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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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lose this relationship, i knew people for the the breaking news, the wrong convent. suggestive to revolution. we go generals and 5 offices, and then these ratings, like on the radio and cold select in the syrian capital. and an idea of striking go is it kills 5 people, including full foreign volunteers to that delivering food age. ukraine range locates on the russian city of bel garage injury 9 civilians and it's in residential building. thrushes, federal security service says the terror suspects lifted in sundays rate in southern russia were directly involved in the crew to city hall,
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mexico with one of the detainees in which another time was being prepared to. we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas, b, c, d, or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people. i believe the weapons to those what that corporate city hall, the hello it's just gone. 7 am here in most go on tuesday, april the 2nd. this is the news out and all the international, a very room. welcome to the prism and the pact. one it is to what we're going to start with. the runs permanent mission to the un, which is cold, is where the strike only raining cold slits in serious capital, damascus as being a terror attack. the mission has asked the un security council to address this issue that says b as rainy and basset to syria has promised it is well, we'll face the consequences for that's attack is nomic republic give
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a wrong has never left. a crime of design is regime without a response. certainly design is regime and its allies know that they should wait for a ron's proportional response to disability, which is based on a ron's wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and proper locations. we have never witnessed this type of crime committed. there are international laws and they have kept the boundaries even though many of our diplomatic boundaries were broken. and some of our diplomats with multi rates. i see in my opinion, these riley regime is a dead end. i just compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance front, especially the failures it suffered in concert. tensions are once again on the rise between that ron and israel, after a period of a relative calm ronnie and media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes, half targeted and completed entirely, destroyed the 5 story building of airlines consulate and damascus. the strikes also head of the investigators residents by the basset or um and his family. what report
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are we not present during the attack and are now safe according to serious official news agencies. and this tribes were carried out by what they referred to as these really any targeted beaten meds on neighborhoods in the mask strikes. um, cause significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well as once. and both the serial studies well used f 35 jets firing 5 missiles at the consulate, siri, an air defense systems reported lead intercepted some of the in down missiles here . one has confirmed that senior r g. c members were among the big casualties. they're actually a member, members of the r g c awards force in charge of providing advisory military assistance to the syrian are me to help and fight to terrorism. they are based on the i r g c comments. the syrian for him start immediately condemned to solve the w
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and how people are a custom to responding to such cowardly aggression and will demonstrate to all of humanity that such aggression should be met with even greater resilience and stronger support for the palestinian people and resistances. whether in a rock, southern lebanon, or anywhere else, we expressed condolences for the victims and our sorrow over such attacks carried out without any justification against diplomatic institutions. we emphasized the need to continue syrian uranium relations, as they are built on morals and values. unlike western countries, that heartlessly support israel in committing such crimes their wants. foreign minister also said that the attack on the iranian consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will not deter iran from supporting the palestinians. the escalation comes, uh, just a day after it was president um, uh,
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called on the international community to separate ties with israel as a means of pressuring the country to halt its military operations in gaza. which i've been ongoing for 6 months and a half killed, more than 31000 power staying here as the backend for exchanges between one and as we all had subsided, following the gaza complex. for now, we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from on, also can on either want in spokesperson for the iranian a foreign ministry who has warrant of serious repercussion. yeah, said that israel would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale because it's real has a salt and they're wanting consulate and that is based on the a one and for an industry that is a clear violation of all international laws and conventions, as long as those killed in the strike was a senior command in nearly codes force of be is law. make revolution with god,
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cool and his deputy. now all tease footage from the scene shows the building and area totally destroyed. and there are also cause we are buying damaged. now the russian foreign ministry has strongly condemned the attack on the quote. so let's say it's absolutely unacceptable. and it is a must store investigative journalist, vanessa the lease. and they've similar syrian capital told us she heard the explosions from that sadly attack a short came in at about 5 o'clock. um it was a mess of strikes because i'm in or the western side of damascus. and it sounded literally next tool so. so the 1st 3 strikes were extremely loud. we could then hear the defense engaging the entire building, which is c radian concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the i'm boss or was destroyed. so i followed there are, uh 6 small to civil defense teams are looking through the russell,
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but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was calling cause a huge escalation. i mean, we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time wrong because they have talked to coming in pretty far as to the monument from israel. well, meanwhile i'll be writing in foreign ministry has summoned a swiss embassy official who represents washington over this attack. and that's because around the top different let says the us, as a supporter of as well must be held accountable. that says protests is gathered at tomorrow's palestine square in condemnation of this flank, only a rainy and cold select in the mess. this people were seen fanning flags from the us and is well, always pace with political on this side mohammed. but on the who says the west is
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responsible for is why i was going, but this was a direct attack on the run and you run in territory. this is unprecedented. and these are the regime made a clear decision to murder iranians in the embassy. so there will be major ramifications. the regime will definitely pay a very high to price and see, ronnie's will make sure that the regime understands that this will not be repeated again. so i think the days and weeks ahead will be different from what we've seen until now is rarely was even has the full support of the west. they can execute doctors, they can execute children and they can bomb houses and hospitals.
