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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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we should spend garza and ukraine desperate people with desperate ideas. the taiwan is struck by its strongest us quite in 25 in school. the bill due to collab 9 people. i rewarded that i'm willing to take some root in iran and syria. issues of the us of complacency is running fine for the so i called the really uncomfortable in the mosque was from washington, the food this doesn't acknowledge any responsibility. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in the mask basically. but thank you. if it was your embassy and consulate in the region of things, would you react to the same way? casual rules are based on the in the oldest evidence or do i want to encourage this process of consistency in the 1994 to $1.00 then genocide that it produces all
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kinds on the grim 30th of us. the real guy thing for most of every hour of the day, this is on. see, i'm ultimately do a headline. stories is when they saw it was silent. at least 9 people have been reported to and more than 800 injured as a strong this earthquake. and a quarter century hit the island eastern coast. the magnitude $7.00 quake unrelated centers full of massive gland science. i'm buildings have color. yeah. for folks, i'll explain it to you in the coming days and it sounds about possible not me. i, there was, you have been rolling blackouts in the affected regions and a few people have been 5 and the level loss of the face of a similar computing. firewalls with for the september 1999,
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8 because 2400 back in june, about 800000 people and destroyed thousands of buildings implemented of her. she's a drastic team to instructional standards where you spoke with asia, jim lice, but ross find gold who personally witnessed the kind of like you said the severity of the impact was in me. he said some earthquakes uh they started out small and they got stronger over the succeeding seconds. this earthquake just started out strong and got stronger. and anyone with experience with earthquakes or who lives in a 3rd grade. so we'd know immediately that the earthquake was, was a very big one. very, very serious. so we're seeing report building collapses breaks or tiles falling off the facades of buildings, land slides, keeping in mind that the center center of taiwan pretty much from the top to the bottom of the island is, is a very mountainous area. so a lot of images of
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a very large land slides are coming across. i was actually in my flat at the sides and uh, the window frame started to shake. the curtains or shades started to shake violently . even in my flight, i have several things, fell off shelves onto the floor and i, i immediately ran to the doorway because experts say it's due for to be in a doorway because things like light fixtures, are things on higher shelves might fall down. and, and similar to literally, the local news is reporting images of, of the school children, for example, being quickly ushered outside of the building into the athletics. you know, to, again, to, to try and mitigate the risk that things would fall down and heard them say, it's now about 3 hours since the earthquake here. but we've had a lot of aftershocks over the past 3 hours. and some of the aftershocks are very, very strong as well. the leading survey can done so manufacturing company t s m c is for me,
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facilities all based in by one was compiled. so cecil for races and relocate employees to safe times. it's going to impact uh, still being analyzed. in addition to endangering the liars of the household individuals. it may have resulted in defects to a large bunch of items company being process with both of the that may about around $60000000.00. as raging said, it was ready to provide relief efforts and other assistance as, as i one off of the way, who was already said they did not need any aid from the mainland. however, this slide is on easy relations with thailand. china is popularity in the southeast asian region is on the rise. a notable shift in sentiments china has experienced a surge in popularity among respondents from south east asia climbing from 38.9 percent last year to 50.5 percent this year. edging ahead to become the preferred alignment choice in the region. it's the straight thing when you put in the book,
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but don't get the results. so shed a tear for washington. wish to spend the last 12 months building up the china book, human need find phasing, so scary and off to send its neighbors running because its neighbors are real. a smoke volume to logs like those who stokes the corridors of the capital. so they see the us ramping up on supplies to taiwan bases, delegation off the delegation, flying in, and they had president bite and promising the tune of american peace. so unlike ukraine to be clear, sir, us forces us men and women would defend taiwan in the event of a chinese invasion. yes. they know the blog post that would inevitably follow. they also know that china is options largest trading partner that beijing's investments in the region a growing year and yet, but every single one of them is a beneficiary of the vote and vote initiatives. so china's economic health is that
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economic health. the us targeting this lifeline by not be on the terrorists, restricting access to might put chips and judging allies to cite onto the china take down no, quite the winning strategy. and it's really not reassuring when the ideologues to show what length they'll go to, to kill off the competition. this is one of the interesting ideas, isn't flawed, put it out there for deterrence is just being very clear to the chinese that if you invade taiwan, we're going to blow up to yes m c, i just throw that out. not because that's necessarily the best strategy for the internet. it's out of course, the highest that i want to use really don't like this idea, right? calling up system, see if you do that, you have a to trillion dollar economic impact on the global economy within the 1st year, and you'd put manufacturing around the world at a standstill. i mean, this would be, this is a terrible idea. i'm not promoting the idea. i'm not promoting the idea. michelle
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is saying make it a bit to what i'm saying is these are some of the things that are actually actively being debated amongst us. yeah. might see us policy makers, american foreign policy is also failing to win out in a region with a large muslim population, which is horrified by washington's by king of israel to the last palestinian cost is 0. solve mentality one that's on roster. will china sales to hit the mark among nations who are traditionally mutual have ties, including military ones that extend way back that case and still believe and diplomacy? the caution member states including the ceasing and fall,
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want to maintain good relations with both the us and aging. don't make our strokes . we will refuse the troops. i don't work for amazing. i don't work for washington, dc. i work for the philippines. so i'm on the side of the philippines and the 310 slates into a very simple statement of foreign policy, which is, and i promote the national interest, but peace is not a classic investment for the u. s. military base. so yes, well, in fact, while china has built bridges and railways, washington spent 2023 splashing the cache on yet more basis throughout the se, on region. it's funny, isn't it? how rocking off in a neighborhood, far, far, our way its threatening to stop bulls to blow up the global economy and why daniel? things are telling everyone to fool in line, eventually lose this. you some good. well, russia, iran and syria have joined the condemned. the deadly is very s. so i go on the
