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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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us invasion that would have resulted in the death of a half 1000000 to a 1000000 american troops and millions of japanese soldiers as well as others. so then for the bonds not only become acceptable, they actually become humane and moral. they save lives if it's added so far from the truth, that it's appalling while we live in a world of which a lot of things that are not true are circulated, said, and believe that's what the heart of the american empire, the idea of american been that. ready was american goodness, if the world fully understood what do alternative is whereas the american military leaders understood them and 1945, it would be no tolerance of this kind of lie and then misleading at all. incidentally, i think the oppenheimer of feeling makers might say, i want to read another history book or 2 as well. but that's a whole different story at peter cuz nick, director of the nuclear studies institute at the american university in washington
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dc. we thank you very much for your time. thank. you. know i, these really parliament has passed the so called out, which is 0 or giving the government temporary powers to prevent for and use networks from operating in israel. prime minister netanyahu say's he will bomb the channel because it's helping from us algae 0 harmed is real security actively participated in the october 7 massacre and incited against idea of soldiers. it is time to remove the trumpet of hum us from our country. alj a 0 will no longer broadcast from is real. i intend to take immediate action in accordance with the new law to stop the operation of the channel. what could tardy political level as doctor ali? oh, how you will say spinning and destiny all who is specifically tar thing out you see are in his view because it reports an idea of crimes in gals that as this, the phase of the many, i mean the video is going to take the rain. he doesn't want the tools to be told he
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wants to kill as a matter of fact, by uh, using such a stupid a rule. he is telling the truth because the building i'm going to sit here whole at the so far to deflect a lot of room. my disease does either has been, is the one of his most, the one to over severe this to pull it to can had this since the assassination over sharing a wall outlet. dizzy that's correspondent. the internet to a, by the, by this time is like, it is very, you to the country knows the data, not that freedom fighters over guns. that was bank and the euro is that i'm, is it there is that i the re a who pill a children, a woman,
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uh ill people, what and called the blood. they are the rest of the world. not just the east, a time for a visit to the direct impact studios in moments today. rick sanchez and guess discuss washington's some would say, call us response to the quickest city hall massacre in moscow. that's right. the head, the and we're back. hi everybody. you know, we're working our way toward becoming the most trusted, the most watch news and information shows internationally and when it's close, because we're committed to context and to choose telling in this edition, we're going to catch you up on the weeks. big stories, for example, the curious connection between isis k and the c. i a, have you heard about that?
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and it was really state tv. you hear that all the time? oh, that's just propaganda that state tv. is it us or is it them? i'm rick sanchez. and this is direct impact the okay, we have got a lot to talk about and we are going to be talking to the right person. joining me right now is political scientists in co host for the critical hour on radio. sputnik, dr. wilmer lee, on an extra meeting with his friend. thanks for the invitation. i'm glad to have you here. good. all right, let's get started with little fun here. national security spokesperson, john kirby. how did you get a chance to see this seat up is twisting his words. and trying to find the way he just looks so incredibly uncomfortable. look out what, what i want. i want you to watch this with me. watch how he agonizes in trying to
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find the right words. so he does not repeat, does not offer condolences or any kind of support to the people of russia or the russian government. instead, he tries to make it individual lives after the moscow attack. here that's watching of our thoughts, obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. and i think, you know, when you look at that video, if you haven't, you got to recognize that there's a moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters that haven't gotten the news yet. and this is going to be a tough day. so our thoughts are with them. what, what, what the hell is he talking about? unfortunately, he doesn't even know what he's, what he's talking about. so that we did, it seemed weird to you would see when i quoted i was like, why does any just come out and say today the united states of america offers. it's
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condolences to the people of russia. we are here to offer our support in any way we may have our differences, but we can work together. i don't know be anything because the united states has this, this incredibly asserted effort to demonize of russia's president and, and it thereby demonize the country. and i found it interesting. he didn't refer to it as a terrorist attack. yeah. he referred to it as a shooting issue and yeah, like it was just yeah, the convenient store. and one reason i think is what you want to get into a little later is the fact that the united states may have had, may have been complicit. uh, but i want to bring a hold on. i want to stop you before we get there because i want to bring something to your attention. i don't know if you remember, but i did little googling this week and i went back to 911 and i say ok, so i don't remember what it russia do. after $911.00, i found video of vladimir putin arriving in the united states. going and shaking
