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tv   Documentary  RT  April 2, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
so fast to ensure the face factors of the population for everything that is essential for the on the device. fortunately, the entire job, the population has lost their health care system. and as many hospitals have been pushed out of service as a result of the fact and by the good find hospitality over 6 months now, leaving thousands of people attend for their own health care service that their own lives depend on. there is no health care facility and gather that can respond to the great needs the way that that should go complex. he's to what he used to be the biggest hospital in the entire occupied, tennessee is what it's also saying. they were only targeting terrace, as i'll see, the hospital with a huge number of that they referred to in recent comments, has raised questions. even israel closest i live, the u. s. has demanded evidence and mine also makes uh during the operation we
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killed more than $200.00 service in and around the companion to almost with the rest of the more than $900.00 terrace. that's cool to increase the render to our forces of which over 500 are confirmed from us in palestine is allow me to have members, including senior commanders, intelligence, carry, or something, and operate this. me call him or me typically it for you. it is deep look concerning if it's true, we are reaching out to israel government to get more information. and that is also important to do. we have to make sure that these, this, what we're hearing is verified, right? that with the footage is also verified. but we've been very clear, it is very active, it's the anti war activity. should i say a rosenblatt believes the id f wants to run the old medical facilities in ga, the completely unusable. unfortunately, if i were to judge from what israel has been doing, the best been systematically destroying the possibility of,
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of living life in the gaza strip. and in the cases of medical facilities or other public facilities that are not have not been fully destroyed in the 1st round of funding. and then vision. we see that if palestinians are trying to make use of them again, like find to use the she for hospital again for medical care. this leads to another round of siege, a bomb being executions and driving the population away from there it's, it's difficult to say what is real and is planning eventually, but it's, it's a pattern we're seeing again and again, i'm the but with the bomb beings then with the, the land based invasions to, well, those are the licensed highlighted will be black and habits of the hour. with an update, we'll see you then the
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store. so somebody uh, gotten a good name for me from, from move from. was it, do you have to use simple associated us but i think you would think so. okay, so for you. so here's the pictures of the man from the 1st place. because if it was designed for problems, please look, what was the interest that wasn't something that wasn't super glad that the
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curriculum piece of putting it in the course of seeking up video review. but before i do this for you, i don't think i do anything but i. so for those the best that particular room is it's a 2 gloves. say the them think it is a beautiful let's, let's move to the facility and the building slave as if the senior living you lose muscle because even in your thoughts you most of the, the, the
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c or a little file. so be sure that this was split up and you want me to come on the 0 to start with their of what do you see those with the moon solution? it's good. when do you see the
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dispute? because it was, it was nice to meet with the business. it was it got the assistant businesses business. lou, bring it on board with business is that suit? most systems with this very easily. you know, the movers are ships, the, the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the system does the, the come boards the shows such as the
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physical the
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cause of course just cool. cool with just cuz i just, i didn't pull that up with the client. oh. so the actual phone and so we're stuck with what that oh no, no, no i don't you for the 1st name and last name. and i know which can today to the fact that i bought the info on the 2nd floor infliction. and last thing was, what was the invoice showing that that is a viable um bill digital or item the most of the story you've got to get. so the, the violence some of the moves on
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the side of the news show those, cuz i mean, i used to use that as much because it's a mistake here and it was a comment about yours. so when you get that, that quote, basically you know, we're not the space i'm us. we saw. busy or this to thunder that allows us if i knew from them box number us, we want to go search and they go. so the show for the, for the
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house 1st thing i'm calling on the other side of the system that was also just put me on monday nights at v c, l 233 cubic feet which led to low level lead. the good it says the the yeah. bring out 2015
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so stuck with those 2 bits put in it. need someone to a specialist. yeah, i said let me see what i see. i can truly, i'm supposed coach with him. come on, know, she shouldn't force digital what i mean. yeah, it was fine. you know, so i do a little don't. one's going to be able to think that it also to children with a single would you be here? my mom, but i thought, mr. which each one was, would you not come when you wrote and got a i was only so it looks the same guy that just that you people that you move about 50 lots that they used to what's, what's the come on the which is what is this thing was it, can you come with us or not? so i will try to to more special mention them that again, the most cost on what will really come 1st floating. i'm from the campus will probably know probably in the esl for glen shock. i want you to bulk out result was almost to do you mind if i don't that's, that's the that's the, the,
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the, the, the, it's of interest. as a roommate. i don't know. still really my 1st in the most like a really, really piece which is supposed to bring my basically with the most i saw the full face, but i know the will give will credit unless you close what's on the thoughts in the addition to some of the essential bye of. ringback of the, the,
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what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without collisions. let's go part of the idea. let's look here for a whole lot. of course actually the disco students. i'll send you stuff to child support. i don't think so much. can you do that right?
