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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the, the, the sub over a was delivering food supplies to guys i had killed in an idea of strikes, blocking out rage from the international community. you ron mchugh, this these role of committing an act of terrorism and an act of attack caught on the vanya and calculating syria in which several high ranking officers with killed the iron greed demonstrators picked through the streets of the runs capital, say it will be a power, it's rarely attack she'll be considered the declaration of the
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clear should be a lot of it put in vows to get to the old denies is a bit recent terrorist attack called the mosque, the concept whole supposed to be a split system. it is important to identify not only the perpetrators but also the links in the criminal chain, the ultimate beneficiaries of the central city. we will certainly get through them . any information is easily bought and sold, so we will get to those who border the terrorist attack, the kind of the welcome to arch international reaching you live from a new center in moscow. i a michael catch up with the updates. now we start with the warning guys where several 4 in the 8 world case have been killed by these earlier slides on the city of darrow blah. a wanting that you might find the following images disturbing. the last 7,
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all the victims represented the us non profit organization, wealth, central kitchen, a 6 of them, where for nationals, including polish, british irish and australian citizen, these really defends forces a promise to investigate the circumstances of the n g o has called an incident, a tragedy and the organizations found that had best to say the world central kitchen last several of our sisters and brothers in an id. a striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people, angels, i served alongside in ukraine, garza turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost peace thoughts with all shed humanity. it
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needs to stop now. as soon as the war you rock the top a year ago, the weld central kitchen has more than 40 medium meals to policy and ends in the, in bottled and cave. all the organization has established more than 60 community kitchens in the major cities of rafa. con units and they all belong is also send over $1500.00 foot trucks, providing commercial deliveries to locals who might otherwise face probation. the members of the international community have strongly condemned to be attacked. the killed the aid work as some nations have demanded an investigation, as well as accountability for me as well. a route this nationals are reported to have been killed. it is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work. we have called on the east realtor immediately investigating provide the full transparent explanation of what happened,
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the seaside human tragedy that should never have a that is completely unacceptable. and a strategy it will say for improper accountability, as you would expect for how this could have a good we certainly have already contacted this rally government directly. we are contacting the as riley and best of that uh to ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that, that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance its someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their last expedition domain, name us. but i hope in demand that the is really government clarify as soon as possible the circumstances of this brutal attack that has taken the lives of 7 aid workers who are doing nothing but helping me there while following a 2 week siege,
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israel has removed its soldiers from i'll ship a hospital in northern gasser. this image is depicted the aftermath was buildings hollowed out by the bombing and streams lifted with rubble. according to gas, it was already in the idea of killed about $400.00 policy the ins and wrecked over $1000.00 houses during the rate. so the gather, civil defense, 4 sides of the found the composed bodies inside the medical complex. one cops was apparently discovered had cost with a bullet wound and they had a dozens of bodies were located in the residential buildings around the hospital. here is how well local doctor and the international red cross of describe the scale of the destruction. fietta silva, i could not hold back my ts upon the witnessing the damage here. i did not show it to us for my own home being damaged, but i did for the destruction of the hospital and for all the medical stuff and the wounded people in garza as the laws magical complex. i'll see if
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a hospital used to have 750 pads. no. all the medical institution and goals that had such a large scale. it also had $26.00 operating rooms and about $32.00 intensive care units. all of that has been destroyed beyond repair. i see if a hospital has to be close to permanent, please. it is horrendous and horrifying footage reviews after these reports and withdrew from the chip complex and the area surrounding get half shop the entire population in gaza and do as another as an occupying foreign gone. so must ensure the protection of the fast and to ensure decreased factor of the population for everything that is essential for the device. fortunately, the entire job, the population has lost their health care system. and as many hospitals have been pushed out of service as a result of the facts and by the find hospitality over 6 months now,
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leaving thousands of people um looking for their own health care service that their own lives depend on. there is no health care facility and gather that can respond to the great needs the way that the sure somebody go complex keys to choose to be the biggest hospital in the entire. okay. 5 kind of seem to the 3 is you are the forces claim the we're only targeting terrorists, i've all ship our hospital. but a huge number of the debt that they refer to in recent commons has raised questions . even use roles closest all live, the united states has demanded evidence as the model. so makes, uh, during the operation we killed more than $200.00 service in and around the compound into almost with the rest of the more than $900.00 to tears surgical dental, who surrender to our forces. most of which over 500 are confirmed from us in the house. the name is lot meant to have members, including senior commanders, intelligence, carry, or something. i don't read this me, call him or me typical it for you. it is deep look concerning if it's true,