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iranian consulate, the loss of state, presented by the conclusion to the un security council. so that way, if use less than positive trying to cover up potential is really woke lines. the attacks on the diplomatic comp time to vote heated tensions during the you and session, the representative of the united states and united kingdom. once again, it's right to deny its responsibility for the current situation in syria. broad, the region by false c, blaming you are on your, on the strong to reject these allegations you are on is never speaking to contribute to the spillover of the conflict in the region. nor does it to escalate or a spread the tension to the entire region. despite expressing concern over this feel over the of the attentions and the region of the united states tries to misuse the situation to destabilize, syria and the region. look to them on the as rarely occupation authorities would not have committed this aggression against
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a protected diplomatic headquarters. protected under international law. had it not been for the blind support of the united states to you and my country, syria holds the war criminals of the israeli occupation government and their partners in the united states administration. fully responsible for these attacks and their repercussions on regional and international peace and security shall be the meeting took place in the un security council chamber of the 15 member body leads. the united nations convened to discuss the recent attack carried out by israel that resulted in the death of 7 iranian official. ready including a top general. now the un meeting indicated clear differences as the united states and its allies. we would not condemn israel action. so now russia was pretty harsh and it's words showing that what israel did was a flagrant violation of international law. however,
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the united states that it couldn't confirm where the attack took place and that prompted a rather interesting exchange between the united states and russia. here's some of what. ready heard on the floor of the un security council meeting. i want to be clear. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that was struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property that was in fact a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states. but as you do see, so we knew we listened attentively to the speeches of all western countries. i'm a once again struck by this cynicism and double standards from the level of balancing act. so it was difficult to understand why we're here until the representative for from say anything except for what if, condemnation to britain, the, is ready, violation of international law, kona east. if it was your embassy, it comes to late in the regional times. would you react to the same way? visual rules based on an old is evidence. the us always has 1st hand information on
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any master. look how amazing it is this time. washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on. the radian comes to the general, hard to believe and the speeches of the u. k and the us that we're not hence, but direct references to the fact that a rom m, siri themselves were to blame for israel's attack on the radian comes to that, it's difficult to imagine. the grades and blasts were made. there was no need to call on others to de escalate and labeled the victims on the is attacked as aggressive in this context. any possible escalation of the situation will be entirely on your conscience. that was russia, referring specifically to the fact that france said that the entire situation was the fault of the iran, that the strike took place in the context of an escalation that france says, was iran salt making iran responsible for the incident? it's also important to note that china spoke about how important it is not to
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attack diplomatic missions and consulates and china reference to an attack on its own diplomatic facility that took place 25 years a go. this is the representative of china. go to and then m dot from what it's on. so the 25 years ago, the chinese embassy and you, the slot the was hit by a us led nato air raid causing casualties and damage to personnel. we are deeply moved by the grief of the rainy and government and the people, and deeply sympathized with them. according to the vienna convention on foreign relations and the recognized basic principles of international relations. the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated if we let this kind of act go without a bottom line, and without consequences, we will all be guilty. the red line between international law and international relations has been broken again and again, the tools, you know, there was a chance meeting in the un security council chamber as iran,
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it says it plans to retaliate against the israel strike that violated not only serious, territorial or integrity, but also he had an iranian diplomatic facility. uh, now at this point, uh many are looking on the meeting and seeing clear differences as the united states, france and other nato countries would not can doubt this action by israel, which many are noting the hypocrisy of when we hear so much from these western leaders about a so called rules based global order a function of allegation, as the main thing asked me, try to blame me wrong on syria full, the escalation, we discuss those accusations. jose daniel is, uh, he said is a, is pushing the us to join the war by escaping a great a conflict. and then at least, and there's no evidence that syria or a, or a ran had anything to do with the october 7th attack. absolutely no evidence
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whatsoever. in fact, it ran has tried to reduce the level of hostility, according to, to american news out outlets like the new york times. there's no interest on the part of syria or iran, i in whitening the war. i. so this is completely a red herring. the u. s. has a that has 40 years of hostility towards the, towards the ran on it's record. i, the us launch the proxy war on syria that just devastated that country you know, sent it back you know, decade. ready in terms of economic development, the us is extremely hostile that has voted loss so therefore the is the us does not mind terribly. if israel terry's at a stripe like us to west info, countries are very closely or allied with the israel, they're not going to condemn israel. they're back. i think it's warned garza,
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they are also hostile to a ran and so they are full and, and as well as syria, of course, is real, has every intention of whitening the war because the more the more assess so the more it draws the us into the cost and that's what is real. so is the, the idea have admitted to making a, quote, great mistake, blanketing 78 was 6 of them for a national and the s like on god's of this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k, a g. well, cuz it was a mistake that followed me say, then different cation night during the war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. this incident was a grave mistake. an independent body will investigate the incidental already.
