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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 1, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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is doomed to end on the says and says is has been transformed into this so no, no more of this for the people of god to have him get in a she fell hers because like we were sleeping here until she fell. i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband, they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family and i wanna ship all the time. or what was once a central hospital which is rather difficult situation, young people, i was kidding me because they are looking for better things and they didn't find them there without the restaurants or this is the one. the people are angry with the position of, of the invasion uninstall. nichols, that was and then the of these, the so it'd be this lot of the skill of the just function. i had the
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weird i don't the for the accounts from i would this is their shots and people who meant the building, the vision. jay told me very, very, very difficult. the assessments, the decisions i come from the is really me has claimed 500 suspects affiliated with terrorist organizations. what apprehended and 200 terrace were eliminated. those comp should, during the 2 week operation, were transferred for further interrogation. the idea of also stress that they prevented home and any civilians, patients into medical teams, canadian palace to the enjoying of this month, social 9 who recently fled from gaza has more details on this. this is the, the 4th or 5th time that the idea has attacked a ship, a hospital medical complex. this time however,
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they have permanency damage depending on its insights, facilities. it is totally now out of service. it cannot be used as a hospital anymore. or even as a place for shelter, lots have been killed. many have been injured. were still getting news about exactly what happened then it's happening right now around the ship hospital earlier in the or there was some very, very strong propaganda against the ship. it's being the center for the hospital. that's what i'm, that's what patients and that's was all proven false. as time went by and that's no evidence came out together with other bystanders and people looking from the outside. we still don't understand why the idea continues to attack the hospitals. i think over 90 percent of the clinics and hospitals are out of service now either because of very heavy bombardment or they just run out. she was, um,
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uh right now people are trying to set the field hospitals together with the support of and yours from around the world. the doctors and nurses are trying to, in the camps and then a few decals in the 10 cities trying to attend to the people that need help and support as much as they can. uh right now the biggest prospect on this show how bad saw the on that also has been attacked over the last couple of days again with many have been killed at the entrance of the hospital and an inside india. so um, um, since the situation looks pretty pretty grim be, can your union of clinical officers has announced a nationwide strike starting today in a bit to make the government address pressing issues of the health the system. the union says this decision was made also legal measures were exhausted without results is no joining
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a slide by kenyan doctors that has been ongoing since the middle of last month. how's good work? is it demanding changes that include the recruitment of $20000.00 additional stop? meanwhile, the international council of nurses has accused wealthy nations, including the us on the u. k. of recruiting to many workers from african stays. the council says that's leaving the confidence with lots of medical personnel, group goals and mentions that some national nurses associations have poured countries that pulls the trends are full of neil colonialism. every government has a duty to protect its population. but by recruiting experience, nurses from poor a nation's welfare ones are effectively outsourcing the costs of training, getting the registered nurses on the cheap without any form of re investment. this behavior is now having the consequences in many countries west serious gaps of being seen in health care systems that are under a great deal of pressure. while the major reasons why i said midway,
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stillwater strange to change its policy fairly easy for the country. this region i'll, uh, the key issue is, is subsidized by the domain. spends the, the on the page in the parent on the account. the spanish speech stream down to about $50000.00 in training and many highways now. so was the foreign policy for new treatment uh, being able to say no. most of these countries tend to make a profit all around 2 times. so really, for as long as you are looking for as long as there's a minimum of 2 points, i mean, be in the range nice the many holidays meals on
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the, on since the cubic 19 outbreak, there has been a search and a global medical recruitment due to burnouts induced shortages, and the need to address post ponds that make issues some w h i regulations and to pub, or the poaching of stuff from countries with we tells cast systems as it puts in place formal agreements for recruitment from states on the so called web list, however, the w h o code in the matter is voluntary as no, it's legally binding adults, it from donna told us that the african governments need to provide basic conditions for then medical work. cuz if they want them to stay, the best situation in gun that is sitting right in to, to dare politician or to other stuff. maybe he may not be sold back. but the problem is that people want to know if they're better opportunities else. wait, you know, days always move matter for me please. over the walk was increasing to approve of higher costs increasing. so if i want to make more money for one or the accounting