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we are reaching out to israel government to get more information. and if that is also important to do, we have to make sure that these, this what we're hearing is verified, right? that with the footage is also verified. but we've been very clear, it is rarely onto a war activist here. y'all rosenberg believes that the idea of wants to random old medical facilities in gather completely on usable. unfortunately, if i, if we're to judge from what israel has been doing the best been systematically destroying the possibility of, of living life in the gaza strip. and then the cases of medical facilities or other public facilities that are not have not been fully destroyed in the 1st round of funding. and then vision. we see that if palestinians are trying to make use of them again, like find to use the she for hospital again for medical care. this leads to another round of siege
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a bonding executions and driving the population away from there is uh, it's difficult to say what is real. it is planning eventually, but it's, it's a pattern we're seeing again and again, i'm the, with the bomb beings and with the, the land base and visions and now to the recent escalation, elsewhere in the middle east runs mission to the united nations is accused israel of conducting a terrorist attack, iran says and then these ready as tried to kill multiple high ranking officers and it's calculates in this area. to ron's envoy to damascus, filed the retaliation. the public of iran has never left a crime of design is presumed without a response. certainly design is present and its allies know that they should wait for a ron's proportional response to disability, which is based on who runs wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and
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proper location. and we have never witnessed this type of crime committed to this is their international laws and they have kept the boundaries even though many of our diplomatic boundaries were broken. and some of our diplomats were mounted. in my opinion of the as rainy regime, is that a dead end? i'm just compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance from especially the failure is it suffered in gaza. tensions are once again on the rise between that ron and israel, after a period of a relative calm iranian media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes, half targeted and completed entire we destroyed the 5 story building of iran consulate in damascus. this rights also hit the master's residence by the basset or um, and his family were totally not present during the attack and our now safe. according to serious official news agencies found the strikes were carried out by what they refer to as these really. and it'd be on targeted uh,
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the mid neighborhood in damascus. the strikes um cause significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well. the syrian foreign minister immediately condemned to be a salt defeat. and people are accustomed to responding to such cowardly aggression and will demonstrate to all of humanity that such aggression should be met with even greater resilience and strong to support for the palestinian people and resistances, whether in iraq, to southern lebanon or anywhere else. we expressed condolences for the victims and our sorrow over such attacks carried out without any justification against diplomatic institutions. we emphasize the need to continue siri and the rainy and relations as they have of morals and values on like western countries, that heartlessly support israel in committing such crimes and wrongs. foreign minister also said that the attack on the one in consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will
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not deter iran from supporting the palestinians. the backend for exchanges between one and as we all had subsided following the gaza complex. for now, we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from on, also can on either want in spokesperson for the iranian forum, industry who has warned, of serious repercussion. yeah, said that as well would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale because it's real has a salt and they're wanting consulate and that is based on the a one and for an industry that is a clear violation of all international laws and conventions among those killed was a senior commander in the lead cods force of these nomic and revolutionary god. cool mohammed's rays as the heavy. he served in the ministry for 44 years and he took part in the ronnie rock more and later became the head of the cards for us in
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syria and lebanon. as long as it has cooled for our un security council meeting on the attack, which is due to take place on tuesday, be a while all the countries in the region have strongly condemned to be the strike and pakistan has. busy the major escalation, while saudi arabia set a targeting diplomatic facilities, is a violation of international law and investigative journalist, vanessa bailey, who lives in the syrian capital, told us that she heard the explosions from the deputy strike. so it came in at about 5 o'clock. it was massive strikes because i'm in or the western side of them . it's of damascus and it sounded literally next to it. so the 1st 3 strikes where it stream laid out. we could then hear the defense or engaging the entire building, which is c radian concert, which i believe was used as
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a residents. 5 am foster was destroyed. civil defense teams are looking to raise a rustle, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was counts as a huge escalation. and we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time on because we have talked to coming in pretty far as to the moment from as well the, the hundreds of protest is gathered outside the former, easier, the embassy and right now for the attack demonstrate is received but, and he's ready and american flags as he also showed supports upon the screen and people engaged. iranians have demanded retaliation for the strikes on the iranian diplomatic building. bass is real, has always had a barbaric character,
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but its action tonight was more than that, but its action question. diplomacy itself. it was aggression on a running and territory. the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy shop did was an inhuman and barbaric action. sony, israel has directly attacked this time. in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack iran directly, it must be destroyed. our bill while the ronnie and foreign ministry has summoned the swedes. embassy officials, who represents washington, iran stopped much sides of the us as a supporter of these. oh, must be held accountable. an idea of spokes person has declined to directly comment on this like saying that to be this focused on the bowls of the war in gaza.
