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tv   Documentary  RT  April 2, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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sons of this nation must expel this occupation, sometimes through diplomatic means and sometimes by force. we mean what we say the administration of america and the administration of the black house, only understands the language of force and only understands the language of expulsion from the land of a rack and from the region. and thus, we have previously declared that curse had trump and cursed biden, have destroyed the rock trunk, brought ices to the region. and with the efforts of the iraqis, we expelled this terrorist organization from our homeland. and today we warn that if they do not withdraw from the land of iraq, if their forces do not withdraw from the land of a rock, we will send them back to their lands in their coffins. this is our opinion as an islamic resistance in iraq, and we insist on this opinion. we have given the full chance to the iraqi government to play a fundamental role in the diplomatic ways to get these forces out. and what are the comments where you can get more updates on the story is we're following more stories just ahead in about 30 minutes.
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the level the which may or difficult to move,
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the 2 men for 2. and it was somebody to familiarize the solution of or in a couple of our choices, if i really don't, because of the beauties of problems on a peer review for the study skills as to whether you least of school needs to sort of a new for these 2 more minutes because it just looks totally and same thing in the the, the 1st the the
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so this is done by city such as the light
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getting ready to do the surface to see some screws. the cool movie, honestly soon to see some of the car the new was so difficult to use just in the associated to the the . busy new last name or the williams, and he was pretty much the buses to jump us one more chance. so they're going to start each type of thing. yeah. because it was done school fit,
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the problem was pushing go to the cheese. so it was in the lady all kinds of stories for you to say, you mean you asked me? i thought i would really kind of feel comfortable with them or do i'm so. so so what, what somebody's by see recently, just the name is a boy and mislead. yeah. found a couple who use just much better. sees the lines,
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the sensors, the speech of the scene, if there is the sense somebody to the civil mo, you see one for us, which is no possible for both the dealing, the, the police at the us or we just sold weapon. most of them that has to will sort that mean the, the total,
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the critical if you and if it just gives you a quote from us, it is, it's what was before us and we're looking at it. yeah. now we have arms coming, almost all subsidy, all and you said most of the the because it's amazing. it was, it's so slow. so you slips up the. busy studio as though you went up the road. so yours was the look watching the news color thought if you have any of fulfilling it, just left as a bunch of categories confused to me by the game. so associate what say about this give me see if there was a 2 story or assist configure. i've seen already at the massachusetts where you at the case. so in the best of my semester of us them of each to figure out. and so let's just, let's just to make sure i'm sure you saw through as to how you be able to deal with them with us or shame minister using the or
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the color of a bundle. actually i see the, the plastic just giving a bill siggler. hold on. let me pull it up for you. okay. and always here with me. uh nadine at soonest. of course i will see on that day then i'll bring it up to 70 percent. oh okay. i will talk to him out tonight to see about what the terms of to you to how in the media come out a to me. but you can say, are we seeing them as well? what i yeah. honestly that some of you have honest that in the
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fall kind of looks like the youngest is low or not. i mean i'm trusting those because i both at the moment due to this list of you know, how to come to what the next. i mean, is that their store, the yes are you was on the anus. are going to the email series keeps, sorry. i thought we, i need to do the series. good focus on specific model. so home i thought was hoping to talk to you and i the load before the suit, only bloomed us then. oh, if it doesn't, let's just do it. but it's still a snowball. stumble showed no more than i was just naples, say something that is specifically for giving me
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a cup door. my use client inputs, can you list them? you can look over the yeah. hello. mulling key means cortical lots of data to chris. boeing. i see both of us was most going to love for you to have come of course, a little closer to the morning which, you know from the this is the one that sounds really great. lewis has a lot of the both of the good. well, let's go, this was the, the,
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the 2 men, newest addition value was talking about how to use the with it's mostly slowly painting. yeah. because i've seen that where you wait on me most nobody likes to renew the girls who are forced to show us and it comes to deal with christopher in any sleep. so i do
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so with this is the did you get the rehab as soon as you want me to you or something, but workspace here go back to store. so he built, i think he page, but he can do. absolutely. so assuming that you guys are just too busy, so unless you're available for places the see where i got super easy for us to function in what way from as well. so make sure your voice comes to your regular computer or us of, of the editor of so i want you to share your thoughts from uniform usage of the
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middle of the bible. but never mind. let's keep up tuesday seems to be doing if we cannot get through. but here's what we're going to compete on seeing the company, the people who are part of the voice of the
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i don't have the most of the shania publicly and for the you salma last for the
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time of acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions
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that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to plans are due to have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the you know, the insurance just use your new most goes by points of some of the because pc was suppose to, this is not, i mean it's from woodson us this is will be the width of your intestinal point. but you know what this measurements deformed your thomas loan when he comes up with when you get
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a name of speech pathologists, it must be which is that you must be fully see from the story. and then we'll do something with i will say, we know 6 cool. it just yes. yes, i mean, yeah. so many brand new labeled. looks like some choose from the go. now things are weed or used are for, for regarding a personal level, particularly the
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40 the, the law for different from that usually some of the settlement should i have to call somebody so that should
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resolve the issue of the
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the the music as do news website is the whole company yeah, sure. what the deal is now the well, it was the 3rd up school year that is cheaper. i'll do that though. so basically it's dish hold on. just one more thing. what do you mean
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by that? so think, you know, what keeps good, that's the silver 30 you most do my you can see my you know, according to the to find the will for it or watch here tomorrow. the sort of materials the
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i was like do you think of the closing? well, let me pull some window and see what i hear from this. it shows you finish up on the outdoor space between the hours by an hour. but most of that also drove fell off. the
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collection is too much to hold the must. it was. ready for familiar to me here, are you still with us for both of those whom we should we use for the 1st we will be a bit more to deal with the by the shot, the bus, the most part to decide on a family and then my system to fit is medina. someone had to she will, mike will see other than the
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of the was the huge him choose to him so. so when you say i'm watching was not what you might put me in the country with the clothes the show was a i've had each to be research just like he'd seen. you you say you come monday, so have you, do you typically do you could put in a separate letter that god bless the fittest i'm going to do. yes. i'm still always to mean mushrooms of c. c for the russian journalist in this area of come under shel fire in the north of look, talk the a province of the r t crew including corresponding cost to add once in a card with empty tank, miss saw exploded nearby future
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cause we deal with the because we can, we can still praise or disease this, i'm going to buy it. and if i choose to mirror that they should be not the least wish to stuff is a by itself, the booklet and how they like to have a counter dose. and that's the scene how you will be is suggested by you who are able to go to the edge fugitive door going to school will you need. busy to us and we we so we school sites and them. i fear them would him
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usually was this year. he's a boy. so if you feel for 45, you can actually configure the skews then to ski. they've got this got the new team, anybody took this question yet, but technically, because it said the server has not been able to worry about that much to these decisions. variables it no history for each year to go to their group associated studies. so i assume you hear about those of us who do you usually do they both the systems use to work, but it's unique. would you most likely which see what else to new or used new or used new model? the
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the the
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in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultram nationalist view, astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they build the same events, concentration camp, a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. the stash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the santa of us. campbell, who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the concentration camps. so most of them died 6 was
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incredible genocide. the someone wants to strive to maintain their head gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen and no one will be able to do it. a lot of the putting says all attempts by foreign space to we can russia will fail, or the president was addressing the to a ministry where he also vowed to shut down the masterminds behind the recent terrorist attack in moscow. the ron vows retaliation against these ro have very strong tear ron's concert 18 syria killing several high ranking offices. the.


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