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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 1, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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end of the 18th century britain began the illegal opium frayed in china. this hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy owl beyond. however, the ruling chinese jean dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards, barley, armed and morally drained chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading the lethal good. in 1856 branch and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the
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wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into a semi colony of european states. and started the age of humiliation and the sale of opium to con collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese the hello, i'm the miller chan. you're tuned into modus operandi. as the ukraine conflict enters it's 3rd year with no off ramp in sight, many in the west are noticing mixed signals from their respective governments about how this regional war may soon impact them at home. from doomsday prepping too patriotic calls to join the military. we'll explore some of the not so subtle
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messages coming from europe. all right, let's get into the m o. the b w. waco has issued a disturbing, a warning to countries in europe. start stop piling medicines for new, clear emergencies. that message rang in 2023. and now by 2024. the message is about stockpiling. every thing you can at home, basic medicines, medical supplies, shelf stable food, water, batteries, even handled. and when you read stories about celebrities, an ellipse like mark zuckerberg, allegedly building some sort of doomsday or nuclear fall out bunker in hawaii. you really start to wonder if perhaps they know something we don't. is there
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a cause for concern that expansion of the ukraine war is possible and just who would drive that expansion for more on this will bring in a geo political expert, glen d, as in professor of political science and history at the university of oslo in norway his newest book is out now called the ukraine war and the your ration world order professor. thank you so much for joining us. well, thank you from you to. so i am seeing a lot of tv commercials magazine inserts billboard, social media posts articles from all over places across europe, basically telling people to stock up on medicine because of forthcoming shortages, you know, just in case just in case socket. bunch of stable food stuck up on water. be prepared. they say in case of what professor, i mean for me when i hear this, i think of toilet paper because you know the great
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t p shortage of 2020. that was due to coven. but i don't get the sense that they're implying another pandemic will befall europe. what are they really saying here? listening to the contradictory message? because on the one hand we hear from many official stats, there's no direct threats from russia. russia wouldn't dare to attack nato on the other hand, and we're also being told we have to prepare for war and the rush i could attack, but this is part of the, you know, conflicting messages we, we get all the time and the, but i guess this hyperlink, the fair or has some purposes for one, it creates more incentives or willingness to invest more into the ukranian war. and the assumption being that they said we can fight brush over there, then we don't have to fight in here. but it could also be a warning for possible future nato involvement. again, this would be speculation,
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but obviously the worse and going us we have planned and us is to create an army, begins to collapse. nature will have a dilemma. defense is it's gonna have what's your credit collapse and like set that this proxy or has been a failure and that defeats or will in a real nato then escalates by sending more long range missiles to weapons or sending actual more nato troops into ukraine. either officially or other the framing flags and both of which could then spark of the rest of, or between nato and russia. so it's, it's so far it's unclear. and this is just to increase the support for the current for or planning for the situation to get to more moving more towards the direct force. so, but again, it's a very strange august. no one's thinking about russia will invade that. no one has
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some clear the set exactly what will be the point of this or the strategy. now here are the states. we constantly hear mainstream media saying, put in, we'll just march into the you after the fall of ukraine. you know, despite his constant rejection and, and denial of this notion. and despite 0 evidence to support this claim that are being made by politicians here in the us and in europe, americans are split on whether or not to believe this. what about your pins? are they believing this allegation? well, i think they're also bit split. part of it is because the narrative is not consistent because we keep saying that it's important to get to your credit into nato, because russia would never dare to attach the ukraine if it was part of nato. on the other hand, were also told at once the rush is done with ukraine is going to march into nato. so none of this really makes any sense of the content of both ways. you know, if we have a proper journalist with integrity, they would ask this question,
