. and that's why the really uh, stakes the for the ability and the they all sorted to the council asking for the. so the degree to a procedural a votes and trying to conceal the fact that they were questioning the effect of the meeting and not the item on the edge. and the reason was very shameful and pathetic to which there may be people are watching, sir, wondering why 255 years old. that of course, the anniversary is so significant this week. but why the offense of what happened in you? then you can slow be a why are they so important? no, for russia that they are important not only for us, and they are important for the whole world. and we see that there are still open. the ones in the ball comes not only in serbia,
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but elsewhere. and especially when we speak about the relations between bill great and preached, and there are a lot of the full outs that's really uh assessor assessor. it sounds that to you for them right now in serbia and around and the cost of the storage is defining international community. i define, excuse me, to counsel what are the illusions, relevance of 1st and foremost, foremost, 1244. recently were shows that the elementary assembly of the council of europe recommended the mission of coastal uh to the council, which is a clear violation of resolution $1244.00. so all of these things are happening because of a need to aggression. i guess you're just love it because of the fact that it's a national war was absolutely devastated tons of rapes by wisdom countries. they bypassed a security council that moments the this to the trash of china will not support
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such an action. some uh, some scholars believe that this was a turning points in the whole system of international relations. because this one was kind of different uh, the freezing or for the free for, or the freezing of the contradictions that have frozen off to the cold war. so it was kind of a resurrection of, of, of cold void southern form. and i think that there are lots of reasons for that. so we, we believe that these presidents when the need so look at that. and it depends on the country and actually sees about to get started today. and them declare it's uh, the independent clause, the independent states, they are of always imposing on every body to recognize these states. this is likely it precedents when the post war post cold war system was chapter and the
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helsinki act was chapters at this moment. and of course, the west doesn't want to acknowledge it. they, they say that it doesn't matter very much. they are now referring to the ones that have them in 2022, but they are absolutely authentic and trying to conceal the truth about this aggression and its role in the international relations of the they're all of which fall out in that the national relations, yeah, you raise a lot of fab big topics there. i'll return to something a little bit later if i can, but just returning to 1999. what was your assessment? what is your assessment of russia's stance on the nato bombing campaign of thought time on? has most schools position shifted at all over the years since then? well, that was the turning point. i remember it's quite well. i was already a young people and much in the foreign service and the very many people remember
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as well. that's uh, there was these famous, so you turn over the atlantic by the russian by the russian federal government. so you're getting, you pretty michael was going to washington to sign. so it's in agreements about financial assistance from the states and the international money into the funds. so what that i don't remember exactly about people that decision. i'm going to learn to about the aggression to make a u turn ends get. it turns out to moscow. this all was a very symbolic. and so i think that was the right to move to make because it was absolutely clear at this point. that's the only problem is this of the west. all the, all the hopes that there will be a fair international system built up to the dissolution of the soviet union out that, that the west will keep the problem is that way, given to, to solve you attend the rational leaders at that moment. all these hopes are absolutely useless and baseless the west is having its own agenda and it's implies these, these time. and that is implies a doing away with you guys live in serbia who knows what will be next time. so the
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moods right them where kind of a shock, because people really where hoping that this feeling that this would never happen. that way hoping that where there were some openings in the relations between the russian, the west. they were hoping that the, the 30 minutes of the cold war has gone forever. but the west with his actions proved otherwise. and we are where we are. i think that a lot of things that are happening to the also route back to these very unfortunate to the criminal decision by anybody needs to lead us just to point out what the russian leader has said subsequently, invalid were put in stating at the bombing of belgrade was a turning point for most of itself on one of the defining moments between east and west since the cold war a do you agree that it was significant? how's that?