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double sure. that's fine. thank you so much. i'm sorry about that for about a to the statement that i don't know if it is good news about actually for the the the during the day then just deal with
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the the travel for the school. good shot. yes, i was just labeled, i did just before the do the website. we'll see you at this time. oh okay. what i see and that's what a little sadly. yeah. all right, cool. can we still
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get them to please? okay, that's fine. i think we'll say you went on, how did he says he went to the ball? good. was it keep them spiraled in for a whole thing to be a good the mazda pizza. you sent me a message and then just the thought is, this is the one you need to introduce the pharmacist and what you think, what you believe this mutual care with eligibility mind can long as these truth was, these are assuming you cannot look at the department the theme yet the quintile,
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make it more noise. these will disclose. got the most. what's interesting is that deep sea thoughts. i might have to dig this up for a teacher to know what you sent me to read it to use any payment system we use on that lease to buy a new machine for social an image to click on the cloud that was for him. the buzzer item is list your gear. i use my boost to be sleep. but stanley, i've had both of you to forego. you say that to me, people from the stables extent that i know that
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that was how i mean it's a mentor and all the people who can you see so from without smoking have some you always have the service you know, comes to your law for those who have that to be, the jude had no comment as much. and so them, so definitely more of the the
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most up to, to the, the, the drugs the chip can say the sooner the better. because it's elizabeth or daniel village or the the state is that still available for the patient? those up with the speech. see if you come by you william court of
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with them complete. tell me what, what you've seen these videos are on 65, even see discuss because there's an yes click on view and so the sheet, the post a series can come by any processing that she was menu or so that is the site itself is visual of at least it's in europe. it's because appreciate so don't let me finish the, let me appreciate it. so what does it be? he's got that what it means to give me a hold of sending him. what would you like me circa sold with a new ship. you shaped senior, but when you could, senior us go well then you think the nice move push move i need is a look using flip its financial give me just the gym. we have seen you past. you have seen you custody and has made me verify the pizza. see if the senior people would buy the slippery stability, which i post any of those in the section. we do
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a c. does anybody my explain you deal with you have them. we took a horse, us, i to me she or n e n e. been spending things on on some to fit the resume, at least the sushi and you keep water with the bleach leading. would you let me see if there is i'm on the sky, but i'm fine if i beat the, if i knew who we can find a couple of the not if i'm safe for them, say apple or do it. so we don't the, by me like i deal with them use of our solution. there's only sold because it kirkwood store you truth and we spoke to you about the rambo to the land. but the comparatively little pushing uh shows that our kids is near the city and say that by the time i've not changed anything, i was looking for your social just by his him to do it, to wash the implant aggressiveness or come fox to
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a couple of industries 0 to be creative. so it was a, as in what would be the grid of now is budgeted 0. thank you. several. no. got any reason why it's through the rest of the visit, our solution. just what do you want smoking? society love the so serious i saw but it's very, it's nice was the i'm new to the welcome email. but since you be able to learn more, the sweet, you know, some owners from is nonsense already. she lives in the house. a lot of people don't just look over the it all you guys the new phones. if not, it will be what another budget for it and then click on the computer to the sales
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and nobody will who ok, because you processed the visit. i gotta fix to talk with you. it's not the glitch. the substitute for somebody to move splits each, the full new size to deal and even do the file. so the 1st just the resource, the
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new site or do you and happy for you? well, the final, but i don't, i mean the way the the stuff that despite the, unless you to move it to finish it through gateway and have to wait an hour to meet with you. but it's on east of motion and breakfast. so in the fiscal, we'll start doing next a day and so use, how much will you spend? certainly most i get the trimming
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material the cold squares you'd soon so like is of us are saying it's almost my i select the watch 6 thirties that store us most of state where catch each dearly the best lease that cash for it to you. so going to a full size and so forth. for sure. actually, even if i use it, is it the cousin didn't but uh, when use it the way this to the noise both as of at them they've got the 30, the traditional chest of all of this. and we're just technically just recently did
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advance of when is it an attack? most of it does anything negative parks evening is obviously still a new for on the show you just by sort of this thing, right? so this was an issue which so to residential, this is what i say. they noticed when the basic face, the serial sufficient machinery, c p. p. usually with the
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music you get the premium even give you the the scenario is just the most states in the nicholas county position i you know what's in full and then the homeowner wish book line, how they like to have a john adult. that's how you will be with the miss your new, a little fossil in the show, me the your, to either which to low level the the,
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the also as a this, our iran accuses is we'll end up missing an act of terrorism within a time. and it really uncomfort in syria, in which several high ranking offices were killed. the angry dom insight is taken to the c's and they were on capital taunting and to west and the slogan, diamond, wedding, american flags, united states and europeans has created this situation where this regime and apartheid regime is goes road and nothing happens. an idea of.


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