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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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hire of the people of taiwan to pursue peace, to have cross street exchanges, and to avoid warrant on a civil. meanwhile, the united states is preparing for war with china. that's according to an article in the washington post. now the piece has been analyzing what it says in new us true formations in the pacific region. it's studying the tactics that they developing to engage in what it says a myer tons find the could plan to across thousands of miles of islands and coast lying in asia against adversary's like china. all these contributor co shaw says washington is full string tension to slow trying is inevitable. rise. the time when us is resting up finishes, my process highway straight, you know, with the deployment of us special forces on cayman islands, just couple kilometers from the chinese coast. and the us have been re deployed to
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bases in the philippines. they are looping in japan and australia and to, to contain china. now, now you, yours is desperate because despite the report in the mainstream media of immune and chinese, they can, i'm in class. the reality is with each passing year, china relo stronger the tip. so balance, keep on tipping in china is favored it. currently, china has $200.00 times the naval build up capability of the united states for every one of us worship tests build 7 chinese worship. is the bill right now? so as time goes on, uh, china is only growing stronger visa the united states. that's why us is making up that, that you, this limited time window that you delete, he can still contain china. he wants to stir up the attention to stop china is
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continue rise. so that brings you up to date with all of the needs. so to stay with this here, i talked to international rick sanchez, this next week the direct impact and he's going to be looking at how the us responded to the recent atara attack kid. that the part about the program note, we now post to show every single day, not weekly, but daily, and we hold no punches as we do so. so look for it. trust bob. number one joe roll then comes out and as what most americans are thinking. and we're going to play it for you. just number 2. you want investigators released their long awaited report on israel's actions in gaza. it's both critical comprehensive truth file number 3. how does the us state department react to this report that i just
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mentioned? well, they call the author of the report, an anti semite surprise. i'm like sanchez, i'm not. and this is a direct impact the . all right, so let's get going here is what the polls say. the polls say that most americans right now are sick and tired of us giving away their money to ukraine and israel, and most americans in particular seem especially incense about the horrors that seem to be coming out of gaza, which they watch on tv all the time. and on obviously social media terrors that appear to be occurring with u. s. compliance and exclusively with us weapons. you know, and. 9 right, you know, it's bad when the president of the united states gets
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a nickname that is attached to his name, genocide, joe genocide. joe, it looks like it's here to stay and will likely be a part of mr. biden's legacy. but lately, it's not just the pills that are turning hard on the issue of gaza. it's known as makers, both on the left them on the right and the so it's, she's a popular uh, african american speaker, who is beloved by the right for giving it to the lives. when she criticizes blacks and hispanics in the united states, she is celebrated. yay! but now she criticized as real. not so much, no celebrations, no fireworks, no applause. she's not alone. joe rogan, arguably the most important voice in the world of podcast and non traditional news . he's talking about candace owens, getting fired with some of his reaction. what did she say?
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i want to know what was what she was fired for? because was a criticism of israel. was it? i mean, did she show that edward snowden video that he put up on twitter that shows that maybe jerome bombing, those kids that are, or those men i should say on aren't people that were walking towards the rubble. they clearly weren't causing any danger to anybody. yeah, right. bomb them. darrow saying they're only targeting, come us and everybody else has a casualty. well, if those guys are just on arm civilians and they're walking alone, that's what they appear to be dressed in and you just blast them from the sky with robots? no one knows what to think now because you can't talk about that. if you can't say that's real, then you're saying that genocide is okay as long as we're doing it. joe rogan, interestingly enough, using the term jet aside, is a milestone for those who have argued that genocide is the proper term. i mean, this is the guy who people turn to in the united states and around the world in
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many ways who don't trust the news, but they trust him. so for him to say it is important. now let's talk about the institutional side. an even bigger acceptance of that term came from a woman named francesca albany, is she is a special rapid tour. interesting word. huh. essentially, it means investigator assigned by the united nations to look into the attack on gaza and conclude whether what israel is doing is or is not an active genocide. and here, and it's long, but i want to play it for you. here is her conclusion. i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a grouping guys as being met specifically is right. let's go to meet the 3 acts of genocide with the requisite intent, causing seriously serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to,
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to bring about its physical destruction the whole or impart an imposing measure as intended to prevent birth within the group. the genocide in gaza is the most extreme stage of a long standing, subtler colonial process. so very sure of the 9 native palestinians for over 76 years. this process has oppressed about a student has of people in every way imaginable. crushing their, in the, you know, the animal right, to self determination, demographically, economically, territorially, culturally and politically. as he's real, as attempted to displace them, expropriate the land and other resources and ultimately replace them in his darkest hour. the international community can not continue to ignore that. it's israel's project to read palestine of policy in saying that. and so the international law and the world's failure to go these role to account what sri appears to lay out in a very meticulous report,
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much longer than the portion that you just heard. is that what israel is doing does fit the definition of genocide. this is the united nations, right. she describes actions taken by the israelis meant to quote uh, destroy. busy the palestinians, physically in the whole or in part was her words. she also makes the point from a historical standpoint, suggesting that this has been taking place now for the better part of 76 years. and that the attack has been comprehensive and certainly look, look, let's go back to the words, uses territorial, economic, cultural demographic and political. that's the way the palestinians have been dealt with for decades. those are the things that are taken away from them. she describes . so the official you and report you just heard it is finally out. how will or
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how did, or how would the us respond to something like this? and that is what the world waited here. knowing that the us normally use as the un . remember when we're going into iraq, afghanistan, we go to the u. n, we have him write a report that says yes, go and then we do it in this country. our country use usually use as a us to legitimize actions and places like ukraine and a rod and then as well in cuba. so it wouldn't say in this case. okay, that report sounds pretty convincing. given that finding, we will no longer continue to provide as well with the support and the arms to conduct them said quote, genocide. or maybe it would take a more cautious approach, right, and say the us and as we'll, we'll come together to find a way to satisfy the reports concerns or but, or maybe they'll just say no, it's all b. s. we disagree completely with the report. it's no good and we're here, we're going to explain make our case and explain why we disagree with the reports.