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we will have complete it in the next coming days. we will then from the conclusions and the implement them immediately. the 7th day service represented the us non profit organization, world central kitchen. so far, what is came from poland, canada, i'll send you k and the us website location called the incident 5. adding that 8 was i'm assuming she's never, it's all the go button has also cooled. fun. immediately inquire into the event to emphasize in the is a insight into politics have been since this tragedy is not an isolated incident. very well, the us national security council. so this was and i had a tough time on the press briefing when he was real about this time a condition on february, they issued a memo out. so you already know that it said that it was
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a policy as of ministration to prevent arms transfers that whose facilitating otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law is following the massage of the peoples of info to violation of international humanitarian. as railways have already admitted that this was a mistake that they made their doing investigation, they'll get to the bottom of this, let's not get ahead of that. your your question presumes at this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hating that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. i would also remind you, sir, that we continue to look at incidents as they occur. the state department has a process in place and to date, as you and i are speaking. they have not found any incidents where these rallies have violated international humanitarian law. unless you think we don't take it seriously, i can assure you that we do. we look at this in real time or violated international
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law ever in the past 5 to 6. the state department has looked at incidents in the past and has yet to determine that any of those incidents violate international mandatory law. but to discuss this further as close a live balance in about 5 sauces a sofa is in full the policy the way present society. hello. thank you so much for taking the time and joining us here at odd, see now that we have this idea for talking about killed the international aid with his in god, but it hasn't been 5 drawing a world wide condemnation. but what was your reaction when you heard about this incident? a good evening. thanks for having me. the pastime, the trust and society as the boss states as a body beginning of southern aid worker when the world essential tension, that is as to traffic to see aid workers be killed out. targeted despite coordination, despite arranging their uh,
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the access those data workers. when working to address the 100 percent and suffering of people, think of what's happened to to them as exactly once we have the experience, we need to be b r c s has experienced this where we lost a team members despite coordination, since the beginning of the 15th or cs numbers were killed when they were on duty, where they started the process of implementing, which should be protected, the front of the line of trust and continues to call and the international community to ensure the protection for humanitarian, a workers and civilians. the international humanitarian law is a clear human, new jersey and health care person him should have been going back to the address back to the good part of the you know, the idea of made the statement. we saw it earlier. it said quote, they made
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a grave mistake or, or miss irene, how clearly, just for our view is all these aid work because, you know, it, do they wear clear colors, the vehicles that they mocks in a way that is on vs. what they do, they assume that not that to help not the terrorist and fax exactly. first as the organization has announced what happened to the team. it happened despite coordination so and threaten us, which is already aware of that because there are numbers, the license of leads that team and i think and i get to it. the details of the organization also have the logo all of the kitchen. so it is very well known, and i said from the, under the dress and experience we have experience repeated attacks. i would argue that it says which also have the very clear for the crescent and then placed on top of what ambulances from all sides. and also our private ex, where there is
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a trust and unit for him. unfortunately, despite this, despite coordination, in many cases, our teams happen. so i get it. i've jumped out of cases where teams where the teams, despite being part of for the native missions, then whereabouts of them are of many of them are annoyed up to this moment. while, as i said, the we import of coordinated missions and coordination have been made a to you. and as you'll see sometimes w h o, osha and sometimes at the i c or c, this find, this is right. all 32 does not respect this coordination. and they deliberately asked us to mount the piece targeting and age workers, outage a miniature young's as what happened to 15 b or c s members, which is the way that they were on duty. and so the question as how many more aid
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workers should be killed before the international community will act. i'll take serious steps measures to ensure the projection, 40 humanitarians and these workers. what happened yesterday with the w. c. k, and aid workers. it was not allowed to happen without the silence of the international community, no accountability. it says no accidents and incidents. it happens in peace of peace since the beginning of the war. and it will happen again as no serious steps will be taken from the international level. you know, a lot of these volunteer aid work cuz they are, of course, uh, coming in from all countries around the world. are we likely to see them aside the, when we see these 8 work of dying, you know, doing what they, they go, you know,
