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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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right, it's the only way for us to be able to send our teams to the fields, and so the is to the ground and to reach the most effective community communities the most vulnerable people. in the casa, we cannot deliver aid effectively under relentless farms. and the way for that to stop is also to keep the call of those organizations, human rights organization. the national organizations to stop arming is real and to stop the transfer of arms and weapons to israel. and many countries have, he did call and we welcome that. but that pressure needs to continue. where did you come to come to mission are no longer enough with the the real action to end this because not only, not just the posting and these really, everybody needs an end to this. and on the government protested injurious of them turned violent off to the crowds attempted to break into the prime minister's residence. the scuffles with police quickly broke out, resulting,
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and some of the protests is being dragged away. reports also suggests that a torch was thrown up to the moment. a police officer was another demonstration late and provo to come in to prevent that from moving. and it hasn't been building in the country for months against the government over it's bloody offensive in dollars on the failure to win the safe return of the last remaining hostages. that was taken by how much is what some of the demonstrations have had to say. this government needs to go because even before the war was a lot of debate, what does this government as well just because of the reform and even now with everything that they try to do is come off and there's failure on the silver 7 given every single reason for us to object to this government by the way, after the crisis, if we had agreed that fame that every we supposed to been waiting. i don't really watch the moment that they're doing the best for the behalf of the people
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a lot. so we've had time to squeeze in this hour. we will be back with more of your call will be using around 30 minutes for to state change all chase and national next stuff. it's direct impact. we've sent the private buddy program. note we now post the show every single day used to be weekly . now we're daily and you know what, more and more people are watching it every single day because we hold no punches. so look for a true fund. number one would be the net done. yahoo! is willing to do to stay in power coupon number 2. do you think you'd be willing to bomb and a ronnie and consulate building?
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he just did truth phone number 3 or us congressman does it again. he says rush, i'm a surrender. now he suggest using nuclear weapons and gaza nuclear weapons. can you imagine saying that, rick sanchez, this is direct impact the . so here's where we are just when you think that things could not possibly get any worse. it has, it appears the conflict in the middle east between the israelis and palestinians is escalating, or shall i say it's being escalated. let me cut right to the proverbial chase. the prevailing sentiment, both inside. this is important. inside and outside of this real is a baby that's a yahoo cannot last as the prime minister without the war. that
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is not me saying that that is not some western and forces saying that that's not the global south saying that it's not era countries coming together and saying that about maybe not then yeah, who know the people who are saying that very thing are, is re lease, look at this, reuters headline right there. see it? quoting a poll, conducted all those riley's by is really is look at that 15 percent of them walk seem to not or pardon me, only 15 percent of them want him to continue as prime minister after the war. only 15 percent israelis maybe let them know who wants the powerhouse of israeli politics now find themselves drowning in a sea of discontent and dissent. and that is why many inside and outside of israel believe that net that yahoo saber rattling and his military aggression isn't being done to safe card is really secure. he they say it's being done to safe
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guard. they mean netanyahu's political security. i mean, if that paul is right without garza, there's no name for baby not to know. is that why he continues to escalate the attacks and gaza? the obvious answer. yes. yes. but then what happens after gaza? right? ask yourself if i, if i'm being if and yahoo and i want to stay in power, what do i do to stay here? what happens after gaza? that would need to be some other type of continuation of aggression with somebody else then, right. let's see. who could that escalation involves the answer is pretty obvious, right? here on the iran is pledging revenge tonight, accusing israel of attacking its embassy complex in syria and reportedly killing at least 7 iranian military officials. that includes the top general. they are
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straight comes as is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu faces growing pressure to step down. isn't that amazing? let me just make it aside here real quick. did you notice her words? iran is accusing israel. not like it didn't happen somehow. they're just accusing them of it. there's a possibility, maybe the sydney or the happen. we know the building exploded. we know that. i mean, while iran is accusing israel, not israel has. so let me tell you what israel has done. not just what iran has accused it of doing what the whole world knows. there it is. what she just said essentially method. yeah. who's next? escrow, a tory move. it's an air strike conducted a targeted ron's consulate in syria, killing 2 iranian generals. it is without question. i mean, no matter how you spell it, no matter how you look at this, it is a violation of international law in multiple ways. he is a fascinating,