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it's absolutely, absolutely. i would like to say that. so this is a, this is a ethics ethics of, of these time and the ethics of international relations. and of course, this is a benchmark, a hallmark that we all remember and this will forever stay in our memory no matter how old the west tries to, to consume attempt to put it in the shade they will never succeed in doing so. the western refusal to discuss the events come shortly after serbian president alexandra boot church warren, that quote difficult days lie ahead for his country. what do you think he meant by that? well, i may be mistaken, but it looks like she was mentioning this decision that's in reference to a decision of 11th or assembly on the council of europe to meet the customer as an independent states. this is of course, total violation of international law for you guys,
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security council resolution absolute lawlessness basis. it'd be placed on the example of these rules based on some national order that the u. s. sound is elyse promoting, where they are formulating the rules and they are asking and demanding that all this of a, to this rules. it says nothing to do with international. and you mentioned costs of where earlier, the self proclaimed authorities there, or how they choose most good trying to use the issue of the nato bombing of deepest lobby as some sort of justification for what is now happening in ukraine. how would you respond to that? as well is difficult for me to comment. so what's the, what's on the minds? i think they'd better think about how to manage the problems that they have. great, it's in relations between christian and build rate. we recently discussed in the security council of the issue of the banning of the circulation of serbian deena in
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the northern parts of, of casa, which means the life of tolerable for thought for certain population of these, of these the area. there are a lot of other things that's cost of lead us from is to build riots in the framework of the brussels discussions under the close of the european union. but the gaps, no single problem. the problem is out of this and things are further being complicates . it's by these uh, the prospect of, of course, so uh, being admitted to the council of europe this up to so again, friends to formulate the reaction. but this is absolutely disgusting, frankly, what the west is doing in these so called solicitation. so i think that the cost of, of the fact that i started to distribute to think about this events and lots of mentions, something else happening in the other. but, you know, you can solve an ukraine, have both become focal points in the re shipping on orders in europe. however, while the west was quick to back, the self proclaimed independence of the cost of
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a rapidly quick. i remember when that happened, it's refused to recognize rushes, re unification, to try me on more recently for new regions. can i get your, your, why such an inconsistent approach to this? it just seems to be an opposite different levels as well. these are absolutely shameful. the blades and double standards. we discussed this issue repeatedly with the rest of the colleagues, but they pretend to be absolutely deaf blind them. now, when we raised these issues, we, for example, points out to them that in the costs of the independence was brooklyn's by the problem. whereas the decision on cry me or was they can as a result of the friends. and so if you speak about democratic procedure, so then they were absolutely observed in case of, of russia,
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but they were absolutely disregard as in case of costs a. so of course, these are, these are believes and double standards. this is the, the cornerstone of these double stand that sound the policy of rules based international order. that's the west is trying to impose. i think this is obvious for everybody, for every unbiased scroll up for every unbiased implement this is absolutely clear or what has happened in past summer and what are the for a lot? what does they fall out of? it's on all of us. if i can turn away from the uh, you can stop the underbrush tree for a moment or 2 and talk about the un security council itself. so to what extent is it still relevant able to fully function when it comes to conflicts like you brain on gaza? some critics say it's turning into another league of nations which became the funds they had of the 2nd world war. how does the time come to reform the u. n. s. c,
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and what sort of changes are needed there in your if you well, frankly, i don't think that the skillets across the security council is the relevant. and the, i don't think that there's a price comparison between the u. m and the league of nations. the big difference is of the existence of, of the permanent members of the security council who have the right to veto. this is a very important function which x actually should be viewed as the key incentive to find and negotiate a solution. and that's how it usually works. for example, recently a restaurant china to use the heat. so when you yes, table to resolution, which was actually the green light for the 0 to continue what it does in gaza with reference to the ceasefire, which was actually the main demand for the international community. only has
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determined determines the imperative of immediacy is fine. so i really failed to understand what is it determines to imperative and how it would have been implemented practically. so when he told these draft, and immediately after that there was another draft prepared by the non permanent members of the security council, which demanded ceasefire. and these draft was adopted, the bulk of the situation was on the agenda of the security cause of those where there are no deep differences among the 5 permanent members. and so they are, the council is very efficiently forget the council works together. i specifically have in mind for example, african issues or like columbia or some other crisis situation so. so these 2 issues, they are very important. they are very loud, but the, the not to present the bulk of the agenda of disagreements because the council of course, needs to be reformed. everybody agrees that it's needs to be formed,
