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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news from syria were several over rums islamic revolution regard. core advisors have been killed in them is really strikes on. they are really in conflict in damascus. now this, according to the countries i've also coming up on the program brushes, federal security service, say is about the terrorist suspects. listed in some of these raid in southern russia were directly involved in the appropriate sitting must occur with one of the detained, admitting the more attacks where we were planning a terrorist attack here under the bank of cas, b, c, d, or in the victory part of the targets in a crowd of people,
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i believe the weapons to the guys who attacked croakers city hall, a scuffle erupt in front of an indian court house sells a prominent opposition leader remains in custody and corruption charges for another 2 weeks. these real withdrawal of its forces from out chief of hospital in northern cancer, reportedly killing more than 400 published indians and destroyed over a 1000 homes in the area. there are dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. net and yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us, no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all this occupation is doomed to end, the life must go to the world. this is arch international praise the heavier company for the news hour on. we begin this hour with breaking news from syria,
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where multiple military advisors from a runs is low make a revolution regard for a been killed in. and this really strikes on the are really in consulate building in damascus. that's according to the reunion. i'm foster. the syrian foreign minister has denied today's attack by israel on damascus, which kills at least 6 people. now, the reading and a boss or to syria and his family are said to be safe. ortiz footage from the scene shows a building in the area destroyed with nearby cars damaged and covered with dust. a local reporter can tell us the process of clearing the debris and extracting bodies under the rubble continues. the security detail of the iranian embassy was attacked. the building was used by the iranian investor as his residence in the capital. a fortified and guarded area where the iranian embassy is
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located is really aggressions. syrian foreign minister, fines will make god, has recently arrived at the embassy building. wel, that's across live. now, 2 political ellis site mohammed motor on the entire run. like if your time today, the reading and buster has confirmed the death of officials from around just like revelation regard core. this isn't the 1st is really strike at all of their borders . but is it the most significant in recent times? yes, the very resumed has repeatedly attacked syria. it's been doing this for years. it was during the, during the war and syria, when i is, there is an outside that were stationed alongside people on highs, supported by his rating, the team that is ready to get it. there's trying to target frontier in army whenever they was 550 slides. i see,
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so i or i'll kind of go back to this is very different. they struck you on an embassy. i've been inside the building before i said it is a part of the learning embassy. then baset are pretty creative staff buildings. and we run by because there is a clear as day nash, this was intentional policy here. um iranian eric. and therefore i have no doubt that the, the response from you ron, will be very, are right. it is of course of the charges shown themselves to be a amal is receiving a stereo center size today on hospitals, the onset hospital. that's a good fit for you from as shown that they actually can see for the next 2 saucers, physicians, medical, south, and ordinary people. so,
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a road where do you like this? you can expect them because the canadian embassy were just looking at pictures on our screen and all that is next to the reading called slit building in damascus. surely the strike by his real tardies at a high risk of collateral damage. as well as is the possibility of telling those other embassies and consulates in the area that an attack is coming at. would they want to risk one of their western allies being hit? but i'm not sure if there is anyone in the neighboring list as at the moment when the dirty war in the series began. and why certain regina gans as far as high as soon as i'm out by doing all kind and kind of fix pretty much group. right. so we are these, maybe it is a pen. basically they were closed. they were,
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please come see it would be involved in both the similar treating the movements of people who wants to go in crisis and serious. but also they help find these organizations whose parents, organizations, and they say political cover, all of the parents to so many of them left as an access. i'm not, uh, i don't know about the status of the canadian embassy, but i'm pretty sure that most less the numbers beautiful. but it's a very built up area all the same as net. oh, absolutely. and the various has been doing this regularly in the masters and another city namespace. try a civilian target. 60. it's not important for them. i mean, anyone who looks at what's going on. thank god i think so that's pretty randy. we say very, your international law, which doesn't mean anything. and western regimes allowed is rarely used to be whatever they want. they give a number for medical and cover for decades as he said, giving them timeliness and,
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and to the welfare and use the continued the size of the new york in certain americans of the city. it will save certain kinds of the country focus of being the orders. but when there's really, really sorry, is also what is the, what's the 1st sentence for 0 effectively compared to the holocaust. you see if there's no response and why? because the less than media will continue to get them from the, from cover western governments want to see the house and now and the media will continue to the following day. and once upon a time, i remember when the embassies counselors were absolutely sick of growling and you, you couldn't arrest anybody inside the know they're being hit by miss silas by israel, it's quite an incredible turnaround side. thank you so much for coming into the program. so promptly ensuring your view with as political as side mohammed and run the live interior round. okay, now the story to bring you today on