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hands and meeting crowds. mm. i saw him going into a crowd coming off of a plane with people, you know, a waving rushing flags and american flags together. i saw him go with originally, i need to do, you know, 911 place where it happened then. and he put flowers in the name of the people of russia. then i, i watched him go to texas and hang out with george bush and offer his condolences. i watched him do all that and then i thought in my mind, so we had it, there's attack and that's how they treated us. they have a terrorist attack. and we say ukraine didn't do it, you kind of knew it because you in, during the 911 video that you watched. you saw diplomacy in statesmanship. what happened to that? uh, it's called meal conservative politics and imperialism. and the united states is doing everything. it can do to hold onto its imperialist, eh,
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but you can weigh in, perry less than still my civil damage, not anymore. and that's on the porch. that's one of the unfortunate elements of our policy. it is, you cannot be civil any more. these are just sensitivity, sensibilities. i mean these are the things we learned from our mom and dad. they have nothing to do with geo politics. they have to do with just being decent. this being human. yeah. all right, let's get to the 2nd one. so here, here's something we learned this week now alluding to what you were trying to mention a little while ago, but i had your back, like i'm in the god, the father, the end of the plastic bag. only if you watch this show, you probably saw this this week. maybe a few other places i don't know. did you know? did you know that the guy who found it isis k was trey was trained by contractors in bog from air force base? who worked for the c i a did you know that he was the head security guy for the ask dad, vice president who was basically a puppet for. busy or washington,
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the guy's name is shaw. hob areas see him right there. shaw hob ma ha. here. it's not his only name and he's been killed since by the way you should know. this is what we learned about him while we were doing a segment here. this week, as the leader of quote, unquote, isis k was a contractor at bankrupt the us air force base and afghanistan when worked, security for drug, lord rochelle does do a top c. i a proxy and the vice president of afghanistan at one time you later worked for a morales so late chief of the ask in intelligence unit, literally the c i a 's, right hand man and afghanistan. and he points out that it's right there on the computer page. so what are you suggesting clearly is that isis k is and has always been a c. i a cookie cutter. my goodness, by the way,
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i looked it up. you know, i'm the kind of guy probably like you. somebody says it's in like a pdf. it really. so it went right towards the end of his life, vancouver, alec, and, and marks with about a year is hard to get better analyst and those 2, um, but, but the think about this, what he just said, right? the organization that apparently the united states immediately came out and said they did it, they claim responsibility is an organization that was founded created, tied to the c i a my god, what of what are the implications of that? well, the implications are because a, the arch enemy of the united states, isis as we've been told they, they're, they're the personification available. if not started by the united states has been i think, i think really what, what mark gets to, especially in the ice as k in particular was like being co opted. scott ritter will tell you that they've been co opted by this,
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infiltrated by the c. i a co opted by the c i a and now to a great degree is managed. well, i don't privacy, i don't want to be a responsible. i'm to worry whilst i'm not supposed to conjecture. i'm just supposed to state the facts, but the facts are, if the united states that is tied to isis k, me as it seems to be. then we have to ask the question, is there any link between the united states and this attack that isis k just it in russia? i'm not saying there is a tie. i'm saying it's fair to ask and why on american newspapers and american media asking those questions, that's the, that's the important question. and there are other elements of this that indicate that these were not jihadists, for example, they survived. that's the 1st thing to look at is the, is the 4 shooters they survive, they didn't go down in the blaze of glory, which most ices operatives are trained to do. yeah, there's
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a lot of questions to fix that, and that's all we're doing. exactly. there's all kinds of questions and why the hell is and anybody else asking them, by the way, take a look at this video real quick. just put up this video of this uh, this is the ship that apparently had an issue and crashed into the bridge in baltimore. this is the francis scott key bridge. if you're careful about it, you can tell that the ship was out of control. the motor apparently got out. the lights go out. but the effect of this has been dire. it's having a very serious effect on the supply chain globally. and when we come back, you and i are going to talk about not just this, but how many other bridges are suspect, or in poor condition in the united states, and what it means to our infrastructure. stay right there, cuz we're coming back. we've got a couple of more issues that we've gotta hit, which we think you'll get fresh information on that you wouldn't get anywhere else
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. i'm receptionist the or the
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wrong just don't have to shape house because the and engagement equals the trails when so many find themselves boils the parts we choose to look so common ground the the welcome back of rick sanchez here along with dr. wilmer leon. uh it is. uh, leon will. yeah, lemme leo. and why don't know why i keep uh, the hispanic sizes in your neck and it is having a serious effect on the global supply chain. and it's making all of us think of the other 44000 bridges in the united states that are now considered to be in very poor condition. write that down and be careful what bridge, what bridge you drive on?
