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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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a sold most of them died, 6 was incredible genocide. the iran accuses e's real of committing an act of terrorism with a new tax on a new ronnie and concert 18 syria, which several 5 ranking officers were killed. the angry demonstrate to stick to the streets of the runs capital counting, add to western slogans and funding americans that united states in your p s has created this situation where this regime an apartheid regime is, goes rolled and nothing happens. and an idea of asked why don't guys it kills
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several for an aid workers who were delivering food supplies to the watch on region at also a heck. the situation all on the ground is in great sleeve credit. russian power troop was about 600 meters away. from cha sold yacht, which is the next settlement with out of a buffalo. at ross i, gaines, ground against ukrainian forces on the front lines destroying american tanks that were recently supplied to keep the continuing of coverage all the latest trends shaped into worldwide. now this is our dean to national i a michael point you. now we start with the recent escalation in the mid least, you run this mission to the united nations as a q. these are all the conducting a terrorist attack you ron says,
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and he's ready as flight killed, multiple high ranking officers. i dates, calculating syria to ron's envoy to damascus, found their retaliation probably could be wrong. his never left a crime of design if the machine without a response, certainly design is present and its allies know that they should wait for a ron's proportional response to disability. which is based on a runs wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and proper location. and we have never witnessed this type of crime commit to the international laws. and they have kept the boundaries even though many of all diplomatic boundaries were broken . and some of our diplomats were mounted, in my opinion of the as rainy regime is at a dead end and just compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance from especially the fate of use it suffered in gaza. tensions are once again on the rise between that ron and israel, after a period of a relative calm ronnie and media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes have targeted and completed entirely,
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destroyed the 5 story building of airlines consulate and damascus. the strikes also head of the investigators residents for the bassett or um and his family were reportedly not present during the attack and are now safe. according to syria's official news agencies found the strikes were carried out by what they referred to as these really enemy. and targeted the mis neighborhood in damascus. the strikes caused significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well. the syrian foreign minister immediately condemned via solve how that's defeated on people are a custom to responding to such cowardly aggression. and will demonstrate to all of humanity that such aggression should be met with even greater resilience and stronger support for the palestinian people and resistances, whether in their rock, southern lebanon, or anywhere else. we expressed condolences for the victims and our sorrow over such
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attacks carried out without any justification against diplomatic institutions. we emphasize the need to continue syrian uranium relations as they have built models and values to unlike western countries, that heartlessly support israel in committing such crimes. their wants, foreign minister also said that the attack on the one in consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will not deter iran from supporting the palestinians, the back and forth exchanges between one and as we all had subsided, following the gaza complex. for now, we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from on, also can on either want in spokesperson for the iranian foreign ministry who has warrant of serious repercussions. yeah, said that is where it would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale because as we have has a salt and they're wanting consulate and that is based on the i want in for an
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industry that sees a clear violation of all international laws and conventions among those killed with a senior commander or the lead cods for so be so i'll make revolutionary god core mohammed arrest as a heavy headset in the military for 44 years. but he took part in the iran iraq more, and later became the head of the codes for us in syria and lebanon. now last, that has called for a un security council meeting on the attack, which is due to take place on tuesday. while all the countries in the region of strongly condemned, the strike pakistan has quoted a major escalation quite a 5 year review set, a time getting diplomatic facilities as a violation of international laws, investigative journalism, and as a bailey who lives in the syrian capital, told us that as she heard the explosions from the deadly strike a short time, man, it's about 5 o'clock. it's was
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a mess of strikes because i'm in or the western side of them. it's of damascus. and it sounded literally next. cool. um. so the 1st 3 strikes, work stream laid out. um we can send here the ad defense for engaging and the entire building, which is c already and concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the boss there was destroyed. civil defense teens are looking for is a russell, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was counts as a huge escalation. and we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area. or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time wrong because they have talked to coming in pretty far as to the moment from as well. c the
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hundreds of protest as gathered outside before my user id embassy into ron after be a time demonstrate is received. but in these riley and american flags, they also showed supports of policy and people in gaza, iranians and getting bonded retaliation for the strike on the iranian diplomatic building. it went about israel has always had a barbaric character, but its action tonight was more than that. it's action question, diplomacy itself. it was aggression on iranian territory. shut the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy shop. it was an inhuman and barbaric action. sony senior, israel has directly attacked this time. in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack your under likely, it must be destroyed. move while the ronnie and foreign ministry has summoned to
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switch and basically all special who represents washington. iran stop deep, the much says that the us as a support or result must be held accountable. an idea of spokesperson has declined to directly command on the strikes a metallic v. this focused on the goals of the water and gas that we spoke with. political analysts said mohammed mirandi, who says that the west is responsible for the israel's actions. this was a direct attack on the run and the run in territory. this is unprecedented. and these are the regime made a clear decision to murder iranians in the embassy. so there will be major ramifications. the regime will definitely pay a very heavy price. and the ronnie is, will make sure that the regime understands that this will not be repeated again.
