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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the best of part of the pressure demands the arrest and extradition of ukrainians. linked to terror attacks, including the moscow mastercard, a group of great politician, the se, kids actions have clearly been supervised by the us duty as they are. they rush to acquit themselves 1st, and then you crane. i think there's no one can believe what the usaa saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu refuses to hold a snap election, which the thousands of protesters are demanding a states rally outside his residence and the countries of parliament. plus the
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electro public and lawmaker suggests a radical solution to ending the war in gaza as washington a prince. another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons is round the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow were covering the top news stories from around the worlds. moscow has demanded the arrest and extradition of ukrainian officials, including its security chief in connection with a string of terror attacks and rush. so that includes the crocus massacre in the russian side, demands that the key of raising immediately ceased. any support for terrorist activities, extradite the perpetrators and compensate the damage cause to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the anti terrorism conventions will
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result in its international legal responsibility. among these demands is the rest of the head of the s b u. v. mail you who cynically admitted on march 25th, that ukraine organized the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022 and revealed the details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation. earlier russia is and security service chief said moscow knows the names of those behind the march 22nd terror attack. with the evidence pointing directly to t of alexander martin. the call to added that the f as b will make sure all the perpetrators are brought to justice. the practice concert hall massacre is russia's worst of terror attack in decades. 144 people were killed with more than 500 other has will tease. since the day of the tragedy, a steady stream of people continues to gather and makes us memorial at the scene, is now packed with flowers and the candles of citizens from all over russia,
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as well as many foreign dignitaries come to pay their respects. the lexia of claims had nothing to do with the massacre. however, top your current and officials have previously boasted about killing russian civilians. he has military intelligence chief, has also threatened new attacks on the countries infrastructure. receiving this promotion has actually been building a railway for over a year now to connect to our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we can somehow manage the overland section of the railway. we all have experience in this and it is much easier than the issue of the crime in bridge. my colleague, you know, neil spoke with french j a political analysts say all the law tre, who says the organizers of the moscow massacre clearly didn't expect the terrorist to be taken alive and spilled the beans. what we know so far is that the ukrainian services could not have done this alone. they, they have,
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have to have at least the approval of the united states. and most probably the brightest secret service. also, i my 6th and see i for the united states. so the, the, the only thing that the screw up in the plan is that the, the were not expecting the russian services to get those guys alive and have them talking. and they have been talking and we, the russian services wearable to gather intelligence that pointed that the financial system came from the ground and put some money a link to, to your plane. so i mean, it's use, it's absolutely of use that it's something that was a ver alder bar backed up by the united states executive by the funding services. there is absolutely no depth about this. the point where we are, we all know that you praying is not just the doors, the organization. it's. it is just a 3rd state by itself. the one that i should give,
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which they have always been doing like this. and they are acting they b as they're responsible for the as a nation of the body of the re. now there are responsible for the some nation of, of let on petoskey. they are in very serious situation on the front line and they are phone being all civilians in a in belgrade they are trying to bomb the energy of resources and much deeper into russian for the russian stating during stories that i'm not even according to them. at force china bowl because it's so there is nothing unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing to this expect from you frank, to slow down and then we will, we know that we will try to do everything they can just try it again. we. we talked just again when the crocus city called a terrorist attack happened. it was so fast when us officials came out to say that
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they had at no evidence whatsoever is to suggest that ukraine or ukrainians were involved. they backed up that denial, they've double done, but yet again, no evidence has come from the white house to definitively say that ukraine was not involved. do you expect anything to come in that regard or will they just hope that it goes away? well uh the very 1st, the reason why they immediately said that it's not the premiums, but i this is just to cover the ukrainians point. if they have not said anything, then maybe we would have looked at somewhere else. and if you allow me that just 11 point, the fact that those guys that were heading back to you frame, uh they were probably not expected to be um, uh, welcomed like zeros. but my best bet is that they would have been simply executive shut that by the door services just to leave no trace. when i ask them,
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ask her was apparently orchestrated by. b under the supervision of washington, that's the conclusion by the founders of 3 greek political parties in a joint statement, only for lapses the fantasy that the unspeakable tragedy at the moscow concert was the work of inspiration, planning and execution by isis. and indeed, by a declining regional part of it isis course on from all the evidence that emerges. and especially from the testimonies of the arrested terrorists. it is concluded that the terrorist attack and croak, a city was carried out by a mercenary group of ruthless killers, bearing the stamp of the ukrainian nazis of kev and the bowl of hi supervision of us agencies to well shortly after the march 22nd. it's prosody in moscow, washington was clicked to blame isis. us officials alleged to have had intelligence that the economic terrorist group was preparing such an attack. and i says ssl based in afghanistan later claimed responsibility which moscow dismissed as a false flag. and we asked one of the great party founders who blinds kevin
