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tv   Going Underground  RT  April 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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by the m e n i b 4, but if we, oh yeah, it's always been swept. if we're doing it or compared comparison with other international cases, such as pocket stands and presidents of a wrong pond, for example, it appears that washington is much less concerned about insuring a fair and transparent legal process. so it makes one wonder what's really going on here, what, why are we seeing these double standards in terms of washington's attitude? you're absolutely right. you know. 6 like i said, this is not the 1st time you know that it was still under blind eye to focus on people who has done the blind item. a lot of countries that you know of, you know, the choose piece me and you know, if you look at the u. s. c, i r, routines. india has, um, uh, india is possibly always on the bottom. often this, this is the united stations, the united nation, so of representation for religious freedom with the judge international, religious speed of, you know, of. yeah, and china are always somewhere down and,
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you know, at the bottom. and here i don't mean to compare of china to really yeah, but you know, these are the countries that seem to proceed to offering that. whereas if you look it up, you know, focused on you look at another country is where you know that absolutely. oh, no formal, well, a secular government, there seems to be no comment g. but, you know, of course, to know that the us southwest on the sudden extend off into full beach lobby. you know, we know that there is the sold will be our $21.00 is consider now will be as right for you. do you know, so there's always and then what is the, you know? yeah, this, this us presence is not filled out in india, but in other parts of asia as well. let me know how do the agent public feel about this is present space influence and how indians reacting to increasing global. most people are attainable, this change a, a. let me say they said, oh, uh, you know,
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for us, it's always a surprise that the us would want to have such a fixation on the doesn't, on his matches, which is nobody's business, except in dest. you know, of the american civil also had um you know, for example the phone lines you know, i dont know georgia right. and he was a republican, he was a convicted of a, we've had a no set and i retreat who was convicted, you know, and visa own and charges criminal charges. mr. name is just a domino geologist. however, nobody ever commented on walk the systems were taking place in or what, you know, oh question. the judiciary in the us. you know, so for us, this sort of hostility is not welcome and i think like i said before, the any, and made it very clear, you know, the, any you to the based on sex this will not be accepted and you will dispose of the, you know, this,
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this sentiment i think is represent agent. all of the largest sentiment in yeah. you know, when we talk about fiji balls, body of the opposition parties, you know, of being the, you know, or having some sort of pressure on them. let me ask them, you know, how is it then that of the be to be came into power in 2040, you know, after decades of, uh, uh, congress running on teaching the congress. how does that happen if the democratic process is word, is functioning, you know, so the sort of piece mean understanding if someone's were given to mr. k july, before the arrest happen on the country, what it looks like to an average in units that's mr. gauge was, was trying to time is a rest in such a manner. that is, it is closest to the elections. you know, it's a month i should not be, this should not be the kind of length of and that should be taken for somebody to
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respond to us on wednesday to somebody who was given to me that he would go at the 1st instance off the sun would not, it's is it summer and over 5 months you're not getting by me. thank you very much. but as we can just, i really appreciate your insights of the situation. ronnie ryan john disciple, let's go out of this all set and call them as thanks for your time. i appreciate your time on the phone with president my enjoy has arrived in china for an 11 day trip. he's called is visit a journey of peace. is that what made his hope to that at a time when the situation between the 2 sides of the street is tense, we will convey the desire of the people of taiwan to pursue peace, to have cross street exchanges, and to avoid warrant honestly. meanwhile, the united states is preparing for will with china. that's according to an article in the washington post. the pace analyzes a new us troop formations in the pacific region study and the tactics that
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developing so engaged a maritime of 5. it could pass across thousands of miles of islands and coastline and asia gaines. adversaries, like china, that's close, live to all to contribute, say calls on us to discuss this further calls or to see you say, well can we expect from taiwan is full of presidents visits to china. are we likely to see a meeting with the she didn't think i believe so. my angel was a cocktail or a former tie when beater and i think as he's stated, this is a trip for peace. i mean, he is desperately trying to stop the war fall happening across the tyrant street at a time when us is wrapping up pages across the tyrant street. you know, with the deployment of us special forces on cayman islands, just couple kilometers from the chinese coast. and the us have been re deployed to bases in the philippines that are looping in japan and australia
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and to, to contain china. now now us is desperate because despite the report in the mainstream media of the immune and try and use the economic class, the reality is with each passing year, china road stronger the tip, the balance she on tipping in china is favor. currently, china has $200.00 times enabled build up capabilities of the united states for every one of us worship that's built 7 chinese worship is the bill right now. so as time goes on, china is fully growing stronger views of the united states. that's why u. s. is making up that, that in this limited time window that you delete, he can still contain china. he wants to start out the attention to stop. china is continue rise. yeah, this,
