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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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we still have some common ground, the the breaking news on all the international v. s s b. so use the suspects it detained in duncan's done on sunday, had funded and supplied the croakers terrorists with websites. russia has a cues ukraine level cust, racing. the massacre. they claimed the lives of 144 people. this comes as moscow demands the rest on the extradition of ukrainians. links to terror attacks in russia, a group of greek politicians that say the crocus master to also see the best democracy of this most is in motion. beauty as they are, they rush to equip themselves 1st and then you crane. i think that no one can believe what the usaa saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack or what was
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it. the credit is that the people on the screen me because i'm looking for better and that isn't finding he's well, withdrawals is 4 days from al. she's the hospital off to a 2 week seems killing, moving full 100 palestinians and destroyed guy for a 1000 times in the area. according to the dogs, that official, the ocean and the us republican lawmakers suggest a radical solution to ending the war in dante as washington approves, another 2 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of western is to as well, the hello and welcome. this is on the international with the late as well. news updates has always, it's good to have your company. we saw the out with breaking news from russia's
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federal security service. it stays the terrorist suspects to change during sundays . wait in southern russia. we'll do a to be involved in august raising the march 22nd quote is called is that whole masika? the space they use, the suspects and don, this done, has funded and supplied all this to the most go a tacos, the full man will quote in possession of weapons and explosives and were allegedly planning to commit attacks in the southern russian republic escalate the states on this now i'm joined by ego still enough in the studio. legal thanks for coming in. so what more do we know about these latest tyrants suspects in the self? absolutely, nicky will apparently the blodgett terrace network that all these attack is what parts of the one go into stuff with the attack on just the crooked city, whole just outside most cool. this another service. so in the southern republic of august on they were planning, apparently they were planning bombing attacks against the embankment of the southern russian town of ca, space. also,
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they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns fox. uh, so they were all detained and probably most importantly, and the most important detail in the stories that they, in fact they in fact confessed to supplying amunition and even cash to the public phases of the attack against the venue outside most collab. listen of this to we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d. or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people. to collection of rifles were $460.00 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment during the rest. i believe the weapons to the guys who attacked croakers city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch co out to meet the shift. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terra against the crocus city hall. because he's entering one of
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the garage co ops just outside moscow. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons, the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack money. this is the very same call that they used for that failed gets away. this is the very same call that was cold on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is. uh, shortly after the russian security services stopped terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the most mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the dentist stanny terrace. so entering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines they did not make any with the tools though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack
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against the cross city hall. so again, this is just, it seems that this whole story and this whole case, it just keeps unraveling and unravel unraveling as the security services of russia will just the exposing and that digging out more and more tires selves across the country, all have been implicated in the attack that did claim the lives of oil and more than a 140 people. i know we have a new development to the story. now, what's the russian for an intelligent service, a warranty? the for an intelligent service. the for, they've also stepped forward and they have been, they have been more focusing on the involvement of, of, of the nations in this attack. now they did not really, they did not seem to blame on any one, but they have said that it is really suspicious how the us administration and how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look,
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ukraine had nothing to do with the attack at the same quickly as well. also so quickly. this is why one of the talking points that in fact, the started according to the russian for an intelligence washington started trying to whitewash the zalinski these islands to redeem and the, the powers in k of out, even before this is the phrase the use even before the ashes had the time to cool down the ashes of the clock. a signal is a short to extract from the statement by the russian for an intelligence have a list for an intelligence service of the russian federation. reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of polanski and his entourage in