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washington for his in depth assessment. the, the i see is doesn't seem to have any independent voice or action. it seems that it has probably been controlled by the american bridge secure to services. and it is used cleverly and sometimes very crudely to serve the goals of the american bridge strategy in the middle east. and now apparently in ukraine, normally an extreme islamic organization such as ices at services. let me go united zation should at this time be turning. i would say exclusively against israel and the genocide it is carried out in gaza about barrett genocide, the most beautiful and miserable human history. and yet we have not seen ices going after israel. on the contrary, i suppose, has recently been systematically it's i can those who turn against israel, for example. it has seriously heard, but shuttle assess syria, which has been fighting israel with particular for us still lately. just as it is
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not justified to keep iran, which is the main animal as well in the middle east. and yet, ice has attacked a large gathering during the anniversary of essentially minus killing. we have now reached the point where we're ice. this is also attacked in russia with these terrible heat that was done this tragic act of terrorism at the concert center. so why, what kind of interest could an extremist islamic organization have an attack in russia and 8 in the us bridge plans as well as ukraine? because every hit against russia works in favor of ukraine and the western powers that support keeps. all of these shows that isis is opponent to serve the american bridge of strategy. that's why i believe that the last hit was directed by american british forces and ukraine. let's not forget that islamic terrorism was born in the us site. washington has nurtured islamic terrorism is the time of the lot of them. and they'll tell you that. and i've done
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a study based studies allow me to arisen with a lot of money on weapons. the us is a custom to using is limited terrorists to keep their enemies and for productive actions of any kind to satisfy their strategic needs. the babies, it strikes me that the 1st thing the americans said was that ukraine had no involvement in the most co attack. how did they know so quickly? it hadn't been made known yet. duty as they are, they rushed to equip themselves 1st and then you crane. i think that no one can believe what the usaa saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the clintons are losing the war, and the west is losing the war. so they will try to hit russia with the symmetric warfare and not in the military field. besides, we see that these symmetric attacks by the crane is against russia. with the help of the west are intensified. they attack populated cities and russia in dumbass,
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their civilian casualties. and belgrade is still your cleaning target with heavy consequences for the people you know is that there is other who is the us knew by the terrorist attack, a truck, a city hall, and it made sure to warn its citizens in russia, in order to protect them. these gave away their whole plan because they showed that they knew it is impossible, that the information they had was vague or speculative, but they still refrained from fully informing russia. so as you understand the us, the law thinks 10 fold, which i believe it planned in the 1st place. as a matter of fact, i think the man for these attack a corporate city, whole to be much worse. they were expect and thousands of casualties because the terrorist attack in such ways that the outcome would be much worse. planting bombs in a crowded concert hall, setting a fire and destroying the roof and shooting blindly in the hole. no matter if payment of children, women, or elderly citizens, it was expected that the number of victims would be large,
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the shows how impotent they are and how they have blend these attack against russia . and this whole symmetric war, the us doesn't want to lose the war and ukraine, and they will do anything to prevent the defeat of ukraine would mean that us is also defeated. there was some circles in the us that have a very dangerous way of thinking. they think that if the us loses its global influence, it would be better for the world not to exist. they is rarely prime minister claims holding elections now will distract the country for months and play into the hands of homos. as israel is gripped by a fresh wave of anti government protest with people demanding the resignation of benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet. the coals for elections now in the middle of the will just be full victory will paralyze israel for at least 6 months. 8 months in my estimation, they will paralyze negotiations for the release of all hostages. they will bring the war to an end before the completion of its objectives. and the 1st of last,
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it will be come off from a as on sunday, tens of thousands gathered into arisen for what is believed to be the biggest anti government raleigh. since israel launched as war on garza and october classes broke out as least try to keep the crowds in check. people are also calling for the leadership to 3 to a hostage release deal with him. us at least $130.00 objectives, remain in gaza and many as rarely is believe netanyahu is failing them on the prime minister. claims that such a position is wrong and misleading. well, here's what else. some of the demonstrators in jerusalem had to say, no, he's not doing his job anywhere in the last down in every immediately close to the people is good enough. we need to function in government. it's clear that personal interest,
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the leading the prime minister and effect his decisions. it's time in the government work for the people to bring back the hostages to build a better future for us. so the current government is just bringing us down palestinian entrepreneur and veteran politician, boston who are a told us that mazda is probably not the reason why netanyahu doesn't want elections right now. and it's now basically saying that he doesn't want the elections because he's estimate the results of the elections. because on up in the impulse indicates that if elections of hand he would lose have somebody. and he would then be have to face a adjuster for i've used as a followed and for corruption charges. if the us really, once they consult this was immediately with a present for a one phone call or not even just the one of the message during that time, you know, and this one with and, and the case in point is the last 2500000000 this,