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a busy news, day rushes federal security service saves, but terrorist suspects the chain during sundays, raven southern russia were directly involved in august reading the march 22nd crocus concert hall. mastercard. the f. s. b says the latest suspects had funded and supplied the most go attackers. the agency has also released fund age of at the special forces units of the apartment blocks where the suspects received. in august of the 4 men were in possession of weapons and explosives and were planning to commit attacks in the southern republic at southern restaurant public the f s. b states also say that would be terrace. we're hoping to flee the country later on, r t corresponding to eager sit down, off, picks off this. so basically, it seems that the terrace, so responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the croaker city hall just outside most who they weren't going to stop just this. another
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terrace. so in the southern republic of august on, they were planning a project that we're planning booming, attacks against the embankment of the southern russian town of cas space. also, they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns parks. so they were all detained. and the most important detail in the stories that they, in fact confessed to supplying amunition and even cash to the public phases of the attack against the venue outside most quickly. as we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d, or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collection of rifles were 400. 62 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment during the rest deliver weapons to the guys who attacked croakers city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch collette to meet the she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sudan, in fact,
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this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terror against the croakers city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co ops just outside more school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons, the munition and will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out the attack money. this is the very same call that they used for that failed gets away. this is the very same call that was called on its way to the russia ukraine border . so there it is shortly after the russian security services stopped the terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with the most mother . so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas tawny terrace. so answering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm,
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one of the cash machines they did not make any with the polls though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the cross city hall for an intelligent service they will for they will also step for what they have said that it is really suspicious. how the u. s. administration, how washington is try is doing everything in its power to basically say, look, ukraine had nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of polanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keith trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the queen and redeem,
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and we'll finally the rail washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also the rushing for an intelligence they pointed out that the heads of uh, the heads of ukraine's military intelligence on the ukraine security service. they have openly admitted their involvement in other attacks against russia, about russia, branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that these 2 behind the attacks against the cry, me a bridge that the they were the ones who targeted or did they head against lovely into thought, escape a bull correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in uh, in st. petersburg last year when she was handed a, i'm not a special ed written with explosives and a number of other attacks against, uh, fully ukrainian, if visuals and as one and so forth. so this is something that the russian for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. that is everything that washington
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is doing right now. it raises suspicions. now, the russian internal affairs ministry has prepared a draft little tightening migration into the country. now if the bill passes, the period of temporary stay of foreigners will be reduced to 90 days within a calendar year, a currently workers are allowed to stay for that same period every 6 months. well, that's across live. now to 3rd day mark of russian statesman and political scientists to shed some light on this. and you're very welcome sir. the temporary stay of foreigners in the russian federation has essentially being how if this goes ahead, perhaps before we get to the reasons behind the proposed bill, do you expect any more changes to the law a subject? uh is it it will be uh, do you call it a go start. oh, about a site as possible. uh. change. we could see you do allow us probably uh to into
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yes. as a uh, political uh start rules. so bottles. uh ive been fighting uh oh, it was an english and long 3 tools. uh the police go for us to do one of them and these uh, action uh, security law enforcement agencies closure i did interested in. uh uh, do we mean uh, was it really it solves a new speed shed some tools. uh or actually, is there somebody to give me a call and does that uh, most of them from mazda in printers, and uh, some of them for over, they put it on the quotes that i was on. i just want to find one. and then i guess i didn't beat out ash and business specifically and sort of industry on deal is a really much interesting about the issue you on ols integration, was it because the interesting not to take it on?
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so i have to say is that business and then side share my sense of what is the problem. so also it uh about 80 percent falls. uh, which is uh, in fact uh new york. so is this uh, you know, are those a global stairs or dock received uh, is that a problem with that being and also uh, express is, uh, uh, uh, physician um, more energetically i would say more uh, emotional. uh because uh the people in the last, uh uh, is it, you know, most of the time is they have is they just some essentially do uh, reduce the dish, bought out a substitute and started back in mid shift. i do i need around. so i took stuff off and doing was i'm sounds, that sounds that actually the pulse of go, sergio. the collision center is became very much stronger. so is this the triangle?
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on the one hand, uh, security a voicemail to is it the old uh, agencies, uh, mazda, uh, in the, uh, use, uh, the business and i was, i use, i don't, those are political discussion between them. um, normally they're doing printing. okay. we, we have to see what comes out of that discussion, but what are your thoughts. busy of, of where will lead if this bill becomes law, you say about the number of workers in, in commerce, you know, there's a lot of seasonal workers who perhaps work in the streets across russia in winter, particularly cut this effect in the short term negatively on russia. i is events on a what? uh, specific time z sir. uh well, we'll be up by the bar. it just will not be a real we will see miles as falls and meet with on. sorry to cut off sir. each.
