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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the rushes, the federal security service saying that the terror suspects on sundays, wade and southern russia were directly involved. and the closest city masika was the one that's missing that mold tax slip to talk so fast. we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c. d, or in the victory part, the thought of getting the crowd of people, i believe the weapons to the guys. what that croakers city hall motion for an intelligence say that washington is trying to wide, was ukrainian in bozeman, and convinced the allies of the ice. this is behind the most gold coins that told us to take a scuffle about in front of an indian court house. is a permanent assault position leader remains in custody on corruption charges for another 2 weeks on the as well that withdrawals its 4 days from lc for
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hospital in northern garza, of the killing. more than 400 palestinians on this floor. and i for a 1000 times in the area. they are dead people everywhere. but god willing, this occupation just doomed to end nothing. y'all who is doing to end america is doomed to end all those who bond us no matter how much they promised and destroy all she thought this occupation is doomed to end the a very welcome. this is all t international with the latest world news. it's great to have you with us and we stopped this out with a breaking news from syria with explosions of hit the country's capital. the report suggests that as well has targeted the residence of the rain in boston, near the radian embassy sites in damascus, iranian and boss, this is syria, i just found the reported reporting reports, the notes ended. oh jeez footage from this thing. so is one of the buildings of
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area destroyed, was nearby cause damaged and tablets was jasper book when he moved these house as soon as they come and stay with us with us. and now the americans applied abrams tank, has been destroyed by russian forces in the of the region where ukraine has been facing heavy losses daily. joining us now from the front line of the crank on places all these danielle corresponded wide gas. the more i get to see, what can you tell us about the latest developments on the grounds, as we are at this moment in the city of boston, what we, what is left behind me, the horns. this is the eastern side of buffalo devices as it is, but a railway line level glass. i can tell you that there have been changes drastically changes even since since you've been here perhaps gun fight. it is a regular feature here. all right, so just trying to to dog mean drones,
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are you kidding and drones? drones which you use may see an investment into eighty's prior to corporate say, this is something that we, we see lots of a pain in the amount of pillory avenue leasing that they use. it is nice. we were here in boston within full time and the situation now is it is very kind of a to claim has serious problems with the club, especially large caliber. i'm you, nation as well as manpower. this is a major problem for you can increase the red blood fee if you don't have to drones the bloodstream, you credit evictions and they see, oh nope, it's the middle of last part of the contract sent to the front flag. it is evident with some teeth,
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feet. this is what will you do compared to what is the one talk more than previous the naturalist elements. we keep that increasingly president, you pay the taking in buffalo to around because the enemy is you can use just be on the city. but they increasingly say that there are few until you credit soldiers who wants to move outside in the documents in the fisheries that they refuse it facing prison. this is wasted on the ground. there's lots of lots of groups already . one thing, they're not on the outskirts of the vin that exist, and that is trying to solve the problem with a population of people population of 12000, washer and dryer. just take a lot of good. the last settlement before just have you out there about 600 meters
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away from just have you opt out from which you prayed based. it's a, it's a defense, a box with but as i say across the front lines, the picture is large. the, let's say by short pull and observation, it looks back to more as many thanks for that update that. so senior correspondent one does d as though and i do apologize for the pull sounds quite as easy as who our view is . that the similarity is, of course, in a conflict design, so i'm sure you can appreciate that. okay, moving on now, rushes, the federal security service is the terror suspects obtained during sunday's raid in southern russia. what directly involved it will cost racing. the march 22nd quote is called is that whole? mastercard, the space they relate to suspects, had funded on supplies. the most go attack is the agency is also really supposed to been special forces units. what the apartment blocks for the suspects was season. doug has done the full that were in possession of weapons and explosives and were
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planning to commit to tax and the southern russell, the public. f. a. c also stays the would be terrorist. we're hoping to flee the country laser wrong. aussies correspondence equals donald picks up the story for us basically, it seems that the terrace so responsible for the absolutely horrendous, a terrorist attack against the clock, a city hole just outside most who they weren't going to stop just that this another terrace. so in the southern republic of august on they were planning, apparently they were planning bombing attacks against the advancement of the southern russian town of ca, space. also, they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns fox. so they were all detained, and the most important detailing the stories that thing fact confessed to supplying amunition and even cash to the public faces of the attack against the venue outside . most of this, we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b. c,
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d, or in the victory part, the targets in a crowd of people to collections of raffles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment during the rest. i believe the weapons to the guys who attack rocha, city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch call out to meet the she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terror against the croakers city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co ops just outside most schools. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons, the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack money. this is the very same call that they used for that failed gets away. this is the very same call that was called on its way to the russia ukraine border