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we committed to the 8 that the deal escapes to is. so to know is an if the us once is a, this desire to stop is it was stopped immediately. let's put it this way in my, in my opinion, is that and the u. s. a play and good cop bad cop game with us is the u. s. has dismantled what aspects of the base international order? what's basically the of being hippocratic code. and this is what the shocking is that the west, the saw hippocratic and about the, the flaw human rights sort of like center. and what we're seeing today is the us a going 100 percent with as a the efforts explosive comments on how to enter the gaza war. have come from the us republican lawmaker who says the palestinian enclave should be swiftly annihilated by bombs. i don't think you're a rush
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to help us. we shouldn't be the issue. it shouldn't be like you know, tim walberg spokes person was quite to scramble for damage control, claiming the congressman was just using a metaphor and actually emphasizes with innocent diamonds. but critics say they're not buying the excuse. the commons commas the enclave faces a humanitarian catastrophe. is really bombardments, have destroyed over 70 percent of jobs and infrastructure and force. the displacement of almost 2000000 palestinians. civilians are struggling to survive with extremely limited access to food and water
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but some of the latest is really airstrikes on sunday had attend to camp in the courtyard of the opposite hospitals for like at least 2 people. so i was, is of display civilians have been sheltering at the medical facility for months fellow city and journalists, mohammed boot the ruse was severely injured by and is really or a strike in front of the ox, the hospital while he was filming. here's how he described to the incident. i was in the corridor on hi heather, whistling, sound in my ears. then i couldn't hear anything. i just fell to the ground. i didn't know what happens. i looked at my life to find it has the severely injured media reports have estimated that on average 15 guys are killed every hour, half of them children. but some of us political figures say they is really assault isn't going hard enough or the same footage divided
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by then you would your terrace, you support her listing. go on the board. i'm not so you go, i'm just working yours, right. you're a terrible person. you considering not me go my kids, you get your thing, not me go, i mean, okay. oh i see you don't want retail $4000.00 to me and said, you know why it wasn't enough. it wasn't on the go go go. well, the nearly 6 month long war and gaza has claimed to over 32700 lives according to local officials. and the idea is only expanding its military offensive. many as rarely citizens are speaking in favor of that strategy with some even calling for more radical solutions. it was today. i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button
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where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning would drop. what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of gaza, flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death as well. some us politicians support israel and its efforts in gaza, many of their constituents contests the military methods. thousands in new york city and the dallas have taken to the streets, protesting b is really offensive and demanding an immediate cease fire in manhattan. some cost with police and, and burned the is valley flag. meanwhile, the white house has quietly approved 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. the new arms package includes half a 1000 powerful bombs each waiting over $500.00 pounds plus
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a large squadron of f. 35 fighter jets and almost 2000 mass of bombs that way. a huge 2000 pounds each little east analysts rep or english, those israel in the us are currently not preparing to bring peace to the middle east. what is telling here is that the united states has full complexity and this, at the end of the day, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed in gaza. it could stop it with one phone call, but it's made the active decision not to do that. and now we see the sort of statements which are openly calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states against the palestinian people. the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop there, essentially playing this dirty game of pretending that they want a ceasefire, while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are
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not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for the mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the as riley's do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even a, any of the other, some 12 smaller armpits, which are functioning in the gaza strip and slicing them every single day. and in the latest edition of going underground with ab shandra tons, the american political scientist and active is norman single stain breaks down the us. the political establishment is reliance on wealthy jewish donors. here's a quick taste of the full conversation when she can watch throughout the day, right here on our tea. let's move on then to this. suppose it, the more maybe is propaganda. mainstream media. i've got
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a paper here. netanyahu faces crisis and us relations of to picking public fight with bible. you went to school, i understand with chuck schumer, the highest ranking. that was, he was, he was 3 years ahead of me and my high school. so what did you make of either he's previously said in 2010 that the people of god and most collectively be strangled. so you wouldn't take as much difference between chuck schumer and that you know, when it comes to supporting genocide. and yet, if you were to read the new york times or any of these cnn and bbc and sky news, you'd think there's this big split between blinking is being here in the middle east. is this manufactured given to the arms continue to be sense to to netanyahu or, or how they preparing something different had once they've killed all the palace palestinians of gaza? well, let's be clear. said said majority leader,