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so i think the days and weeks ahead will be different from what we've seen until now is rarely regime has the full support of the west. they can execute doctors, they can execute children and they can bomb houses and hospitals. they can do whatever they want because they have the full support of your can countries in north american countries. and that's why we see them regularly found syria. that's why they regularly bomb 7. um that's why we see the genocide in gaza. and that's why they now are bombing embassies, the united states and europeans have created this situation with this regime an apartheid regime. and it just goes roles and nothing happens.
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and over to guys and now where are several for the aid work is with kills. buying these ready air strike on the city of darrow, belong. a warning that you might find the following image is disturbing. now for all the victims represented, they do as non profit, organization, weld, central kitchen. all the volunteers were polish, british irish and australia, nationals of these really defends for these have promised to investigate the circumstances of the n g o has called the incident a tragedy or the organization is found to have this to say the world central kitchen last several of our sisters and brothers in an id, a fast striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people angels. i served alongside in ukraine, garza turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate
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killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost peace thoughts with all shed humanity. it needs to stop now. the members of the international community have strongly condemned to the attack of a killed v 8 work as some nations have demanded an investigation as well as accountability for me as well as the seaside human tragedy. that should never of appear that is completely unacceptable and astride. you will see full improper accountability as you would expect for how this could have a good. we certainly have already contacted these riley government directly. we are contacting the as riley and best of that uh to ask uh for accountability here. uh, the choice is that that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance
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its someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their last expedition though mean the mess. but i hope in demand that the is really government clarify as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of 7 aid workers who are doing nothing but helping me at the bell while following a 2 week siege. israel has removed it so does from i'll ship a hospital in northern gather of these images that picks that after mass with buildings hallowed out by the bombing and streets liquid with rubble. now, according to a gas that will fall, reduce the idea of killed around $400.00 palestinians and wrecked over $1000.00 houses during the rate of the government, civil defense, 4 sides of the found the composed bodies inside the medical complex. one cops was
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apparently discovered had cost with a bullet wound in the head of thousands of bodies were located in the residential buildings around the hospital. here is how a local doctor in the international red cross of describe the scale, all the destruction of a i could not hold back my ts upon witnessing the damage here. i did not show it to you as for my own home being that i saw, but i did for the destruction of the hospital and for old medical stuff and the wounded people in gauze as the laws magical complex. i'll see if a hospital used to have 750 baths. no, all the medical institution in garza had such a large scale. it also had $26.00 operating rooms and about $32.00 intensive care units. all of that has been destroyed beyond repair, as if a hospital has to be close to permanent, please city, horrendous, and target funding footage reviews after these reports and withdrew from the district complex. and the area surrounding yet have shop the entire population in
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gaza. as you, as another, as an occupying foreign gonzo must ensure the protection of the fast and to ensure the face passed because of the population for everything that is essential for the on the device. fortunately, the charge of the population has lost their health care system, and as many hospitals have been pushed out of the service as a result of the facts and by the find has timothy over 6 months now, leaving thousands of people attend for their own health care service that their own lives depend on there is no health care facility and gather that can respond to the great needs the way that, that she for me to go complex. he's to what he used to be the biggest hospital in the entire. okay. 5 kind of seeing in 2 to 3 is what i mean for us is claims of the way i'll lead targeting terrorists of the i'll ship our hospital, but huge number of the dad that referred to within commons has raised questions.
