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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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a desktop out of the the, someone wants to strive to maintain their head gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen. and no one will be able to do it. it's not important says all attempts by following stage to week and russia will fail. p also valve did to track down the masterminds behind the recent terrorist attack on the moscow concept for iran valves. retaliation against these roles. after we'd strong to ron's country late in syria, killing several high ranking offices, the
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the boys on the streets up to run over the consulate attack as brows trying to add to western slogans and american flags go into play. nice real acknowledges killing 78 workers including 6 foreign nationals who are helping to deliver food in guys that are the incidence spawns out raised from the international community. the right. this is our to international, reaching you from the russian and capital. welcome to the latest updates i have my cop watching. rod lot in the put inside of the russia will track down the masterminds behind the recent terrorist attack, all the a pack console in moscow. the president's comments came during his speech to top officials from ross of interior ministry, a little busy today. internal and external threats are often intertwined and are
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directed against our citizens and society to undermine our sovereignty. the main goal of the terrorists and their employers was above all, to so discord and panic, strife, and hatred in our country to divide russia from within. we will not allow this to happen. it is important to identify not only the perpetrators, but also all the links in the criminal chain, the ultimate beneficiaries of this atrocity. we will certainly get to them any information is easily bought and sold, so we will get to those who ordered the terrorist attack. a saw the comprehensive, the trust by flooding message and to representative of the ministry of internal affairs. now with this department, which is currently investigating the terror attack of the 22nd of march at crow coast city hall, which we know gone men of boston and ultimately to the lives of 144 innocent
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civilians. now the main point from the russian, nita, we'll get the 3rd to physically commit to be a trustee. but also those who own to that was that they all did hit oriented a boat. now to that, and he outlined a number of steps that need to be taken, not just 1st and foremost, to protect public spaces in transport, but also to secure the board as as a whole. nobody does intrude, re evaluating the entire current migration system and streamlining and alex to not using it west suits point, talking specifically about him and puts that about the volume metric data to ensure that anyone who wishes russians home comp be allowed to slip through the net now he does highlight the wall most go will always be open to people from a pool so that they can come and move on to what care. a fundamental principle must be a head to. and that is the respect, news of traditions and culture. speaking of culture, many of you will know,
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of course, the roster is an incredibly di boss, nation with over a $190.00 s and the cities. what we do know is that the militants who have been arrested so far in connection with the chromecast attack come from to jet cust on as a number of walkers hail from that nation. here with also some father rust being made in the southern russian republic of dentist on that's to say, predominantly muslim areas. now i'm one point side of my putting was very, very clear. those who commission to this attack, well, ultimately counting on it triggering a wave of on to migrant. on as long as the back sentiment on cement entails and division, he highlighted how crucial it was, but that goal was not achieved. you know, when we talk about russia and enormous territory encompassing 11 times, as i do think we can underestimate how important unity is when it comes to the
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survival of a nation. people which it shows that someone wants revenge for the failures in the fight against russia. and back in historical periods for the unsuccessful campaigns of hitler against russia, napoleon and the like. and someone wants to strive to maintain their had gemini, in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense, naturally huge territories, human resources, natural resources, and so on. to do this, including at the expense of russia after it's possible fragmentation. but apparently, someone considered in our country a weak link, the wrong. and in my opinion, many have already realized that they are wrong. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen, and no one will be able to do it quickly. so i won't be able to tell us that he did reference the cracking down on corruption, making the road se funnels and making the internet a safe place for young vulnerable mines. especially those who might, reggie has
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a tendency to lean in to a extremist ideologies. but undoubtedly the focus that was on tweeting the current migration system to ensure that what we saw on the 22nd of march, we will not see again, i'm really a pledge of promise by bottom of page. and that anyone and anyone responsible will be held to account but let's turn our attention to the latest from the mid lease. now where you ron's president, his vowed to take action against these are all falling in a tackle in toronto concert in syria, which resulted in the death of 15 people, including several high ranking offices. besides, as such escalation will not go on punished once again in a terrorist crime, and engross, violation of international regulations. the dirty hands of design. this regime have been stained with the blood of generals and officers of our country. design history team has put blind assassinations on its agenda,
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but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such in humane measures. this cowardly crime will not go on answered. let's press the line to our teacher, us by the end. take use of the lot easily, isn't that your radi and capital to get more on this yourself? it's good to join me right now. this is quite a serious escalation with the magic building. hit the what's been the international reaction to this incident so far or or of course, all they want is infuriated by the way the air strikes on monday that allegedly killed 2 high ranking call your gc generals and 5 officers at its consulates and syria among them was we'll give you a general well, how much the result is all heavy senior commander and the lead towards force of these womic revolution guard score, which is the for an operation arm of the all your g c. so he was one of the longest