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the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keith trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the queen and redeem. and we'll finally, the rail. washington's plans to increase support for ukraine are now also, according to the russian for an intelligence. this version of events that is being spearheaded by washington right now, according to the russian intelligence, it is not being basically that having a hard time to so the version of events, this is the exact word that the use that there is no unity. there is no single opinion uh, even in the you and in the global south, as well as to whether or not that was what happened according to washington. oh, so the russian for an intelligence, they pointed out that the heads of uh, that the heads of ukraine's military intelligence on the ukraine security service, they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia, about the rush, all branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that they stood behind the attacks
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against the cry, me a bridge that, that they were the ones who targeted or did they hit against lovely and about escape a bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in uh, in st. petersburg last year. when she was handed a, not a statuette reading with explosives and a number of other attacks against uh, fully ukrainian officials and so on and so forth. so this is something that the russian for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. that is, everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions in the well, in the high cabinets of russian. and, you know, many thanks to coming in with those details as far as the correspondent eagles dawn . thank you. meanwhile, the russian investigative committee says it has started an official pro been to the alleged west and on do training and both ends and tire attacks inside russia. i believe the smart thing you are brushing you to put the following. an appeal
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concerning the need to investigate the organization of the financing and conduct of terrorist acts by the united states of america, the ukraine, and other western countries directed against russia. near the, when a procedural check has been organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation, who gives up the russian foreign ministry stays the government is preparing a notice to ukraine regarding the suspects volunteered over the clerk of smells like a the chief of russia, security services has said most go knows the names of those behind the march 20 seconds terror attack. and the evidence points directly to kids. alexander both because i did that the see will make sure all those responsible are brought to justice. the clock is masika is rushed as was to terror attack. in decades, 144 people were killed with more than 500 other taxes and fees. they gotten then opened fine on civilians and then set the columns the toilet blaze and set the scene for terrorist records for trying to reach the border with ukraine. most gonna
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say is they were heading for kids. ukraine claims that has nothing to do with the massacre. however, the top officials that have previously boasted about conducting tyra strikes that killed russian civilians. he has military intelligence. chase has also as threatened new attacks on the countries infrastructure was she and this promotion has actually been building a railway for over a year now to connect to our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that we can somehow manage the overland section of the railway. we all have experience in this and it is much easier than the issue of the crime in bridge of more or less that close to olsa and will correspondent thomas, why so many thanks for joining us on. the program stays very nice to see you. so the russian phone intelligent services, the us, is trying to protect the relo straight as of the quote because masika and that the fine to have ministration is intensifying itself is to create a distorted image of the terror attack. what do you make of that statement?
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well, i generally agree, it's quite interesting that the us said the and those 2 hours after, after the tara, already kia, because most not involved. and another 2 hours later, they already knew who it was, and so on. and why are they the other? tara attack slightly, i don't know north beam after one and a half. he has dumped it down to the clue. officially, what happened? so already this person owns men's are quite suspicious. and um, having a look at all this story um the i s, which is fighting 1st of all and say, and i've done this done well, i don't see that they would do something and rush i. but even if i as fighters, well they, they don't get court law lives normally. they, they die at this point, blowing up themselves or frightening the police when the police start tries to arrest them. um, so there are many, many things which don't fit into the picture which the west is painting about the i s i is the so in general, um, uh,
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i think russia is on the right way. yeah. like to just said the us was so quick to blame isis for the most to just 2nd, a ton. welcome to any denying any you credit involvement. just hours of the incident took place last friday. washington has since double down on these claims to how convincing does that position look now though, it doesn't seem like anyone who's actually buying is as well. um, the western public is buying it because of a, uh, the western media down region that any of a narrative in the information and from the informational space on the, in the worst. but i right now reading some chinese and are up outlets. so big, big news outlets and they have a fig. well, they are not buying it. we, we can see this in their article. so the global stuff solved, i think, is buying the, the version of the u. s. which is a problem for the protection of the u. s. in general. um, there's so many examples of the i it, i don't know, i haven't heard that. the ice is, is