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did they do any of those things? you know a, b, c, 123? no, no, not. what did the state department do right after that report came out, matt miller spokesperson for the state department, came out and said, this moment francesca albany is she's gonna have tests of might we have longs for long standing i, for a long standing period of time to pose the mandate of this special wrapper tour, which we believe is not productive anyway, it comes to the individual who holds that position. i can't help but note um history that i submitted comments that she has made that have been reported it to me that i submitted comments and she has and comments she made in december that appeared to a justify the attacks of october 7th. so i think it's important to take that into account it go throw the whole thing out and she's and that does sound like, can't trust her cancelled. and as some obviously though i did my due
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diligence, i'm a journalist. so upon hearing his words, i went and checked to see if indeed albany is did have a history of being an anti semitic. so i pulled the place where they have written this, the most times of israel, right. i looked at the newspaper of the times of israel and i read what they had written and then here's basically what i found. while their headlines sounds ominous when you look at it, upon reading their report, what i mostly found was criticism of her use of the past of the term jewish lobby. jewish lobby is what many people call a pack the lobby group, and political pack that uses money to influence leaders, media, and politicians in the united states. that's not controversial. that's what it is. that's their mandate. right now. maybe there is a mistake that she made sure she had use the term israel lobby instead of jewish lobby. albany is yourself a grace,
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and maybe she should have been more careful of how she used the term. but let's suppose that you use the term incorrectly. does that make her and i by some i really don't. most is rarely politicians refer to israel as an exclusively jewish state. this whole thing gets so damn confusing, right? who can save jewish, who can say is, well, what is it is real one is a jewish. what, what's not confusing is how easily uncomfortably the us state department can dismiss unimed tire report, filled with present day and historical references with one simple word that they attached to the person who wrote the report. just say anti semite. it is the ultimate cancellation during word on that no doubt pays hand to a very important prejudice which most of us respect can't dislike somebody simply because of their religion because of their jewishness. that is anti semitism. but
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one that is also more often than not used simply as a very effective bludgeoning tool to prevent criticism and even to prevent contrasting points of view. to discuss this, i'm joined today by former pentagon official and friend of the show, michael maloof, as well as political commentator and award winning cartoonist, ted rall. michael, you worked with dependent gone. so you've seen us use the united nations when we needed them out. you were there, you were working there well, where we went when we went into iraq, for example. how is it that when we like, what do you and does on our behalf, they're great. and there are reason for doing things. but when we disagree with them, there an anti semitic organization. really, michael, as well. thanks for having me, rick. i, i, it's unfortunate that, uh,
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that this is occurring in, increasingly it doesn't, uh, the united states used to control the un when it was in full control, the u. n. and what it does in what a did. mm hm. it can get whatever res. busy wanted today that's not the case and we're hearing another voices. this has been being called anti semitic, just because you oppose this rarely policy is like when, during the obama administration, if we didn't, michael bomb was policies. we were all accused of being racist. and that term is still use with the, with anybody who criticized obama's policies. we weren't going after him because of his race. and we were going out because of his policies the same here. if you're, if you're a guest, is real, you're automatically add to somebody's welf. i'm a symmetric, they can't accuse me a bit into some edits and, and, and i oppose the genocide that is occurring today and gossip. and it's got to be
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filtering over into the west bank and think that this jetta side, not notion of israel is going to be extending ultimately into a 11 on as a result of actions that are, that's just occurred to the ted rall support a commentator and award winning cartoon as d e studies. geo politics is as well as anybody around here that we have an opportunity to talk to what, what do you make of this up? this firing off of, of the state department calling this woman an anti semite. how did you, how does that strike you as well? ad hominem attacks, always raised my suspicion that content there's a lot of the content is media and therefore you have to distract from it. i mean, for the sake of argument, logically, even if she were an anti semite, that still wouldn't address the concerns in the document. now there's, as you say,
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rick, there's no evidence that she is. and it's really truly discussing how the, the into that, that accusation just been thrown around so fast and loose against people without any evidence whatsoever. what we need is a few more libel suits, you know, really, truly, i mean, your, someone, if the us government a spoke official spokesman, dared to call me and i talk to somebody, i guarantee you, i'd be on the phone with my live a lawyer right away and there needs to be more of that. the reason that they do this is because it works out. supporters of israel has been for a better part of 70 years accusing anyone who criticizes is really government policy or seller, colonialism on the west bank or got as an answer. somebody did. it's a really effective cultural. i mean, because of that it pro cartoonist and call this i have often try stuff before i draw or write something. do i have about the middle east crisis? what i really want to deal with this, i'm not gonna, you know, could i lose work?