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even these roles, closest ally, the us, has denied that evidence or model some it's uh, during the operation we killed more than $200.00 service in and around the cms having troubles with the rest of the more than 900 terror surgical dental, who surrender to our forces some of which over 500 are confirmed from us and how scene is allowed me to have members, including senior commanders, intelligence, carry, or something. i don't think this me call him or me typical it for you. it is deep look concerning, is this true? we are reaching out to israel government to get more information. and that is also important to do. we have to make sure that these, this, what we're hearing is verified, right? that with the footage is also verified. but we've been very clear, it is rarely anti war activist. hey, ja rosenberg believes that the id f wants to randall old medical facilities in guys a completely on usable. unfortunately, if i, if we're to judge from what israel has been doing the best been systematically
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destroying the possibility of, of living life in the gaza strip. and in the cases of medical facilities or other public facilities that are not have not been fully destroyed in the 1st round of funding. and then vision. we see that if cost indians are trying to make use of them again, like find to use the she for hospital again for medical care. this leads to another round of siege, a bomb being executions and driving the population away from there it's, it's difficult to say what is real and is planning eventually, but it's, it's a pattern we're seeing again and again, i'm the but with the bomb beings then with the, the land based invasions is a dangerous and ridiculous lie. that's how the media network ologist era has
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reacted to statement by use roles. prime minister, big a minute then yeah, he said that he was bound the channel for supposedly helping him us l g 0 harmed is real security actively participated in the october 7 massacre and incited against idea of soldiers. it is time to remove the trumpet of hum us from our country. alj a 0 will no longer broadcast from israel. i intend to take immediate action in accordance with the new law to stop the operation of the channel. in an escalating move is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a frantic campaign against al jazeera, accusing it of harming israel's security. actively participating in the october 7th attack and inciting against israeli soldiers. out to 0 media network condemns these statements and sees that has nothing but dangerous ludicrous lies. netanyahu could not find any justifications to offer the world for his ongoing attacks on al jazeera and press freedom,
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except to present new lies and inflammatory slanders against the network and the rights of the employees. by user, as parliament has passed, the law widely seen as directing or directly targeting audra 0 enables upon minister to find a new for news outlet here. if it is considered harmful to national security. other media agencies equipment could also be seen at the us express. that's concerned that the potential these ready to track down on the media and a, i'll say, which is with, with respect to l to 0. obviously, we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us just disrupt blue, the media organizations becomes the target of, of the, of the is the regular become part of the targets in the score. so with respect to targeting it, i mean tardiness and not, not through a law passed by condensing,
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but i think with respect to potential military targeting, israel has said very clearly that that's not what they have done. obviously, that would be incredibly inappropriate. it is, if it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journal is around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the war outlet scary out. what's going on on the ground. the more is really will be isolated, the united states would be isolated as complicit to the genocide. therefore, it's in the common interest of both the united states of america and is there is to limit as much as possible media outlets operating a carried out. really, the picture of the work was completed by the system as well. whether in gaza in the car, in general, or even in the west, but that's why not so many mutations too many was so many ways that is relative
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forces including murder and bond, owns of dollars, and the offices of journalists and media to stop the picture on what is really going on and goes up to read, she voters in the west. every change is and actually if you watched was really many channels, you would see that the bell side is not exist. does it actually is not existence except for from the point of view of this way a soldier was he or she is going out the genocide? so there are many, many it'd be agents do media and freedom of brass, that is real. would that help? and the complicity of the united states. as far in the genocide we enforce weatherbug targeted killings, bombings, withdrawing their licenses, stopping from uh, operate, operating since all. so real uh, news outlets. uh,
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not only arabic speaking, and by the way engineer has been the main gate to do this ready boys to enter our homes and to explain and to present the point of view of this rate is so actually as well as real to limit our prohibit the edges here of ration as well, what they're doing in the airport. everything is really broke explaining their lives. and the reason for the edge and the side do air of homes around the world. and the central russia now where i had 12 people had been wounded in a row and attack was trying plug it into an industrial complex and all the areas and the top us down regional medical teams are providing urgent care to the effectiveness of this while reducing the region on the highlight, if it is a developing story, a will keep you updated with the latest developments that or some other slight
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on contest on payment made other attempted a tax on russia. i've already said that'd be arrested. several members of a tower would sell in the southern region of august, done already set up the suspects provided money in westbury to the attack or for the attack. we're also planning other strikes in the country. investigators have set up the concept, whole incident was links to tre russian authorities of also wanted another potential attack by ukraine with a cargo of explosives hidden in church. icons was seized on the lawns again, board parties, english donald has the details. this inside these boxes is more than 70 kilograms of extra powerful explosives, hidden with a truly devilish cunning. inside the judge plates and the icons intercepted on the lot, the russia border, the unholy cargo bull markings in ukrainian,
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unequivocally pointing to the country of origin. as the driver confessed, explosives made quite a voyage across europe. i was given the entire package of documents after which i moved to russian territory to the city of moscow where the unloading was supposed to take place. i drove through romania, reached the romanian gear in buddha, where i submitted all the necessary documents i was examined and checked. no problems were identified after which i drove into the shrunken zone. there were no obstacles on the road while manufactured and packed in key. if it was shipped all the way to the town of trip enough to see where it crossed into romania, easily sneezing under the raiders of the boat. the gods, which is a dumb founding slip on the behalf. since for the past 2 years, the ukraine romania border has been among the tightest in the world, both ukrainian and romanian. both the gods have been viciously effective at
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preventing both contraband and the ukrainians who are fleeing mobilization. from crossing the border, you can see they were pulling literally no punches here. but this time a little truckload of explosives somehow evaluated this company. and the same case of selective blindness before the colleagues on the and gary and border where the payload entered the you and as well in lock for you to wherever they allow the shipment into russia. if it wasn't for the russian both a guard, well, the consequences would have been cataclysmic. motion is the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power of tnt. the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient to blow up a 5 story residential building and it gets worse disassembled. i'll be g projectiles was stuffed inside the church utensils.