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chuck schumer likes to be senate majority leader election is coming up as president biden once the, when the election and the whole democratic party once the window election and they have 2 problems. i should say they have their court between 2 conflicting forces. on the one hand, there is a jewish building in their class. and by the once their mother, you need your money, you know, in our country where you calculate the success of the campaign is how much money in comp, campaign contributions comes in each week. they keep very close tracking that number as he needs the money in general, are going to say every case in general, there's been good social scientific research on it. there's
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a direct correlation between which side gets the most money and campaign contributions and who wins the election. that's the way our system works. so he needs that money. and that was the judge billionaire clause has since october 7th. it's become utterly and totally roofless in its support of israel. the boeing 727 cargo plane has crashed while landing in the south sedan. the pilots apparently lost control and collided with another jets on the runway. at least one person has reportedly been injured. all right, let's go now live to our africa correspondent and lovely with whom gay and lovely. what, what more do you know about what happened? let's close. right. so i mean, he gets another day of his day to go to the evaluation industry and evaluation. i
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mean, the community is also done an air blowing crest in my a call, if you all to the incident comes just on the heels of another accident involving an african express. it weighs in february this year, according to app with management. what happened was that a lost cause of pain, land and crushed at the airport. this pain landed a few meters outside the runway, causing its tires to burst into an inside out as a result of all of this, of the plane lost control. and, and here's another one, the m d a, the, to the stuff in an accident in february. this yes, when it landed. so what's on the wrong way as well raising concerns about the safety protocols and infrastructure off of that particular input. but also about, believe it plays as well. the so comes to says i'm surrounding the crest also being investigated and details remain quiet. i'm scott at this particular moment, but we do understand that that's even people aboard the dvd players,
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including 6 crew members and they are all in good condition as you speak, but one, as you've mentioned, pressed and sustained injuries of self. so dad has witnessed several pen crested in a recent years. the 2018 it can create a plane crash to into a lake and 2017. a full passengers were injured off the bag with of course be paying 2 questions. josiah truck, i will say 2015. dozens of people were killed when a call go played a pass with passengers on a press off to taking or from the airport in july. in fact, since 2015, almost every year after that the has been some sort of incident in south sudan south to then education authorities the, and the, the, the, the association of said that to the high number of plane crash is due to the use of outdated planes from the outside, but also from bowie side. yeah. of,
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of where you. you mentioned it's um that, uh not the 1st incident involving a boeing plane in recent months. of course boeing under lot of scrutiny lately. what else can you tell us about that? uh well this is uh at least uh probably the a so um boeing accident in the last uh, 3 months of some airline passengers. we do speak to them. um they say they are quite apprehensive about traveling in boeing deadline is following a series of flights. um, problems in the past 3 months or tablets, not even voice. the safety concerns and opinions of social media platforms with several uses of posting. but he was saying that if it's boeing, i'm not going among the, the, the, the recent incidence that happened almost 50 people were injured during the mid flight to technical emergency. and also, prior to that, it's $73.00, max, a plane to run right off to the runway in houston, texas. and following is serious offers, safety issues and calamities. we now understand that's
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a boeing c o announced that she will be stepping down by the end of this year as the us aerospace di and struggles with the fallout from the $73.00 max. the disasters. and the decision is, of course, parked off a launch. the management shake up in the company's history. also know that to that decision, far it was the mistreat that school surrounds the southern did of john bondage. it happens to have been the ex, boeing staff member responsible for quality control between 201020. 17 bonded filed a complaint with occupational safety health administration in 2017 the same yes. key retired due to stress related to medical issues, the, the investigation that she opened was closed. a closed reportedly assigned to no fault with bullying, but the bonded appeal was still pending when he died along a lawsuit test to fault against bullying, alleging that the company undermined he's korea because he had to raise the safety
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issues and concerned with the company in the lead, i've been to, he's death on the 9th of may this yes, bonnet slacked, major concerns regarding boeing's culture and approach to safety concerns. she also argued that the company has been pursuing its workers into integrating defective products into a craft. excuse me, on that i was in charge was pushing back dfcs to our suppliers and what the amount was i'd say to group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspector product before they sent it in. well, i'd say can attain before inspectors. spirit arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send ex charles. and we found $300.00 defects. some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. when our car charleston, my senior manager told me that we had found so many defects and he was going to
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take the next trip southern extra or you went all week. so 2 of my inspectors. and when they got back, they were given accolades. the only plan in 50 dfcs, so old that specter side has to despair really clean up director square. don't sound right. she was mad. she said no, said the 2 inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole $41.00 section. they were kicked out there. and of course, the pause button is costing last month that was deemed a suicide. however, news reported that a week before his death, he did tell a friend that he was not skate, but if anything happens to him, it's not suicide. but of course, the lawsuit against boeing continues and boeing is of course, and the intense and major security. and i'm switching over into manufacturing processes. all right, are to correspond it another way you can go. thank you. all right, do stay with archie and.


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