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they can do whatever they want because they have the full support of the european countries in north american countries. and that's why we see them regularly found syria. that's why they regularly bomb 7. um that's why we see the genocide in gaza. and that's why they now are bombing embassies, the united states and europeans have created this situation with this regime an apartheid regime. and it just goes rolls and nothing happens. but if it's causing the with 5 people in shooting full far and balances were killed and then these really asked, right, this is on the city of the out below. i'll just a warning. you may find some of the following images to be just stepping are full of the victims represented the us nonprofit organization will central kitchen. and
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the volunteers were polish, british irish, and strain the nationals that these really transpose is half homeless, that they will investigate the circumstances surrounding this incidents. the n g o has also issued the statements cooling it. a tragedy. the organize is found. this has to say the world central kitchen, last several of our sisters and brothers in an id. a striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people angels. i served alongside in ukraine garza turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost peace thoughts with all shed humanity,
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it needs to stop. now. meanwhile is well, has withdrawn it. suppose this will be out of shape a hospital in northern garza. this comes of the 2 weeks speech, the images which showed the off them off the showing the buildings of hollowed out the foaming streets with filled with dave bree that now, according to garza officials, the adf killed more than 400 palestinians. i'm destroyed a 1000 times during the sold, and it goes in. civilian defense full says that phone is decomposed holdings in size. the medical complex now of 140 was apparently discovered hand cost and with a bullet wound in the hedge. while in the residential building surrounding the hospitals, dozens of forties were also on top of slipping, speaking by savings, patients officer of the international red cross. this is keisha mohammed who says
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this is well as the off define power in gaza. must ensure the palestinians get access to medical, treat, render and horrifying footage reviews. after these reports, he withdrew from the chief complex and the area surrounding get half shop the entire population in gaza and do as another as an occupying foreign gone to must ensure the protection of continue fast and to ensure the face fact because of the population for everything that is essential for the device. fortunately, the target population has lost their health care system. as many hospitals have been pushed out of service as a result of being infected by be fine to us till the thieves over 6 months now. leaving thousands of people attend for their own health care service as their own lives. depend on there is no health care facility and gather that kind of support.
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the big great needs the way that the ship i me to go complex. he's to what he used to be the biggest hospital and the entire occupied, tennessee. you create new policies unleashed to set forth attacks against the russian city of belgrade on monday. now at least 9 people were left injured in. those strikes alters correspondent, roman call surveys in the border region, and he sent us this report. i read in order to show victim fuel filter. i'd say yes again, that's what it is for the russian defense industry. they intercepted shelves from us for lunch or walk in the system called the farm plan. that buyer among places that were targeted for private residences, multi apartments buildings, private cars, and others. there was a lot of smoke ukrainian shell, a saw from all the neighboring streets of damaged. we don't have any military facilities in the city. what are they firing out here?