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but it wasn't just as this was placed here on purpose so that it does not dangle everything was here like this. i'm 27 church icons were actually we purpose to serve as independent. i these here the that's in addition to, to be 7 to kilo's simply hidden inside the cargo that night, as were shipped in the same delivery with the industrial sabotage fuses with sets of moderators used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage were found in the icons kits for assembling, improvised explosive devices. we're also found in the icons, and when that person comes to church, or wherever the, the icon, the cda data. of course, he wants to some how to pray and don't think about potential danger, which could come from the ne, come, that is why it is an awful way, how they are trying to use these in these trust that
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people act to actually have thoughts, icons to to cube them, this is totally inhumane. and i think it only can come from those who don't have any any just any clue of morality. last year we reported in a very similar case when ukraine tried smuggling explosives into russia by hiding them inside the electric stove. tops, background security services prevented attacks against the governor of crimea along with other regional politicians and railway communications. and key of intelligence officials have no but explicitly claimed responsibility for the assassinations of war correspondents, leg in petoskey and diarrhea. do not do it to all the russian philosopher. both nodded. in boma tax. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. can you, what's the fusion is what,
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which one do you have was a convicted 3 there in up. same to comes real. who betrays you crazy, if i'm not mistaken, up to 14 years imprisonment. and 9 by 9 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area. and i followed by a control show to the head and here mind forever near his place of residence in the moscow suburbs would. oh, russia is still reeling from the heinous terrorist attack on croakers city hall, but claimed the lives of over a $140.00 people, and which russia officially linked to ukraine and t of shows people utilize every un godly pos on its hell bent venture to. so tara, they had all funny, rocky melisha had s ways to tax against us troops as a, his forces on the path to significantly escalate. the campaign if to abide in, does not fulfil their demands. if the agreement is not achieved, we will expel the americans in their coffins from a rack,
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and we will humiliate the black house administration, and they will see who the resistance is and what the capabilities of the resistance are. especially now that we have drones and long range smart missiles. now we have the chance to speak with the militia nita himself, but he emphasized the service and as of his warnings to washington, in the name of god, the most gracious, the most merciful regarding the previous statement about the black house. we mean what we say the administration of the black house has destroyed the country of iraq . and we have hundreds of thousands of martyrs from the iraqis. because of this occupation by the american british international coalition, which occupied my country in 2003. it has destroyed our country, it has destroyed the infrastructure. it has destroyed the society and we have thousands of martyrs. as we said before, in all of us, as iraqis as sons of this nation must expelled this occupation. sometimes through
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diplomatic means and sometimes by force, we mean what we say the administration of america and the administration of the black house, only understands the language of force and only understands the language of expulsion from the land of a rack and from the region. and thus we have previously declared that curse had trump and cursed bite and have destroyed a rock trunk, brought ices to the region. and with the efforts of the rockies, we expelled this terrorist organization from our homeland. and today we won that if they do not withdraw from the land of iraq, if their forces do not withdraw from the land of iraq, we will send them back to their lands in their coffins. this is our opinion as an islamic resistance in a rack, and we insist on this opinion. we have given the full chance to the iraqi government to play a fundamental role in the diplomatic ways to get these forces out. of the partition museum is facing an investigation on claims. he has been overly secretive about
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sacred se will be an artifacts that have been hidden from view for more than $100.00. 50 years of information commissioner's office has recently received complaints about the wooden and stone tablets having never been put on public sleigh. most of the items were admitted looted by british soldiers after bundling this new appeal in 1868, and they had long been calls for the artifacts to be given back. if he will be as caught up minister visited the museum the 5 years ago. and especially asked for the objects to be returned to the original country. a couple of years later, britain finally returned a portion of the hidden stash of these included a lot, a lot just across a browse imperial shield. and the chip tick depicting the prison fiction of jesus a we spoke with under biologist law comcast. a board member of the c up your heritage trust. a v set of the british museum should have.


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