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serving members of the arteries he 1st joined the forces in 1980 during the iran iraq war, when he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and rapidly as son did the ranks of just 20. he was leading a battalion of soldiers and b h here iran, iraq war, and 2005. he got his 1st high ranking position and as the commander of the r gcse ground for she later became the head of the courts, force in syria and lebanon. zone have you reported we played a pivotal role in coordinating with his ball law and other pro. iranian miller shows, in lebanon and syria, which led to these top, which meant all, once we know today as the access of resistance that's engaged in fighting israel and attacking us spaces, we simply am at the gaza war. so it's safe to say that he was a heavy weight, military figure, not only for one, but for the whole resistance access. many describe him as the highest ranking
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around you in general to be killed since the was assassinated, a general cost. and so the money back in 2020. now what it warms, mission to the united nations, has labeled the incident as a terror attack. a wave of condemnation has all supported from across the world, calling these way the attack a breach of international law. stovall, china condemns the attack on the and on an embassy in syria. the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated in serious solvency independence. and so the total integrity should be respected. the current situation in the middle east as turbulence, and we oppose any options that lead to an escalation of tensions. the government of guitar completely rejects the targeting of diplomatic and consular emissions and states its firm position and rejecting violence and terrorism regardless of its motives and reasons. the attack is an unacceptable violation of the sovereignty of
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syria and undermines its stability and security. the irresponsible act of the is really forces is a major escalation in an already volatile region. as the head of the russian for an intelligence service has also called these radiate tag on the iranian consulate, an ugly and criminal step. the russian foreign ministry has also condemned this. right. and now moscow has called for a un security council meeting on the issue upon a wrong request, which is to take place later on tuesday. your one has uh, also place the blame, mainly on washington saying that the was is full and unwavering support for israel has led to quote, as wells insolence and overstepping all international conventions. after the attack, the iranian foreign ministry summoned the ace with embassy official who represents
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washington, antoine, during the meeting it wrongs a foreign minister wholesale. i mean, the young said that the us as a supporter of as well, must be held accountable for this latest incident. however, washington has reportedly denied its involvement in the attack and said that it didn't, didn't have any information. it was going to happen. a us official said that these ready heads up, arrive, minutes before the attack and a tie. one. these ready jets were already in the air. he said these really didn't inform the us about the details of the truck and who was going to be killed. but what's clear is that the general, so how do you have been on top of your head list for a long time and the idea fused? any opportunity to take down the top i r g c commander of course, it's not the 1st time as well as targeted iranian military advisors and sir, we are back in january 5. our gc numbers lost their lives in an easy way. the air
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raid on a residential building and serious capital, damascus one been responded by targeting a most side center in your box, curtis down region now as the tensions escalate. this 5 to 11 is a speaking about a harsh retaliation against this latest is riley strike, which has raised fears out of the cycle of violence would intensify across the whole middle east. a lot use of july, the r t corresponding thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. following the attack, hundreds of protest as gathered outside a full might use ready embassy into ron. the demonstrate has received burden use rarely in the american flags, and every also showed support for policy and in support of people in gather
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iranians that demanded retaliation for the strike. i may run into the magic building. israel has always had a barbaric character, but its action tonight was more than that. it's action question, diplomacy itself. it was aggression on iranian territory. the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy shop. it was an in human and barbaric action. since israel has directly attacked this time, in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack iran directly, it must be destroyed. john waste and political analysts. robert le cash believes that these really prime minister is growing increasingly desperate in his staff. we're looking to we have escalate big conflict there as well. the american says
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given the, the green light to carry out such attacks and they've carried out a tax north of the scale of this nature before inside of syria fact. so for the past month or so, seeing that it's strikes have growing more deadly inside of syria when the israel is, are consistently getting away with things like this. because the united states does not come spring down. this, it means that you are on, is forced to respond and very forcefully in, in this case. so the french that we're hearing, it's not a surprise that we're here in such perhaps this is unprecedented action that we've seen of escalation. and also the israel is arrested, living and loving on as well. we have to understand this, well, there's an escalation matter. israel is consistently getting further and further insightful loving on killing medical workers. colleen journalists and loving audits hits northern 11 on the back of the area and nodded back uh and it's hit to as