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what am i talking about this? look at it. francis scott key bridge. it collapse likes. so my god, i, you know, i've probably seen this thing about a 1000000 times that i can't stop looking at it every time i see it. it's amazing to think a tanker apparently lost control of its capabilities, its engine and ran into the bridge. knock the bridge down. people are dotted, people died, but the real impact of this is 2 fold. one, it's having a very serious effect, as you probably know, on the supply chain world wide. i didn't know just how big the bottom our board is . it's big issue one of the top 5 in the united states. yes. one of the biggest in the world. yes. so that means there's stuff that stuck there that didn't get mountain stuff that didn't get net, correct. we just got over the supply chain issue. we're just now recovering from the supply chain issue with china. and now we find ourselves hit by this once again. and the i said by the way,
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they're saying not to interrupt you, but i understand this was not one of the bridges on the list, but still you can't help but think infrastructure wise that they should have had a system in place that would prevent something like this from happening, not just letting some ship nearly really without any escort go under a bridge. well now now what they should have done was kind of retro fit the bridge with barriers around the support stanchions. and so that 3 can hit so you can hit it, right, you hit the you. it's almost like a small island that they put around the support stanchions so that the ship would have hit the, the island which would have absorbed the shock. and that because when you, when you look, i can remember, looked at the bridge and number times and, and you know, and, and thinking, why didn't i do that? well, why did they have usually you go out with a ships that small boats that guide you out and they're actually tethered to your
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ship just in case so they can move you if you can't move fast enough. one of the things that i was trying to determine was how far is the francis guide key bridge from the port? mm hm. and what's the requirement for tug boats or maybe uh yeah, for that box. yeah. that's what the quote to um uh, to escort. and i was unable to come up with that information. and that's a question that i've heard a couple of reporters ask some of those that are involved and it's in this investigation and they haven't given that answer. so here's the point, i mean, while we're losing right now about $80000000000.00 a year in the us because of poor infrastructure, bad decisions beat up roads, old airports, bad bridges, deteriorating dams, faulty wiring, bad internet cable connections, and much of the country. by the way, because it was put in so long ago and hasn't been fixed,
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we are spending that money that we could use to fix that stuff elsewhere. so we looked it up and here's what we found. and by the way, these numbers are just the top, the, the tip of the iceberg, because this is how it's actuated in the year 2022, which is the fast to the most recent. we could find every year we got to give at least $74000000000.00 to ukraine, given present circumstances. israel gets 3300000000 actually it's much more now because of what's going on and guys are, but let's just go with the old numbers. ethiopia gets to point to did you know, i didn't know if you got to that $2000000000.00 a year from us. i mean for me and you our taxes. hm. um, i've gotta stay and get to another 2000000000 um gamma and egypt. jordan, and they're all on the list. these are billions and billions of dollars that could be used to fix those. 44000 bridges that are in poor condition. but instead, we're giving it all to other countries and why most of it being military,
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by the way, not even that of terry. and exactly, exactly, and that's, that's the key point. one of the key points right there is, when you look at the countries that are receiving this money, what are the, who are the beneficiaries of of the money? it's not the afghan people, it's not easy obedience. it's not the average age of a lot of them. i just read. yeah. man. yeah. man. yeah. man is a country that's essentially a packing us right now. we're practically a war with the oven, but we're going to go to the. yeah. and ask and ask president biden, is the conflict that the united states is engaged in india, i'm and is it getting us anywhere? and he'll tell, you know, yeah. and in fact our for our friend john kirby recently said that and in fact the saudis were in the we're getting ready to reach a peace deal with us are a lot in the i'm and the united states told them not to do this. is it because i think, you know, you almost hate to say this right as an america,