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could i be weird to buy these bullies and that's what it is. these are online bullies and this case the televised bully and it's discussing at some point someone needs to stand up and say, you know, at long last said, you know, to decency yeah, i'm not tolerating. listen, joe rogan comes out. candice owens comes out, a battery of people are suddenly coming out and they're saying something about this situation and they're, they're using the j word. i mean they're using the genocide word. and it's interesting because these are people who sway or carry influence over millions of millions of people. and especially the people who don't watch regular news and even some who don't. i'm going to take a quick break when we come back. i want to talk to you guys about you live here in the us. what you see are you feeling that thing is starting to get away from the government, especially from the bite and administration. that's important. we're gonna talk
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about that in just a little bit. you stay right there. we have a lots to discuss when it comes to the situation and how it's someone cascading now . and we'll talk about that on the other side, the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washington's. as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living online. we have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the
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what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as the pay. welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. so i've been thinking of myself just over the last week or so what i have seen in terms of the folks or the organizations or the institutions to ever suddenly coming out and saying, look this things out. and israel's got to be controlled and this very much looks like a genocide to me, joe rogan, the president of turkey who made his statement once again a couple days ago. so. busy candace owens,
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for mentioned the united nations and you know, in, in a, in a special report. so it seems to me that there seems to be a movement afoot working against what the united states directly is doing. i guess, michael, i go back to you. do you see it? do they see it over at the white house and republican circles as well as both parties and, and how do you think they're going to react to it if at all? i think they're i think they're very concerned about it and i think that's why you saw the schumer. these are the majority leader, the sent me the top democrat joyce come up because he saw he sees the threat to the democrat party because of the ink because of the upcoming elections. that's political, but it is, but it's reality on the ground and let me start, i'll tell you, let, let me stop you right there. you mentioned that and i think that's a great point,
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michael, that i'm so glad you made it. but i'm going to push you on that a little bit. maybe said you want to get in on this. i'm hearing that from people. oh, it's a great country. they've never done anything wrong and they've always been fine until be became a long it's all babies fault. so don't criticize israel just criticized b b. is that what they're doing and is that accurate? you know, i think it's due to the fact that they're getting closer to the election, but there's a 5th street. this didn't happen in a vacuum. what happened on october? the 7th was awful. it was, it was very, very bad. it shouldn't have happened the fast 1200 people were killed. however, the response has been a total over reaction. the total over killed of more than $30000.00. now, people, innocent people, women and children. and this is a, this is what people are reacting to. we have, there are palestinians, there are errors today. so what we want, nothing to do with the united states. you bomb us on the, on the one hand through giving this material support to the israel is on the other
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hand, you start parachuting food and we want nothing from the americans. this is what we're hearing. let me us is very telling. let me get, let me get started on this. i tell me about my question again, the idea that a top congress person stands up and says, i'm still 100 percent. everything israel has done and is doing, but we need to get rid of bb, nathan, yahoo! is, is be meant to know the real culprit here. is it all about the be, or is there something else involved here that people don't or not discuss, receive the oppression of the palestinians goes back at least to 1947 in the creation establishment of the state of israel by the united nations. i mean, you know, the policy is didn't come looking for a fight. they reminding their own business, living in their homes, and then a foreign powers, including great britain in the united states and the u. n. keep basically gave away or the point where it's not,
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there's no house to the land and in territory. right. and so it's been obviously a baby didn't do there. that wasn't, that wasn't baby. so it's easy wasn't very limited for the job is right. and it's been, it's been a long time, and this has been, obviously, you know, politicians are always trying to read the needle and try to have things both ways. it's, and it's the nature of the beast. and they're trying to separate the state of israel as a concept to support from the young government, which they're characterizing as extreme as to the far right. and therefore kind of road. and it is true that they are far right. there's extremes, that is true. but apart and the policies go further, i mean the work and scholars at this time around as opposed to 2014, let's say, yeah, he's more a street than it was in the past. and i think that is true. but you, i just, i just like the reason, the reason, listen, i know that i just did some have argued that these being scape goaded here,
