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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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world heritage, intangible list. best again, the show was you ahead. moscow challenges western states to review what they know about foreign involve living terror attacks in russia. i followed the deputy in mastercard in moscow nearly 2 weeks ago. the taiwan was rocked by its strongest and square 1825 years. 9 people are reported dead and more than 900 others injured. file documents are still stopped under the rubble of a warning that they are describing images just ahead the, the well, it's the central kitchen, the queue, this, the idea of, of deliberately killing 7 of its staff members in guys that though these roll
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insists that, that the strike was not intentional for the rec pressure. the innovation claims a workers have been systematically targeted throughout the conflict. what's happened to the team it happened despite coordination is right. operating does not respect this. quote, the nations on the deliberately access to mountains and targeting a workers out of the humanitarians. human rights watch a q this bronze of complexity. the 1994 rwandan genocide after paris opened its archive on the grim 50th anniversary. the others aren't international reaching you from the russian capital. welcome to the latest updates i a michael quarter are now in the wake of the hearth, a concept whole atrocity. in nearly 2 weeks ago,
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moscow now challenged the number of western states to come clean about what they know about the forward involvement in the turbo tax. ready russia let's bring in all cheese donald quota now for mod done you, you've been following this. not the us, of course, had given what was described as a vague, wanting to russia. i had of the recent tear i tie good. now moscow wants to know more on a broader scale. take us through the details. well, legal requests to investigate finance, years of terrorism on russian territory and the north stream pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus. according to the prosecutor general's office, the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations.
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we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. now this statement comes amid a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last month's. it's was carried out by as long as terrorists who tried to flee the ukraine after killing 145 people,
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including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects, it's starting to look like. certain western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukranian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace masses out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive pre arranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that which you have regime is not independence, but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however,
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it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis it as a new show. while the crocus city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. key of has made to terrorist attacks on the crime in bridge and according to a recent article from the guardian, they say, citing ukrainian intelligence that ukrainian intelligence officials believe that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. now that's of course, there was of course, no mention of civilian casualties that resulted from these terrorist attacks in that guardian article. then there's the attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely to a believe to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western lead investigation basically went nowhere. so with russia now holding uh, western nations to their obligations when it comes to these anti terrorism
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agreements that they sign back in the 19 ninety's, it's likely that these countries are going to have to start putting their ruler from the wall where their mouth is right don't know, quarter to respond and they're bringing us up to speed on this. thank you very much done for your thinking working us through all of that. all right, let's get but thoughts on all of these now and speak to associate professor an independent research, a in sweden, greg siemens. greg is good to have you join me right now. so much good tyler in these western space to review what they know about terror attacks in russia. but what they, what do you think, as well as the they have been using plausible de, lovely sofa is the calvin story because you've got a lot of bruised, political ego. he's a big player. ready because there are some options, but russia would lose the price more. so, i mean, you hipaa's pc
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a symmetric response, we have a try to hit that was things like this because like your dogs actually when the war and i notice they are a. so if i don't expect any trade regulations coming from the me, the dog. so i mean the long history. ready in general, to still develop some functions against countries which they have a problem, what literally libya, syria, iraq, by have all these problems with deborah some of the sub. now the moscow says it's their duty under international obligations that when we talk about these obligations that weld stand, the rules regulation even though. busy as, as the case may be, well this obligations make any difference. well the cycle rolls bikes. water has showed up at this time, uh for a biding by international. ready or, and in fact,
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this is one of the things why may be tied to the rules biased. what uh, as opposed to the international, what uh, based on international more so, i mean they apparently what people call stay safe is, but i try to make an even playing field between themselves and whoever the trying to undermine and some good. now this request is made to the united states, gemini, frauds and cyprus, that one would ask why those countries specifically well, i dare say that the authorities do not in the connection. of course that doesn't surprise me. we know that from the hays troops and the pride we know that at germany. ready when they had a conversation with vice,