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data volume of the different i live. so if glen, this is a service i made better in this country that i am sure that more the test. well, mostly i think was it going to cause it raising the economic situation in both countries and opportunities that those countries move on to offer it to be doable for, for con countries to create, to adopt a similarly like other countries. so it means that government also just make things better, the government, the need much, just making things better or slightly better for the doctor fee. understood. okay, so i believe this is the, the x, this of medical professionals is a key issue for the continental, according to data for recent guess. it's on 55000 for consultants have been practicing overseas mostly in the u. k. the us, um phones. oh some, most of the medics who left africa have not for certain type, which is call me this policy meant on search and run g. bra stays bullet colonial
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powers of most of the beneficiaries. from this trend. and this is our new policy. we've seen it for a long time. i've been in the and i just, that's over 20 years or no us was a, you know, a medical student and job to receive very many nurses and doctors come from the philippines and they took from india. and that also from africa, so it's been a long campaign to target and recruit for the brewing. it has a few effects, but really can't be distinguished from the overall effect of us. so the fact that we have, you know, dividing i will between few very wealthy nation and the boss must have nation. so that's fully been the colonies of those nations. and what we don't know that direct system isn't. i think the reference made by leaders in africa's masses are essentially right because we have a neo clinic isn't based on him economic device. and that, of course, leads to an ongoing brain drain, not just in the medical field,
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but across the receiving spectrum of a skilled label. people who are by to look to the building a whole aspect to the front of me from the so called the, from the vehicle as well for the flu majority to the impurities hotlines. and they do it for money. because money, of course, in, in the current world, in the current economic order, you know, and decides all things return. now to are breaking news from syria, but at least 6 people have supposedly been killed in the countries capital following it alleged is rarely strike as any a general of the islamic revolutionary governments cool is allegedly among those killed report was suggested as well as targeted b radian consulate building in damascus, a diplomat and to and his family on said to be on injured. all these footage from the same show is one of the buildings in the area destroyed with nearby cost that's now close lives to independent investigative journalists based in damascus. vanessa bailey, i can thank you for joining us on
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a program. vanessa. what more did we know about the strike at this point? a very little at the moment. the start came in at about 5 o'clock and it was a massive strike because i'm in or the western suburbs of damascus and it sounded literally next or so. so the 1st 3 strikes were extremely loud. we could then hear the defense or engaging the entire building, which is the iranian concert, which i believe was used as the residents by the investor was destroyed. as you said, so far, there are uh, 6 small to civil defense teams are looking through the rubble, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was co. this isn't the, the 1st is rarely so i'd be on this board is in, in recent days, even as well as previously struck military target some of the states, but a diplomatic building has not been hit. so how much of a, an escalation, how serious of an escalation is this?
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well, i mean, this is a huge escalation. i mean, we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or in med, say, back in january. but even this morning at around 4 or 5 am, i could get the time wrong because the attacks are coming in pretty fast at the moment from israel. and that was a huge strike, a gun and west in damascus on what is a research and development center. i'm sorry, and research and development center. and there was a massive fire or this morning or of damascus could smell it. so this is the 2nd attack today, and this escalation, as i said before it's, it's basically signals the escalation, know, the expansion of the will, uh, by israel, a gun initially what appeared to be right in forces on the ground interior and has blocked off for tips on the ground,
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but to hit so close to the right. an embassy. this is again, a major escalation even from just 2 days ago. when we consider that jeff lisco ramifications within the region, i'm feel and uh, how did you see this thing out? well, it remains to be saying, i mean if there is, i have heard the room is that there is a, a leading i r g c. come on to that has been killed in the strike, but that is not confirmed. and the syrian ministry of defense has just put out a statement. they haven't confirmed that, so we're still waiting for that for that possible loss to be confront, presumably buyer on itself. um, if that is the case uh then there is potential that we see a retaliation from iran, as we did say back in january when they struck uh, most sides are headquarters in iraq. and they could be any manner of response or
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retaliation to be honest. and that so many things to say, joining us on the problem really appreciate your insights into the situation. independent investigative journalist spaced in damascus, vanessa bailey, as a boeing 7 to 7 tall, the plane has clashed off the landing in south. so done the pilot, the pony loss control of the cross and collided with another judge on the runway. police. one person was reportedly hugs his all africa correspond to delivery a ton guy with more. yes, another devastating no to the evasion, industry and deviation. i mean, the community is also done an air boeing crest in my a call. if you all to the incident comes just on the heels of another accident involving an african express. it weighs in february this year, according to app with management. what happened was that a lost cause obtain land and crushed that to the airport, dissipating land. and if the meat is outside the runway causing its tires to burst