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good. uh no sir. uh did you how much it is offered you said. busy if i bought them at the all center, right. uh, it's uh, uh the, the items are in the, in the daylight and also i, you know, the cleaners. so the cities, uh, most of them uh, he drops. and also i was uh, i can uh, leave russia to. busy that nature for the account. so it said can undermine if i'm the position was that different sectors of, uh, actionable bar. each way would be no, just leave me in for 3 months or so stay. but it will be a legal issue. i'm going with the uh, uh, agencies i bought was that uh, russian business who was worthy of course, take it off every 3 months. so it could be, uh, it could be more effective. uh,
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because uh, probably lease is that uh uh, sometime the business reach, use it on the uh, the search and that was, it was due today in addition to the security supervision. easiest integration. so side is i would say, well this exactly. the form was for more, but i would just say shuttle and uh, and understand that additional spend its, uh, its, uh, what, uh, uh, russian business also didn't and even many leaves us in many countries. so in the east. exactly, a rush and stuff side, you know, somebody that union really much is in the month to sort of this to make them all russia was such a russian start to perform very interesting. and d, thanks for shining some lights on that with this on the possible ramifications as well. mr. surrogate markoff, russian states, been public figure on political science as live on archie.
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the ukrainian forces have on least a 2nd series of strikes against the russian city of belgrade. this monday now. a and people have been reported injured, r t corresponding vermont customer of is in the border city. he follows this report . see freight in order to show that fits your filter. i'd say yes again, their forties for russian defense ministry states receptive shells from the launch of working system called the buyer. most places that were targeted for private residences, multi apartments buildings, private cars, and others. there was a lot of smoke ukrainian sheller saw from all the neighboring streets so damaged. we don't have any military facilities in the city. what are they firing out here? the emergency alarm went off and we all ran to hide. you see the windows are blown out, the cars are damaged. my child was very scared. of course. the specialist isn't working
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trying to determine what type of shelf this was as you can see. a, we are in a purity, residential neighbor, children's playground for the, at the moment. they happen to be in any casualties reported, but he's still here because the era learn sirens continued just and from time to time. here for one call for large e builder, the okay to more world news demonstrators upstaged a protest of the courthouse in the indian capital where a prominent opposition leader has been ordered to remain any custody on corruption charges for another 4th night. now the trial has already sparked a diplomatic rock after washington criticized the case, leading you daily to slumber us for quote, attempting to interfere in india's internal judicial matters. here's our teeth, ranging from on 21st of march, the head of the state of new delhi are engaged for you all was arrested on charges
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of allegedly cost town by the enforcement directory to the e d, which is basically a government agency that looks and financial schools in the country, i've been teaching a lot of has been in custody since and to day after a ceiling in the local court, he was sent to the to the shows stop. city is the hard chain in new delhi, the biggest present in india. the hope in the alliance was this room fluid ground yesterday for you. what do you have to say? what the prime minister is doing is not good for the country. are engaged, revolves political body, the body and other opposition policies via now basically calling up the more the government they are seeing that the timing of our, of increasing valves arrest the suspect considering general elections, of just a few weeks. the we are when keyboards political body, the army body has a strong hold, have a strong group in new delhi, also punjab. but he has national political ambitions and therefore now we're using
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that also wanted to put bodies are coming together, protesting against the more the government. they say that the more the government is using a government agencies, basically you just sat down with opposition leaders. however, the government to seeing that the agencies are just doing that job and that this particular keys has been in the public eye for several months now. and that is correct. in fact, to over i've been teaching about allied our over d g. we're not game a big gang of corrupt people will stand in the rem, leila, my dun and watch the spectacle of our vin. kendra wall's arrest. they will cry, and the same will take place in the same rumbly la, my dawn and daily. where are vin? kendra wall stood and shouted and called everyone corrupt and now at the same place he himself has been arrested as a big corrupt the person involved in the liquor scam and was thrown in jail. i fully believe that the same rum leila, my don, where the odd to me, party, and our vend kendra wal, began their careers will also be the place of their downfall. everyone knows that
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operation load is being carried out to destroy the arvin. kendra, well, lead a p government, but this load us would never be able to bloom and daily. so under this umbrella, the alliance r i n d, i a opposition leaders come dabbled, some regional of bodies, national policies. and they basically are not telling dr. moore, the government for our vend dc valves. the rest having said that this is purely in dallas, intel, no matter both the political side of it, i'm the visa side of it. but sometimes she's never really understand the u. s. for example, on germany. they have made comments about different issues, also the rest. they've gone on to say that them monitoring the situation in this is that your commons are warranted. like anyone facing out these ations. mr. castro valley is entitled to a fair and impartial trial. he can make use of all available legal haven't use without restriction. we continue to follow these actions closely,