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the military commander of another country. he is bombing a diplomatic mission, a consulate, no less, which goes against all the norms of diplomacy. i know he's also conducting air strikes, right in the heart of another country, a sovereign country. i mean, think about that to think about what just happened and it's like you're wrong is accusing that's. that's our u. as media folks. the biggest concern is that he's willing to drag the us into a conflict with a ron for his own political salvation. that's what a lot of people over here in washington are little concerned about right now. it's exactly the type of thing about which the us has famed outrage warning that's a yahoo not to go overboard and guys, or whatever you do. watch yourself. they say not to and warning that then. yeah, not to expand the conflict, they say not to let's,
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let's listen to this. this is an earlier comment from do i have those here? yeah, it's from national security advisor jake sullivan, announcing that it's really important that this war should not escalate. let me, let me read you what he said. here's the quote is jake sullivan. we seek to stop the spread of conflict and to create the conditions for the escalation. say that word. this does not last set at all israel's responsibility to conduct its campaign in a way that upholds international humanitarian law. so there you go, he's spelling it out for him. can do that. don't cross that line. sounds good, right? no escalation is real, most respect to international humanitarian law. 10, what happens when israel and nathan? yeah. who do just the opposite to whatever the hell they want to do, what happens when they completely ignore what jake sullivan just said,
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right there shouldn't do. we don't want you to down is where the united states were . the ones who give you all the money. we're the ones will give you all the arms. we're the ones are giving you all the guns. were the ones that have your back, please don't do that. i'm gonna do it anyway. let me. so that's the answer. nothing . i mean, absolutely nothing. what's the united states going to do about the fact that as real as done, whatever the hell it wants to do once again? nothing. of course, if any other country did what is real, just did? bombing, the consulate of another country, assassinating to foreign leaders to generals no less. i mean, solomon himself right. and the biting administration. what these were, you mean? oh, you mean at the top of their lungs calling for more and etc. but when israel does it, oh, it should be being b b. but you know what i mean? this is serious. it's serious for us here in the united states. and the world is
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watching. and with every brazen act that violates in our. 6 tional and humanitarian law by israel. this country, our country, this country right here where i'm standing, sitting, whatever it is, i'm to it right now. but us of america lose as more and more respect, especially among countries in the global south, because they're looking at us like, what are you guys pansies, you keep saying, don't do it, and then they do, and then also we don't do it. okay. for years, israel has lived off of its reputation for victim hood using it both as a defense mechanism, which is, you know, verified by the way as a rallying cry when they've gone after palestinians. today. what's interesting is, with the exception of that small number of westerners who consume corporate media every single day, most of the world news is real right now as aggressors. and certainly in this case,
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and i'll see iran not as real as the victim, isn't that a fine kettle of fish? joining us out of talking about this has international relations and security analysts. do we always welcome to the show mark sla boda? i guess let's start with the incident. this thing really kind of freaked me out when i saw this. i'm thinking who are these generals, and why did the israel want to assassinate them? that it can you help us mark? sure, rick frank, you haven't been on this? nope. um, i think actually you should a nail on the head with regards to the primary motivation in real for this attack. so they use a new as bill f, 35 net, the fire of missile into damascus, syria to target the iranian con. in that stride
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7, uh, top ry are gene c. officials, including 2 general were killed. and one of those general residents that heavy was the commander of the good scores responsible for operations, their job and lab. but more important, i think then was physically who was killed was the fact that this was an attack on in iranian con, this is a new level of escalation. and a nother in a long string of prob, occasion that israel has watched against being ron. we'd have seen a prior strikes, killing are decreasing dramatically in general. we have seen a error or back on anniversary of the funeral
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of sam. so lamont even previous towards. busy commander who was this estimated wrong, fascinated in fact, that in 2020, we've also seen the terrors, the tax on iranian gas pipeline. and the iranians at this point must be extremely frustrating. that whatever they do is not enough to provoke the in, in, through an overreact. they walk to port yard, raining and making a major strike is real. that they believe brought the united states to a direct con with a ron. this is because that's who he is escalate the way out of to israel is not going to