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. so there it is shortly after the russian security services stopped terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the most mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas stony terrace. so answering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines they did not make any with the tools though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the croakers city hall for an intelligent service they from they've also step forward. they have said that it is really suspicious how the u. s. administration, how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look, you crane had nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create
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a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of savanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keep trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the cleaning regime and will finally the rail. washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also, the russian for an intelligence. the pointed out that the heads of uh, that the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service, they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia. that the rush are branded as the terrorist to be openly admitted that these 2 behind the attacks against the cry me a bridge that the they were the ones who targeted or did they head against lovely
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and the thought of ski, a wave bull correspondent who was was murdered in cold blood the in, in st. petersburg last year when she was handed a, i'm not a special ed written with explosives and a number of other attacks against the full ukrainian, a visuals and as one and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. it's everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions and it's put tony and finish and v, like the chief editor, saves these. her attacks on russian territory was envelope 2nd fronts of the conflicts. these are a y, c exec, the c i a level operations where they are, they have been doing these for for 30 years. and of course we have to understand and to make the main question. that's why these so called extremely sizes. gerry's never a techs usa or britain for east route, which are not in the line last what mostly me interest,
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but russia who is defending muslim world in the world community. of course, these are more efforts and in order to support degree, maybe we can even say that maybe there is a 2nd front opening against russia, which is using very much terror attacks in order to attack russia. and of course, there is a direct line to crane and these bottles and events what are taking now place shows that the day after this, eric was b as were well aware of these networks and taking them serious, serious trip and, and stopping the activities of a found does the 3 great political parties have also agreed for the most the most but go, was apparently orchestrated by t as under the supervision of washington. the only for laughs is the fantasy that the unspeakable tragedy at the moscow concert was the work of inspiration,
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planning and execution by isis. and indeed, by a declining regional part of it. isis correspond from all the evidence that emerges, and especially from the testimonies of the arrested terrorists. it is concluded that the terrorist attack and croak, a city was carried out by a mercenary group of ruthless killers bearing the stamp of the ukrainian nazis of kids. in the bowl of high supervision of us agencies solely on the march 22nd. the 12th of tea in moscow, washington was quick to blame. isis, us, a specials, alleged to have had intelligence that the is nomic terrorist group was preparing such an attack in life itself. based and ask uninstalling data claimed responsibility, which must go dismissed as a false flag. we also one of the greek policy founders who blames keith and washington for his in depth assessment of the people davies. it strikes me that the 1st thing the american said was that ukraine had no involvement in the moscow attack. how did they know so quickly?
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it hadn't been made known yet. beauty as they are, they rushed to acquit themselves 1st and then ukraine. i think that no one can believe what the saying about itself and ukraine regarding the terrorist attack. the corinthians are losing the war and the west is closing door. so they will try to hit russia with the symmetric warfare and not in the military field. no, it is the is the us knew by the terrorist attack a truck, a city hall, and he made sure to warn it. citizens in russia in order to protect them. these gave away their whole plan because they showed that they knew it is impossible, that the information they had was vague or speculative, but they still refrained from fully informing russia. so as you understand, the us, a lot of things to unfold, which i believe it planned in the 1st place, they shows how important they are and how they have blend these attack against russia. and this whole symmetric war,
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the us doesn't want to lose the war and ukraine, and they will do anything to prevent the defeat of ukraine would mean that us is also defeated. there was some circles in the us that have a very dangerous way of thinking. they think that if the u. s loses its global influence, it would be better for the world not to exist. the demonstrators have stage to protest to the quote house in india, where a prominent until opposition leader has been ordered to remain in custody on corruption charges for another 2 weeks. the trial has already spots a diplomatic route, also in washington, twice to interfere. and then d as into an old traditional masses correspond to into engine shauna reports. on the waiting list, as march the head of the state of new delhi are engaged for you all was arrested on charges of a legend because can live enforcement directory to the e d, which is basically a government agency that looks and financial schools in the country are when q 3 law has been in police custody since and to day after