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this oscar and the washington post that the us is preparing for war with china. it's, it's quite that the americans will repel aggression against taiwan, japan and the philippines. how likely are we to see such aggression? well, 1st of all, most of the noise is about impending war is coming in the english language media and mostly in, uh, n u. s. and some european and use media that there's nothing suggest a war is coming in use or media of mainland china or taiwan. and yes, she sees you being has stress time and time again. that's the chinese government look forward to a peaceful view. you re unification with ty, one, it's just that china never gave up the option of using force. that's always the option on the table. but she has said again and again that there 8 me for peaceful re unification. and it's a, it's a us,
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i strongly got tensions right now by deploying it's military assets, thousands of miles from the us mainly. and it is kind of forcing a response from china isn't it? is it is a build up of american forces around the country, which china seas is a thread. what kind of response do we expect from china? or china, it's actually acting very rational. a. china has not, in response to the us publication so far, try to deployed coke scar city or china just boy coast guards to the water is that came in island, china is deploying coast guard in the south china sea dispute. this is what the us military costs a great a china is gray. so aggression because china has not formally deployed, is military, which makes it is hard to justify,
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for us military detect directly involved. and that's why we are hearing a rack work here, a more aggressive language in the english media controlled by by you know, the us corporate media. but, but china has actually take a very, very calm approach. but in there is worried there is worry of increasing patient. that's why the former leader of ty, one is making his historical visit to mainland china, where the soap to head off of war comedies and suspecting so as cause or to contribute to thank you. thank you. now to northern garza, and i'll see if a health is always well, his withdrawal, his forces off to a 2 week feeds images. so is the off to mass left behind with buildings hollow down from the bombing and streets filled with daybreak. according to gauze or officials, the idea of killed more than $400.00 palestinians are destroyed over a 1000 tons during their cells. the dogs of the civil defense has reported finding
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decomposed bodies inside the medical complex. one party was found, hung costs with a bullet wound to the head, and even residential building. surrounding the hospital, thousands of bodies were discovered. locals have condensed. these ready attacks that have completely destroyed the hospital. are you done this right? is there a dead people everywhere? but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing! yahoo is doomed to end! america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all scheaffer, this occupation is doomed to end. more than 15000 says it has been deformed in this fall. so no, no more of this. for the people of god to have him get in because because like we were sleeping here with hell, she saw i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband. they took my nephew,
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they took everyone from my family and i wasn't sure if i was gonna tell or what was once a central hospital, it is rather difficult situation. young people, others can you me because they are looking for better things and their lives and finding it without the officials or display of the one. the people are angry with the position of, of the invasion uninstall. nichols, that was and then the of these, the so it'd be this larger scale of this function. i have the weird editor for accounts from i would this is their shots and be what i meant. the during the vision j told me very, very, very difficult. the assessments, the decisions i come from
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these radio, i'm a has came to $500.00 suspects affiliated with terrorist organizations. what apprehended and $200.00 terrorists were eliminated those cop 2 during the 2 we cooperation were transferred for further interrogation. the idea of also stress that they prevented home and getting civilians pace and science, medical teams, canadian paula city and during this month, social 9 who recently fled from gaza has moved this house. this is the, the 4th or 5th time that the idea has attacked a ship, a hospital medical complex. this time however, they have permanency damage to building and it's inside facilities. it is totally now out of service. it cannot be used as a hospital any more or even as a place for shelter. lots have been killed. many have been injured. we're still getting news about exactly what's happened then it's happening right now around the ship hospital earlier in the war. there was some very,
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very strong propaganda against the ship. it's being the center towards the hospital . that's what i'm michel patients and that was all proven false. as time went by and that's no evidence came out together with other bystanders and people looking from the outside. we still don't understand why the id s continues to attack the hospitals. i think over 90 percent of the clinics and hospitals are out of service now either because of very heavy bombardment or they just run out fuels. um uh right now people are trying to set the field hospitals together with the support of um and jewels from around the world. the doctors and nurses are trying to, in the camps and then a few decals in the 10 cities trying to attend to the people that need help and support as much as they can. right now the biggest hospital is shot, the saw in the middle, the region of cluster strip,
