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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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are waiting to look so common ground the breaking news around concerning the depths of 2 revolution. we got generals and 5 offices in and is waiting. swipe on the ringing pumps. to look in the syrian capital ukraine range rockets on the russian city of belgrade, enjoying knowing civilians and hating residential buildings, crushes federal security service, says the terrorist suspects listed in some days. raid in southern russia were directly involved in the city must occur with one of the detained isn't anything that another attack was being planned to. we were planning
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a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c. d or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people. i believe the weapons to the guys who attack rocha, city hall, and israel withdrawal was it. suppose this most ship ultimately moving, going to offer a portrait, becoming more than 100 palestinians. i'm just going over a 1000 homes in the area. there are dead people everywhere, but god willing, this occupation is doomed to end. nothing! yahoo is doomed to end. america is doomed to end. all those who bombed us no matter how much they bomb us and destroy all she thought, this occupation is doomed to welcome to all the international ex 3 and have a most gay. those were your headlines. we will be back with the full lined up for you in the next hour, but for now the stay tuned for prussia coming the
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hello and welcome to cross top bullhorn design. peter lavelle. here we discussed some real news. the russians are coming, the russians are coming. here we go again, the more the west becomes on sure of itself. the more he blames russia is the west, afraid of its own shadow. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, george samuel, we in budapest, he is a pod cast through at the goggle, which can be found on youtube and locals. and in marrow cash, we have martin j. he's in board winning journalist and commentator. read gentleman cross stock rules and fact that means you can jump anytime you want, and i would appreciate it. all right, let's kick this off with george in budapest, georgia. you and i noticed due to our pod, cast it a growing contradictions. if we can put it that way. okay. so some people call it mon, newer we'll get back to that comment in a minute. but um, so the white house is really intent on that and claiming that they knew all along
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what was going on. and the russians just wouldn't pay attention, you know, um, uh, it's their fault. we gave them fair warning, of course, and making reference to the terrorist attack in the concert hall a little over a week ago. but george, they, they, they know all about that, but they don't know about north stream. i mean, i, i don't understand it's, it is very hard to understand. and you're absolutely right. it's very, very odd. so when the u. s embassy issue. this warning on march the 7th. then you're going to understand why the russian. well sir, it is. we're a little wary. how does they, the americans come to have such fantastic the great intelligence about what's going on here? given the limited presence uh in, in russia and the, they know all about a, any pending terrorist attack, which is what they were suggesting. now. anyway, it was as follows. terrorist investigations knows that is the person who gives you
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the tip off the bus. no claims the found the bomb becomes the immediate suspect. because how does he come to be such a wonderfully and for jo display as to know about something that's about to happen . so you can see why russia was very wary and, and when the president boots and made made his statement here, he said that somehow the, what the americans were doing was very suspicious. so now the americans are doing this, this bizarre thing of taking victory lapse. so what we, we was so already on the bull and the russian was really what was, was so slow on that. well, why, why, why were you on the boat? what was it that you knew? because quite obviously you didn't provide any useful, reliable intelligence as so it does, it becomes very, very straight. well, george has said that they bring the us ottoman came out within an hour or so and
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said it was a isis cape, but was an isis k involved in the killing of the 13 service member members as couple airport. i mean, they didn't know about that block, but in, in they were there in afghanistan. okay. that's exactly right. 20 years by the way that which one are there for years and then you think about that? well that, that was a big shock for us. yeah. no, i that little question that they may reclaim those, those to be absolutely certain that it was uh, i says within uh huh. now, uh what happens. well, i mean, not only, you know, anybody else has bought this a patient, not only where they started and it was an ice as k. but if i go to martin right now, they are absolutely certain it was in ukraine. that's very interesting to come up with that kind of message simultaneously. we know who did it. we know who didn't. well, why would you mentioned who didn't do it because they didn't do it? i don't understand that martin, but there's not much credibility there. is that really? i mean, you know, we are living in a peer at now all speak stream,
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just information. and unfortunately, because of the major support and so serve up to these intelligence leaks so, briefings, you know, we have this situation now where by the media basically endorses some of these ludicrous statements and more or less people swallow that you know, because people are becoming more not even most stupid. so i said unfortunately, but you know, when we talk about isis, the thing that strikes me as, as an old hack, this works in syria and what to 11 and for years. is it what people forget about isis? and this may well have been a point for the russians, is isis brody speaking, divided into 2 groups in, in iraq and syria. and that is broadly the ones that the americans comp control dot com and then who are completely federal, completely out of control and of the hard cool extremist terrorist organization that is doing what it needs to do. but then the other group is the ones that have actually been coerced into taking money from the met on the met and they increase