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a security in the local court, he was sent to the sure custody in the hard to lend. you delete the biggest prison in india. the hope in the alliance wasn't the room. we looked round yesterday for you. what do you have to say? what the prime minister is doing is not good for the country. i've engaged, revolves political body, the body and other opposition policies via now basically calling up the more the government, the saying that the timing of our, of increasing valves arrest the suspect considering general elections, of just a few weeks a we are when he's you all's political body the on the body has a strong hold. have a strong griffin you, denny, also punjab. but he has national political ambitions and therefore now we're using that also wanted to put bodies are coming together, protesting against the more the government. they say that the more the government is using a government agencies basically to track down an opposition leaders. however, the government, to seeing that the agencies are just doing that show and that this particular case
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has been in the public eye for several months now. and that is correct. in fact, to i've been teaching about allied are already in june. we're not game a big gang of corrupt people will stand in the rem, leila, my don, and watch the spectacle of our vend kendra walls arrest. they will cry and the scene will take place in the same rum leila, my don in delhi where our vend kendra wall stood and shouted and called everyone corrupt and now at the same place he himself has been arrested as a big corrupt the person involved in the liquor scam and was thrown in jail. i fully believe that the same rum leila, my don, where the od, the party and our vend kendra wall began. their careers will also be the place of their downfall. everyone knows that operation load is being carried out to destroy the arvin kendra while lead a p government. but this load is would never be able to bloom and daily. so under this umbrella, the alliance or i n d,
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i a opposition leaders come dappled some real parties, national policies. and they basically are not telling sort of things is resolved to rest. having said that, this is purely in dallas in so no matter both the political side of it, i'm the visa side of states. but sometimes he's never really understand the us. for example, on germany, they have made comments about different issues as the rest. they've gone on to say that them monitoring the situation in this is that your commons are warranted, like anyone to face and optimizations. mr. cash or valid isn't titled to a fair and impartial trial. he can make use of all available legal avenues without restriction. we continue to follow these actions closely, including the arrest of delhi chief minister cadre. while we are also aware of the congress policies allegations, the tax authorities are frozen some of their bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming
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elections. and we encourage fair, transparent, and time the legal price. this is for each of these issues. so also the promise me both by jo, many and 5 of us diplomats of both the countries where someone to buy the indian ministry of external affairs. and they were told without wincing any words that this is india's internal matcher. and you do not get to comment on that. india has a perfectly well judicial system to take care of. it matches, but it's pretty good too in the countries like the us and the joe, me to pull into the country isn't done a lot of they've done that in, in this case as well this time. but the government has told them very clearly. so we from, are you still in the us? a, wendy is a security interest snow. symmetric is red lines, will be the priority in the investigation of a foiled assassination attempt to gain a designated terrorist warranted in india. the currently in the us that's new delhi
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is the message to remarks made by the us. um, boss of this india. i think that's absolutely critical for any of us, just abstractly, that has to be a red line. no government or government employee can be involved in the legit fascination of one of your own citizens. that's just an unacceptable redline position of my government is in this particular case, diabetes, certain information which has been provided to us which we are investigating. and it is something we are investigating because we believe out on national security interests are involved in the investigation. so as in when we have something to say on that investigation, we would be very glad to speak about it at this point of time beyond the fact that there is an investigation going on washington the say is the 2 countries i think working together on the criminal investigation, but it's reluctance to depose the criminal pots. one thing upon them is a separatist on india designated terrorist who holds american. i'm canadian
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citizenship, he's repeatedly issues twice against india, and the country's top officials, including prominence and the rent remote a. let's cost 5. it to delta of indicates to now for my deputy national security adviser of india many thanks for joining us. so the us on the to india, i response as to you said, no government's employee of any country should be involved with a sense of how you think of florence visit citizen referring to be foiled at night applause. what has the us created a red line now? and why are they so, so no government's employee could be involved in this case. i go to this edition good. it has uh, given a book, a response to this date printer made by the us investigator. and that is that, uh uh, the information provided by the us site is being investigated and that there are some very serious national security. this is good. i think good
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. this is, this is sensitive resume, quoted. you is an issue and you to, to uh, go to them and uh, book to countries on the listing agent. good. so i think the pretty much the underlines was perhaps not the board for the well, this is what you do need your time been uh, in john it's uh, going through an uh, election cycle. and everything that you said is notice dimensions of the important point here. is that also isn't and that is uh enough uh, based on, uh and it is all over the social media in the media generally on these 2 things. uh, texting strip thing seems to be only that, that. so the,
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the, this is a business solution, is that going on and i'd be, should be the dog to be completed. this will be both, both. there are things like you said in the as being so that it's national security interests the most significant and as an investigation for them. do you think this investigation has the power to upset the relations between india and the us in good us have a very broad and deep relationship as the garden and people seem to be uh, the last 2 years uh, famous or movie or is it due to the us uh, in june of last year and there was a new product. it was a, uh, want to know, bump in snow of even that, uh, the issue is uh, the substantive and the consequences or both sides and, uh, they were going to die. so this is an issue or it could be due by the one,
