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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the moscow demands the arrest and extradition of ukrainians at length to terror attacks in russia, a group of greeks politicians say the crocus massacre also clearly there is the market and its masters in washington. easy as they are. they rush to equip themselves 1st and then you cream. i think that knowing kimberly was the usaa saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu refuses to hold a snap election, which of thousands of protesters are demanding as they rally outside his residence and the countries parliament plus
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the us republican lawmakers suggests a radical solution to ending the war in gaza as washington approves, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons to israel. the time rachel ruble live in moscow, you're watching r t international. moscow has demanded the arrest, an extradition of ukrainian officials, including its security chief in connection with a string of terror attacks. and russia in the russian side, demands that the key of raising immediately ceased. any support for terrorist activities, extradite the perpetrators and compensate the damage cause to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the anti terrorism conventions will
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result in its international legal responsibility. among these demands is the rest of the head of the s b u. v. mail you who cynically admitted on march 25th, that ukraine organized the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022 and revealed the details of the organization of other terrorist attacks in the russian federation. russia as foreign ministry says the government will soon issue another notice to ukraine regarding the suspects wanted over the crocus massacre early. our rushes security service chief said moscow knows the names of those behind the march 22nd terror attack, with the evidence pointing directly to key of alexander borton a call. i've added that the f as b will make sure all the perpetrators are brought to justice. for the crocus massacre is russia's worst terror attack. in decades, 144 people were killed with more than 500 other casualties. the gunmen opened
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a fire on civilians and set the concert hall ablaze and fled. the scene for terrorists were caught. well, trying to reach the border with ukraine. moscow says they were heading it to key of ukraine claims that had nothing to do with the massacre. however, top officials there have previously boasted about conducting terry strikes that killed russian civilians. cabins military intelligence chief has also threatened new attacks on the countries infrastructure. but i see on this promotion has actually been building a railway for over a year now to connect to our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we can somehow manage the overland section of the railway. we all have experience in this and it is much easier than the issue of the crime in bridge. the founders of the 3 great political parties. i'm also agree that the moscow massacre was apparently orchestrated by key of under the supervision of washington only for lapses the fantasy that the unspeakable
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tragedy at the moscow concert was the work of inspiration, planning and execution by isis. and indeed, by a declining regional part of it, isis correspond from all the evidence that emerges, and especially from the testimonies of the arrested terrorists. it is concluded that the terrorist attack and croak, a city was carried out by a mercenary group of ruthless killers bearing the stamp of the ukrainian nazis of kids in the bowl of high supervision of us agencies. shortly after the march 22nd atrocity in moscow, washington was a quick to blame isis. us officials alleged to have had intelligence at the atlantic terrace group was preparing such an attack and sell based enough down a stand later claimed responsibility which moscow dismissed as a false flag. we asked one of the great party founders, who blames cab and washington for his in depth assessment.
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the the i see is doesn't seem to have any independent voice or action. it seems that it has probably been controlled by the american bridge secure to services. and it is used cleverly and sometimes very crudely to serve the goals of the american bridge strategy in the middle east. and now apparently in ukraine, normally an extreme islamic organization such as ices at services. let me go united zation should at this time be turning. i would say exclusively against israel and the genocide it is carried out in gaza on the country, i suppose has recently been systematically it's i can those who turn against israel, for example. it has seriously heard the shuttle assess syria, which has been fighting israel with particularly for us to do lately, just as it is not justified to iran, which is the main enemy of these will in the middle east. and yet, isis attack, a large gathering during the anniversary of essentially minus killing. we have now reached a point where is this is also attacked in russia with these terrible heat that was
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done this tragic act of terrorism at the concert center. so why, what kind of interest an extremist islamic organization have been attacked in russia and 8 in the us bridge plans as well as ukraine? because ever hit against russia works in favor of ukraine and the western powers that support key. if all of these shows that isis is opponent to serve the american british strategy, the babies, and it strikes me that the 1st thing the american said was that ukraine had no involvement in the moscow tack. how did they know so quickly? it hadn't been made known yet. beauty as they are, they rushed to acquit themselves 1st and then ukraine. i think that no one can believe what the saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the cranes are losing the war and the west is closing door. so they will try to hit russia with the symmetric warfare and not in the military field.