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to help these people? are we likely to see the international community individuals we saw australia's 5 minutes to speak about it. was it was seen joe biden say a few things. what are we likely to see a stronger perhaps reaction to the is reading cover because of what's going on or do you think is all being sort of how fast what i think as the situation is the dentist will think ink us. uh, and we are seeing a worker's, a miniature and healthcare person and being targeted since the beginning of the war . this is not i sense of in any worse on can you, me to turn in on the health care workers should be from texas. and that's the responsibility of the international community to ensure the protection for 8 workers. what's happened with the w. c. k? well, in 2 years and just the vast states and to see those volunteers come from different countries in the world to award to guns
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a joint to do their best in order to use the people something to, to provide assistance out, help and fluid for those who are in desperate need of it and then sadly they lost their lives when they were trying to conduct their humanitarian mission. this is happening some of the beginning of the war, of many need workers and human nature, and as under protection, as is a city. well, i also want to is understandably, the organization have to seize it's ration in casa, and this is obviously, we have a significant impact. i significant impact on the population in gust uh, thousands of families who were receiving aid from this organization. now they would have no access to this as well. ready so i didn't turn to other humanitarian and international need agencies to be able to come to god in order to
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provide their lives saving services. and this is, comes in a time where the situation is dire and we are in urgency needs. full efforts from humanitarians on the aids agency is to provide more it's ann blige saving services to help the disparate people who are suffering from on a present itself. right? this nobody tells of outside the world about this, this organization w. c. k. we hear about of cool if your organization, the p, r. cs is enough aids getting in to the people of gaza on a day to day basis. how these people, surviving, of the situation is task force that there is not enough data is allowed to get into casa, since the beginning of the war i own cause that is of struck to the agency through
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the border crossing to proceed as well as kind of a sound of crossing up to this moment, not to any officers in best days. we only received a $158.00 across the from blue cross. so we are sold for from the number of need of even drugs in order to help the people in the ground. what we have received is only dropped in the ocean. that's why the situation on the ground is on the worsening lawyer and the entire population are not getting access to fluid. how the population suffer from contrast to big hunger and particularly the people in garza city and the north. also the situation where there is be your daughter because of the continuous and impostor sees one of these areas. we're very led to the agent. drugs managed to either to, to write these areas understood to have like, let people know sources are relying on windy plants as when us and anybody
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feeds to make a brent on the situation is worse. anyway, according to the information i try and between 3 children below the age of 2, in the area of no, to go so or i keep lima noticed on the situation is just always that bianca task. so think i actually can find the word to describe how do i or is the situation and even in real life in mail because everyone is a struggle every single day in order just to provide electricity for would to stay alive, to stay survive. because as um, access to some which is very difficult and even if people manage to find anything in the markets, the prices are very much fine. 102030 times more than the before destination. so
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now every one is relying on the humanitarian aids. however, we are exposed, getting very much an 8 we continued to call on the international community, also to put on the plain water pressure on israel or to have sustained humanitarian aid access to all areas. awesome, i know, but when i have to the view that thank you so much. i hope these a little claims did go on punished. thank you so much for joining us here on 2 months ago. the human rights switch says false is support for the government overlying amazing. the 1994 genocide was quote, come to mount to direct participation in the will. yeah, so as to group posted that conclusion as it reduced out archives about efforts to let the international community to the trust is as an enduring lesson from the genocide, as the international communities,
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failure to take heed of the clear signs that preparations for mass atrocities were under way, including warnings from human rights defenders who put their lives on the line to sound the alarm. despite the passage of time, victims deserve to see those responsible for genocide and other crimes arrested and prosecuted in fair and credible trials for years pretty soon. so this has been that to major international actors, policy makers in the u. s. and the u. n. o. understood the gravity of the one to genocide within the 1st 24 hours, even if they could not have predicted the mass of tools at the slow task would eventually take. but aside from that, there's also phones and the heat enrolled. we played in the generous lot of press advisory by the human rights watch arms project reiterates the january 1994 reports . conclusions including the francis support to the government of rwanda was tantamount to direct participation in the war and calls on french troops deployed to rolanda as part of an event.


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