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i let's cross the line to join me less than political and that is robert in le cash . robert is good to have you join me right now. now, why does the diesel fuel it can carry out some strikes with impunity? what are you assessing? well, the american says given the, the green light to carry out such attacks and they've carried out the tax north of the scale. but of this nature, before inside of syria, fax, over the past month or so, we've seen that it's strikes, have gone more deadly inside of syria just around a week ago. i believe they struck cut up or no. uh, and they did this in coordination with a number of the, by the groups and did look they have been also in the past few months going after now a serious weapons storage facilities. they have targeted civilians in the process and earlier this year and late last year, they launch strikes,
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assassinating iranians and iranian officials also. and although in one of those cases, there was a direct retaliation against a mazda at facility inside of it all. the other time that it happened, the consequence wasn't too great. and so of course, when the israel is, are consistently getting away with things like this because the united states does not come sprained them. um this, it means that you are on is forced to respond in very forcefully in, in this case. so the french that we're hearing, it's not a surprise that we're hearing such perhaps this is an unprecedented action that we've seen of escalation. and also the israel is, are escalating and loving on as well. we have to understand this. well, there's an escalation matter. israel is consistently getting further and further insightful loving on killing medical workers. colleen journalists and loving owners hits northern 11 on the that goes out of the area and on the back,
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and it's hit to as well in base route. so it's clearly attempting to cause an escalation, in my opinion, this is because benjamin netanyahu sees that his days are limited and wants to attempt to drag be less than 2 original work, but the us doesn't have to sense to stop them. now the u. s. was quick to tell to run that he was not involved in the attack. why do you think washington wants to distance itself from tele, these actions this time around? well, they'll attempt to force distance themselves from actions like this is a direct attack on the wrong and territory. so this is a very big escalation in the united states, at least. and it's rhetoric suggested it doesn't want to regional war, but then we see time and time again in defense of the israel is it commits itself to ridiculous. and quite frankly, embarrassing acts such as declared the military operation in the red sea assassinating leading members of the p n. u,
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which is officially attached to the at all the security forces launching, strikes inside of syria jolaine civilians and soldiers alike and permitting israel to carry on in the most barbaric ways possible. it also allows israel food agents a gaza. and despite the warnings of the world bank, the united nations, that the people hosp the population on the front of them, they don't at all, restrain the as rarely as there are no red lines. and they openly admitted this as a massacre with the we just saw or take place of it's are $4400.00 plus people left the ship. a hospital is horrifying. it's, it's, it's reminiscence of the early days of the dias, or i, assistant insurgency and it off. uh, they won't even offer their proper condemnation at such acts. even when uh, people with us, citizen strips are, are murdered. they don't even ask it to this stop them or risk random. so the united states is just allowing israel to get away with whatever it wants. in my opinion, this is because the united states and october 7 made the strategic decision in
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their lines. that israel can do anything and everything in order to inflict a dampening below on the collective collections of the region and reinstate us power and dominance. and so they coordinates with the israelis, they may distance themselves from certain actions, but they're connected at the if this was committed by an, as in yahoo on his own. perhaps it is a desperate active, specific attack in syria, a, but most certainly the united states couldn't stop saying actions like this, but it doesn't work hard enough to stop, to even allow agent to go. so. all right, i'm, this is leading very bad. presidents is that's what we're seeing at the tracking condemnation, somewhere around the world, we have to leave it here. now, rather than like cash journalist and political analysts. thank you very much. thank you. loud enough put in his valve, but russia knows already is we'll get to the will denies of the recent terrorist
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attack on the concert hall in moscow. he met those comments during his speech, the top of specials from rochester, ontario ministry. there wouldn't be today, internal and external threats are often intertwined and directed against our citizens and society to undermine our sovereignty. the main goal of the terrorists and their employers was above own, to so discords and panic, strife, and hatred in our country to divide russia from within. we will not allow this to happen. it is important to identify not only the perpetrators but also all the links in the criminal chain, the ultimate beneficiaries of this atrocity. we will certainly get to them any information is easily bought and sold. so we will get to those who ordered the terrorist attack or i'm being joined by our tea correspondence last catch a little here in the studio in moscow. so ask as good to have you join me right now . what were the main points that mr. put in mentioned in his speech as well
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a sore comprehensive the dress buys lot of met, puts into representative of the ministry of internal affairs. now with this department, which is currently investigating the terror attack of the 22nd of march at crow coast city hall, which we know gone men of boston and ultimately took the lights of 144 innocent civilians. now the main point from the russian, nita will get them, but those who physically commit to be a trustee, but also those who order that was that they all see it here, or indeed a boat. now to that, and he outlined a number of steps that need to be taken, not just post consumers to protect public spaces in transport, but also to secure reports as, as a whole. how about dogs intrude, re evaluating the entire current migration system, and streamlining and alex tool now using at west suits one token,