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the products general was talking about striking the, the company and bread game in the united states. nobody ex, uh, the base, it was act without the professional knowledge of the united states. as cyprus is probably, i'm guessing in a gulf between this uh, this place we'd like in a tight and so i'm trying to deny ability by going through there. now regarding the latest tara tank, calling the moscow concept hole, which tailed 145 people of the united states has refused to allow any discussions about ukrainian involvement. and that's despite russian investigators providing evidence of a direct ukrainian link to the blog said why the thing washington is stone walling? 80 inquiries about that. as it goes, that's the resident investigation of what
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a d. s i, the united states as hand will be revealed. and of course the, the client states you trying to is becoming somewhat of a liabilities yet the volume it's coming in. you mention, and we shouldn't forget that actually you try and has been involved with a thing was as long as the terrorists of the russia for some time. because if we remember back to the beginnings of the 21st century, you had described him nationalist acting was a church and g habits in shapes. you know, we do have the youngest ability. so you have, as long as they're perpetual, we a ukrainian nation less and you had us to be working in the concept is multiplied by him above as before. and now why didn't get a fake of ukraine state been to, to the guardian newspaper that he would attack russia's bridge to cry via the 1st
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half of this year. what's the interpretation of that multiplication of that? it's a active distribution because they know that the bombing is drawing up. uh, you go from the election and coming out from the us in the other priorities. so what they're trying to demonstrate is that by some still be of some kind of imaginary value to this false, and patrons. and this is the trying to progress through a measure of activity rather than a measure of the page. so these different characteristics which you will just as we just defined, for it at least protecting the just to keep things coming to you right now, this crime in bridge. why is key of so obsessed with this crappy and bridge? why this bridge? it's because it's the less likely some ball it. so we're dealing with symbolism
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rather than anything actually meaningful in terms of a bigger strategic number trade i guess. so it's of a large target. it's one which is potentially more easy to attack the targets elsewhere which another trade targets. so, i mean there's so little about symbolism in showing the facade of the, to our ability to somehow strike. but robin meaningless seems is. all right, we have to leave it here now. thank you so much for your insight, greg simmons, the associate professor and independent research are in sweden. thank you very much . a huge ass quake has left at least 9 people dead in taiwan. and more than 900 injured with around 50, still missing. it's the strongest. craig, you had a balance in a quarter of a century.
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the. the magnitude 7.7 quick trigger, mass of lawn slides and broke down buildings. dozens of people, i fear to be trapped on other rubble, a strong aftershocks. i respect it to continue for days. and the last i'm taiwan was hit by somebody last week. was back in 99 to 9, which killed 2400 people and enjoy the route 100000 others. and that prompted a major overhauls of construction standards. not asia joe political aspects of rows, find gold witness to days of quake and says that the severity of the impact was immediately clear. a dumb earthquakes. they start out small and they got stronger. over the succeeding seconds, this earthquake just started out strong and got stronger. and anyone with experience with earthquakes or who lives in
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a 3rd grade. so we'd know immediately that the earthquake was, was a very big one. very, very serious. so we're seeing reports building collapses. briggs or tiles falling off the facades of buildings, land slides, keeping in mind that the center center of taiwan pretty much from the top to the bottom of the island is, is a very mountainous area. so a lot of images have a very large last slide. so we're coming across, i was actually, we did my fly at the side and uh your window frame started to shake the, the curtains or shades started to shake violently. he'd been in my flat iron, several things fell off shelves onto the floor. and i, i immediately ran to the doorway because experts say it's a for to be in a doorway because things like light fixtures, are things on higher shelves might fall down. and, and similar in the way the local news is reporting images of, of the school children, for example, being quickly ushered outside of the building into the athletics field to again,
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she's to try and mitigate the risk that things would fall down and heard that it's now about 3 hours since the earthquake here, but we've had a lot of after shops over the past 3 hours. and some of the aftershocks are very, very strong as well. other well leading semi conductor manufacturing company, t s m c, whose primary facilities are based in taiwan. had to hold operations and evacuated staff, the safety of the crate may have cost the facts and the large batch of items meeting potentially $60000000.00 worth of products will have to be written off of a sent a piece of taiwan economy. p. s m c. makes more than 60 percent of the wells chips powering everything from the smartphones to reconnect vehicles unless now this cost to be as great with id may a mob one, a veteran john list and yes, we'll find out who to call to defend society. odd a is good to have you join g right now,