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it and selves with the american payroll. and we saw this in serial mutual direct. we sold us in, in rock out in syria where by right lines were created by the americans to allow ices flights is to leave for aka and to reform and south the serial. so wouldn't it . so even if the americans did give this tip to the russians, you know, you can put yourself in a position to russian in terms of his looking at that and thinking, well, you know, well, i says that you're talking about your, i see is what the other writes is, or, you know, so the account you currently the blame the russians already know acting on it. um, but i think the statements of love, they, they did act on the original very general tip. they did react on that george and, and it was uh, you know, adult. okay. and those either those things like that, right. and they did mean the issue this morning on march the 7th. and i think 2 days later, they apparently swore to some kind of a um, impending attack on a, a,
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on a synagogue. and they the couple of, uh, cause that's what killed um. so yeah, they did that, but then they thought you, well, yeah, this is some reliable and i think is mountain point south for the, for the russians. they are indeed very suspicious about isis. they don't really thing that i says has a latan and most existence, and that it is actually a creation of the, the west and particularly the american intelligence agencies and in the israel. and we know, you know, the story that's basically it is, is never seems to attack israel. and the very, the very moment when is, well, is a waging this uh, earth, a war against muslims. that strangely enough list supposedly jihad, the radical islam is muslim organization, doesn't. they targets a israel. but i guess russia to live over say, there is something very suspicious about that. and again, you know,
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as we need to emphasize, why would the united states and my crown and everybody else, the british immediately roll out any ukranian connection. when does we have looked into it? there is a ukrainian as long as the collection as well martin, there's actually a very long one. i mean, if it goes back even to the independence, that'd be great. in 1991 where we have had um these groups uh uh, uh, most likely sponsored in one form or another by the c. i a and then my 6 they have have been in ukraine. and we know that after the illegal cooling 2014, that these groups, these militia groups that were invited, they thoughts on this, on the side of neo nazis against the people of the don bouts. this is all well documented. okay. i mean, this is not, you know, something that's made out of thin air like would be us, the state department does on a daily basis. martin to. yeah, i mean uh, you know, what do they, the, the americans on the press of refuse to, to join up adults. i think, uh, you know, that really says a lot about what,
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what's really going on here. this is a, this is a play. this is a, a, roost by america to come off as the this is, victor, i'm, you know, i didn't needs victories, no money to help us set it and how remedial an and mine is a may, will be he, you know, he's scrambling to really take any of victory, you can get a package it, i give it to his friends in the media because he's got now what 6 months ahead of him where he's going to really face of baptism 5 from angry americans who are demanding. what you keep telling us the american economy is so great, but why am i spending 3040 percent sometimes even 50 percent more in the supermarket. you know why? um, well, more people in america losing the homes, you know, and, and i think this is the really the problem. he's looking for media chaff. the, the, what the british will used to do in the 2nd level a roll up the little bits of a new fluid and threaten us out of airplanes. going as a germany to just to distract the radars. and then he needs that tough,
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and i think the story really is about the is a message, media destruction. well it, it goes a little bit further. um uh, speaking of mon, newer i was the one that mentioned that george and john john caribbean spoke to him for the national security council. he said a rather bizarrely, but i'm going to quote him. russian officials seem to be pretty good mon, newer salesman. i mean, why the victory all, i mean, you know, it crushed the russians? were the victims here. okay. i mean, i, you know, you, you're the 1st one, the 1st one here to use the word victory lapse is this warrant of victory lap. i think most people, when you hear the story and there's sympathy that civilians died, i don't think you know, you can, you can create your own narrative, you know, make, they deserve it. type, you know, when we hear that all the time from neil comes. but i mean, this, this rate to be cut out to be deemed of victory left, but it certainly doesn't. and those who say it, the russians when the victims,
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you know, we'll fix them. and what exactly is the united states congratulating itself will came up? well, i thank you and i figured it out there were simultaneously congratulating themselves in creating an alibi. it's kind of tied together. that's what it is, just like an hour. but when they finally gave a very vague warning, and as in fact, the new york times of all places published as a well actually the united states didn't review very much to the russians. because given how paul relations are between the united states and russia and give them the war in ukraine, the united american intelligence is very wary. where it off revealing anything about sources and methods to rush it. so in fact, the, like the new york times that missed the, you know, the, that the americans really gave very little by way of anything i copied information . so why the victory lab?