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when in fact the problem is bigger than just b, b. and i wonder if schumer is basically using b b at this particular moment to try and salvage the presidency of his friend and fellow democrat, joe biden. and then you know that they're not getting an argument can be made. let, let me move on. there's another story i want to get your reaction to listen to this . imagine if someone from the government showed up at your d. busy or, and asked you about something that you posted on facebook. would that be weird? weird, right. of course, if you are threatening to do, you know, turning the president or giving away plans to make a new cor, announcing that you had tons of weapons in your home and you hit your neighbor and you might be using it sometime very soon. it wouldn't make sense that somebody say the f b, i might pay you a visit to ask you what was going on. but what of all you have is an opinion about a current event in the united states. say what's going on and gaza with tens of
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thousands of civilians are in your opinion being massacred and you put that on facebook. well, that is what happened to many people, including this woman you're about to hear. she's in oklahoma, she recorded the f. b, i showing up on her door because they didn't like what she was posting about gaza. so you said you were with the f b r. and why won't you show me your credentials? i didn't really take a look at them. i said one second, i'll be right back. are you gonna show me your credentials or no? yeah, we did already. so and we identified ourselves. so what we'd like to do, i didn't look at your credentials again. i didn't verify them. i told you to wait. and i went inside, that's correct. cool. we'd like to do is just have a conversation with you about maybe would you be willing to talk to? no, i would not. i would like you to later talk on with my lawyer. and then look a little scary to you. i mean, in the video we said 3 f. b i. agents on her doorstep as apparently they were as last confirmed. they're armed with screenshots,
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allegedly provided by facebook. their claim is they just want to have a conversation with the woman has no idea which of the things that she's that has gotten on there. and it gets even more troubling when you consider the matter of the parent company. a facebook has chosen to remain silent on the matter. we do know that they do have a policy in place where they share stuff with law enforcement under specific circumstances. all right, let's bring the guys back up to that. let me, let me get. can you get a started on this thing? well, how do you react to what i just showed you? this is not american. you know, it's an american of the 1st amendment protects our rights to express opinions, both popular and unpopular. and as you said, rick, i'm us, there's a credible threat of violence or you know, may have or something, or either the human trafficking. let's say you should be left alone, but you have the right to be unlisted in your home. and there's other ways to
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handle this. i mean, you know, they couldn't, by the way, but let me, let me just stop you for a minute. let me just argument. you have a right to be wrong. you have a right to have a stupid opinion. you have a right to be an ignoramus. you have a right to be a drunk. you have a right to do whatever you want in the privacy of your home writing, whatever the heck you want to write about as long as you're not hurting someone. or obviously maligning someone who can insure you for what you said about that. but the f b, i checking to see what you said and why maloof. i give you the last 45 seconds of the show. you well, the wait there happened concerns and mounting concerns that the, that the federal government, particularly the f b i has tried to coerce and co and, and, and control what is being shown on social media. they have just gone overboard in this, in this regard. secondly, i, i do have some question about the, the procedures by these 3 individuals. generally,
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if you ask to see the credentials again, they have no problem showing you their credentials. yeah. but this, but you know, the site, they refused. and, and i'm just wondering if, uh, this was all, uh, you know, i can't rule out the possibility. no, no, no, yeah, i can do no. yeah. go ahead, finish your lot of the other hand. i do know that they are trying to control. uh, what is going on in this case? history of that. yeah. well, we'll check on it to make sure it certainly looked like they are opposing or identifying themselves. is that the, if it turns out as we, as we look into the story that we weren't, we certainly will immediately report it. but in, in many ways it's still troubling. gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today. and for sharing your points of view, before i go remind you of the mission, really what we call it. it's simple. beside the world, stop living a little box and stopped thinking. it's only your side the times. the truth truths don't live in boxes. truth, you're everywhere. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again right here. what we provide
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a direct impact. the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the stashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to use dash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the constitution temps. so
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most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the some breaking news. the wrong confirmed the suggestive to revolution, legal and generals, and 5 offices, internet's ratings flying only raining quotes in the syrian capital. an idea, a strike on goal is it kills 5 people, including full form volunteers who were delivering to day grading rains down the rock at some of the russian city of belgium road during 9 civilians and hitching residential building bushes. federal security services says the terrorist suspects michigan sundays. great in southern russia were directly involved in this city.


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