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specific teeth as an ottoman fruits and did about the volume metric data to ensure that anyone who wishes russians home can't be allowed to slip through the net. now he does highlight the wall most go will always be open to people from a pool so that they can come and live. i'm to walk here. a fundamental principle must be adhered to. i'm not is the respect, no traditions and culture. speaking of culture, many of you will know, of course, that russia has an incredibly di boss, nation with over a 190 s mississippi's. what we do know is that the minutes since we've been arrested so far in connection with the chromecast attack come from to jet cust on as a number of walkers hail from that nation here with also some father, rough being made in the southern russian republic of the dentist on that's to say, predominantly muslim areas now and one point side of my pitching was very, very clear. those who commissioned this attack, well, ultimately counting on it triggering
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a way is open to migrant on as long as those sentiments on cementing tales and division, he highlighted help crucial it was that that goal was not to cheat. you know, when we talk about russia and enormous territory encompassing 11 times that i do think we can underestimate how important unity is when it comes to the survival of a nation. just quickly, someone be able to tell us that he did reference that cracking down on corruption, making the road se funnels and making the internet a safer place for young vulnerable minds. especially those who might already have a tendency to lead in to a extremist ideologies. but undoubtedly the focus that was on. 9 tweeting the current migration system to ensure that what we saw on the 22nd of march, we will not see again on really a pledge of promise by plotting macbooks and that anyone and anyone responsible
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will be held to account for white slash get taylor our take for explaining that, bringing us up to speed from the speech delivered by a document put in. thank you so much faster and the center of russia that where 15 people had been wounded in a row and attacked less tried positive and industrial complex in other areas. and the plot is done, regional medical teams are providing urgent care to the victims, the authorities in the region honor on the highlight. this is a developing story. we certainly keep you updated with the latest developments from that the seasonal service. but the strike on top of dawn came amid all they were attempted, a tax on russia authority, se that'd be arrested. several members of a terrorist cell in the southern region of tom. this done now, authorities side of the suspects provided money in web or re to the attack. and
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we're also brand planning. all the strikes in the country. investigators have set up the concept, hold incidentals, legs to the ukraine, now russian to solve it. he's what i have also wanted another potential attack by you trade with a cargo they've, if explosive hadn't in the charts icon was seized, and the lot the n border ortiz egos down of has the details. here, inside these boxes is more than 70 kilograms of extra powerful explosives, hidden with a truly devilish cunning. inside the judge plates and the icons intercepted on the lot, the rush of buddha, the unholy cargo bull markings in ukrainian, unequivocally pointing to the country of origin. as the drive of confessed, explosives made quite a voyage across europe. i was given the entire package of documents after which i moved to russian territory to the city of moscow,
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where the unloading was supposed to take place. i drove through romania, reached the romanian, hung deer in buddha, where i submitted all the necessary documents i was examined and checked. no problems were identified after which i drove into the shrinking zone. there were no obstacles on the road while manufactured and packed and key. if it was shipped all the way to the town of trip enough to see where it crossed into romania, easily sneaking under the raiders of the boat, the gods, which is a dumb founding slip on their behalf. since for the past 2 years, the ukraine romania border has been among the tightest in the world, both ukrainian and romanian. both the gods have been viciously effective at preventing both contraband and ukrainians who are fleeing mobilization. from crossing the border, you can see they were pulling literally no punches here. but this time a little truck load of explosives somehow evaluated the scrutiny. and the same case
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of selective blindness before the colleagues on the hon, gary and border where the payload entered the you and as well in lock for you to wherever they allow the shipment into russia. if it wasn't for the russian both a god. well, the consequences would have been cataclysmic of motion is the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power of t. n t. the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient to blow up a 5 story residential building. and it gets wes disassembled, b g project tiles was stuffed inside the church utensils fellows. and this was placed here on purpose so that it does not dangle everything was here like this. and $27.00 church icons were actually we purpose to serve as independent i these via the that's in addition to, to be 7 to kilo's simply hidden inside the cargo that night as were shipped in the
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same delivery with one of the industrial sabotage users with sets of moderators used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage, were found in the icons kits for assembling, improvised explosive devices. we're also found in the icons and when that person comes through church or wherever they are the icon, the cta data, of course, he wants to some how to pray and don't think about potential danger, which could come from the night come. that is why it is an awful way, how they are trying to use these and these trust that people act to actually have towards high guns to, to kill them. this is totally inhumane. and i think it only can come from those who don't have any any, just any clue of morality. last year we reported on
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a very similar case when ukraine tried smuggling explosives into russia by hiding them inside electric stove tops. background security services prevented attacks against the governor of crimea along with other regional politicians and railway communications. and key of intelligence. officials have well but explicitly claimed responsibility for the assassinations of war. correspondents, lovely in petoskey and diarrhea, do not do it to all the russian philosopher. both nodded in both my tax. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine t. what's the fusion is always do you have was a complete at 330 and i've seen to come through who betrays ukraine, if i'm not mistaken, up to 14 years imprisonment. and 9 by 9 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area and followed by a control so to the have in here main forever near his place. the president.


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