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but that also has been attacked for the last couple of days. again with many have been killed at the entrance of the hospital and an inside india. so um, the city situation looks pretty pretty grim. hundreds of ultra over dogs. so i re, the protest is blocking the route for highway and central is round in a demonstration against the idea of conscription. that's costing i also want to make it easier. i t 's maria the notion of to find out more when we have one more piece. how is about the latest wave of protests and as well, of the hello to you. and they said for the 2nd day and the rules, thousands of protests, there is a gathering in front of these rarely parliaments, the mass of pulling the prime minister. and when yahoo governments to step down it is believed to be the biggest, and 2 governments rally soon were when i'm not attacked israel and the war in guys
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started sunday demonstration brought together more than a 100 of thousands of people organizes say, monday, rally is expected to be just as a mess and have no bigger around $110.00. you probably can see behind may have been set up here for testers. they're planning to stay until at least wednesday, the last day before the message goes on the recess. they say to make sure those who are running the country now i know heard in here after the vacation we are coming here. we saw people carry mattresses and blankets preparing to spend. 7 and nights and this makes you can very around the message where i am right now has been for the dogs. hundreds of his really forces have been deployed on sunday in protests when violent they were. glasses was police that eventually used will to cannons to disperse the crowd. we also see security fans and kind of bob wire along the perimeter of the zones designated for the protest to limits the movies. all the
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demonstrators, people here are coming from different backgrounds. some of them are families of the hostages held in for liberal circles, high tech people, they have different reasons. all of them are united by frustration and anger. the current government to base room is tons different slogan. so the key one sounds like i to arrow ashatash and he brought me, it means you are in charge. it's your people too much to give it to the apple masses attacks of wayne's motor, the sizes tables when they're all $3000.00 military, is the builder from the gaz, a straight into each row, queuing and taking for the people say, the army police security forces that were supposed to protect this was really citizens fails to do that and is in the is personal, it's way tragedy was of the people we spoke to how so frustrated with the lack of
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the progress over the release of $100.00. 34 is really hostages, held by a mass and power seat. and as long as you had militants in regardless of the 3 to 6 months in november, as you remember, a deal between israel and her mom brought more than 100 captives home. and exchange for the release of a number of how is seen in prison are super house and is rarely jails. but ever since know, greg, who have been a tree has been a change to government. professor walton the progress because the war is profitable for me and they say it's the payments. how, how realistic for the demonstrators is to achieve the main goal on top of the government, according to a recent call, 71 percent of the public supporting the idea on the election. so we have to say that really isn't yahoo is under tremendous domestic pressure,
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but we don't change anything. we have to wait and see of course back to you. and the re, i also understand the is where the problem is. it's positive. so cold out is very low, which would give the government temporary powers to prevent far news networks from operating as well. if it's police be causing harm to national security. well, no. can you tell us about that? yes indeed, there were there in monday. the message the by is really information many effectively closing down the branch of other channel. and these are why named davin just the rebuild is how now the next few days of the yahoo plane, the after the news, the millions you know, having that as a 0 harms. israel security actively participated in the several massacre and inside of the gangs, idea of soldier as prime minister said it is time to remove the truth from our
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country. it is a sad because now is the hearing to take away the with the man is really earlier this year. i am the son down any news interview for to read to the state of israel, national security threat of anything successful that updates on the team, at least bureau cheese maurice the notion of speaking to his line from jerusalem that i think you training and forces have at least a 2nd series of strikes against the russians city of belgrade. on monday, 9 people have been injured. all say correspondents, ramon calls the rep springs as this update the freight in order to show that fits
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your filter. i'd say yes again, that's 4 days for russian defense ministry st through step to at least the 17 shelves from the launch of working system called the buyer among places that were targeted for private residences, multi apartments buildings, private cars and others. there was a lot of smoke ukrainian shell, a saw from all the neighboring streets, so damaged. we don't have any military facilities in the city. what are they firing out here? the emergency alarm went off and we all ran to hide. you see the windows are blown out, the cars are damaged. my child was very scared. of course. the specialist isn't working . try to determine what type of shelf this was as you can see. a we are here, the purity, residential neighborhood. children's playground for the at the moment is there haven't been any casualties for 4 days, but it's still here because the era learn sirens continue to stand from