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come in. does this is because of this and there's a separate. so for victory, he insisted that they have a limit age of more completely completely wipe out a month and they've read so many times and so loudly that they got no room from a new person. and they can't really, without asking is only cleansing the entire population of out been wins out of the gaza strip, which they're having problems viewing. because being gyptian government won't open the borders to allow a, the entire gar, dogs of population to be driven across because they know very well that will never be allowed back to that the, do you do you think, uh,
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and as i'm sitting here thinking about this mark, i'm sitting here in the united states of america. we all live in this country and our little said the media line that israel is great and iran is really, really bad. and yet we you and are watching a narration of events that have taken place that you've just eloquently taken this through where it will hot is the one that's getting all the dirt in this, in this case. and i guess we're left with the possibility that is where you might be doing this because they don't mind getting into a war or starting a war with the wrong. because after all, americans got their back do sit down. they're actually thinking that that's, that's my role as an american citizen, to, to go to war with iran for israel. absolutely. and the power of the american is riley political action committee. i packed in washington dentist. do any of that? what american mission,
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who is not politically career sports, vidal will go against. i know. yeah. i back rescue really without notification. follow them on twitter. writing about how many american politician it has influence on, which means it has a bar and it has become a kind of been off the dock of us for our that is real. busy and i'm trying to golden past that cannot impinged on in the way. do you under rule base or us keeps putting it as a tablet. we make the rules, we give you order. it often seems that you agree or even more you to be here tonight. it states from her that her jim,
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do you think right now and this is why i value your opinion on this because you're, you're not in this bible where we americans live in, inside washington dc watching nbc and really even new york times. and washington post and, you know, seeing that in fox news and all that stuff, so you don't live off of that stuff. you have a more global perspective. so here's the question. with that long setup. speaking globally, how is, is really seen right now throughout the world, and maybe i'll push you a little more with saying how much if at all have a damaged themselves as a result of this. yeah, so i think we have to speak of it outside the west. right. and the rest of the. busy where the capital or the global majority of the world, that is not a part of the u. s. nato and the ged countries that comprised
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in that part of the world, israel is as a ro, state, protected by the united states. that has been occupying an ethnic wondering how it's fine for decades in defiance of international law and numeral, demands by united maintenance. the winter or assembling, you've been the most recent misfire and that they have now gone directly into the committee of genocide as south africa, which is one of the morning leaders of the world considering the apartheid that they themselves underwent supported by the us. not in the last up until the 1980s they have launched, they used to be international court of justice, accusing israel of genocide and the international court of job without
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a preliminary willing mean to support the possibility in demanding that israel office accidents to which israel responded by putting up a big middle finger towards the international court of justice and the rest of the world and continued on with what they're doing. when we come back, i want to share something with you because it gets even more curious and curious. as yogi berra once said, there is a congress man in washington who has come out after already blasting and saying, we should all but take over. russia said the same thing about a run, but you're not going to believe you are not going to believe what he just said about cars and what we should do to gaza. trucks couple and you're going to hear it when we come back here. stay, right. that's the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the oh, when i went to the wrong, just don't you have to say about the kind of get an engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the the areas of welcome back by the way, advert sanchez, there is another story that i will catch you up on another one of those. i can't
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believe he said this kind of things. it affects the conflict in the middle east again. so we're kind of staying with a theme. this is a us congressman who has made, i suppose, what you would call or has tried to be like very polite and ask. he's made these like netflix statements in the past, you know, suggesting that ukrainian is, for example, for just finish off russia. and it said kind of the same things about ron, for example, one of these guys are just things we have a right to go all over the world and just guilty if he doesn't like them. for example, as crazy as that sounds. wait till you hear what he just said. now, just when you saw that democrats were in big trouble with voters for biden's incredibly insensitive position on palestinians, along comes a republican congressman to prove that he can be much more insensitive, are talking about helping out the other guy. right? yeah,