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but the positions of the cancer has a very different they have. anybody for example, acknowledges that's a security council. it should be in a compositional disagree with your council should reflect the situation in the world. and that's, there should be like a correction officer, started can justice was the african continental issues, numerous and the we sure it presents a lot of items on the agenda of security council. so everybody's in favor of adding a african members to the security council. same about different translates in america, but uh they are, there is also understanding that's such an important issue as a form of the security council should come through a solution which would be. busy ideally consensual or close to this because this is something that can be imposed by a majority to minority, for example, is a vote in the general assembly. this is too important and this will never work if it is the case. and there comes some diversion says that version says on the
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presentation, for example, it all shot and some other countries clearly saying that the rest is over representative. and i think that the recent situation that we just talked about discussion waves in the, in the us live am using clearly shows this, the western countries, they use blog discipline and the defect to block uh, security costs are from discussing the issues that they don't want to discuss, they have these kids on the beach, so sometimes united states and its allies, they don't need to devote against dense. this doesn't count as a veto power because because um we simply do not have enough votes to proud to remo. that decision will definitely want, so the west is already presented various of the international or arena there, although the west is declining. best way to clear out the voices of the african agent ways in the american countries of sounding louder and louder. and they are
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not held in the security council in the way they should be here. and just finally, and i hope i don't part of phrase you wrongly but, but earlier you're saying that if you don't have an understanding of the past, you're doing to repeat the mistakes in the future. not if we go, if we look at certain things in the recent past, the past 100 years or so, you've got the san francisco conference in 1945 famously leading out the post world war 2 order of international relations the most to summit in 1989, the us and the soviet union, the current, the end of the cold war, essentially paving the way for a uni portal world order. know that the world is again, going through a huge change. the next lunmark peace conference, b as world offering it is there it is there a bill? it's that you for that to happen on where could that happen? well, it's difficult to speak about it at this stage because we are not there yet. i think that at this stage the west is still trying to print and that's uh,
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nothing is happening. that's uh the world is not changing in the way it is changing and they are trying to degree to grasp. that's there waiting position in the world . but this is the process that we, we negatively come to the point where then you then you will to really manage the multi polar world. and we will of course, have to discuss the foundations of this world. by the way, i could say maybe some people will not agree with me about the un i'm going to be and shouldn't be very helpful in these exercise because the chapter of the i'm is the basis for international law as you're on the is in itself. it's the, the cornerstone of multi polarity is the question of interpretation. not the fact that the, you know, for example, the charts that needs to be corrected. same the, the so that way it's not necessarily so, so why don't you have there when we will discuss the next confidence way it should
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take place and make some traveling arrangements for these so far the way to so it's very is step stubborn. it doesn't, once dialect still has some hoops to inflict to my country strategic defeats or at least we can. it's significantly, but it's quite obvious from what we see in reality. that's um, this is a really wishful thinking. i'll follow with some neighbors and they will inevitably come to the understanding that we should talk. we should speak about the root cause is not, that's what happens in 2022 is the for them that this is the uh, the only thing that we can discuss and what we should discuss a lot of things, including gus, lot of you including needs are in large amounts including the uncapped promises of uh, what's the latest to, to the saga time the address and lead us at least a lot of issues that should be very frank discussion and we are ready for these. we already, we all was cold for the west engagement side discussion. you know,
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that we made the proposal proposals on european security and in the, in late to 1021 which with understandingly rejected by the us and by need. so there are a lot of things to be discussed on that. i'm sure we will find a time in place provided the west uh, takes away, so rosie glosses and looks at the reality, which is quite green for some cancers right now. well, thank you for having a dialogue with our tea. you've been more than good with your time today, sir. we've been speaking it to rest as deputy and foster to the united nations. dimitri pol against a good to see you. the
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the bush demands kid, arrested, the training and security chief over allegedly, to the crocus city hold. so it's hard for us and you also fund the deadly crime in bridget sykes. back in 2022 is very pm. benjamin netanyahu says there will be no, it's not elections. as was thousands of protesters got outside his residence and surround parliaments in jerusalem, also had the us republican low make us just so radical solutions ending the war, inc garza as washington, a priest, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. and the to the cation presidents, a k positives.


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