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the emergency alarm went off and we all ran to hide. you see the windows are blown out, the cars are damaged. my child was very scared. of course. the specialist isn't working trying to determine what type of shelf this was as you can see. a we are in purity, residential neighborhood. children's playground for the at the moment if they happen to be in any casualties for 4 days, but it's still here because error, learners, science continued just and from time to time here for one call for a large the builder, the rushes federal security service says the terrorist suspects detained during a raid in sunday in southern russia were directly involved in oak strafing the march 22nd croakers concert or massacre. as the f s b says, the laser suspects has funded on supplied the most go attack is the agencies also
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released this footage of special forces units at the apartment blocks where the suspects was seized in dr. stone showing the weapons and explosives that they found that. now according to the security services, the full men were planning to commit attacks in the southern russian republic full then leaving the country office corresponding, it goes down of picks up the story. basically, it seems that the terrorists, so responsible for the absolutely horrendous terrorist attack against the crooked city hall just outside most who they weren't going to stop just this. another terrace. so in the southern republic of august on, they were planning a project that were planning, forming a tax that gaze the investment of the southern russian town of cas space. also, they were apparently planning attacks against one of the towns fox. uh, so they were all detained and the most important detail in the stories that thing fact send fast to supplying amunition and even cash to the public traces of the
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attack against the venue outside. most of this, we were planning a terrorist attack here on the bank of cas b, c. d, or in the victory part targets in a crowd of people to collection of rifles were 460 rounds of ammunition were found in the apartment. during the rest. i believe the weapons to those who attacked croakers, city hall. i brought the guns from a hutch call out to meet you. she. now i want you to have a good look at the car that you're about to see on your screen. yeah, there it is. the white sedan, in fact, this sit down is being driven in this video by the terrorists who later carried out the heinous act of terra against the crocus city hall. because he's entering one of the garage co op, just outside more school. this is where the members of the terrace, so in that was busted in douglas down, they handed them over the weapons, the, i'm your nation and i will ever and everything that these guys needed to carry out
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the attack money. this is the very same call. this a used for the failed gets away. this is the very same call that was called on its way to the russia ukraine border. so there it is shortly after the russian security services stopped the terrace in the tracts and well prevented them from getting away with well with a mouse mother. so also there's another video released by the russian federal security service that is showing members of the douglas tawny terrace. so answering one of the bank offices and they are approaching one of the atm, one of the cash machines they did not make any with the polls though, what they did, they deposited cash cash that was sent to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack against the croakers city hall for an intelligence service they will for they will also step forward. they have said that it is really suspicious how the us administration and how washington is try is doing everything in its power to
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basically say, look, ukraine had nothing to do with the attack. the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that the binding ministration is intensifying efforts to create a distorted picture of the large scale terrorist attack that occurred in russia on march 22nd. according to incoming information, the state department, us intelligence services, affiliated and use and the media have been tasked with removing from the world's community and the suspicions about the involvement of polanski and his entourage in the crime. the white house appears that the discovery of keith trace in what happened will highlight the terrace nature of the queen and redeem and will finally the rail. washington's plans to increase support for ukraine. also, the russian for an intelligence. the pointed out that the heads of uh, the heads of ukraine's military intelligence and the ukraine security service. they have hopefully admitted to their involvement in other attacks against russia. that the rush all branded as terrorist to be openly admitted that they stood behind the
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attacks against the crimea bridge. that the they were the ones who talk you through the or did they hit against plugged into thought, escape. i re boot correspondent who was, was murdered in cold blood the in uh, in st. petersburg last year when she was handed a, not a statute had written with explosives and a number of other attacks against, uh, fully ukrainian officials and so what and so forth. so this is something that the rushing for an intelligence has really put an emphasis on that. that is everything that washington is doing right now. it raises suspicions. i mean to simmering tensions tie wallace full of present. moshing joe has arrived in china for an 11 day trip now lost a mob became the 1st full of my time when easily the 2 visit beijing. it's called his latest visit. a journey of peace is the one that is hoped that at a time when the situation between the 2 sides of the street is tense,
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we will convey the desire of the people of taiwan to pursue peace, to have cross street exchanges, and to avoid warrant on a civil war. meanwhile, the united states is preparing for war with china. that's according to an article in the washington posts, as you can see here. the piece analyzes new us treat formations in the pacific region. it's been studying the tactics saying that they developing to engage in a maritime fight that could play out to cost thousands of miles of islands and co sign in asia against the groceries like china, or to contribute acosta all says, washington is full string tension to slow china's inevitable rise the time when us is resting up finishes across the highway stream. you know, with the deployment of us special forces on cayman islands, just couple kilometers from the chinese coast. and the us has been re deployed to
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bases in the philippines. they are looping in japan and australia and to, to contain china is now now yours is desperate because despite the report in the mainstream media of the immune and try and do you think phenomena class of reality is with each passing year, china grow stronger. the tip the balance, keep on 2 things, being childless. favor. currently china has $200.00 times the naval build up capability of the united states for every one of us worship that's built 7 chinese worship is the bill right now? so as time goes on, china is only growing stronger visa of the united states. that's why us is making up that, that you, this limited time window that you delete. he can still contain china. he wants to