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including the arrest of daily chief minister cadre. while we are also aware of the congress policies allegations, the tax authorities are frozen. some of the bank accounts in a manner that will make it challenging to effectively campaign in the upcoming elections. and we encourage fair, transparent, and time the legal price. this is for each of these issues. so all the comments made both by jo, many and by the us. diplomats of both the countries were some money by the indian ministry of external affairs. and they were told without, mincing any words that this is india has internal moto and you do not get to comment on that. india has a perfectly well judicial system to take care of. it matches, but it's pretty good to me to fund fees like the us and the joe, me to folks, daniel was into other countries have done a lot of they've done that in, in dfcs as well as a side box. the government has told them very clearly,
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so we from, are you still in the us? well, let's keep attention on the region because india is security in press notes. america's red lines will be the priority in the investigation of a foiled assassination attempt on a separate disfigure hood in the us. that was new del, these response to remarks made by washington and buster to india ticklish. and i think that's absolutely critical for any of us just abstractly, that has to be a red line. no government or government employee can be involved in the legit fascination of one of your own citizens. that's just an unacceptable red line. position of my government is, in this particular case, that i have been certain information which has been provided to us, which we are investigating. and it is something we are investigating because we believe out on national security interests are involved in the investigation. so as in when we have something to say on that investigation,
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we wouldn't be ready to speak about it at this point of time beyond the fact that there is an investigation going on or washington say's the 2 countries helping working together on the investigation. but america is reluctant to deport the quote, criminal at gra pots. once sing, putnam is a known c. separatist has been designated a terrorist by india. he also holds the american and canadian citizenship. mr. pon has repeatedly issued threats against india and the countries talk. officials, including prime minister and originality, former deputy national security adviser of india. dr. orvin good. the told r t. the red line ramar by washington was approved decision a. mr. session good. it has uh, given a real good good response to this statement uh, made by the us investigator. and that is that, uh uh,
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the information provided by the us side is being investigated. and that there are some very serious special security because google, i think the, this is the, is sensitive issue for india. it is an issue and you did to gather them and both the countries on the restricted to good. so i think the pretty much the andre planes was perhaps not the board for this is particularly at a time been uh and uh, it's uh, winchell in the production site. and everything that you said is not in the region in the uh, the important point here is that all for ism and uh there is uh uh enough for gays to, i'm uh and the use of the social media, the media generally. all these different things. uh,
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texting street thing seems to be on is that the of the ok, that's the return to the middle east. lower israel has withdrawn its forces from al . she fell hospital in northern cal. so after a 2 week long, siege images show the aftermath left behind with buildings hollow, dotted from the bombing and streets filled with debris. according to guys and officials, the adf killed more than $400.00 pallets the indians there and destroyed over a 1000 homes during the salts. while the gas and civil defense force has reported finding decomposed at bodies inside the medical complex, one body, in fact, was a partly discover hung cuffed with a bullet wound in the head. while in residential building. surrounding the hospital, dozens of bodies were discovered. locals have condemned the truly a tax which have completely, as you can see, destroyed,
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you done ensure that they are dead people everywhere. but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing! yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all scheaffer, this occupation is doomed to end. as the salesman says, this has been transformed into so no, no motor plays for the people to have guys to have him get in. and she tells us because we've been sleeping here with house chief uh, i woke up in the night to the sound of gunfire. my children were taken out in front of me. they took my daughter's husband, they took my nephew, they took everyone from my family and i wasn't sure if i was to get them or what was once a central hospital, which is rather difficult situation. young people, other screaming because they are looking for better things. and they didn't find
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them without the restaurants on the stairs. the one the people are angry with the position of, of the invasion and just told me that was the time the of these, the so it'd be this larger scale of the just section. i had the weird i don't the for accounts from i what this is, their shots and people who met the building, the vision. they told me very, very, very difficult. the assessments, the decisions i come on. finally, this news, our thousands of protesters have gathered in jerusalem for a 2nd consecutive day of antique government rallies. ortiz middle east bureau chief, maria for national. was there an us those taken to the streets while they're doing so? the 2nd day in a row, thousands of process there is


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