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tv   Documentary  RT  April 2, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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fitness dash line included the alexis cloths of bras, imperial shield, and the trip tick depicting the crystal vacation of jesus. oh, you spoke with off, you'll find that are part of this. i say a new the pancoast, a board member of the se, if you're heritage trustee, said that british museum should the high level the rest of the artifacts because it's neither displaying them no, using them in any of a significant way. and so there are many objects which was due to the 1860 age from during the british expedition to mock della and amongst those objects, the st. crowds, tablet. so all the possible cause that code in any to a british museum is of course, concern to that this might set a precedent and the other objects there might be other requests, but the tablets are in a very special category because they are considered st grid. and therefore kept in
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the basement and even the curators of the. ready do not have access to them. so in effect, they are not using them in any legitimate way. and they have not been able to make any use of them. so they really should be retired and they have no reason to keep them. and so they are very much items which the public key a value, whereas in the museum in the u. k, they are of no interest or for anybody. and the museums have acknowledged that they shouldn't be put on display. so they really shouldn't be retired. well, that's all for me for today as always is great to have your company, my colleague, mike, of course i will be with you the top of the out. so i've been to all of, i did the
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store so somebody can go to the new from move from. was it, do you have to use simple associated? you must, i think you would think so. okay, so for you, so to discuss some of the pictures booked in the 1st, please do. so we'll do that. i know some problems please look over the features that we find something feeds this tablets of superclass. let's look at the
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cardboard on piece of putting it in the course as you can update it if you. but before you do this for you, i don't think i do anything but i so so, so the best way is it's a to go and see the them think this, you have good parts of the facility that i'm with the senior living. you lose most of the present in your thoughts. you most of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, let's see a little file. so be sure that this is split up and you want me to come on here to start with the what do you see? there's a little solution. it's going,
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do you see the dispute was it was it looks nice to meet with the business. it was it got the businesses. hm. business, lou, bring it on board with as a business suit most systems with this very easily. you know that i've done what was a shift of the
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the the, the for the, the, the system does the,
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the physical the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the cause of course just cool. cool was just cuz i just called on the phone. i've been told that i'm with the atlanta so that to move on. and so we're stuck with what that model. i mean, if it was thursday or something, it wasn't necessary and i know it scan today to the fact that i bought the info on 2nd floor infliction. the last thing was what was the funding? but we're showing that there is a lot of those as or items with most of the story,
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i guess of the, the violence some of the moves on the side of the news show those, cuz i know you have to use that as much because it's a mistake here and it was a fatality of fills up the bundle, but you get that that goes basically by slowly you know. yeah, not the space i'm us. we saw. busy or this to thunder, that allows us the news from the box number as well to go searching. it goes
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to the shop for the uh the house. the other side system that uh you see on the phone with us also which is b c, l 233 c s t a to which led to
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a low level mean. good. it says the yeah, put in, you know, a 2015 to so stuck with us to get started. it's near someone less business. yeah. if it said nothing about it, let me see what i see. potentially. i'm supposed coach with him come on. no, she should feel free to do what i mean. yeah, it was fine. you know, so i do for the ones that he really was. i think that it also wanted to to go to the circle. would you be here? my mobile apple. let me see which of these one was one, you know, come when you rotate got was only so it looks the same of the list that you. ready go to the you move us of the, let's, let's, we've got to be able to come on the, which is, what is this thing was i saw it. and so i'm not sure i'm not. so i'm trying to add some more special mention them that it any possible. so what we're really compress, slowing them from you. converse will probably no problem. yeah. so,
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so why don't you look, i want you to bulk out with a little more clear. do you mind if i don't that's less than let me know that you guys are still reasonable for going to the exit out of the vote, just as a roommate? i don't know. still really my 1st in the most like a really, really piece which is supposed to be like basically with them as i saw the phone. but i know that the whiskey will credit unless you close on the phone with the introduction to some of the issues you're buying. so based on what that
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means, the the, now you need your visa, stupidly from here to nothing you know, don't look terms in the book, the initial shift, neither it gets to the the only showcase is genes, nathaniel. so he's going to the boys at the boys,
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the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery at this uh, florida doesn't want that as much text them for the notes. but there's that the idea of folks here for a whole lot, of course actually this will be just the teachers before they don't do that right. double share. that's fine. thank you so much. i'm sorry about that for about a to the same.