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stir up the attention to stop. china is continue rise. meanwhile, chinese vision champagne. i'm the indonesian president deluxe. this is prep or so for young to have praise the country strong relationship during a meeting in beijing that mostly does have expressed a desire to deepen the overall strategic corporation. as well as making contributions to ritual stability. well, that's cross live now to all corresponded rebecca and happy to pooler, joining his life from indonesia. thanks very much, rebecca. just tell us what do we know about this visit so far? bring us up to speed about this a nation positive like probably will be and will travel to try it out for me to fix it. it's a spurts for and trips since the election in february, which under
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a lot of those relationship with and probably not as a new shot who's partnership that has built in the past week. a, especially under president joe from the leadership wide range of office discuss life economy, trait offer key, and he can afford defense. population probably said you'd like to please try to drink and use experience for o development. i have a big argument agent for the history of china and also great litigation for the treatments of the leaders of the people's republic, which i especially you yourself for us. we want to learn a lot from the experience people should public's training. i would like to continue the policies of president. generally though i am determined to use
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uh these treatments as a foundation for my program. i fully support closer and higher quality relationship between people the relationship between the 2 countries, paddic, we would never can be solved, which china is in a nation's top trading partner with a $130000000000.00 us dollars as the change supplies natural resources, including nick, full as or where innovation supplies wrong, the coaching featuring and then be just send it to send back the process material daysia and also invest in bill. yes, it may to get in touch like a project such as i like off the topic and also the highlight of any specter issues . but if i meet the cargo bundle, the highlights, the 3 way project which opened last october, treego should have easily china,
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which views its relationship with indonesia, from us to teach and long term perspective. and would like to work together with the indonesian side to consolidate the tradition of friendship. spence, ready to deepen all around. so gigi, cooperation over the indian, easier to build a china indonesia community with a shift future with influence in the region and the world at large, bring more benefits to the people of the 2 countries. and they come to abuse since the regional and well peace, stability, and prosperity as a major country. trouble is that the new innovation government will grab you, took the most recently, try not and steal, including the economy entry, and also to strengthen coordination. also international regional here, and it's also interesting to highlight that my goal after 5, but we would like to continue the policy some type of interest. but we don't know
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the bad always excuse me, as a foundation for papa was program started in. and he's also a fact that both relationship between indonesia and china and that's what we have so far on the trip or problem was to try not on. they are the dates. rebecca, thanks very much for bringing this up today. so not that. so i'll have to correspond to rebecca. not be to put her in indonesia. well in this secures in dress north america is red lines, will be the priority in the investigation over for the fascination attempt on a set process fig. ahead in the us that was new delays response to remarks made by the washington. i'm back to that to india. and i think that's absolutely critical for any of us just abstractly, that has to be a red line. no government or government employee can be involved in the legit fascination of one of your own citizens. that's just an unacceptable red line.
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position of my government is, in this particular case, that i have been certain information which has been provided to us, which we are investigating. and it is something we are investigating because we believe out on national security interests are involved in the investigation. so as then when we have something to say on that investigation, we would be very glad to speak about it at this point of time beyond the fact that there is an investigation going on. well, washington says that 2 countries have been working together on the criminal investigation, but it's reluctance to pull the criminal. now we've a cooper right? c panel is known as a c secretary stand has been designated a terrorist fine india. he also holds american on canadian 60 ship missed depending on has repeatedly issued threats against india and the countries, 12 officials, according department. it's in the random moody now a former deputy national security advisor of india adults. the offering group,
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the told oxy, the red line ramon was a poor decision in this edition. good. it has uh, given a okay response to this statement made by the us investigator. and that is that, uh uh, the information provided by the us side is being investigated. and that there are some very serious special security because google, i think the, this is a sensitive issue for india is an issue and you did through the dentist and both to countries on the restrict agent. good. so i think the pretty much the on the plane was perhaps the $244.00. this is what you do meet at a time then, and they're going to in the election site. and everything that you said is
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noted, you mentioned the of the important point here. is that all of them and uh, that is uh uh, you know, for august uh and uh, and use all of the social media. yeah. certainly. all these different things. uh, tech things, good thing seems to be all you got that the newly elected president of send the goal is planning to renew. we negotiate the contracts of oil and gas projects developed by a number of western energy joints including b, p. a presidential oil advise this says move would significantly bolster state coffers to boost to the states revenue from oil and gas. it's necessary to renegotiate the contracts to increase the states shares, and change the system of sharing of production. renegotiating contracts doesn't
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mean that the state will impose itself on the companies without taking the law into consideration, but that the 2 parties agree to discuss some clauses of the contract. meanwhile, often numerous delays, west african country is set to open the taps this year on to large liquefied natural gas projects. this is important to ship with the weston energy companies in question. now i'm, let's say the new science could help set a goal, become one of the wills, fastest growing economies to shake up comes ahead of tuesdays, a new duration of the new president. in senegal, he was an empty establishment. candidates who secured around 54 percent of the vote beating his closest wible by almost 20 percentage points. well, we've had a reaction from a movement dang for me, african leadership university school of business who says the development saw so
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the examples of the need.


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