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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the the, the headlines this, our bushes, federal security service, they said the terrace stuff takes on sundays rate and 7, russia were directly involved. and the crow cuz city must like a, with one is missing the more attacks. what's on this to we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c. d, or in the victory part targeting a crowd of people. deliver weapons to the guys who attack rocha. city hall, russian for an intelligent stays in washington is trying to whitewash ukrainian involvement and convince the allies the ice. it is behind the crow. cuz concept hosting is well withdrawal. this forces from lc for hospital in northern garza, of the killing. more than 400 palestinians and destroying guy for
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a 1000 times in the area. as according to gauze, the official there are dead people everywhere. but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing y'all who is doomed to end america is doomed to end all those who bond us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy el cheapo. this occupation is doomed to end. on the scuffle erupt in front of an indian quotes. as a prominent supposition, lead the remains in custody on corruption charges off for another 2 weeks. the hello and welcome. this is all the international with the late as well news out the day. just good to have you company this hour. we start with breaking news from russia's federal security service is phase the terrace suspects detained during sunday's raid and southern russia were directly involved in orchestrating the most 20 seconds focus. concent whole masika. the space
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a fallacious space have funded on supplies, but most of the time, cuz the agency has also released footage of its special for was, is units of the apartment blocks with the suspects was seized inside us. done, the full men were in possession of weapons and explosives, central planning to commit to talk to the southern russian republic, the f as b o. so say that would be terrorists, were hoping to flee the country laser on onto correspondence equals donal fix. something storm hold. absolutely. nikki, basically it seems that the terrorist cell responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the crocus city, whole just outside most who they weren't going to stop just the 1st another terrace . so in the southern republic of august on they were planning, apparently they were planning bombing attacks that gaze the embankment of the southern russian town of cas space. also, they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns parks. so they were all detained and the most important detail in the stories that they,
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in fact they in fact confessed to supplying condition and even cash to the public phases of the attack against the venue outside. most of this, we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collection of rifles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment during the rest. deliver weapons to the guys who attacked croakers city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch call out to meet you. she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terror against the croakers city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co ops just outside most school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons,
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the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack. my, this is the very say in cost this a used for that failed gets away. this is the very same call that was called on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is shortly after the russian security services stopped terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with a mouse mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas stony terrace. so entering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines they did not make any with the polls though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the croakers city hall. so again, this is just, it seems that this whole story and this whole case,
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it just keeps unraveling and unravel. unraveling as the security services of russia will just the exposing and the digging out more and more terrorist cells across the country who have been implicated in the attack that did claimed the lives of oil more than a 140 people the for an intelligence service they will for, they've also stepped forward and they have been, they have been more focusing on the involvement of, of, of the nations in this attack. now they did not really, they did not pin the blame on any one, but they have said that it is really suspicious how the u. s. administration, how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look, you create had nothing to do with the attacks. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department,
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us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of the lens. he and his entourage in the crime, the white house fears that the discovery of keep trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the korean regime and will finally the rail. washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. now also, according to the russian for an intelligence, this version of events that is being spearheaded by washington right now, according to the russian intelligence, it is not being basically they're having a hard time to so that version of events. this is the exact word that the use that there is no unity. there is no single opinion, the, even in the e u and in the global south as well as to whether or not that was what happened according to washington. also the rushing for an intelligence the pointed out that the heads of uh, that the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service
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. they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia. that the rush are branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that these 2 behind the attacks against the cry me a bridge that the they were the ones who targeted or did they head against lovely. and the thought of ski a wave bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in, in st. petersburg last year when she was handed a not a special ed written with explosives and a number of other attacks against uh, fully ukrainian officials and so on and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that, that it's everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions. well then we'll correspond and tell them that's what they say is the west. the narrative that isis was involved in the attack is ridiculous. and the global south is and buying gets on like the public in the west. it is quite interesting that the
