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tv   Documentary  RT  April 2, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
and the museums have acknowledged that they shouldn't be put on display, so they really shouldn't be returned by. that's they all big. now get more update again. one are to those comments. thanks for watching the the still subway video. so somebody uh, got the new from move from was a video of 2 years since i pull associated the last i think you were paying for the silver. can you please? so if it's not some of the pictures of book to man from the press, please because it will do that. i know some problems please look over the features that we found. something that wasn't super glad to fill out
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the card with them. piece of putting it in the 4th a 2nd up video review. but before i do this for you, i don't think i do anything but i so so, so the best way i'm is it's a to go and see the them think this is good. let's move to the facility that i'm with the slaves of us. if this by senior living,
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you lose muscle presumed in your thoughts, you most of the silver, the, the, the
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c or a little fossil, be sure that this is naomi to come on the air out. those start with what do you see? there's a blue moon solution. it's going do you see of the dispute? because it was a list of the students with the business. it was it corrected. the assistant businesses business. let me bring it on board with business is that suit someone's with this? you know, the shifts the,
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the the, the, the, the system does the, the
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physical here here's the
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cause of course just cool. just cuz i didn't pull that up with the client. oh. so the actual phone and so we're stuck with what that model. no, no i am your virtual assistant or something about that last year. and i know it scan today to the fact that i bought the info on the 2nd floor, the slips. the last
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thing was what was the, the button boy showing me that that is a viable um they'll just override them. most of the story i do to, to go get so if someone who is removed from the list, the, the phone moves show those, cuz it's, you know, you have to use that as much because it's just like you and it was a camera but you get that that quote basically you know, we're not the space i'm us, we saw. busy or the still thunder that allows us
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if i knew from the box number us, we want to go search and they go so the show for the new house 1st i'm calling on the other side, so select the phone with us all. so we'll just put me on you it's a visa l 233 cubic
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feet which led to low level lead. good. it says another yeah, bringing it's about 15 to so stuck with those 2 bits listed. it's near someone less business. oh yeah. if it's a shot, me want to see what a c potentially i'm supposed coach with him. come on, know, tradition force digital, what i mean? yeah, it was fine. you know, so i do as little as i was going to be able to think that it also to children with a single would you be here? my mom. bravo. let me see which of these one was what did not come when you wrote and god was only so it looks to some of the just it should be available to you move
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up to 3 lots that they used to work with. got to be able to come and do, which is what is this thing was it? can you come with us or as i'm not sure, i'm also not, i will change it to more i'm not sure which in them that it any ask post on what will really come for slowing them for them. you converse probably no problem yet. so we're going to come and get a bulk result was almost to do you mind if we don't mess with us, then let me know that you guys are now still reasonable for going to the exit out of the villages. as a roommate, i don't know, still really my 1st in the last, like a really, really piece which is supposed to bring it was actually with the most i saw the full face with google. i didn't that you want to know what are the thoughts in the some of
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the show by. ringback of the, the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest. nothing was all sense and up the in the 6595 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this is steven twist, which is the
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idea of folks here for a whole lot. of course actually this, so you need to speak to the teachers before they don't go to the last year assigned by piece to me that says something about the left to find out of the statements. no,
10:44 am
thank you. one other thing is, is quoted was about actually so that's good. have a lot of in the least the during the day then just deal with the the travel dates for the school,
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the registrar chase label the where is the weather we will see you at this time. well, what i see, and that's what i don't see, any kind of missile i put down here and we still get them to pre ok then fire up and we'll say you went on, how did he hope the that's the
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ball gorge. was it keep them spar? wouldn't probably be a good the mazda pizza. you sent me a message and then just it was at the time, this is the one you get to increase the pharmacist. and what is it, what you believe this mutual care? what eligibility mind can long as these truth was, these assume you can now look at the department, the competitive. got them yet, the comment that make you more noise. these will definitely got the most. what's interesting is that deep, so your thoughts may have to leave this up for teaching the what you sent me to read it to use any payment system weasel and that is the
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full social and image to click on the cloud. that was then the buzzer. you put it on this list, you would get to use my boost to be sleep. but stanley at the both of the way you say that to me, people from the stables extent that i know that was how i mean the payments as well. okay, well let's do one. yeah. let me see. so if someone does that smoke or have some of the subjects, the ultimate,