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why, why use the say, how well we have done and then other then when you're creating an out of like game, get to the point of why is that your, you come up with this statement on uh, on march the 7th, which is very vague. how do you come to know this? this was amazing. the thing of, i mean branding terrorist attacks in russia will places what did you say they didn't know anything about? and that there was that, that kind of goes out and then having basically no provider, they brought the information, you're thinking victory lives. and coming up with these a terrible, just all 3. i'm george. i mean, to be cynical, i hate to say this because it's pure cynicism, but the victory lap is that this terrorist attack succeeded. i'm sorry. yeah. like to be both. i think it's and the alibi is i think it was very good on the pate . we did what we did, we, we gave this a warning, so don't don't point to anything,
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does it? uh so that's, that's what makes, i think, a little low been raised suspicious. and the russians do seem to be very suspicious . oh, yeah. what the united states to be doing? well, i'm not considering martin, you ukraine has resorted as it loses on the battlefield to terrorist acts against civilians and russia. 30 seconds before we go to the break martin, why should we be surprised by that? you know, it's, it's typical, we've seen the past and the last few months, and i think we're going to see a lot more of that. you know, when, when a country is losing and well, it becomes more and more desperate. and when americans go to the moon to do some of these more sensational stands, i think this is paul for the course. and i think we all going to see a lot more of it. we should be prepared for that. okay, gentleman got to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some of that. we'll need to stay with our to the
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the, the welcome back to prospect boulder and john peter roosevelt remind you were discussing some real news show here. let me go back to you in budapest here. i'll just kind of widen it out a little bit. as we all know, 2024 is a big election year all across the western world. and i'm not surprised. you're not surprised. martin is not surprised. our viewers are not surprised. russia gate is returned. okay. and, and you carnation of it here here. so, you know, the more, the more the ruling elite, so i don't care if you're a liberal, conservative it, whatever, the, the, the more problems they faced, the more they liked to play that card. like to remind everyone,
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the initial integration of russia gave yielded, precious. we little of results for the people that peddled it and is george 9 martin who pointed out over and over again the original iteration, nebraska game. we're preciously few russians involved. we're seeing, but we're seeing a repeat, i guess because of the in their mind it worked or they don't have any other tools in their tool kit. take it away. george. i think is uh both. um you live uh, in a few weeks ago we had this case of this guy, alexander smearing off who then for a decade more than a decade a, um, an f b i informant. that it was, he was actually being paid by the f b i to gary on in the carrier intelligence operations on the, on the f b, i suddenly being arrested for full. i have apparently being a, a russian, this information agent. when only it was doing was what he was paid to the he was
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telling me his f, b i handle as well. he why the year russians? i mean by the, you know, that that's what it, what will the guy have russian name? he doesn't need to be a russian, i mean, he was a dual american, these ray, the citizen. and the prosecutors bizarrely said no, no, no, he has to be imprisoned, awaiting trial and the trial maybe a year's why? because he might interfere with the 2024 presidential election. so now we have a, an, it's a ration of that in europe where apparently a massive intelligence operation of holding the checks, the belgians, the spanish, the germans, that cracked down on the, on the, on the russian, this installation ring. apparently they were running a website called voice of your up, which a apparently they said was getting finance wrong, mixed the meds that choke. and the great sin of this, uh uh, the voice of your website was that it was questioning the territorial integrity and
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solve really to of ukraine in nebraska, that merits uh, to the closing down of the side, closing the red line. that's a red light red line, and there's massive self. congratulations right here, a be a new of the media that finally it what we're cracking down on the russian. this information operation when nobody's even ever heard to this website. go ahead. no, i hadn't heard of a 100 and ok, but martin, you know, one of the interesting things is i, i mentioned a election season and, you know, i think the crown prince of political, this information is like political which, you know, a job tonight. if this already done on a regular basis. but you know, one of the things that, you know, it's there like it's far right. hard right populist, right? they've sort of a slogan, eyes all of these things here. and we never know what those things mean. okay. i