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a recruiting people via attended ramp up. did you ukrainian from special services? did this in the past already, so there are many, many things sending to you prayed, and the efforts low i would even say hysterical efforts of the us trying to put their focus on isis. um yeah, well the global sold as far as i see media outlets from there. i'm not buying the story. the russian for an intelligent service is saying that in washington's attempting to whitewash good times to whitewash cuba, simply suspicious of themselves, washington. most of it was now looking into washington's potential involvements. do you think any us officials should be worried right now? it would be should be more, it was day planning to travel to florida until most or so. but, but to be serious, the, we have also many, many advocates of western media and the last month about the connection of ca and dual credit and our services. how c a and m,
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i 6 helped um the ukrainian services to build up. especially the tara units, of course officially this yeah, i do know if anything, they're doing that adjust, whereas assisting them and then you're creating a student themselves. so this was so they were examples of murders in the past and this west time. i'll take this working post or whoever wrote it. so the thing is that most of the rest, the media don't, don't take their stories, they are one time somewhere and then nobody is discussing it. so as long as the west is able to keep this, let's say, uh, informational barrier about around the west and public. nobody has to be brought into us. but looking at the global soul and the terms of the west to attract african countries. and so they have, they have it before me. so as we know, most goes officially concerned that the as a concern to be on suspects detained in august on sunday was applying money and
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weapons to the clerk is terrorist. that's quite an extensive network that which seems do you think i really could box it without any far and support? you know, of course not. i remember some months ago that was this incident of the airport of most of the color where some is going to make ready coast to try to take over the apple after playing from these are a with juice for me is that a well ended and the official announcement from key is that these crowd was pushed by a telegram channel which was directed by way from keith. so that there is some natural conduct this time. and this is, that is even that, that you're standing up, let's say, whatever keeps you out or other the rest of the reason that's what really surprised me after the incident, the have to come out because there seems to be some connections of keys to read the colors numbers, but if i speaking to us today, i appreciate you in 5 to also and will correspond and thomas bertha,
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thank you. especially i think the found is a 3 a great political policies have also agreed that the most good enough group masika was apparently orchestrated by t as under the supervision of washington only for lapses the fantasy that the unspeakable tragedy at the moscow concert was the work of inspiration, planning and execution by isis, and indeed by a declining regional part of it, isis correspond from all the evidence that emerges and especially from the testimony of the arrested terrorist. it is concluded that the terrorist attack and crocus city was carried out by a mercenary group of ruthless killers bearing the stamp of the ukrainian nazis of key of the bowl of hi supervision of us agencies. so the, off the march 22nd to 1250 in moscow, washington was quick to blame. isis, us officials alleged to have had intelligence that the is not a terrorist group was preparing such an attack. and i says, cell based and ask on his don legs the claim, responsibility, which must go dismissed as a false flag. well,
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one of the greek party founders who blames key evans washington. so he's in depth assessments he did something i says, doesn't seem to have any independent voice or action. it seems that it has probably been controlled by the american bridge secure to services. and it is used cleverly and sometimes very crudely to serve the goals of the american bridge strategy in the middle east. and now apparently in ukraine, normally an extreme islamic organization such as ices at services. let me go united zation should at this time be turning. i would say exclusively against these real and the genocide it is carried out in gaza. on the contrary, i suppose has recently been systematically it's i can those who turn against israel, for example. it has seriously heard, but shuttle assess syria, which has been fighting israel with particular for us still lately, just as it is not justified defeat iran, which is the main animal as well in the middle east. and yet, isis attack,
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a large gathering during the anniversary of essentially minus killing. we have now reached a point where isis is also attacked in russia with these terrible heat that was done this tragic act of terrorism at the concert center. so why, what kind of interest could an extremist islamic organization have an attack in russia and 8 in the us, british plans, as well as ukraine? because every hit against russia works in favor of ukraine and the western powers that support keeps. all of these shows that isis is opponent to serve the american breed of strategy. the babies, and it strikes me that the 1st thing the american said was that ukraine had no involvement in the moscow attack. how did they know so quickly? it hadn't been made known yet. duty as they are. they rushed to acquaint themselves 1st and then ukraine. i think that no one can believe what the you seen about