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so your loss of those who positively jude hello, coming on systems to the model, the the most up to you to the
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job, the chip concept 1st cousin, due to the new person. most of the 3 state is that still available for the patient knows up with a specific of why you were in court of with them. come see, tell me what, what you see these menus are. i'm so excited even see discuss because there's an yes click on view and say the sheet, the post a series can come by any possibly as an excuse me, it was released,
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the site itself is diesel released. it's in europe. it's a good appreciate. so don't let me finish the, let me appreciate it. so what does it be? he's got that what it means to give me mahoney. i'm sending you. what would you like me circa stobel. i have a nice shipper, you shaped senior. but when you cook senior sca letting you, it's a nice personal nice. here's a look using the political give me just the gym. we have seen you fest you have seen you custody and i've made me verify the pizza. do you have the senior pick nor would the slip, we will be opposed to any of those in the substitute mutual. if she does anything you might explain you deal with the other way. you just a what to say to me. she organ, union e, be spending things on some it the room, at least the city she any key more with the bleach leading. would you let me see if
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there is i'm on to scan, but i'm very if i did the new a whole week, i'm fine. with a couple of the thumb states on sale or do so don't the by me hold on like i deal with them use of our solution. there's only install kirkwood store you truth and we spoke to you about the rambo to the land, but the particularly impression uh, shows here a gift is near the city and say that by the time i'm not sure if there's any other i was kind of looking for as far as do oh, just by an interview, i said, well i still don't. we were going by impaired aggressiveness or a couple of so a couple of leading dash 0 to be able to was there have been with the not the good now is budgeted 0. think he says on the user lives through the rest of your, your stuff. my visit,
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which i just what do most most easiest party love the so serious about very nice was the, i'm new in tulsa as well. so she knew but sent you the border of southern your post the, you know, follow us from is not said for any those are the a lot of people still don't just look over, feed it all. you guys the new phones, if not as well. but anyway, know the lunch for it and then click on the computer to. so the salesman, nobody will who is in process of assisted, i gotta fix to talk with you with not split some glitch. the problem with the multiple page that i was on the site deal and introduce possible to the
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voice. just the resource. the
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church. are you still use the website or do you? i'm happy to you. well, the front of me. i mean, she stopped by the next move to finish it through gateway and i have to wait an hour to meet with you, but it's on eastern motion and breakfast. so in the fiscal starting next to continue to use, how much will you spend? certainly most i get the trimming tips. i saw my gloves squared away and it's almost my i select
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the watch 630th which store us most of store where catch each dearly gps least for to you. so the ones are both sides of the 4th for sure. excuse me, if i use it, is it the cousin didn't but what is it the way this to the noise because of at them they've got the 30 the financial. so just of all of this, and we'll just start over, just let me see, what is the most list of, what does it come up that most of it does anything negative? fox evening is very serious deal. i mean, you, for on the show you somebody sort of this thing much related issues which so physical and show you what i say,
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they noticed when the basic face the machinery, sci fi fi, usually what was the music you didn't get the problem which may you missed the most states in the newest county position by the woodson for now and the
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homeowner westbrook line. how they look to have a job in adults feeding how you will be looked at this. you know, a little classroom in be sure, needs to be your human or either which to low level the the in the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the malagasy king refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco malagasy war
10:58 am
. the french sent punitive expedition divorce submission on the island. the aggressor ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlements. the invaders managed to forcefully impose control over amount of gas cars external affairs. but the french wanted more of you years later, they started a full scale village area invasion and in $1895.00 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run of all on the 3rd and our prime minister, grinding a letter of une abroad then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over mad, a gas guard, and in $1897.00 annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupt . 87 merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences.
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natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed. and the french language was imposed on the population that their last did 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile a gas, the people, the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of man, a gas car. but violence was never able to suppress the gas key striving for freedom . the hot is excessive, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. i listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again,
11:00 am
you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way in the future. someone wants to strive to maintain the gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen. and no one will be able to do with a lot of misfortune, says all attempts by foreign states to weaken russia will fail. the president was addressing the interior ministry for he also has bads to track down the mazda minds behind the recent terrorist attack in moscow. you ron bows, retaliation against these roll after he stopped to ron's consulate in the syria, killing several high ranking officer. the
11:01 am


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