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so you have come about maybe large scale natural disasters in the past. what can you tell us about what's happened in taiwan now? yeah, i think i and i, one is uh, a bit of a big this as a, it's a mine, samantha, what happened with the, with our pro i noticed on from fans and i came in in the, in the end of 200-2000 far and 2012. yes. december 3rd, this 6, the 2004. i was then i got part of the issue for may view more than one month. it's very, very disasters. uh, you know, uh we have uh more than maybe maybe more than 200000 as well this at the time. that's really a disturbing situation that does not natural disasters like these are relatively
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come on in the front of the well, how want countries prepared in terms of general infrastructure and early warning systems? so yeah. is this, it is this uh, the main concern of it is also the main concern of our government and you got that . yeah. because uh, you know, in an area is a big county. we have uh, around 175 active phone. okay. i noticed you can imagine we are in the ring of fire and with the, uh, with uh, 175. ok knows. and, and, you know, the most of them consist in jekyll island as uh for your information. you have. uh yup. uh island is uh, one of one of the biggest 5 most popular that uh, population uh, in the world. we have uh,
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145. we have one honda then for the 1000000 people i live in java. so the it for stock. uh, like you said this, uh, it's a mazda we have to do. uh, a lot of time on the ground. uh does that, does it happen? mm. now, so do you have uh uh yeah, yeah, yeah, around a few ideas please, because we need all of those information. go ahead. okay. in indonesia originally we have already been paid by them, but none of them uh, been done. all right, um lets early this are uh against the uh the it, it has the all the to organize all of the all of the mitigation or the united gate mitigation process that consist of with the military and civilian body
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is like, uh the bottom um, uh yeah, and i see an item that are nice and i didn't notice indonesian ottomans far, is this the police, the p. m. i the in the nation, red cross. also the ministry of, uh, saw show and also the, uh, uh for agencies, nation i would put that against this. and so man against this. so the body, the body is the, the only the only body who, who has the alternative. you have to order the nice of the process. all right, we have to leave it here. now are the mob on the joint list and co founder of the judge across a defensive slide. just thank you so much for your insights on this now, caches of erupt in these ready parliament has relatives all the him. as hostages
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interrupted his testing, demanding the immediate release of their loved ones. the news and that's what that shows people chanting now in hebrew and members of the opposition parties, i see and joining the cold are there on wednesday night. scuffles with believe broke out, so which resulted in some of the protest is being dragged away. reports suggest that the porch was shown at the amount of mounted police man, while another demonstrate it falls under the water cannon. t preventive moving now young as being the building in the country for months against the government over the secuity feedings they had on the october 7th of trust that these are the bloody offensive in the gas. i am afraid to win the safe return of the hostages. a
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bill while engaged at the founder of the wells central kitchen has displaced these rolls play, and that a strike on each a convoy the killed 7 staff members was an unfortunate mistake. instead, he branded a direct attack. the air strikes on our convoy. we're not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. it was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the as rarely military. it was also the direct result of his netanyahu's government's policy to squeeze humanitarian aid to desperate levels. this disturbing video footage show the 7 members of the us non profit organization being targeted by use, riley's twice of a was, were killed as a deposit the warehouse packs with food items and food aid of the idea. if it's admitted, making a quote great mistake by killing 78 workers,
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6 of whom were foreign nationals, claiming the incident was not intentional. this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k. a work is. it was a mistake that followed me say, then defecation night during that war in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened a little while the report and these ready newspaper hundreds cast doubts about these riley strike was a mistake. as it reveals the idea of a tax, the aid to come void not one's or 3 times. how about when the matter was put to the us national security council spokesperson? it does the answering the question you described. describe the strategy as a possible mistake by israel, according to hard seizure on these paper. it was one strikes 3, the 1st one in the interval during which
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a workers got out of their vehicles removed to try to to another vehicle which was struck. and then a 3rd strike. what as they tried to move and escape a sort of vehicle at which point all of them were dead. how, with the 2nd and 3rd strikes of these marked vehicles be a mistake? and why would the us not more forcefully set conditions on the use of us me weaponry when it is being used to target a workers? if the 1st one was a mistake, the 2nd 2 were targeted with the intent of killing everyone in that kind of way. how do you respond? first of all, there's an investigation going on, so why don't we let it get done? and why don't we see what they find in terms of the decision making process that led to this terrible outcome. prime minister and the idea of has noticed that it was their error. you don't like the word mistake, they're,