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us said the and those 2. busy after, after the tara, already kia, because most not involved, and another 2 hours later, they already knew who it was and so on. and why are there other terror attack slightly? i don't know north stream after one and a half. yes. don't that, don't have a clue. officially, what happened, and i'm having a look at all this story. i'm the i s, which is fighting 1st of all it said, and i've got us down below. i don't see that they would do something and rush out. but even if i as fighters, uh well they, they don't get caught a lot a life normally they, they die at this spot, blowing up themselves or fighting the police and the police just tries to arrest them. the western public is buying it because of a, uh, the western media don't really let any of that narrative in the global start. salt, i think, is buying the, the version of the u. s. which is a problem for the protection of the u. s. in general, um from there so many examples of the, i don't know, i haven't sure that the ices is a recruiting people via
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a tenant ramp up the ukranian from the special servers. this did this in the past already. so there many, many things hinting to ukraine and the efforts blow i have what you will say historical efforts of the us trying to put their focus on isis. yeah, well the global sold as far as i see media outlets from there, i'm up buying the story. the founders of 3 greek political parties of what we so agreed that the most go masika was a power many orchestrated by kids under the supervision of washington. the only for laughs is the fantasy that the unspeakable tragedy at the moscow concert was the work of inspiration, planning and execution by isis. and indeed, by a declining regional part of it. isis correspond from all the evidence that emerges and especially from the testimonies of the arrested terrorist. it is concluded that the terrorist attack and crocus city was carried out by a mercenary group of ruthless killers, bearing the stamp of the ukrainian nazis of key of the bowl of high supervision of
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us agencies. shortly off of the most 22nd atrocity in most go to washington was quick to blame. isis, us officials alleged to have had intelligence so the as lumnick terrace group was preparing such an attack license. so base enough dentist on days that claims responsibility which most go dismissed as a full slide wells, one of the greek policies found is he blames kevin washington. so he's in depth assessment the, the thing i see is doesn't seem to have any independent voice or action. it seems that it has probably been controlled by the american bridge secure to services. and it is used cleverly and sometimes very crudely to serve the goals of the american bridge strategy in the middle east. and now apparently in ukraine, normally an extreme islamic organization such as ices at services. let me go united zation should at this time be turning. i would say exclusively against israel and
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the genocide it is carried out in gaza. on the contrary, isaac has recently been systematically it's, i can those who turn against israel, for example, it has seriously heard, but shuttle assess syria, which has been fighting israel with particular for us to do lately. just as it is not justified to iran, which is the main animal as well in the middle east. and yet, ice has attacked a large gathering during the anniversary of essentially moneys killing. we have now reached a point where isis is also attacked in russia with this terrible heat that was done this tragic act of terrorism at the concert center. so why, what kind of interest could an extremist islamic organization have an attack in russia and 8 in the us, british plans, as well as ukraine? because every hit against russia works in favor of ukraine and the western powers that support keeps. all of these shows that ice is, is opponent to serve the american breed of strategy of the
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people. davies. and it strikes me that the 1st thing the american said was that ukraine had no involvement in the moscow attack. how did they know so quickly? it hadn't been made known yet. beauty as they are, they rushed to acquit themselves 1st and then ukraine. i think that no one can believe what the you saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack . the credit is, are losing the war and the west is losing the war. so they will try the heat rush. i with the symmetric warfare and not in the military field. you know, is that there is other who is the us knew by the terrorist attack a truck, a city hall, and make sure to warn it. citizens in russia in order to protect them. these gave away their whole plan because they showed that they knew it is impossible, that the information they had was vague or speculative, but they still refrain from fully informing russia. so as you understand, the us,
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the last things 10 fold, which i believe it planned in the 1st place. these shows how important they are and how they have planned these attack against russia. and this whole symmetric war, the us doesn't want to lose the war and ukraine, and they will do anything to prevent the defeat of ukraine would mean that us is also defeated. there was some circles in the us that have a breakdown to his way of thinking. they think that if the u. s loses its global influence, it would be better for the world not to exist. the now to northern garza and al schafer hospital where israel has withdrawn his 4th is also a 2 week feeds. images show as the off the mouth left behind with buildings hollowed out from the bombing and streets filled with daybreak. according to gauze, the official was the idea of killed more than $400.00 pounds of citizens and destroyed over a 1000 times. during the sold the gauze and civil defense has afforded finding a compose. for these inside the magic when complex one body was found,
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handcuffed with a bullet wound in the head, and then residential building surrounding the hospital with thousands of facilities with discovered the low cost of condense, these rarely attacks. they completely destroyed the hospice. have you done this right? is there a dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end? nothing! yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all scheaffer. this occupation is doomed to end or that the sales and sales has been deformed and so no, no motive plays for the people to does. uh. so has the headset see suppose because like we was sleeping here with hell. she fell. i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband, they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family. and i wasn't sure if i should attend or what was
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once a central hospital, which is rather difficult situation here. people are screaming because they are looking for better things and their lives and finding it without the oppression. so just yes, the one, the people are angry with the position of, of the envision. and they told me that was within the, of, from this the. so it'd be this lot of the skin of this section and i had the weird i don't the for the accounts from i would, this is their shots and be what it meant. the during the vision you told me very, very, very difficult assessments. the decisions i come from the is where the army has came to