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it's up michigan. congressman actually came out and said that he wants gaza leveled and he even use the terms hiroshi, male and nagasaki to express it. here it is, the no humanitarian a they don't mean who monetary in a just now come put on the just just blast the nuclear bob over gaza. that's what he said. like not a saki and rose schermer, 2 cities that were new. i mean, he's suggesting we know what again, but this time to palestinians. that's what he said. by the way, walberg, that's a his name, tim walberg, michigan. congress person. um he now says why he was taken out of context. how do you pick a guy out of context and says, you know what, what makes a comparison between august already and erosion or wherever oshima. and it's likely
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nothing will come of it. by the way. i think people are going to come after him for saying something so crazy. no. however, when congress of men, rashid ataleasy defended palestinians right to self determination, using the words from the river to the said she was her beauty. and she was censure for the entire congressional body. why can a man say something like this? and the only person commenting on it as me and a few other people. and when were she to to leave said what she said. she was the front page news for at least 2 weeks of it's it's, it's amazing to think of that marshal about doing just once again. your comment on that to yeah, i think it's actually pretty typical or the violent. i'm leander salt lake military mentality. when it comes to porn and military policy of
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a lot of us pilots. certainly he was hanging through the republican base on rhetoric like one of the work that shows the a delusion with his understanding of what military power can accomplish in terms of, of political solution. i mean, sure you could wipe out the entire problem in population of dogs. that's what that is. not going to go real political problems in the east. in fact, they would almost certainly accrued that. but this is hardly new. i'm old enough to remember as i know you are john mccain thing. bob. bob, mom a ron, that one of the beach for which was met in the western main brand name. yeah. why are you chuckle me right. i oh, you know how hard because it's the wrong and they deserve that. right. well,
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the problem sitting in the side thing though. yeah. if you take a look at pictures of what the also looks like today, it's a large portion of it, like the majority of god, because of the amount of us many bombs dropped by us made spider that have been dropped on dogs. are all ready. yep. yeah, like not just rocky n for rush, and i've heard a lot of people say that i want to ask you a question about iran. and again, i go back to our perspective as americans. i mean we see people dressed in robes. we see supposedly women who are punished for not wearing a head where um and, and, and to was often times to be fair. it does look like a society that has not yet reached the same level as many other countries around the world fair or unfair. and that's the perspective we have it actually as i sit
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down over the weekend and read about a ron, i understand that it's actually moderating a lot more that it's actually trying not to be a. busy rich type of country or economy. how would you assess iran at this particular time to yeah, i think actually that says far more about the united states, does the body run this? believe that americans have this american exceptionalism, the 2 premises diety all where they believes that they are both systemically and morally superior to every other nation on earth. and that gives them the right to well, among other things while i'm like, not navigating sides. yeah, great. i think is the most politically dangerous ideology in the world today. is there
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a possibility that iran will come out of this in the better position than israel down to one minute? yes, so far israel has done a lot as shown. incredible restraint against the is regularly proverb placement in attempts to avoid direct conflict with us. they have had time has the last 10 down as well as the train i believe has was activities didn't in northern israel. i think that they will. we did one smart will not overreach their hands and words vengeance. they speak will be of a quiet court rather than the begging, sly toward israel would perform. interesting. you say that what so many people saying iran is going to respond to israel and a very uh, more like fashion. the suggestion is, well, they've been attacked before and they have and they'll probably follow that course
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. but one wonders then at what point does the anger boil over, and we'll wait and see mark as usual. thank you so much for joining us and for your comments. before we go, i want to remind you of what we do here is our mission is basically to try and tell all sides of the story to ask the right questions, simple, the silo the world. we should live a little boxes where we only agree with people who agree with us, right? truth doesn't live in boxes. proof are everywhere. i'm actually interest. that's how we treat the show pier on direct impact, the to take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic,
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isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better world. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the, the stone is the quaking 25 is walks taiwan and has triggered his anatomy in the wind up region. casualties aren't being reported around in syria. come up, fighting up to you in security council, saving us is stirring up tensions in the middle. leaves fine stains line to as well as lines with the russian own voice, echoing this message. so you understood this view as always has 1st hand information on any master. look how amazing it is. this time. washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on the radio and comes with general pod


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