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no, it isn't. it is other who is the us knew by the terrorist attack, a truck, a city hall, and it made sure to warn it, citizens in russia, in order to protect them. these gave away their whole plan because they showed that they knew it is impossible, that the information they had was vague or speculative, but they still refrain from fully informing russia. so as you understand, the us, a lot of things to unfold, which i believe it planned in the 1st place, they shows how important they are and how they have blend these attack against russia. and this whole symmetric war, the us doesn't want to lose the war and ukraine, and they will do anything to prevent the defeat of ukraine would mean that us is also defeated. there was some circles into us that have a breakdown to his way of thinking. they think that if the u. s loses its global influence, it would be better for the world not to exist. on tens of thousands of protesters the gathered in jerusalem on sunday,
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for what is believed to be the biggest anti government raleigh. since israel launched its war on gaza and october classes broke out as police try to keep the crowds in check. the country has recently been gripped by demonstrations with citizens demanding a hosted steel the resignation of benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet and new elections. but the as rarely prime minister claims holding a vote now will bogged down the nation for months and play into the hands of hamas the coals for elections now in the middle of the war just before victory will paralyze israel for at least 6 months. 8 months, in my estimation, they will paralyze negotiations for the release of all hostages. they will bring the war to an end before the completion of its objectives. and the 1st of last it will be home us. there are not a lot of people right now here,
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but they gather in step by step. they set up around 100 tens that you can see behind me saying they are planning to stay here until at least wednesday the last day before the semester goes on. a train, right? say they want to make for running the country. now i know coming back professors are coming from different backgrounds among the my families, all see hostages, housing jobs are people from liberal circles, high tech people. they have different issues. i have to say, but they are all united spite anger and frustration that all the governments of implementing sen. yeah. here's what some of them have to say. the government is dealing with all the smoke politics, dirty politics. instead of taking care of it, of all our country, and especially for the hostages, it's dying there every day. their time is gone, their time is gone and their families are broken and all the country is broken. i
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see the didn't do the right things. and what's the one that the they've been, i don't know was go home immediately. i'm. i'm coming here to cry to bring back the hostages every week. i'm come here to the can assist district it because it members that something really happened. i am not going to take i do not understand the important thing. i want on the dose of this beck because i think that if they would not come back, there is a society we'd be looking and that's very to into for us. and then we still have the people we spoke to your office treated with a lack of progress over the release of 100. 34 is really hostages house by have mazda and palestinian islamic jihad militants in the gather street for almost 6
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months in november. as you remember do between israel and her mind brought more than a 100 captives in exchange for the release of the number of palestinian prisoners who were held in his rarely jails but after several rounds of rain to get them into passengers. he are believed between yeah, lost in the progress because the war is profitable for him and keeps him in power. the. 9 as you can see, as i told you, people sort of gathering in march and there was no paper in the quite louder we can tell that their voices that we're trying to make their voices heard of. maria and no simple actions. and so no hostage really still with some us. what is nothing y'all with them then yahoo government preparing to do especially given all the global condemnation on the israel's assault on gaza. wow.
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haven't lived the yeah. well go on and the army activity will intensify. this is what israel is. planning to do is preparing to invade rough, fine gases south, where up to 1500000 people are currently sheltering. extremely poor conditions. mostly those displays from the north of the street. they have been sweeping from the hostilities there as the operation to the war in dallas are these really offensive continues for almost 6 months global disapproval and condemnation of the large scale operation in such a densely populated area. mounds, concerns of voice by many states, including these roles. he and closest ally, america. many warren is really against what they say will be a catastrophe, but it's on the apple seems to be determined. let's take a listen. well, i'm done. we've done. i hope while it is a fact that we are acting during ramadan, you know, she for, in con eunice and all the places,
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there is no american pressure. i've already told you this and it is not hesitation . it just requires some preparation. i will not elaborate. we have approve the operational plans that the id f is presented. this is behind us. we are now tackling the issue of evacuating the civilians and providing them with humanitarian assistance. this is something that is required or necessary and we will do it. they won't take long, and by the way, nothing will stop us. the biggest concern, of course, is that the idea of operation and rough uh will lead to more in this in desk. israel vows to evacuate gases from roof the area before the operation begins, but so far, no, solely plan or explanation of how more than a 1000000 people would be really the case. it has been presented and the burden in question remains open. concerns also are that the on it relieves the area destroyed just like it happens in other parts of the street and does a c t for example, the heart of the palestinian in place. but again, it's in the seems to be ready to go ahead with the operation in rough box with or
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without washington, as he said, no matter what. so we have to wait to see that explosive comments on how the end of the gaza war has come from the us. republican lawmaker who says the palestinian enclave should be swiftly annihilated by bombs and rush to sell us. we should be the issue. it shouldn't be like a 10 walburn specs person was quick to scramble for damage control, claiming the congressman was just using
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a metaphor and actually emphasizes with innocent guidance. but critics say they're not buying the excuse the comments commas. the enclave faces a humanitarian catastrophe. is really bombardments have destroyed over 70 percent of guys, an infrastructure and for the displacement of almost 2000000 palestinians. civilians are struggling to survive with extremely limited access to food and water. well, some of the latest is really our strikes on sunday. hit a tent camp in the courtyard of the ox, the hospital killing. at least 2 people. thousands of displaced civilians had been sheltering at the medical facility for months. the palestinian journalist mohammed blue rouge who cooperates with the roughly a video agency and gaza was severely wounded. buying is really our strike in front of the ox, the hospital while he was filming. and here's how he describes the incident. i've always in the car is on high heather,