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they're investigating it, let them do that work and let them see what they come up with. and then we'll go from there. then what are the us president joe biden has not stayed out of the situation either say he was out raised by the killing of a work as, as a spot from the 1st produces them all these ready government by its key partner, but despond. public discontent was telling these options the u. s. continues to supply arms to weasel spokesperson for the palestine read preston, society and the bill of classic size of these are always been abruptly and systematically pocketing aid work as in gaza. the house on the sides of society as the boss states, as a body. they can't think of something in the worker, whereas the world essentially tension is assumed traffic to see age workers be killed. targeted despite coordination, despite arranging their uh,
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the access those data workers. when working to add in the, in the 100 percent and suffering of the building casa, what's happened to, to down as exactly what do we have experienced, we need to be b or c. s has experience. this is right, operating does not respect this quotation on the deliberately asked us to mount the key targeting and age workers out of human experience as what happened to 15 b r c s members, which is why the id where on the jews. yeah. so the question, as how many were age workers should be killed before the international community. when i take serious steps, measures to ensure the projection for humanitarian on these workers are human rights watch sides of fonts, a support for the government of lawanda. i made the 9094 genocide was code 10 to
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mazda direct participation in the war. the activist group posted by the conclusion as it relieves all kinds about efforts to a lot they didn't actually community to the atrocities and enduring lesson from the genocide is the international community's failure to take heed of the clear signs that preparations for mass atrocities were underway. including warnings from human rights defenders who put their lives on the line to sound the alarm. despite the passage of time. victims deserve to see those responsible for genocide and other crimes arrested and prosecuted in fair and credible trials for years but a soon. so this has been that to major international actors, policy makers in the u. s. and the u. n. o. understood the gravity of the one to genocide, to within the 1st 24 hours, even if they could not have predicted the mass of tools at the slow task would eventually take. but aside from that, there's also phones and the he didn't rowley played in the gymnast press advisory
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by the human rights watch. arms project reiterates the january 1994 reports conclusions, including that francis support to the government of rwanda was tantamount to direct participation in the war and calls on french troops deployed to rolanda as part of an evacuation force to be replaced with neutral forces from other countries globally, historians have spent the last few years poring over government archives, diplomatic cables and military falls. the conclusion phones was not directly complicit in the one does mass killings, but french authorities supported the violent and extreme as government. they were blind to its preparations for the messa kind reacted too slowly to stop genocide. some argue that this means power was therefore, based over wandering responsibilities for the tragedy. something is slats out of retreats through london. crisis ended in disaster for rwanda and, and to feed for france. but as france complicit in the genocide of the tutsis,
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if this means a willingness to be associated with the genocidal enterprise, nothing in the archives consulted proves that an efforts to improve relations which one that president to manual mcclung commission den investigation and opened the archives to the public of smoking gun was found proving differential villages direct involvement, the killers who stopped the swamps. the hills with churches did not have the face of france. france was not going to companies, but some of those to survive the horrors of the genocide unconvinced and were lift, disappointed by the french findings, even the very man who lived to the rebellion, but in the small town as regularly accused friends of complicity in the crimes 20 years later, the only thing you can say against the french in their eyes is they didn't do enough to save lives during the genocide. that's a fact, but it hides the main point, the direct role of belgium and france and the political preparation of the genocide and the participation of the letter. and it's very execution people. sol came from
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. so was not only involved in the events getting passivity, but actually enabled genocide to read support for the who to receive before during and after the killings between 19901994. it is true that the one that was in the state of the economy, social and political turmoil, and that to the international community was reluctant to come to aid how it boxed. the complicity of this does not to the gates. the greater responsibility of funds was close partnership allowed to to profit from alms deals and strategic positioning. what happened in one that was more than a crime. it was an event, so that seemed to mandatory i'll pull difficult analyst and regional expert all but rude. that symbol, i also believe the front has questions to answer. you cannot stay in, do you mind me d at that, at that level, especially when you have everything insight that isn't it to us on the desk. it was,
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it had to be some conference at that time that that really. busy started to do to making more sound and, and ring the bell that but it was, it was too late. and at the end of the day, they never stopped it. it was done by the, by the name themselves. but what we know is that those, those punks are shooting, shooting position themselves as, as the traction. so of those values. secondly, is that uh, the run the job itself. stop the genocide has been rebuilding. i also believe that somehow europeans and americans have some information about that the region of africa that they let it go. because after the genocide, the full plague moved just a few meters from run by in eastern portable and it's a same landscape problem. so it does say.


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