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which one is it about unfortunately, and no one's really putting forth a clear narrative. the main common denominator would be that we're being told, you know, we should say russia, but still we are more powerful, so it ends up not being consistent. and this is something that we see with the actually over, at least over the past 200 years. whenever there's a reference to, to russia events take one out of to use either it's hopelessly backwards or it's an overwhelming threats to civilization. and we'll see this in ukraine as well. you know, the russians are stealing the toilets and washing machines to, to harvest them for computer chips. but at the same time, they're developing, uh, don't stay device in space. you know, they can't take a single village with a new crane, but still they will uh, roll over over your unless something is done. so it's, um,
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i think it's uh that the divisions in the countries can be considered a product of this very inconsistent narrative. so, but again, this is the, the narrative we have, the people are confused because the says, rushing, they did you claim that this invasion was on, provoked with us on, provoke the russia simply looking for a new territory. and if that's the case, it's an a form of opportunism. so it's there unpredictable where it will go next. but of course if you're admitted, watson for golf then have to address other questions. to what extent did we provide help to promote kits and then you would actually have to deal with the idea that there's a, a peaceful settlement to this, which we're not quite ready to do yet. so we're still sticking with unprovoked narrative, which i guess feels a lot of this confusion. yeah, let's also not forget young adult and birth public. we said the reason for the russian invasion was the expansion of nato into ukraine. what could it could have
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had one thing on this, cuz you said, yeah, no, sorry about, but this is part of the inconsistent narrative. because for years, the nato secretary general of the in stoughton works that listen and nato expansion has nothing to do with this more. this is just rush, i want to do restore the soviet union. and then when it's on a different topic is talking about expanding nato to, to sweden and finland. now, you know he's takes us victory lap and so, so listen, the russians told us the condition if, unless we accept their child to, for ukraine, they would invade because this was the main concern for the russians. no more nato expansion or will. and they do credit, and he says, well, of course we said no, and russian dated and now, and at the same time, any saying, listen, we a, the russians wanted less nato on their border. now they're getting more. so this was kind of the victory last but not always been think 2 things. this has nothing
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to do with nato, and this is the reason why russian related. so again, these 2 things can both be true. so ideally, you, this is when a journalist would come up to say, well, which one is it a stupid thing to contradict your things? but she hasn't been asked that question yet. so this fear monitoring over russia, the constant comparison between put in and hitler or russia and the nazis. obviously, world war 2 strikes 8 different nerve in europeans than it does for americans. because, you know, unlike the us, europe really was getting taken over by the nazis. but it was the russians. and the soviets, who staved off the nazis, it was the soviets, who planted their flag on the right stuff. well, most americans may not actually know this fact of history. europeans should know. i mean, you're a university professor, have the younger europeans forgotten about their own modern history as well. they
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should also strike different there for europeans, because this will be the ground 0 or this was the center of the 2nd world war. and the, it would likely be the center of another world war if we would fights one against russia. but also we should have a better memory of history given that this was a more on our soil, lots of united states. and there's actually an interesting post which had been done in france since then the world war 2. and they asked the, the of this, the respondents of who contributed the most of the seat, the fiddler. now after world war 2, you have a almost 60 percent confirming. well, obviously this last associates a and then you see a decade by becky if it's dropping. and i think now we're down to 14 percent recognizing as soon as the soviet union, which is kind of quite astonishing because yes, you can have different interpretation of reality. but there's also an objective
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reality. you can actually measure was clear, observable, measurable indicators who contributed the most. and it's interesting that over time and yeah, it's simply a vanished reality objective reality. we don't give it a few more decades and they probably think it tom hanks saved here from the fascist but the 1st of the simpler references. so this is not nothing new, of course uh, at least over the past 30 years, the, in every new war and the leader of the adversarial country is a new retardation of hitler. so me lots of which was a hitler, a sort of the same as the hitler in that office that hitler put in. and some also referred to she as a blur. and this has a but if it's a silly way of referring to, well simplifying the complexity of international relations and conflict. mean if you would explain this how you would explain politics to a child or a fanatic, which is like we're having a conflict because the other country has
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a very bad man rolling it. if we can just get rid of the men, we will go back to normal, see, you know, depriving or an issue of holes. it's complexity, embalming it down, simplifying it to that extent. it's a, it was dangerous and also put it into the category of propaganda. um, but again, this is often where we end up, it's uh, narratives. and again this court from canada you want to root juice, everything to narrative good versus evil democracy, russo authoritarianism. and uh, if i say it's dangerous as well. well, because the benefit obviously is good to mobilize the public if they think they're in the conflict with people, the dangerous. if you come into the people that we're on, the struggle of good versus evil, then you are willing to reject a workable piece because now it gets evil piece would require victory. and the guess evil negotiations is a piece not. this also loves the ration more than a century ago by walter ligman during the russian revolution,