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the issue or the other. under the same time, i think the, the funding issue is that he said he is a, is a very serious issue. and we used to be done to rent the sensitivity and open the gantt because otherwise, just to do is finding something in washington has acknowledge that new delhi is fully co operating with the bind administration on the investigation. what do you expect to see as the outcome of the case? well, we have to wait until investigations. uh does. but uh the, the width side uh, the agencies deadra. uh, the government restrictions also have a lot of information uh on, uh, uh, and others effect. and uh, you know, and they said uh, these are a lot of information available on public spaces as well. uh,
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the issue is that to get ahold of the director's office since the last year around the launch. uh, it was a vision uh of a deck on the indian uh, also lived in the san francisco. uh and of any uh, uh, sympathizers of funds. then you called me and said sun, auto planet insurance. which of these are really serious issues? i mean, you have to, but not both sides. have to look at this entire and uh, uh, the provides big justifications also. um the colors done for the son, man. and all those one involved. and what not just in uh, the united states workforce bridge or in many other countries. oh, the focus to really be on the $500.00 issue of well, uh uh it is um and hopefully be for this. um,
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another case that were close to the following and several days ago, new delhi slams. the remarks made by washington about the rest of the cale position sega, according gets it statement out of line. what do you think this spot means? and what would the us be so interested in an internal indian legal case? yeah, this is a bit just surprising. i think to the, as your report, the said the domain uh sometimes the uh, the match and so on. then this is very much the fan of the frontier and its uh, the issue with the extreme strong uh, uh, interest rating. and we have the deduct west, uh uh you go to system and richard and then take care of it. uh it, is he, in the vision countries but any off on uh, the freedom of speech. so guard freedom of speech is a use is a shi, uh,
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a duper pictures all statements. all those give these statements rich actually no and good is terrorism and quite as we have seen that uh this uh, often useful uh, unfortunate to consequences of no, it'd be to move to them. yeah. and this has been uh, making a common cause many other countries. and the condition for that that is on, on, is, will always be just to patriotism additional strong action is to, is in the international and additionally moment. okay, so uh, so uh, uh, this practice will be kept in mind because of there isn't too many things to have a backlash and everybody is infect you so much isaac,
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i'm sorry, sorry. so what is the thing that, that listen will do? those deals has not been done. that then cannot be looked at is so bad, and it is facts in the x sure. and get into and it's on its own duplicate energy is some very soon as possible. but us so, so it shows some interest in other international cases. i think you'd have pocket stones imprisonments have in wrong con, it appears it wasn't that it wasn't concerned about things showing the quotes that are in tron spar legal process. the so what's really going on here as well. i think julie speaking in the us, the uh, 7 the strands. so you will have uh, the government to institutions. then you have the congress making them the special groups and adobe groups. and so many of the schools, all sudden, one part of the system does not take the same line as the other. the sections of
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the system kindly becomes very difficult for us to, to is really understand as to how it lines up with an interest in this, particularly this is a need you to, it is a, i think, to the end it's, uh, it's the actual, uh, some kind of a sort of data, the behind it is with x media condemning the goodness, attracted to you. i can't then this so tends to in thank you. it is, it was the was blues about it and there was also stuff like somebody's use of their this or to explain to me and they know what to do. something like that for several years ago. and so much of the work. thank you for speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time talk to of any groups the director of the vac kanza international foundation and for my deputy national security adviser. thank you for your time. thank you very much. nothing open garza and i was safe. a
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hospital way as well as with the road is full, so after a 2 week feed, images show as the often mass left behind, with buildings hollowed out from the foaming and streets filled with daybreak. according to garza officials, the idea of killed more than $400.00 palestinians were destroyed ever a 1000 times during the sold. so the goal is that a civil defense has reported finding decompose both days inside the medical complex . one body was found handcuffed with a bullet wound in the head as a residential building surrounding the hospital. dozens of bodies with discovered locals of condensed b is where the attacks that's completely destroyed. the hospital you done ensure that there are dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing! yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all scheaffer. this occupation is doomed to end
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more than 15000 says it has been good for him. so now no more of this. for the people of god to have him get in because because like we was sleeping here until she fell, i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband. they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family and i wasn't sure if i was to get them or what was once a central hospital. it is rather difficult situation. young people are screaming because they are looking for better things and their lives and finding it without the address or display of the one. the people are angry with the position of, of the invasion and the cell. nichols that was within the outside of these. and so it'd be this lot of the skin of the just function.


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