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itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the credit is, are losing the war and the west is losing the war. so they will try to hit russia with the symmetric warfare and not in the military field. the noise that is obviously is the us new by the terrace detector truck, a city hall, and he made sure to warn it. citizens in russia in order to protect them. these gave away their whole plan because they showed that they knew it is impossible, that the information they had was vague or speculative, but they still refrained from fully informing russia. so as you understand, the us allow things to unfold, which i believe it planned in the 1st place, the shows how important they are and how they have planned these attack against russia. and this whole symmetric war, the us doesn't want to lose the war in ukraine, and they will do anything to prevent the defeat of ukraine would mean that us is also defeated. there was some circles into us that have
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a very dangerous way of thinking. they think that if the us loses its global influence, it would be better for the world not to exist. now it's an open garza and i'll see . so hospice. so what is well has with throat is full, says off to a 2 weeks siege images. so the, off the mouth left behind with buildings, although down from the bombing and streets filled with daybreak. according to going to officials, the idea of killed more than $400.00 palestinians and destroyed i have a 1000 times in the area during this salt local journalist cut them off much has this updates. a shift also depends on what was the 6 of us, the 10 it is very difficult situation, people screaming because i'm looking for better things and they didn't find them without the oppression. so this is the one to be angry with the position of, of the. 6 invasion, and that was within the child, the homes,
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which were bound and destroyed during the invasion fios people this, these homes had been inhabited before they were this the so the people who are shopped to see is a provision for since the dogs who would, who live here a, b and for the service is someone's services. and if you remember that the one who kept me up to this area was, should bid, vice, my body is ready for his claim. they targeted until terrorists, and now sci fi ons notated wesson's along with intelligence documents. the ideas also alleges to have prevented home, so any civilians and medical teams. but according to the world health organization,
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at least 21 patients actually died during the siege of the hospital, canadian, palestinian, during this time on social 9 who recently fled from gaza. as of all of these houses . just as the, the 4th or 5th time, the to the idea has attacked a ship, a hospital medical complex. this time however, they have permanency damage to building and it's inside facilities. it is totally now out of service. it cannot be used as a hospital any more or even as a place for shelter. lots have been killed. many have been injured. we're still getting news about exactly what's happened that is happening right now around the ship hospital earlier in the war. there was some very, very strong propaganda against the ship. it's being the center for the hospital. that's what i'm, that's what patients. and that's what was all proven false. as time went by and
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that's no evidence came out together with other bystanders and people looking from the outside. we still don't understand why the idea continues to attack the hospitals. i think over 90 percent of the clinics and hospitals are out of service now i'm little bit closer and very heavy bombardment or they just run out the fuels . um uh right now people are trying to set the field hospitals together with the support of and yours from around the world. the doctors and nurses are trying to, in the camps and that a few decals in the 10 cities trying to attend to the people that need help and support as much as they can. right now, the biggest hospital is, shall have the saw in the middle. the regional but that also has been attacked for the last couple of days. again with many have been killed at the entrance of the hospital and an inside india. so um i see the situation looks pretty
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printing grim, explosive comments on how to end. the goals of all have come from the us. republican lawmaker who saves the palestinian enclave, should be swiftly and not. i could find phones. i don't see any more. a rush to sell us. we should it shouldn't be like 10 wal books folks. boston was clicked. a scramble for damage control came in. the congressman was just using a master for about 20 emphasizes with innocent dawson's records like say that not finding the excuse the comments, comments again, plays,