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into an inside out as a result of all of this is a plane loss control. and, and he's another one, the m d a, the 2 that suffered an accident in february. this yes, the so comes to says the. c surrounding the crash, also being investigated and details remain quite miscast at this particular moment . but we do understand that that's even people what a board the dvd players, including 6 crew members and they are all in good condition at one pest and sustained injuries. that's yeah for you, you mentioned that uh not the 1st incident involving a boeing plane in recent months. of course boeing under lot of scrutiny lately. what else can you tell us about that? well, this is at least uh, probably the a bullying accident in the last uh, 3 months. uh, some airline passengers, you speak to them and they say they are quite apprehensive about happening in boeing. deadline is following
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a series of flights of problems in the past 3 months. among the, the, the, the recent incidents that happened almost 50 people were injured during the mid flight to technically emergency. and also prior to that, to extend that the max a plane to run right off to the runway in houston, texas. and following is theory, software safety issues and calamities. we now understand that, but we see o announced that she will be stepping down by the in the off with this. yeah. as the you is aerospace di and struggles with the fallout from the 73 max, the disasters. and the decision is, of course, parked off age law and management shake up in the company's history. also know that to that decision, far it was the mistreat that school surrounds the sudden death of done bondage. it happens to have been the exit bullying staff member responsible for quality control between 201020. 17 bonded filed
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a complaint with occupational safety health administration in 2017 the same yes. key retired due to stress related to medical issues, the, the investigation that she opened was closed. i closed reportedly finding no fault with bullying, but did bonded appeal was still pending when he died along with a lawsuit as to fault against bullying, alleging that the company undermined his korea because he had raised the safety issues and concerned with the company in the lead i've been through, he's this on a flat major concerns regarding boeing's culture and approach to safety concerns. and she also argued that the company has been pursuing its workers into integrating defective pods into a craft. excuse me. on that. i was in charlotte pushing by dfcs to our suppliers and with the inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspector product
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before they sent it in. well, i'd say entertainment for inspectors stared arrows systems to inspect the 41 section before they send its charles. and we found 300 defects, some of them were significant needed engineering intervention. when i turn to charleston, my senior managers all moving with balance of many dfcs and he was going to take some extra southern extra or you went on to a minus factors. and when they got back, they were given at least the only one and 50 d set. so that a specter side has a despair really clean up director squared. i don't sound right. she was mad, she said no. so the 2 inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole $41.00 section. they were kicked off their phone and of course the cause of fun is costing less money was deemed a suicide. however, news reported that a week before he's dead, he did tell a friend that he was not skating, but if anything happens to him,
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it's not suicide. but of course the lawsuit against boeing continues and boeing is of course, and that's in pins and major security. and i'm switching over in some manufacturing processes. india is among the countries sticking to shake off the legacy of colonialism. we delve into the details with we're now in docs and host of let's talk about it to our new pump on aussie international is guess today is a citation violation date who has been called bollywood smith's preferred lawyer. here's a sneak peak of the sit down and airing in full throughout this monday. we made it enough to independence, or the british jurisprudence and the british system. because there were low country for hundreds of us. and you didn't been in the court then able to exact. and the commitment was, was your court, particularly for that i was framed in 1816 so that the law continued in our country did about now the government of india has realized that most of those laws,
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red object laws, number one. now what do they are meant to protect the british crown and the fines and the punishment. the boys did not match the present system in the work. so the government that has done about it is particularly optimism that ended when they came in to the united cabinet in the country. she had promised us that every day, if you would delete one law, that would be the same by the addition. you're happy with the time happy. i'm happy with jane because uh we are going away from the colonial. uh, friends that the indian system had the language that has been using the court yesterday as being on the sort, but i'm okay published and i don't know the language was english in all the courts right now, if you're going to read off your good judgments and we're not the, if you go to the level the court proceedings take this and diamond so common man is
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the biggest, big gets to know what is happening in this case and or not because of right the the russian olympic committee president has pointed out that the i as these boy tossing off least based on that nationality and his comments was pointing to his statements by the mass of powers, the french official list that the russian on spelling russian asked lisa unwelcome at the upcoming summer olympic games in front. as a deal, i want to tell the russian and bella lucy and athletes that they are not welcome in paris. i would also like to tell the ukrainian athletes and all the ukrainian peoples that we support them very much. in recent years, the leadership of the international olympic movement has mastered the scale of proving that black is white and shifting their own responsibility on others to solve custom made problems such as squeezing out everything russian from international sports that they made their own. for example,
