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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

6:30 pm
so for this section, i have the, here's the, the accounts from i with this is their shots and be with what it meant. the ability to envision the told me very, very, very difficult, the assessments, the decisions i come from well, we spoke by phone to communications officer for the international red cross sham and kinda saves that is real as the occupying power and gas that must ensure that palestinians get access to medical treatment. horrendous and target finding footage reviews after these reports is withdrew from the chief complex and the area surrounding yet have shop the entire population in gaza. as you, as another, as an occupying foreign gone to must ensure the protection of continue fast and to
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ensure the face fact cuz of the population for everything that is essential for the on the device. unfortunately, the entire kinds of population has lost their health care system. and as many hospitals have been pushed out of service as a result of the infected by be fine to us till the fees over 6 months now, leaving thousands of people attend for their own health care service that their own lives depend on. there is no health care facility and gather that can respond to the great needs the way that the ship. i'm going to go complex. he's to what he used to be the biggest hospital in the entire occupied tennessee and category it was. that is a rough for this hour. joining charlotte's of the top for more of the story is affecting your world to live for most go. this is part of the introduction, the
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level 2, which may well and it's called the most of the 2 men pool. so that was some of the formulas solution of, or in a couple of our choices, if i really don't, because of the beauties of problems on the peer review for the study skills as to
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what the steps will need to sort of in, you know, if it gets too much notice because it's list of subordinate that the weight in the the, the
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so this is done by cities such as the why do you think you'd be doing surface to it seems to musical did you have enough lead soon to see for the
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new address that you might have. so what do you use? just one in the associated us the on your last name or the williams, i need to speak to jefferson, which means that so there's no source to any states with a single. yeah, it will go to task a fit, the problem was pushing go you to the
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to the customer, you will choose. so it was in the archives and which device will you enter those? i mean us now what i was looking to do a little more time will do. i'm so. so so what, what somebody's by supervision, which is the name is avoid mislead. yeah. found a couple ways just by scratching us. do you think you might have the minds of things to resist each of the videos? i've seen that there is, he said somebody, the
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civil mo usually will force which is the only of the police at the little. busy we just sold a lot of them that has to go through what that means. i know that the funding for the 2 forms critical thinking region, if you don't have to just use it for from the sick because it's what was the sauce and what can you see?
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i knew you want me to come home as well. subsidy. oh, and you're supposed to do it. busy because it's so amazing it because it's so slow so you just looks up the. busy nissan studio is paul, one of the, it's really all the if you have any of both of them, you must have a bunch of accomplish confused them for the game. so i suppose you would say about this, give me see if there was a 2 story or i could figure out some of the not security to you at the case. so in the business, not sure what's the matter each to figure out and let's say let's just let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw it this time. are you able to have to deal with them with us or should i mean, honestly using the or the just telling a bundle actually i see the,
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the plastic is giving you this together for the for the, for the, for the fuel filter. but always here, what about your car? let me uh nadine, it sooner. okay, what i will see on that do you then i'm signing up a sunny call kind of on the bus and not to not to. let's see, i'm a pull up in terms of to you to how in a 2nd to come or a to me by all concerned with cnn message what, what i'm at 5. yeah, let's do this and we'll see how honest i've had in that and just to have it all kind of looks like the youngest is now on some us not on these consisting of cars, elbow at the start, the search more ready to go from this was to be, you know,
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take care of it from 2 of the owners of the x that jeremy. so for star, the user name is are going to the email a series, sorry. i thought we, i need to do the series good focus on specific mobile home. i thought was hoping to talk to you and i the load before the suit only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still a snable. i'm assuming that i'm looking i'm just new position with preventatives specifically for giving me a cup door. my use client inputs, can you list them? you can look over the yes. modeling key means cortical
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lots of data to quest. boy and i see both. busy of us was let's go, let's go through this kind of system. costs a little fuzzy to the ritual. the, the, this is the one that sounds really great with angela. how is it both? good. well, let's go. this was the, the,
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the 2 men. janet, the shy of wells fargo will have the issue with it's mostly slow. oh each. yeah. does that seem to where you wait on me? most nobody likes usually do the girls who are supposed to show us and it comes with human because the sudden any swaying you so with this level, the boost will do that. did you get the hook as soon as you go?