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but it looks to me like my country will opt a toward being in a for more situation with a country. the not be in a war with the country. and the only reason i can think of that they would choose war over piece is because you don't make money, any money on peace. you don't make any money on police. another example that would prove your point would be what's going on in haiti right now. why is the united states trying to re invade hating politics as well? uh, well, there's some geo political yeah. issues with, with haiti, but the point still remains. why are we starting a war? why are we, why are we starting a military conflict with 80? why are we backing genocide and guys are, why are we sending missiles into them? and why did we start? this was just because you probably need to crash helicopters to make more helicopter. ah, well, we need to do. we need to deplete the, the stop, the military stocks of our allies. so the weekend,
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restock the military's supplies for our allies. it's crazy. here's another big story. that happened this week. i know you watched it because you were a part of the media any was any one of us are in the media, watched us instead say was this week the u. s. media headed, collective freak out. it's like they're here. was on fire, all of a sudden that woke up one day and i said what the hell away so mad about. but boy, they were mad. it was all over the hiring. and the firing of a woman named ramos mcdaniel because she worked for the trump presidency or the trumpet ministration. she also was with the republican party and they seem to not like the fact that she was being hired by their network nbc because she worked in the trump government. so nbc journalist after nbc journalist went on the year and complain and they wrote up pads. but why weren't they equally upset when other government types were hired by their own that were? look at this list,
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look compiled and you're complaining about not wanting people. it's jen saki. so it was a spokesperson for both bite an ad obama. that's george stephanopoulos. he was a spokesperson for bill clinton. he's now the anchor man journalist on they me see there simone sanders. she was the chief spokes person and have them communications for the vice president of the united states. commer harris, who else we got we got another one. yeah. nicole was that says the woman who sold the a rack more the lies the we're the a rock court. we're sold to the american people by the coal wallace. while she was working as the press r, the communications director for the george bush administration. now she's a journalist with her own show, sarah huckabee worked. 1 for the trump administration and then went to work in fox and now she's working as a governor in the state of arkansas. she goes from government to media back to government, her dad mike huckabee same thing, governor of arkansas has his own show on fox news. and we got one more,
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let's see. oh donna, brazil. i mean, my goodness, donna, brazil who essentially works as the director of the dnc fits of really controversial stuff. they're giving people questions and now she works for journalism enterprise. i mean, we have to ask ourselves, as we look at sean spicer as well, who now is an anchor man? it's some cable news channel, even though he was working for the government. i hear all the time, all the time. we're state tv, right. anybody who works for any foreign country, like china, or russia or whatever name your country, anybody who we don't like that week. well, bear journalists are all really propagandist and state tv. what the hell can be more propaganda than working for the government being the spokes person for the united states of america? and then the next day after you leave that job, you, you end up being having, being an anchor, a news presenter on a television station. what the, what i mean, what's more stake tv than that?