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the fact that low san is now a political player and sport is completely political, has been finally officially made clear. one less smith, a new tale was immediately told about the threat of a boycott from the russian side, which allegedly took place. despite the fact that neither russia being represented by any organization nor the citizens of our country were even invited to the games . initially, no one has been invited even now. the olympic boycott today is about the removal of athletes based on their nationality by the international olympic committee. of the international olympic committee announced in december that russian of the russian space could participate in the olympic games on the search and conditions. spokesman from these countries come into the olympic arena only on the neutral status of cannot display the flags or think on sums. they're also not allowed to compete in teams, both on different off leave. suppose russia is a special operation, always affiliated with military structures. they will not be allowed to participate
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in the games. motion officials have cooled the aisles, the actions discriminatory since the restrictions have never been impose on any of the country. they say the olympic functions infringe on the russian athletes personal interests of the conditions, the qualifying for the input game. so almost impossible. russian president vladimir putin said the original idea behind stealing pick games as being on the minds by these provocative measures to everything that international officials do in relation to russian sport is a complete perversion of theater. to but times idea, the olympic movement was created to unite people, not to divide them. today's international officials have become too obsessed with the business side of sport if they continue to act in this way, they will bury the olympic movements. president automatically was initially the decision last june to hold wall of friendship games in russia, in 2024 with the 1st one scheduled to take place to september, the russian sports ministry. so these competitions on no to no alternative to the
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olympics around. 30 countries, including european nations, have already confirmed that participation in the event. as, according to the director general of the games is organizing committee i. m. c has quoted a politicized sports event and pronouncing his disapproval. it is a cynical attempt by the russian federation to politicize board. the international olympic committee athletes commission representing all the olympic athletes of the world clearly opposes using athletes for political propaganda. the commission even sees the risk of athletes being forced by their governments into participating and such a fully politicized sports event, thereby being exploited as part of a political propaganda campaign. to suppose call them is alan moore says that despite the principle the sport should be a political, the 2 are difficult to separate politics for sorry, there's nobody between them. we on the television has moved to s all the proceeds from the waiting on the or waiting team. so it goes both ways. so i think it's just
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the latest on this stuff. you know, the politicians will make a statement using sports to make us stay into sports as well. so i think it's just, it's just the latest thing. this whole issue in france is for corruption investigation in tennessee mer, wants to try to start this from inside of people from the defense. and so they see fairly as, as we move in, in the very revising deliveries is a huge money making machine. they are terrified really, is here, the friendship can take over because they see if there are days and borders intern for people who can take part and enjoy. or, you know, kind of well just to go for this call. so you can take part of that is a huge issues. i think d o c, realize the state of forcibly of forces d, i seize using that using goodwill, while country by taking this very, very silly and i'd say just imagery tass as well. thanks for joining goes on,
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asi international, this monday with bob with more in about 5 minutes. see then the the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 raised with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into
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a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser i. omer hale deign bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to size paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the medieval girl d paid off. the revolt was cross, however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized the solve the 1st as the king of a rag and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population. v a racket revolt are the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and
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became an important milestone on the way to the final independence. the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym,
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but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals through what we should be living on, that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask a better. the answer is, will be take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen for you? fractured images, presented as fast. can you see through their illusions,
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going underground? can the russian states never as one of the most sense community? best english i'll send send up the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t supposed net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say it's even closer to the
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breaking news from syria where at least 6 people, including a syria, is nomic revolutionary goal is cool. office the are reportedly pills in internet ads is really slide on the top of the month. flushes federal security services at the terrace suspects from sundays rate is southern. russia was directly involved in the protest. city masika with won't admit, saying that morris had talked to that we were planning a terrorist attack here from the bank of cas pcd, pointing the victory part. time gets in a crowd of people, i believe the weapons to the guys what that girl could see. the home scuffle about in front of an indian quote house as a permanent interposition needed remains in house to the own corruption char.


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