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whistling sound in my years. then i couldn't hear anything. i just fell to the grounds. i didn't know what happens. i looked at my life to find it, has the severely injured the nearly 6 month long war in gaza has claimed over 32700 lives according to local officials. and the idea is only expanding its military offensive. many is really citizens are speaking in favor of that strategy with some even calling for more radical solutions. if only today, i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and was nothing more to say. no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning will drop. what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of gaza,
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flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death, middle east analysts, robert and like i says, israel and the us are currently not preparing to bring peace to the middle east. what is telling here is that the united states has full complexity and this, at the end of the day, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed in gaza. it could stop it with one phone call, but it's made the active decision not to do that. and now we see these sort of statements which are openly calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states against the palestinian people. the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop there, essentially playing this dirty game of pretending that they want a ceasefire, while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are
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not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for the mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the israelis do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back to the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even any of the other, some 12 smaller or groups which are functioning in the gaza strip and fighting them every single day. and it shows also that there is a level of desperation from views, re lease. and those scientists in the united states who are, are backing them at this point. as israel's military operation is ultimately failed to achieve its primary objectives on the ground. the boeing 727 cargo plane has crashed after landing in south sedan. the pilot apparently lost
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control of the aircraft and collided with another jet on the runway. at least one person was reportedly hurt. here's our africa correspondent, oliver. you couldn't get with more. that is yet another day of his day to go to the invasion, industry and deviation. i mean the community, it's also done an air boeing crashed in my a call. if you all to, the incident comes just on the heels of another accident involving an african express. it weighs in february this year, according to equity management. what happened was that a lost cause obtained the land and crushed. i'm not to be import. this pain landed a few meters outside the runway, causing its tires to burst into an inside out as a result of all of this, the plane loss control and, and he's another one, the m d 80 to the stuff at an accident in february. this yes, the so comes to says i'm surrounding the crest. all still being investigated and
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details remain quite miscast at this particular moment. but we do understand that that stupid people were aboard the dvd players, including 6 crew members. and they are all in good condition at one person, sustained injuries. that's yeah. remember you, you mentioned that uh, not the 1st incident involving a boeing plane in recent months. of course boeing under a lot of scrutiny lately. what else can you tell us about that? well, this is at least uh, probably be a bullying accident in the last 3 months. uh, some airline passengers, if you speak to them. and they said, you know, quite apprehensive about it's happening involving tip line and following a series of flights of problems in the past. 3 months among the, the, the, the recent incidents that happened almost 50 people were injured during the mid flight to technically emergency. and also, prior to that, it's $73.00, max a plane to run right off to the runway in houston,
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texas. and following is theorists office safety issues and calamities. we now understand that boeing c o announced that she will be stepping down by the end of this. yeah, as the you is aerospace di and struggles with the fallout from the 73, max, the disasters and the decision is of course, part of a large management shake topic in the company's history. also know that to that decision, far it was the mistreat that school surrounds the sudden death of done bondage. it happens to have been the exit bullying staff member responsible for quality control between 201020. 17 bonded filed a complaint with occupational safety health administration in 2017 the same. yes. she retired due to stress related to medical issues of the investigation that she opened was closed and closed, reportedly finding no fault with bullying, but did bonded appeal was still pending when he died along
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a little suits us to follow that gaze blowing alleging that the company undermined he's korea because he had to raise the safety issues and concerned with the company in the lead. i've been through, he's this on the flat major concerns regarding boeing's culture and approach to safety concerns. and she also argued that the company has been presuming its workers into integrating defective parts into a craft, excuse me. on that, i was in charlotte pushing by dfcs to our suppliers and with the group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspector product before they sent it in. well, i'd say in advance before inspectors, spirit arrows systems to us the 41 section before they send its charles and we found 300 defects. some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. when i return to charleston,
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my senior managers only weird sounds of many dfcs and he was going to take the next trip. so an extra or you went on to a minus factors. and when they got back, they were given at least always on the dfcs. so that is specter sinus of despair really clean up director squared. don't sound right. and she was mad. she said no. so the 2 inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole $41.00 section and they were kicked out there. and of course, the cause of fun is costing less money was deemed a suicide. however, news reported that a week before his day and he did tell a friend that he was not schemes, but if anything happens to him, it's not suicide. but of course, the lawsuit against boeing continues and boeing is of course, and that's in pens and major security. and i'm switching over in some manufacturing processes like canyon union of clinical officers has announced a nationwide strikes starting today and
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a bid to make the government address pressing issues of the health care system. the union says is decision was made after all legal measures were exhausted without result. it is now in joining a strike by canyon doctors that has been ongoing since the middle of last month's health care workers are demanding changes that include the recruitment of $20000.00 additional staff. meanwhile, the international council of nurses is accused of wealthy nations, including the us and the u. k. of recruiting to many workers from african states. the council says that's leaving the content. it was a lot of medical personnel. the group also mentioned that some national nurses associations in poorer countries have called the trend. the form of neil colonialism. actually, government has a duty to protect its population. but by recruiting experience, nurses from poor a nation's wealthy ones are effectively outsourcing the costs of training. getting
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the registered nurses on the cheap without any form of re investment. this behavior is now having the consequences in many countries, west. serious gaps are being seen in health care systems that are under a great deal of pressure. why don't you mean your reasons why i said these ways doing was changed? you change it for the country, this, this arguments all around the region. oh wow. the key issue is, is subsidized by the government. spends the, the outreach in the parent on the account of been dollars and speech stream college about $50000.00 in training right now. so was the foreign policy for new treatment?