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it's, it's propaganda. it's this information is this information and you didn't need and get to the know i kind of gone on for after you didn't even get to the list of of so called experts and contributors, former directors of the c, i a former directors of the contributors who come on former generals side remarks, and so let me finish that picture. they are painting so you have somebody like wallace who used to work for the bush administration, or somebody like uh, the gal who they hired out at bc, who used to work for the buying administration. so she goes from doing that to being an anchor woman or a news presenter or a journalist while she's interview. see i hear you guys, but they're not telling us that they work for contractors. the whole thing is, is it is a sham and you didn't even get into the onto the print. so what else did i miss? you want us to print side or? well, that's right. yeah. you know, folks that weren't that are writing articles and sending them to the c i a to be cleared before they're published in l. a times before they're published in the new york times before they're published on m. s and b. i know that's crazy. we talked
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about that earlier this week with kerry alco here on the show. and by the way, let me just this is personal for them. so allow me to just, it is your show. know i'm gonna just for law i'm a kid, a grew up poor, worked hard, was able to go to school at the university of minnesota, the arch override school of journalism. i worked hard to get that degree. i am a bonafide educated journalism with an education and journalism i then went on to work for a small station. i want awards, a practice journalism. i practice my craft. i've covered a gazillion stories. why did i do that? if you don't need that to work in this business anymore, well, as a complement to what you're saying, i am not a journalist. mm hm. i'm a political scientist with a couple of radio shows in a pod care, which is fine, but you don't call yourself at your know because because out of respect to people like you who studied the craft, who practiced the craft, who got a degree in the craft i am always clear,
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even though many people want to refer to me as a journalist. mm hm. i am not. because i wasn't trained to be was, there's a place for what you do. is there any like there is these folks at nbc that are complaining now most of them have people who work alongside them who they treat as if they're a journalist, they do the big interviews. they cover all the stories. they've never been trained to do that, but that's not their craft. and look it again, hire a guy like me and they won't hire a guy like me. right. uh, because there is a narrative. there is a very clear narrative that they want to sell to the american people and they will not tolerate any the name i was trying to think of on the print side with kim delaney and adding at that in be so yeah, that's right. yeah, look it up folks. well, i'd like him. there are so many others that basically go right from raytheon to the set to explain a point of view where they're going to make money pushing a product and that's, that's just wrong as well. so look at,
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i'm not saying that the media or everything that i do is correct. everything we do here is correct. we but we try. but you know, to pay, right? you're going to call me, right. you're going to call me when, when i know what you're doing with this, it just makes me it for us. my behind my stuff. so we have time for did he can we know a little ditty? i'll do a little did he did. he didn't do it, sorry, couldn't excuse myself. here's the pictures video. everybody's been looking at. now . these are police looking like they're around my god, they're there. they're reading these homes in florida and in los angeles. apparently they are investigating some kind of sex trafficking ring. this thing hit me out of left field. what, what do you make of this thing? uh it hit me out of right for you. yeah. uh, i have no clue what to make of this. what i can say is it doesn't look good. it doesn't sound good. uh i hope it sounds like epstein. i hope it's not true. like what m. s p i could. yeah, i got famous friends and they got a lot of money and i know a lot of young girls and i'm going to put the 2 together. now please,
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i'm not saying that to happen. but where am i? that's the way to leave is to be represented or alleged. and if that's the case, that would be really sick. and then we'll have to see what other names fall out as they shake the tree. or what other names won't fall out because they will be protected as we know happens during the case. then we pray with this reps because that's right. it's always such a pleasure when you're going through which i appreciate. thank you. thank you so much for stopping by. before we go i as often do remind you of our mission. it's simple, really kind of the silo, the world, right? the don't live in little tiny box is why i have to think one way or the other and i'm not allowed to think of what somebody else who disagrees with me might think. now true sullivan box is needed to wait and that's why we do this show. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again, right here on direct in the
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the what is part of the the employee would posted is it the defense you of us and bidding the word part? is it something deeper, more complex? might the present good? let's stop without cases. let's go. part of
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the breaking news from the serious or wrong confirms the death of several revolutionary guard advisors. and nothing's really striking on the are really in consulate in damascus. also ahead ukraine range, don rockets on the russian city of belgrade during 9 civilians on hitting residential buildings crushes federal security service say is the terrorist suspects lifted in sundays, raven southern russia were directly involved in the focus city, whole massacre, but one of the detained mitigation got another attack was being prepared. we were planning a terrorist attack here from the bank of cas pcd or in the victory part and thought of getting a crowd of.


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