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when he looked at the british propaganda. but you could as easily apply its today to the war, a new cream to wear. more weapons is now the cost of peace negotiations and diplomacy is an evil which we should not even discuss. right. coming up next, the fall of 2024 may prove to be one of the most consequential seasons in modern times as americans go to the polls to elect potentially a different president. but also, there will be shake ups in the european parliament elections and a new face will lead nato. we'll discuss it when we return with professor, when these and sit tight, the m o will be right back the the
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all the same rom, just don't you have to shape house after kids and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the welcome back to the m o m l a chance. let's waste no time and hop right back in with our guest, professor glenn, these and thank you so much for sticking back with us. now speaking of nato, joe biden has reportedly endorsed the dutch p. m. mark ruetta as the next nato secretary general. now young stilton burn term is coming to an end. this fall in october, head of the us presidential election is ruta, has the backing of the u. s. is this basically a done deal and, and what does that mean for the expansion of the ukraine war? well, i think runs by now, which is was reported political as of given the support for those to i would consider that to be uh, yeah, this is the only thing we need to know. uh,
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i don't think the europeans would uh go against a biden's selection. of course, there will be of this argument that the everyone has to be consensus. everyone has to agree to. but as we saw was that even, you know, nato expansion to sweden, congress like turkey or on hungry who don't fall in line, the immense pressure come on. so i don't say anything genuine seriously, will oppose this. but it will, it wouldn't surprise me. it didn't surprise me actually, who wrote a choice or uh, more than a month ago is for predicting that's exactly to say would become the next like next, middle, 60 or general. now i don't have a crystal ball. i was merely reading deduction, media, and introduction media. they, they covered the future for, for the day, you know, have to have agreed to step down as a prime minister middle months, given some very scandals. and then the doctor media reports how he was trying to
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get a new job for himself that he was targeting this new to a tough job in order to get it. he, i've made sure to is what's the best for me, you know, said a sweet bald criticism under the carpet. so effectively whitewash is relative on the side. he's also taken on a fiercely anti russian auster. and of course, joining in on the bombing of u. m. a, so this was kind of winning the approval and showing his loyalty to washington and then washington will select him to lead the other europeans. so this also would any, i think was predictable. that being said, i think it's 2 thirds of the europeans as well. support his candidacy, so i think it's now a done deal. i've heard some chatter of compulsory military service for you states being discussed. that would defacto mean more soldiers for nato. meanwhile, french president emanuel my crone has thrown around the idea of this sort of
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independent. you only military force or this alliance to what compulsory military service be supported by most european civilians or, you know, this idea of an e u, only military alliance. well, in terms of the compulsory military service, it is becoming concerned because as the europe is now looking to the prospect of war, who is looking now more and more likely, i mean, initially was the training. so i suppose to 5, but the now that we're, we're running on the train is that it becomes a possibility that we might, that this one might be expanded. so the worst johnson here, he made a fleet to the, to the british, where he effected them to come to argue that they have become as well to fact and lazy to it, just interested in the army. so there is a push now to how to re mobilize syrup and to this. and i think it could be possible for some to please warm up the public to the idea of compulsory military
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service as most of most of the country. so i'm good and got rid of it. this idea of buying money will go on to develop an independent u military force. it's been, uh, it's been the for a while. and the reason why he, they propose that this just many reasons one would be, it's a, it's a reason for further integration. and this is a problem because you, country to deliver and much economic benefits anymore. so what's going to drive forward further integration? it's hard to make an economic argument for it now. so shifting to the military, there would make more sense. i think also there's an a desire by him for many europeans to be able to search some kind of independence. and keep in mind that you for years talked about strategic autonomy, european independence. but as we see now that the europeans have become cut themselves off from russia increasingly to china, becoming very dependent on united states. uh, which is causing