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faces. a humanitarian catastrophe is rarely bombardments, have destroyed. i've a 70 percent of golf and infrastructure and full displacements of almost $2000000.00 palestinians civilians all struggling to survive with extremely limited access to food on wholesome, for the 96 months alone will in gaza, has claimed the 32700 lives according to local officials, as the idea is only expanded and gets military offensive, many is ready. citizens are speaking in favor of that strategy. with some even quoting from o roger co solutions. what was your day? i believe there is a decision that must be made. i understand everyone and the poor people in gaza, but this is about our survival. so i think politicians must agree to press the button where a country with a nuclear bomb here and with nothing more to say, no one should inhabit this land. no one should live in this land except the jewish people. your expectation is that tomorrow morning would drop what amounts to some
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kind of a nuclear bomb on all of gaza, flattening them and eliminating everybody there. that's one way. the 2nd way is to work out what's important to them. what scares them, what deters them. they're not scared to death. but at least on the list rolled up in the cash stays as well in the us, like letting not preparing to bring peace to the middle east. so what is telling here is that the united states has full complexity and this, at the end of the day, the united states could stop what the international court of genocide has accepted as a reasonable, plausible case presented to it. the genocide is being committed in gaza. it could stop it with one phone call, but it's made the active decision not to do that. and now we see the sort of statements which are ultimately calling for acts of genocide from the united states, from within the united states against the palestinian people. the united states does not want to push the israelis to stop there, essentially playing this dirty game of pretending that they want a ceasefire,
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while the israelis mainly from benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister are not actually looking for a ceasefire. they're looking for the mass starvation campaign to buy as much time as possible because it's well understood that if the as riley's do reach a ceasefire, it's ultimately a declaration that they were defeated. they didn't bring back the prisoners which were taken by the palestinian factions by force. they didn't collapse a mass or even any of the other, some 12 smaller armed groups which are functioning in the gaza strip and slicing them every single day. and it shows also that there is a level of desperation from the is re lease. and those zionists in the united states who are, are backing them at this point. as israel's military operation is ultimately failed to achieve its primary objectives on the ground. the russian olympic committee
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president has pointed out that the i o c is boy costing athletes based on the nationality and his comments. responding to his statements by the mass powers, the french official has said that russian umbrella, rushing off these on welcome at the upcoming summer olympic games and phones of a deal. i want to tell the russian and bellow, lucy and athletes that they are not welcome in paris. i would also like to tell the ukrainian athletes and all the ukrainian people that we support them very much. in recent years, the leadership of the international olympic movement has mastered the scale of proving that black is white and shifting their own responsibility on others to solve custom made problems such as squeezing out everything russian from international sports that they made their own. for example, the fact that low san is now a political player and support is completely political, has been finally officially made clear. one less mis. a new tale was immediately told about the threat of a boycott from the russian side, which allegedly took place. despite the fact that neither russia being represented
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by any organization nor the citizens of our country were even invited to the games . initially, no one has been invited even now. the olympic boycott today is about the removal of athletes based on their nationality by the international olympic committee. as the international olympic committee announced in december, the russian and by the russian ass least, could participates in the olympic games on the sides and conditions. sportsmen from these countries can enter the olympic reno early on, the neutral status account, display that slacks or thing, since that also not allowed to compete in team sports. and if an athlete supports rushes, special operation or is affiliated with military structures, they will not be allowed to participate in the games. election officials include the aisles, the actions discriminatory since the restrictions has never been imposed on any of the country. they say the elliptic functions infringe on the russian athletes,
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personal interests, and the conditions for qualifying for data and pick games are almost impossible. the mushroom president vladimir putin said the original idea behind today that big games has been on the mines by these provocative measures source to everything that international officials do in relation with the russian sport is a complete perversion of theater. to baton his idea, the olympic movement was created to unite people, not to divide them. today's international officials have become too obsessed with the business side of sports if they continue to act in this way, they will bury the olympic movements. these are the person issue, the decision loss due to how well the friendship gains in rush are in 2020 full with the 1st one scheduled to take place in september. the russians full with some industries that base competitions on know it's an alternative to the olympics around. 30 countries, including european nations, have already confirmed that participation in the event. according to the director general of the games is organizing committee. the i of see has.


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