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well in beirut. so it's clearly attempting to cause an escalation, in my opinion, this is because benjamin netanyahu sees that his days are limited and wants to attempt to drag the lesson to the original work. but the us doesn't have to sense to stop them, to and over to of a central guys are now 4781. okay, 6 of whom with foreign nationals have been killed. and then these really as dried a warning that you might find the following image is disturbing. now for all the victims represented, be us non profit organization called the wealth central kitchen. although volunteers were polish, the british irish and australian nationals. now the idea has the promise of full investigation into what happened while the east ready, prime minister said that the strike was unintentional itself in with unfortunately, in the last day there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the gaza
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strip. it happens in war, we are checking it to the end. we are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again. let's cross now live to our to mid least bureau chief myra financing. i'm are as good to have you join me now that the international communities out raised over this incident that walk us through exactly what happened yeah. hello to your mike. 12 world central kitchen says at least 7 of its employees of various nationalities have been killed overnight and central gaza while delivering food to the impoverished and claim. it's really prime minister just that the meat that it was ideas, unintentional strike, that's killed. the aid workers and international body says the 2 vehicles that carried its employees that had the logo or of the organization on we're hate while they were leaving the that on the left warehouse on the guys on coast where the
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team had just unloaded more than $100.00 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to the palestinian and clave through them every time ruth, that's according to seal. the incident happens in the area where the u. s. is planning to build the ports to bring the humanitarian 8 to the street from the sea . and of course it spark concerns about the safety of humanitarian missions in gauze. and we now hear that age shapes that talked off the coast of the gather street earlier were instructed to return to cyprus from where they came. well, with about the 350 tons of food as released supplies that were not to unload, that that is about 2 thirds of all 8 broad and everything. * them and send to r t. earlier on tuesday, the charity said it was give a stated dressing that humanitarian workers should never be targeted. adding that the organization postponed all operations in the guise of the tree at this moment.
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here is what's the organization's found or posted earlier in the world central kitchen. last several of our sisters and brothers in an idea of striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family. these are people's angels. i served alongside in ukraine garza turkey, and morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid. stop killing civilians and aid workers and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost. peace stops with all shed humanity, it needs to stop. now. world central katrina is responsible for delivering millions of males to guys and since the war began and was also by the way, i'm on the 1st n g o's helping is railways off to have masses attack on southern h ro,
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thousands of those who have been evacuated from the guys, a border area in the southern parts of israel following the a, sold by the milton group. the organization distributed more than 2000000 mills and hundreds of thousands of food baskets for residents of ways rel south that has been international reaction to the incident already. and those, those killed were citizens of different states. here is what we hear from great britain and australia. let's take a listen. swedish nationals are reported to have been killed. it is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work. we have called on ease realtor immediately. investigate and provide a full, transparent explanation of what happened, the seaside human tragedy that should never have a that is completely unacceptable. and australia will say, full improper can ability as you would expect for how this food habits that we
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certainly have already contacted. this rally government directly way of contacting the is riley. and best of that uh to uh, ask uh for uh i can ability here. uh, the choice is that, that this is beyond a pre owned any reasonable circumstance that someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss of the hours after the incident. these really army responded to apologizing for the tragic death, vowing to conduct a transparent probe into what happened to quote, reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. really foreign minister also
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reacted expressing condolences to the countries and families of those killed ensuring that the i d. f and decision makers are doing and will do everything to prevent harm. 2 civilians. interesting problem is given that's according to gus, a health ministry. these really offensive claims mold and 33000 lives, including civilians, women, and children, among them. according to relief agencies, security data base is real, kills at least $228.00 workers and almost 6 months of its military offensive. and guys and is really prime minister's office also have promised an investigation. this thing is that recent history remembers similar incidents when innocent people were killed by i. d. f that's were supposed butts were not properly investigated. all those who carried out strikes on civilians were not brought to justice. perhaps one of the most the torres cases was that over the address you are jealous,
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cyrene. i've walked it killed in his re lease by and is rarely sniper in may. 2022 . the idea has admitted it was their mistake, but up until today, no one was ever held accountable. and recently the idea of 2 parts of the blame for the deadly shooting in the guise of safety. when a crowd of palestinians queuing for humanitarian aid has been attacked, the idea said it didn't open fire on civilians and that it only protected its soldiers. but i witnesses bring different testimonies back to you. all right, money off in austin, a hearty him at least be a chief. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. a lot less cost not lied to active as jonathan depaula from tel aviv just general. that is good to have you join me now as foreign nationals were tragically killed, australian and british officials demanding accountability what potential