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guess, you know, the, the, the common denominator is that people are dissatisfied with the status quote. so if you're to set, if you're not satisfied with the status quo, your bar, right, either populace. the mean it's, it's, it's very juvenile in an infant tile. and the way they would present things, and of course, their puppets are important. ok, that always has to be in there. go ahead martin. it has to be, you know, i mean, as long as you question any narrative your inputs and spoke it, that's, that's now the norms these days. and it's just so sad, isn't it? but everything has been reduced to this incredibly low, futile, such as a level where there's no more debate. there's no kind of people talking about the real issues. there's no people know more people asking the real question to know if you put yourself in the button administration's position, or there must be a lot as people who have a sleepless nights thinking about uh december. because you know, you're looking at now all time um a good completely on president. if it goes on,
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let me look up the how much confidence people have in the political system. i think is a survey just last week. we says 60 percent of americans don't believe in the system anymore, but we're not even talking about punches just the system. you know, and i think come, i'm also almost 60 percent believed that no more money or um should be sent to ukraine. so biden's got a lot of problems, you know, he is a guy who looks backwards. he always looked back and said, we shouldn't be surprised that we're talking about russia gate once again. but somebody investigated this whole idea of election interfering, you know, i, i think is kind of fossil cool. i think i see is more of a joke. because 1st of all, who's making these accusations, america who invented lex interfering? you know, i mean, this is the funny is to, you know, you, you guys have been doing it. you pizza, you americans have been doing it since the beginning of, of the, of a 40 is, you know, the end of the way, you know, where america was interfering and in south america and central america. so it's
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a bit rich to point the finger at russia now, but if you look at the russians and boots and does he need it, does he really need to mess around with these things? them? and they're the big lorio by didn't know the which i read about is that he's really worried that you would have this happen leak. so how can league thing was like henry's e mails? and that's what they really worried about their work to a particular time at a certain point, 23 weeks before the election of a hacking league of that will toppled by them. i think buttons got bigger problems and that, you know, i think they're bigger issues that and people are wondering whether he, at his age and this is on any states. you should even be thinking about continuing . but for the russians, you know, interfering or not, you know, i think i think was blocked by, by pub kitchen as just my personal feel things a plus for him to say the bottom is preferred canada. so he couldn't say beside trump because that might. but for a match you might get that munition to the democrat comp. yeah. might, might, might it? yeah,
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that was kind of dabbling. and i think it was just kind of being mysterious. i don't think a real i didn't really take it very serious. i always fun. yeah, yeah, but, but, you know, georgia meeting the, you know, i have always looked at these things here. is it, it's not outside interference, even though the, the, the us now talks about not using the exact terms, but the, in the mean regime change in israel, okay, is if that would make a difference, a consent for the palestinians. it wouldn't tear. but there is this enormous frustration that the elite is not going to continue to get its way. because irrespective of your, you know, if you are a trade you need his, the stolen this year or the you back to initiate or whatever more, more people same with the, the leads are presenting to us, doesn't work for us, but they're getting richer and richer. and they control the levers of media, of social media, all these things here. i mean, what is the ballad boxes the last spring? that's what 2016 was all about. you know, people voted for trump, you know,
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you know, what do you have to lose? well that, that phrase has more meaning now than ever before. george. that's exactly right. and i think that's why the leads us so obsessed about what's going to happen this year. so when they talk about this site, this voice of europe, what is it that they are so upset about the reading stories that, that they don't want people to read business stories, they're about farmers protest. the story is there about why a germans being through the roof for energy prices when north stream, which was that, you know, ready to go. this has a good, natural, cheap, natural gas to germany was destroyed, who destroyed the pipe. never was one of the questions that we us and so how do at least respond because it was built to built in is the one is putting these things out with. and that's the reason of this. it shows this danger of this information