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$500.00 suspects affiliated with terrorist organizations. what apprehended and 200 terrorists were eliminated? those comp should during the 2 week operation, which on suppose the interrogation, the idea of what was a stress that they prevented home in any civilians, patients and medical teams, canadian palestinian, joyless, non social non, who recently fled from dogs that has moved this house for us this is the, the 4th or 5th time that no idea has to talk a shift hospital medical complex. this time however, they have permanency damage depending and its inside facilities. uh, it is totally now out of service. it cannot be used as a hospital any more or even as a place for shelter. lots have been killed. many have been injured. we're still getting news about exactly what happened then. it's happening right now around the ship hospital earlier in the or there was some very,
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very strong propaganda against a ship. it's being the center for the hospital. that's what i'm, that's what patients and that's all proven false. as time went by and that's no evidence came out together with other bystanders and people looking from the outside. we still don't understand why the idea continues to attack the hospitals. i think over 90 percent of the clinics and hospitals are out of service now either because of very heavy bombardment or they just try it out. she was up right now people are trying to set the field hospitals together with the support of and jewish from around the world. and doctors and nurses are trying to, in the camps and that a few decals in the 10 cities trying to attend to the people that need help and support as much as they can. right now the biggest hospital is, shall have the saw in the middle of the regional assistance. but that also has been attacked for the last couple of days. again with many have been killed at the
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entrance of the hospital and at the inside in general. so um um, since the situation looks pretty pretty grim or the demons, right. so this house stays a protest of the cold house in india where a prominent until position lita is being order to remain in post to the on corruption charges for another 2 weeks. he has his exchange with doing this before the trial the holding, the alliance was removed round yesterday for you. what do you have to say? what the prime minister is doing is not good for the country. let's go to the south now from all corresponding runjun. shawna runs and get to see you today. could you take us through the details of the case, please? a call on the 21st of march, the head of the state of delhi arvin kane street was he was arrested in an alleged liquor scan by the enforcement direct rate. he has been in police custody for 9
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days, and today there was a hearing at a local court of to which he was sent to and you did show custody. so from police custody to which additional custody. and we don't know for how long he's going to be there for he's been seems to be hard to you. that's the biggest present in the country. now are when kids revolved his government is basically in daily but also in punjab. but he has a missions, national ambition, so to see, and therefore the opposition is both and they're saying that the timing office, the rest is suspect just before the elections are going gauge, the wall has been sent to jail and they are accusing and having to move these government, the b j b for basically using agencies of government agencies to crack don off position really does. now while the government sees which is basically that
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they have nothing to do with it, the bought the agent thought body has nothing to do with the enforcement that a crate. cracking down or on vacation was informed today. enforcement at lake street is basically an agency that looks into financial fluids and this particular keys of identity vol. it hasn't been in the public eye for several months now. and they're saying that basically now, because he looked to someone's he's been sent to shame. what i gain a big gang of corrupts people will stand in the rem, leila, my dun and watch the spectacle of our vin. kendra wall's arrest. they will cry, and the same will take place. in the same rumbly la, my don and delhi, where our vend kendra wall stood and shouted and called everyone corrupt and now at the same place, he himself has been arrested as a big corrupt the person involved in the liquor scam and was thrown in jail. i fully believe that the same rum leila, my don, where the odd me party, and our vend kendra wal, began their careers,
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will also be the place of their downfall. everyone knows that operation load is being carried out to destroy the arvin. kendra, well, lead a p government, but this load us would never be able to bloom and daily. so the position, yes, they had the form to be good. is a big pro just app bromley law. my don says that the beach of the data was mentioning, available at this particular value. this particular protest organized by the opposition is bringing the positions all these together in a way the india a lines i n d i, which is basically a lot of all positions bodies that each no one's the national ones, the funding alliance against submitting to more the government and they have been testing taken out to test against the more the government bullcrap from down on the opposition in this particular a pull does basically that was held in dom d not made on was in favor of i've engaged involved and basically trying to see
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that the more the government just before the elections of scad, and that's why they want to send, they want to crack down on the position. so when did that, essentially is the case about internal affairs is always the move to it of the, you know, as far as this case is concerned, it's a big is a bit of school. some can see that it's politically now for the city of both the i'm of the party, the congress, but also are the regional policies are now nice. they are organizing protests and the beach if you've hating back at 7 so and so forth. put this in the politics and book we seen what we've seen is that saw the west countries like the u. s. and the german and use the you in for that matter be haven't kept quiet. and d has started elected in india on why this move by the government and this move is north by the government. this move is by a government agency called the enforcement directory that looks into financial thoughts. and what the us,