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ramifications to a huge role phase beyond statements of, of condemnation. but i'm not an expert on an international relations, but i think it is obvious that it's time for the international community to stop it from committing his genocide by really, by all means um, at the international that are available to the international community. we are now past security come to a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire, additional provisional orders by the, by the international court of justice, demanding more 8 cutting it brings in more 8 in 2 guys out. and none of this is happening. it is a clear, abundantly clear that concrete measures needs to take place in order to force israel to abide by it, surpass responsibilities and, and the,
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and the genocide in that it is at the end of june setting does it um, what happened? what happened tonight is a continuation of if there is use of starvation as a webinar for the, the card score. clearly mark, they were in full coordination. we destroy the army and they were targeted not once, not twice, but 3 times with 3 different besides, as people were trying to scatter away, send to bump from the, from the bombing. um, it'll make claim that it was a mistake, but i, i been, i would like to reiterate again that the, that the, that the cars were marked in, in full coordination with this view is really army. so there is some vague argument by did for the army that there was an on the person on the trucks before they were
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before they were assaulted that they would do an arm person was on the truck before it entered the the warehouse and was no longer there when the truck's lift the warehouse so long before, even if that bored to death can not be justification for performing much needed 8 that event is responsible for providing itself. so it is an abundance deep clear that is very, cannot be trusted, not to provide aid and not to not to investigate itself. but it really is responsible for what happened and had already admitted responsibility . but where is accountability responsibility without the comfortability is meaningless. if it must be forced into ending its
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component of genocide in gaza. and 1st and foremost from providing that providing reasonable conditions of life for the people's best. the world is still waiting to see how each roll will been made to stop all of this genocidal activity . that's of the will se. now the aide walk is where delivering food from the coast . why the us plans to build its own a landing and staging area that you're thing. there is a link here. i mean, it's hard to say and i think it is not, it is not important, but at some point in the intent is, is no longer important. it is very clear that there, that living conditions in gaza as a whole. and especially in the north of got the r, a non existent that states, these are not conditions in which that human beings can live in. and that if it
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must be forced to, to stop what it is doing, retreat into a ceasefire. and, and just, and the, the horrible campaign against the people of god. this is the continuation of 6 months. i mean, the world has been waiting for 6 months to see when, when it ends and the time. and the time is now that there is no more time we projections speak cost over $100000.00 people dead. if the situation doesn't improve very quickly, did offending the end of the disease, that we have the people who have no time to wait. if there must be forced to end its complaint of genocide and its use of their vision is a weapon of war. not today. definitely not. tomorrow it should have happened yesterday and the world mustang. or why the time to act us now let's thank you so
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much. we have to leave it here now active as jonathan pollock. joining us from tel aviv thank you. thank you for having a drone attack. in central ross, it has left 15 people, including 2 children, wounded the stride targeted and industrial complex and all the areas. and it taught us down regional medical teams are inside and providing care to those in need. local authorities say that the region is now on the highlights because he's on the now the head of a rocky and malicious as his forces are prepared to significantly escalate the campaign against us troops. if president obama and doesn't pull them out of the country. if the agreement is not achieved,
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we will expel the americans in their coffins from a rack, and we will humiliate the black house administration, and they will see who the resistance is and what the capabilities of the resistance are. especially now that we have drones and long range smart missiles. now, the miniature media told he told us himself, but he's dead serious about his warnings to washington. in the name of god, the most gracious, the most merciful regarding the previous statement about the black house. we mean what we say the administration of the black house has destroyed the country of iraq . and we have hundreds of thousands of martyrs from the iraqis. because of this occupation by the american british international coalition, which occupied my country in 2003. it has destroyed our country, it has destroyed the infrastructure. it has destroyed the society, and we have thousands of martyrs, as we said before. and all of us as iraqis as sons of this nation must expelled
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this occupation. sometimes through diplomatic means and sometimes by force. we mean what we say the administration of america and the administration of the black house, only understands the language of force and only understands the language of expulsion from the land of a rack and from the region. and thus we have previously declared that curse had trump and cursed bite and have destroyed the rock trunk, brought ices to the region. and with the efforts of the iraqis, we expelled this terrorist organization from our homeland. and today we warned that if they do not withdraw from the land of iraq, if their forces do not withdraw from the land of a wreck, we will send them back to their lands in their coffins. this is our opinion as an islamic resistance in iraq, and we insist on this opinion. we have given the full chance to the iraqi government to play a fundamental role in the diplomatic ways to get these forces out. what are the comments where you can get more updates on the story as we're following? most derbies.


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