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a lot of concern. so uh, and the key instruments for the united states is coming for security dependence into economic loyalty. so we have military conflicts with other countries. we will more likely be able to, well, the, reduce our, the verification and become more reliable united states. so they have some purpose to be able to you army, but the i, it's, um, it doesn't have the likely, it's unlikely to succeed, i think. and it would also contribute to the current trend of making, the less the civilian force and more towards the so called geo political or militarize. the structure now last week on the title of your new book, the ukraine war and the, your region, world order. explain that title to us and, and perhaps your outlook for the conflict in, in the months to come. well, um i argue that the, the, the ukraine warner percent something much larger than man,
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they're approx or in your, uh, because uh, and you hear this rhetoric coming from both sides. both the well once on the western countries and russia talked about this as if it would be a shaping that i will order. and i think the do this cause is correct. we're currently part of the kale, swearing and most conflicts uh today. or to a large extent, the products of our shifting world order. after the cold war, we had a world order based on the polarity. that means one central power, which was due, not a states, and this is how the world was going to be organized through us global primacy. the florida is no longer reality is reality in terms of the power distribution. you see now multiple r t. how? so what it emerged, and it's manifesting itself. but we're in the middle between the 2 orders. we haven't, we have less beautiful r t, but the multiple parity hasn't really cemented itself. and for this reason, the us would like to pull the world boxed unit polarity while they're, you know,
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rush out china in the most of the world. what 6? yeah. what most of it was outside middle that is, would like to see the world pushed towards multiplier to. and i think this is a good way of standing the crate in worse worldwide. both sides are prepared now to risk even nuclear war, as if the, if native would win this war and russia would be broken. and also that's what we can significantly china, and that's will be the what, what's the strength and the, the unit fall, or order. on the other hand, if the russia would succeed, then we would likely see multiple our to emerge. and this is also the, the message i get from people around the world. the various leaders around the world are saying in a way that we don't necessarily support process for against the ukraine. but the if we, if for natal defeats rush out of the world will really be unbearable. eh, at least the west would be unbearable if they would then try to act as a uniform,
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a collective hedge them on again. so. so this is kind of the world order we're currently in. and of course this also explains a lot of the conflicts with the wrong china, etc. and i argued that the new world were coming towards this, not just multiple everybody. so you ration multiple are to. so different than what we had in the past, us to describe powers from china, india, russia are seeking to integrate the racial continents in order to lay the foundations for the goal. set them on a corner in terms of a so the costs of the months to come. i think this is the. yeah, quite the important time for all of humanity in the most to come because the way i see it on the battlefield, nato and ukraine is listen just just the objective reality is a war of attrition. we've lost your friends lost his manpower this. so no more
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weaponry that munition even natal admitted the we emptied our storage and the training appears to be a friend. the army appears to be moving towards collapse, which is also fueling political conflict. so this is why we're in a dangerous point in time. now ukraine lights, if it collapses, what is, what are we going to do? or we're going to send in a snare to gonna join the call select. and we're going to fight russia, which will very likely end up in a nuclear exchange. or we're going to try to find some kind of a peaceful settlement or just watch your grand collapse. and there's so much there's so much dependent on this, again, the future of the world order. so you should expect countries to great powers to be willing to take huge risks, even though it's difficult to predict the consequences of the. again, this is why it's a extremely dangerous war. and the absence of any diplomacy and negotiations is so dangerous. glen this and professor of political science and history at the
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university of oslo. thank you so much as always go check out his new book called the ukraine war and or your ration world order. thank you. oh, thanks again from you. i appreciate it. all right, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that digs deep into foreign policy and current affairs on your host window a chan. thank you so much for tuning and we'll see you again next time to figure out the m o the, [000:00:00;00] the lady d like has and which device will you at the close,
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more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go out of or the pressure demands the rest and extradition of ukrainians linked to terror attacks, including the moscow mastercard, a group of great politician, the se, cubes actions have clearly been supervised by the us duty as they are. they rushed to acquit themselves 1st and then you crane. i think that no one can believe what the us as saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu refuses to hold a snap election, which the thousands of protesters are demanding, as bates rally outside his residence. and the countries of parliament plus


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