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can you be able to see the funding for us, most of the strong, just trying to make a profit to our own? 2.7000000000 fires on what are you looking for as long as there's a minimum of 2 points. i mean, being us, the range needs many cars meals on the, on the since the curve at 19 outbreak. there has been a search and global medical recruitment due to burn out induced a shortages and the need to address post pandemic issues. some w h o regulations aimed to curb the poaching of staff from countries with weak health care systems and to put in place of formal agreements for recruitment from states on the so called red list. however, the w h o code on the matter is voluntary and not legally binding a doctor from gun and told us that african governments need to provide better conditions for their medical workers if they want them to stay. or this is listening gun that is sitting right here,
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isn't due to their policy. similar to other stuff maybe may not be so bad. but the problem is that people want to know if they're better opportunities else. wait, you know, days always move meant for me please. over the walk was increasing to approve of higher costs increasing. so if i want to make more money for one of the country, the volume of people i live. so if glen, this is a service i made better in this country that i am sure that more the test will mostly been going to be towards increasing the economic situation in both countries and opportunities that those countries move on to offer it to be doable. for, for kind of countries to treat the adoptive similarly, like other countries. so it means that government also just make things better. the guardian doctor doesn't need much. just making things better or slightly better for the doctor fee. it will shut off this. i believe this is the the extra this of medical professionals is a key issue for the continental, according to data for recent years, some 55000 african doctor, 7,
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practicing overseas. mostly in the u. k. the us in france, most of the medic, celeste africa, have not returned home. british communist party member and discharge and run jeep brower says former colonial powers have massively benefit from this trend. this is our new policy. we've seen it for a long time. i've been in the attic just for over 20 years on a us was a medical student and job to receive very many um, nurses and doctors come from the philippines and they threw from india canals from africa. so it's been a long campaign to target and recruit from the rule of fuel fix the re, they couldn't be distinguished from the overall effect. so that's the fact that we have, you know, i divide, you know, between few very wealthy nation and the boston mass of nations cuz i've only been the colonies of those nations and where we don't know that direct system inclusion
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. i think the reference made by leaders of africa's nurses are essentially right because we have a neo clinic isn't based on economic device. and that of course, leads to an ongoing brain drain, not just in the medical field, but across the receive the spectrum of a skilled label. people are fine to, to the building a whole aspect to the front of me on the circle side. well, from the vehicle as well for the flu majority to the imperialist hotlines and they do it for money. because money, of course in, in the car was in the car to kind of like water, you know, and decides all things. but india is among the countries taken to shake off the legacy of colonialism. we delve into the details with renowned actor and host of let's talk about rock and palm care on archie international. his guess today is said to spanish and a who's been called bollywood is most preferred lawyer. here is a sneak peak of those sit down airing and full throughout this monday enough to
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independence or the british jurisprudence and the british system. because there were no country for hundreds of us and you didn't been in the court, then able to exact. and the commitment was in your court, particularly for good i was framed. and adrian's experience, so that will continue within our country did about now the government of india has realized that most of those laws advocate gross number one the they're meant to protect the british girl and the fines and the punishment. the boys did not match the present system and the what? so what the government, i mean there is nothing about it is particularly optimism that ended when they came in to the union cabinet in the country. she had promised us that every day you were mean delete one last that would be the same but the registration for you are happy with the time happy i might be legit because


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