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for example of seeing is the all wheel monitoring the situation in the re, up with one of those a month. like anyone facing out these agents, mr. cash rebel is entitled to a fair and impartial trial. you can make use of all available legal haven't use without restriction. we continue to follow these actions closely, including the rest of daily chief minister cadre. while we are also aware of the congress parties, allegations, the tax authorities are frozen. some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections. and we encourage fair, transparent, and time the legal processes for each of these issues. a slow top diplomats votes us and germany last week after they meet the common they were some launched by the indeed administrator of external affairs. and what india basically told them was that all of your comments are on warranted. you want me to monitor the situation in delhi, what's happening,
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whether it is you dish or whether it's politically because new dell is very well equipped to the kid i've been, keeps involved for example and say for example, if he was falsely accused, he still has the option to go to the court is not the local in the high court, and denny then the supreme court of india. so if you use force via choose, for example, when fine just is there is no need for other countries to pull the news in during the lunch. i many thanks for keeping an eye story for his thought to correspond to it went to ensure on the kenya union of clinical offices has announced a nationwide strong starting today in a bit to make the governments address pressing issues of the health care system. the union says this decision was made on to legal measures were exhausted without results. it's not joining a strength by kenyan adults, is that has been ongoing since the middle of last month. health care was because of
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the molding changes that include the recruitment of $20000.00 additional stuff. meanwhile, the international council of nurses has the keys, wealthy nations, including the us of the u. k. of recruiting to many workers from african states. the counsel saves us leaving the confidence with a lack of medical personnel. the group also mentioned that some national nurses, associations, and poor countries of quote the trend, a form of neo colonialism. every government has a duty to protect its population. but by recruiting experience, nurses from poor a nation's wealthy ones are effectively outsourcing the costs of training, getting the registered nurses on the cheap without any form of re investment. this behavior is now having the consequences in many countries, west. serious gaps are being seen in health care systems that are under a great deal of pressure. while the major reasons why i said from midway,
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0 was changed to a change is fairly easy for the country as the sun. and as long as our own region, i'll, uh, the issue is, is subsidized by the government expands the, the, on the average in the parent on the account. spends the stream down to about $50000.00 in training. and then, you know, so a lot of the foreign policies for new treatment is uh, being able to see the amount of money and fox most of the strongest time to make a profit or 2700000000 for as long as you are looking for as long as there's a minimum of 2 points, i mean being us the range nice the many holidays meals
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on the, on since the current 90. now break that has been a so if any global magical recruitment due to the now to induce shortages on the need to address post ponds and make issues some w h i regulations and through pub, the poaching of stuff from countries with weak health care systems puts in place formal agreements to recruitment from states on a so called read list. however, the w h has code in the master as well as how are ya know, it's legally binding. adults from donna told us that african governments need to provide basic conditions for their medical workers if they want them to stay. the basic listening gun that is sitting right. if you go to the politician or 2 other stuff, maybe he may not be sold back. but the problem is that people want more if they're better opportunities elsewhere, you know, there is always movement from it please, or block was increasing to approve of higher costs increasing. so if i want to make more money for one or the accounting den available,
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the different i live. so if can this is a service i made better in this country that i am sure that more the test will mostly dingle? is it going to cause in raising the economic situation in both countries and opportunities that those countries move on to offer it to be doable for, for kind of countries to create, to adopt a similarly, like other countries. so it means that government also just make things better. the government doctor doesn't need much, just making things better or slightly better for the doctor fee. understood. okay, so i believe this is the while the excess of medical professionals is a key issue for the continents, according to data for recent years, some 55000 down for conductors. they've been practicing overseas, mostly in the u. k, the u. s. and phones, most of the magics who left africa have not returned time, which is communist policy member on such a run. the bra stays former colonial powers of massively beneficiaries from this
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trend. this is our new policy. we've seen it for a long time. i've been in the attic just for over 20 years on a 1st was a medical student and job to receive very many nurses and doctors come from the philippines later from india and that was from africa. so it's been a long campaign to target and recruit for the brewing the fuel fix, but really couldn't be distinguished from the overall effect. so that's the fact that we have, you know, a divide, you know, between few very wealthy nation. and the boss must have nation, so that's fully been the colonies of those nations and where we don't know that direct system exclusive. i think the reference made by the leaders of africa's nurses essentially, right? because we have a neo clinic is and based on economic device. and that of course leads to an ongoing brain drain, not just in the medical field, but across the spectrum of
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a skilled label. people are by to, to the building a whole aspect to the front of me on the circle that i'd love for me in near colorado as well from the flu. ready majority to the impurities hotlines and they do it full money. because money of course, in, in the current world, in the current economic order, you know, and decides all things. india is among the countries taking to shake off the legacy of colonialism. we delve into the details with we're now back to an host of let's talk about it. i knew pam kyle, nazi international know his guess today is a site visit my mission day, who's being code body words most preferred lawyer. he's a sneak peak of best sit down eric in full throughout this monday. we made it enough to independence or the british jurisprudence on the british system. because there were low country for hundreds of us. and you didn't been in the court then able to exact.


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