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operation, but they don't have any evidence that there's any russian involved in any of this but, but yeah, i mean, it could have been the use outlets that they've giving us news. yeah, but i mean if there is, i don't know, maybe i'm being too simplistic about his, my meat that you mentioned, ignored stray mean, considering what we know isn't the enemy of the german people, the united states and not russia. i mean, the, you know, there is no evidence the russia was involved in it. and then we know from the swedes and the danes and it's, they've thrown into the op of the turman. so, you know, will tell us really what happened and they will not do it because they know the result that is exactly and it goes back to what we were talking about at the start of the show, which was what, how is it the 18 months on and you still have no, i do will blow up north stream, but you knew within the hoss now the ice is an only ice is, was involved. but also you have, you have this, this junction whereby the russians are these before was incompetent. they called
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correct down on the terrorism in their own country, menopause because they control every single thing in, in europe, just bipolar bands on the russian media. so how do you know? well, you know, your opinions, americans, that just the point to help was before is massive propaganda also from moscow. imagine that it was the level of the such brilliance that said that the, the west, the media just collapse in abject the surrender before. uh, which is poisonous propaganda is i like to put it. yeah. you know martin, you know you, you lived in the valley of the be story a long time in brussels here. i mean was very little time left here. i mean, what's going on with my chrome? i mean, is he, you know, is he, is he trying to style his internet pole in here? i mean, i, well, i'm truly one of the most bonus politicians of all time. i mean, this guy's been all over the place. okay. does he want to lead a bird to
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a brigade and up to the front and that ukraine? now i see a lot, i think, oh, your family does a following the american line, you know, to the, to the, to suction, to a point to such an extreme, we're all basically in the pocket of bite. and that sounds ridiculous. i mean, not that does sound propose to us, but i think the macro on it really realizes that if from victory comes in december, then there was a strong likelihood that trump will throw the leave of madness and say, i'm going to pull america out of nature now i know that you would do that. i think you might somehow suspend by there and he'll be in spun that. yeah, he'll, he'll do something like that and that's enough to terrify guys like my chrome and shields. and other, your pain data is because they know then then the bill is going to be hours and hours completely. it can we afford it, you know, with, with, with, with a situation now our economies and such a mess. you know, so i think come, we're living now in an age where there is no shame anymore for wisdom leaders to
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just openly lie and fabricate media stories. even if it's about themselves. if you look at the picture of metro function to back, remember that zip that picture, these press people that look at the size of his biceps and i will go online and look at the real size these biceps. i mean, the most shame, shame, we're just making this b s up as we go along every single day because we a leads like micro on us fear the time is up. yeah. and they know what their time is up. that's why they have to have a blaming an outside power, and that's russia. alright gentlemen, that's all the time we have the thing, my guess in budapest and merit cash. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are the so you connect some remember prospect rolls, the
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in 1881. seeking to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french, played on coastal cities and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily out you side one of the key cities, these air and the bay of doing is bomb it. the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiation. the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the people loved an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy between easy as rose, do a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the french groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriot spot desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest sleep. within
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a year the rebels were defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy colonial authorities, tried to deprive the country of its era by identity and populated with european, settling such an easy and did not put up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades. until to an easier game, the independence. in 1956. the 57 percent of americans say the large number of migrants speaking to each of the country is one of the main reasons for the rise in crime in the country. ask. i
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know hughes in on this edition of the 60, the, we're going to look at the, a lot of action by the us government as the number by which assaults on american citizens. and those who are supposed to protect them does a legally residing in the country is rising. let's get started. the new york city is implementing curfews at migrant shelters. due to the rise in crime . now, shootings in times square persons being stolen by games and to smash and grab the fest rings are now becoming all too common estates where cities across the united states. now from san francisco to minneapolis to new york city, the rise in crime is hard to ignore. governor randa santas even came out with a new bill to yvette florida from becoming like.


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