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time to time. here, for one call for a warranty builder, the kenya union of clinical offices has announced a nationwide strike starting today in a bit to make the government address pressing issues of the health care system. the union size is decision was made off to all legal measures, were exhausted without results. it's not joining us twice by kenyan don't to is that has been ongoing since the middle of last month. health care was because of the mounting changes that include the recruitment of $20000.00 additional stuff. meanwhile, the international council of nurses is accused wealthy nations, including the us of the u. k. of recruiting to many workers from african stays. because also he's, that's leaving the continent with a lack of medical personnel. because i mentioned with some national nurses associations in poor countries have called the trend a form of neo colonialism. every government has a duty to protect its population. but by recruiting experience, nurses from poor
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a nation's welfare ones are effectively outsourcing the costs of training. getting the registered nurse is on the cheap without any form of re investment. this behavior is now having the consequences in many countries, west. serious gaps are being seen in health care systems that are under a great deal of pressure. why don't you mean your reasons why i said these ways doing was change to change? is policy fairly easy for the country this, this arguments all around the region. i'll uh, the key issue is, is subsidized by the domain spends the, the on the page in the parent on the account. the spanish speech screen turned it on to about $50000.00 in training. right now. so was the following prompted for new treatment
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uh, being able to see the new fox. most of these strong properties are on 2 plans. so really, for as long as you are looking for as long as there's a minimum of 2 points, i mean being us and the guy framed nice many holidays meals on the, on the exodus of medical professionals is a key issue for the constance. according to dates, if a recent yes, i'm $55000.00 condo cuz they've been practicing overseas. mostly of the u. k. u. s . and phones, most of the medics, he left africa have not returned home, which is call me this policy number on surgeon run jeep bra stays phone. the colonial powers have massively benefited from this trend. this is our new policy. we've seen it for a long time. i've been in the and it just for over 20 years or no. so this was a you know,
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a medical student and job to receive very many nurses and doctors come from the philippines and they threw from india. and that was from africa. so it's been a long campaign to target and recruit for the, for the fuel to fix the re, they couldn't be distinguished from the overall effect. so that's the fact that we have, you know, i divide in a little between few very wealthy nation and the boss must have nation. so that's fully been the colonies of those nations and where we don't know that direct system isn't. i think the reference made by leaders in africa's nurses are essentially right because we have a neo clinic isn't based on economic device. and that, of course, leads to an ongoing brain drain, not just in the medical field, but across the spectrum of a skilled labor people who live by to, to the building a whole aspect to the front of me from the circle. 3rd world, from the new colonized wealth with global majority to the imperialist hotlines,
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and they do it for money because money, of course, in, in the current world and the current economic would, you know, and decides all things. well, thanks a company this monday that so for me unit on there will be here with the latest in about 5 minutes from now. the . so the g for the archives and we stopped by school. you know, some of the, at the close, i mean the last name of the
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issue, the issue of what's important and the homeowner westbrook learn how to match the late fluid and miss your new 5. so be sure your key to either which the
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the think that would inform you to with them for the gifts at the side of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get through the new year. oh for g like teach that way nor for me teaching the scholars. so thoughtful and you've cheated us from the style approach you with that the flushing, it's a little bit more and more a 1000 plus lots and lots of the amount of water to move. let me look into that. i will just, i did, i just want to say the lowest quality, i'm all of that. so i'm going to, i'll study to be progressing right. and you see the shortest finish. this is just to just quoted you. again, i'm a fraction of what it is i'm going to do friday. here's the material, ordering the report of people for over the, for sure, engineering the temperature of the intention to some of this
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the after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of this genocide stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to for an hour and put up stairs, resistance, dividers against colonialism, were led by the seats of this and the side order. omar l move star,
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who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass keyboard agents, and the imprisonment of the local population and concentration camps, the invaders could not go with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l moved star was captured and sentenced to hang at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and reach active pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress lady 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 de boats fell victim to terror. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll collapsed in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the
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breaking news from syria were several over rums islamic revolution regard. court advisors have been killed in this really strikes on the are really in conflict in damascus. now this, according to the countries, i'm also coming up on the program brushes, federal security service phase, about the terrorist suspects listed in some of these rate in southern russia were directly involved in the appropriate, specific must occur with one of the detained, admitting the more attacks where we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c. d, or in the victory part, the targets in a crowd of people i believe the weapons to the guys who attacked crow proceeding.


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