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i mean anything new or something but workspace years ago, but we'll still have the the, the badge but he can do. absolutely. so assuming that you guys are too busy and so unless you're available for purchase, the see, right. got super easy financial financial them away from as well. so make sure your voice the girls are giving us a pos of, of the me at the door of so the 2 bed 2 of us, just a simple is it the middle of the bible
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and have them look, keep up tuesday. seems to be the weekend or from advisor here. but here's what we're going to compete on seeing the company, the beautiful part of the voice of the
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i don't have the most of the shania publicly and for the you salma last for the
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time i'm executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you
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uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the yeah. so you know what to do is don't even know school start for it system
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because it was supposed to, this is not, i mean it's been watching us this will be the voice of your child support for the metrix default on your feet. thomas mahoney. bruce, good a name, a speech pathologist and must be 13. so which is so you must, you have successfully i'm told their story and i'm going to do something with i will say, you know, 6 cool. it just yes, yes. i mean yet, so many brand new labels we'll talk soon, choose from the go. now things are we to funds or use or for for the personal level of purchase
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of the
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1st may as well. so you're familiar with some of the settlement so that i started to pull somebody into so that should resolve the issue of the
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the the music institute news, but for the whole company there's a certain point about the more expensive. yeah, the truth is yours rather
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. well, it was the 3rd up school knew that these people do those. so based on your system with the with us ma'am the inside the so think you know what you've got, that's the silver you most do my you mean that's the way you know, according to the desktop to find the word for it or what you here tomorrow.
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the sort of materials on the site was that you should get a closing, well let me pull some window and see what i hear from this. it shows sure are you familiar. ready yeah, you fix your apartments. got thoughts,
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you guys have by an hour, but more metal sort of goals. so the select is too much for the most of us are familiar to me here at central frequency with a sports like you to see what we need for you, sir. we will have been altered, yours by the side of the bus. the most
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part could decide from the well i'm any i'm in my system to fit into medina about how to she will my will see other than of the, the huge you choose things so. so when you say and watching was not to play, might play me. in fact, those are country with the most to show it was a new i've had each to be research just like any g, b, c, b. you say you come monday, say you do. you typically do. you can throw in a separate letter that god bless the class the yes, i'm still low as to mean mushrooms of c. c for the russian journalist in this
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area. i've come on the shelf fire in the north of la, tucked the province of the r t crew including corresponding cost to red ones in a car with empty tank. mississauga excluded nearby. bullshit, because we closed the book as we do, we do stories or diseases. i'm going to buy it them that i chose to mirror for that that should be not the least people stuff is a by itself, the booklet and how they like to have a ton of those. and that's the scene. how you will be. it suggests somebody who are
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able to go to the niche fugitive door. i think he was going to school will you need. busy to us and we we so what school? first i've seen them, i fear them, which is always was this year. he's a boy. so if you feel for 45, you can actually configure the skews then to ski. they've got this got the new team, anybody took this question yet? so technically, because i said the server as much as able to leave it the most to these decisions variables it. no, he's patrice, you took it back and forth by serious. i do so assume you know, both of those of us who to do usually they book their systems, use a to work for a to me. would you most likely, which so see what else to new or used. new east. new market has the
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russian states never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best i'll send send up the same assistant, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians putting s r t sports net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say
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a request to check the 1941 with the nazis health situation? ultra nationalist. the you astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia, shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was
7:00 pm
incredible genocide, the breaking news, the wrong confirmed the death of 2 revolution. we've got generals and 5 offices in this range, like when you're bringing close to the syrian capital. ukraine brings down, we'll get to the russian city of belgrade, enjoying 9 civilians and pasting residential building. rushes federal security service says the terrorist suspects. and this case, in sundays rate, in southern russia with directly involved in a decision must occur with one of the detainees. admitting that another attack was being prepared. we were planning a terrorist attack here from the bank of cas, b, c, d or in the victory part time.


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