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i don't know if it's it's good news about actually so that's the a couple more days to have them just do the
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the travel dates for the school. the registrar just thought it was just labeled. i did just before the where is going, whether it was the status is on what what i see, and that's what i don't see, any kind of missile i put down and we still get them to pre. okay, that's fine. i think we'll say here, when he says he went to the ball going to was it keep them spar with him for a whole he'd be
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a swap. these lots of pizza, of the since then test it. was it the thought is this is the one. is it the, it was the 1st is what it 60 what you believe this new show you what it was you was the mind can long as these truth was, these assume you cannot look at the department the get the in the document that make you more noise, these will disclose. gonna take another one of the most. what's interesting is that deep. so your thoughts may have to reduce up for a teacher's. now what do you send you to read it? do you see any problem with the system? we use one of these to find a new much for social image, to click on the color that was them. they buzzer, you put them on this list,
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you would get to use my boost to be sleep. but stanley at the board for the, for the sale to me, people from the stables extent that i know that it was how they made the payment and it was fine. yeah. so let me see. so someone that has to have that from okay. awesome.
6:50 am
you always have the service. i thought you wanted to say your loss of who positively jude. i look on his neck. and so it comes to the murder of the the most of the, the,
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the drugs, the because it showed that there wasn't sure this goes through to elizabeth for the new person. most of the 3 students that she's still available for you that way. she knows up with the speech, see if you come by you were in court of with them complete. tell me what, what you've seen these videos are on just because you can see, discuss, cuz there's an yes click on view and say the sheet, the post a series, click on button. any possibly it's in the, excuse me, it was the site itself is diesel released have seen your epi, it's because appreciate so them and you can use the nipple usually it's what does it be? he's got that with me as like, give me
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a hold him sending him. what would you like me? circa, sold with a new shipper. you shave senior, but when you cook senior sca, letting you it's a nice person will need is a look using the political view most just the do we seen you 1st? you have seen you custody and i've made me investigate pizza the of the senior pick, nor would the sleep we would each and i post any of those in the section we do have she does anything. you my explain you deal with you have them. we took a, what was that to me? sure. i knew you'd be spending things on, on some, to fit the resume, at least the sushi and you keep water with the bleach leading. would you let me see
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if there is on the bottom fire. if i beat the new hook up out of the couple of the united states on sale or the button on like i deal with them use of our solution. there's only to install because it kirkwood store you truth and spoke to you about the rambo to the land. but the comparatively little portion uh shows there are kids is near the ceiling. say that by the time i've not changed anything, i was kind of looking for your social just for them to do i to well i still don't do you plan on paying for a branch you can use a couple of so a couple wound us 0 to be creative, so it was a, as in what would be the good now is, but besides here thank you says on the user why is through the rest of you to visit fact which will it will smell faces, party will of the so serious i saw buys very nice with the new info
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walter studio, but since you be able to learn more for most of the you know, some owners from is nonsense already lives in the house. a lot of people don't just look over, feed it. oh, you got a new phones. if not, it's a movie what another bench for it and then click on the phones computer to the sales and nobody will who is you such as the visit? i gotta touch to talk with you with not split, some glitch the to the bottom with the multiple page, the full new site here and you do file. so the you that was just the for the,
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the resource,
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the new site or are you happy for you? well the final but i mean we minister to get the stuff that's addressed you to move it to finish the way martini. are you able to get signed? use them a motion, them for it to send them the fiscal starting next day. and so you told me to call you just because the most i get the to move, the loan keeps my gloves deteriorates the details
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where they're saying is that most my wife's usage store us store for our catch each dearly. the best lease that cash for it to start going to apologize for for for sure. actually, even if i use it, is it the president? but we'll use it the way this to the noise because of them they've got the 30 the traditional festival december just recently. did advance, there's lots of when does it come up that most of it doesn't mean the parks evening is very serious deal. i mean you for on the show you just somebody sort of this
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thing much less related issues. so physical and show you what i say, they know these women, the basic facebook and you'll see a p p usually. well, let's look at the music. you can give the use of the best of the 2 men to nicholas county. they should buy it all happened with some 49, the homeowner, which book line, how they like to have a ton of those that feed in how you will buy fluids. and it's, you know,
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a little plus, so mean, be sure to be your human or either which to low level the the 1941 with the nazis health corporation, ultra nationalist, the was dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities,
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and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the scene of us kind of will renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the iran accuses e's real of committing an act of terrorism within new tax on a new ronnie and concert 18 syria, which several 5 ranking officers were killed. the angry demonstrate to stick to the streets of the runs capital chanting,


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