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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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my shell is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the headlines anaki, as most of it makes a legal request to a number of western states demanding they reveal any data or about foreign involvement in terror attacks in russia, of course this follows the deadly meisner and most scope, nearly 2 weeks to the the that's k also are there the as rarely parliament relatives of the some options hostages, interrupt a session, the binding lawmakers to volunteer when the release of bad love and the world central kitchen that uses the idea of, of deliberately killing step one of his staff members in gaza with red crescent organization claims aid will of this have been systematically targeted throughout
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the tongue slip. what happens to the team it happens despite coordination is right . operating does not respect this poor donations on the need access to mount targeting. age workers, dollarization continues to the bricks family and the global south as it been the are the economy of how is a head. the prime minister sets the stage to see the car and see go head to head with us on the right at 10 pm locally. t is a live and world wide from moscow. top stories stuff. now, in the wake of the harsh content hold, a trump said he nearly 2 weeks ago. moscow is now dividing the full western states . that's a, the us germany, france and cyprus come clean about what they know about forward involvement in
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terror attacks in russia. and a legal request has been sent by the russian prosecutor general's office is also used. donald cortez now investigating a full legal requests to investigate, to finance, years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream. pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically, the united states, germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's. and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention. for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to
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assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. now this statement comes, i made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last months . it's was carried out by islamic terrorist who tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects, it's starting to look like. certain western nations may have been implicated as well, a little slow here as the ukranian armed forces a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well
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organized and was accompanied by extensive pre arranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known, but every team is not independent, but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that
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a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results. so with russia now trying to hold western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting its rule of law where its mouth is. according to professor and independent research greg simons, he says he can see motives of why so in the western countries could play a hand behind the scenes of terror. it the music plausible do not have the lovely story far as the account of the story because the bottom all raised political ego. he's a big player. ready because there are some options,
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but russian would lose you driving more. so, i mean, you hipaa's pc. uh, i use the managed wordpress falls with a try to back with things like this because i get off actually when the war and i know it as they are. so i don't expect any trades regulations coming from the meeting thought. so i'm going to go to law history. ready general restore the values of functions against countries which they have a problem with the syria, the rob. i have all these problems with terrorist, some of the sort of classes have interrupted in the is railey parliament, as relatives of the hostages. still held by her boss interrupted a session demanding the immediate release. wow. yeah, put it into showing people chopping now in hebrew and members of the opposition,
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even joining that cool audio on wednesday night scuffles with the police broke out, resulting in some of their protest is being dragged away and go, has been mounting of the country ever since the security failing is on october the 7th, so the atrocities the, the ongoing offensive and jobs there, and the failure to get the safe for a ton of the hostages is on middle east bureau to wednesday, the last day of these really parliament plenum before it is supposed to go on a spring recess is the final day of the massive and to government protest tier in jerusalem demonstrations that israel hasn't seen students have masses attack and have cobra that led to the state a war in gaza. it is relatively called now here in front of the connected, but in 3 days we've seen thousands coming to voice their concerns and demands and the loudest belief in london, families of these really hostages, held in captivity in the gaz tray for 6 months. now some of them you can see them
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behind me there from time to time shouting at shop meeting. now in the neighborhood they demand the release of they, they are beloved ones from people to between guys that now earlier today they went inside the parliament and threw yellow paint on the glass that separates the gas gallery from the kinetic members. some of the protests are, is also covered. the fans in yellow panes, yellow is the official color of ring them home contain that unites relatives all the hostages, and all those supporting them. the demonstrators shouted, they will be no recess until the last captive is returned. home, while they were being removed from the gallery by security guard are just to remind you 134 people, men, women, and children and elderly remain in gaz or for almost 180 days. despite many rounds
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of talks with different states mediating. so far there was only one deal between israel and how much less the band or the legs to the release of more than 100 is really captives in exchange for a number of palestinian prisoners. housing is rarely jail since then runs no break through has been achieved and anti government protest or is it you can hear and then see a line made the yahoo is the progress on purpose because of the war would keep human power. frustration for the state is the government is acting in its own interests and not the peoples they ask for resignation and early elections. let's take a listen. look. some of them have to say this government has abandoned the hostages, the in gaza to actually get things moving. isn't demand to discover and be removed . we both in protesting against his government now for over
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a year and it's changed forms over time, but it only becomes more and more acute how this interested. they are in the future here and the actual people who live here and, and building something that allows us to live and thrive and be safe here. last night the protest, one violence wars of israelis took to the guys a street in jerusalem. not far from here. where the prime minister as resident is located several of them managed to go through very kays flashing with a security forces to protest or is organizes telling people to come down and avoid the tensions. but it seems of people are not ready to give up. these really literacy, it is on that to men, there's domestic pressure, it was below the condemnation. oh, so now they have been there is reasons for these national human insights to be concerned recently. for example, huge number of innocent civilians pills and is really offensive in guys that local
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house ministry reports more than 33000 people died in 6 months of the war. also israel's plans to invade densely populated area and gaz. a saw where right now, up to 1500000 gallons sheltering the most recent incidents that alerted many in the world. these really army killings 7, a workers of various nation networks, gaza at this time, they were delivering desperately needed english, starving in place. the vapor, so with a lot of all the charity on it was he went to the laser, i'd me to take the idea of i'm in time to try president joe biden, who said he was out range for one thing as an israel wasn't doing enough to protect civilians, their reaction signaling even deeper rates between the 2 close allies. the k prime minister inside the guy told him no way canada and australia also reacted furiously,
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expressed astray is anger and concern. he met a tear and assistance, must reach people in gaza, unimpeded and in large quantities. i think it proves military machine which is out of control. but they fire on anything. if that could be a slight suspicion which is in violation of all the rules of warfare, that should be distinction between military and civilian targets. israel needs to respect international humanitarian law and we will make sure that that is the case . that's the answer then, right, security concerns and threatened all humanitarian missions currently working in guys. the united arab emirates, down the attack stopped all its operations in the street, in an emergency move. well, the are all too many pairing aid. you guys are from the states returned to cyprus,
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they came from full of food that was not even on the pounds at the time when the u. n. is alerting spam and is spread across the valley still way. so clearly they might get things on the ground even worse. meanwhile, in gaza, the founder of the world central kitchen has dismissed israel's claim that a strike one is a condo boy that killed 7 stock members was a mistake. instead, he called it a direct attack. the air strikes on our convoy, we're not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. it was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the is really military. it was also the direct result of his nothing. yahoo is government's policy to squeeze humanitarian aid, to desperate levels for the following, for the showing the bodies of the work that's being brought to the local mold. they
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were killed as a left, a warehouse packed with food. now the idea for somebody to, if making a, quote great mistake, but says the incident was not intentional. so i was not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k. a work is it was a mistake that followed me so you didn't if occasion, night during the war in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. meanwhile, the israeli newspaper hearts is doubtful. v as ready as driveways a mistake, as it reveals the idea of had attacked the to convoy enough once with 3 times. however, when the body was put to the american, no us national security council spokesperson, we saw some docking and diving. this. you described, you describe the described as a osborne mistake by his real, according to hard caesar. i'll use paper, it wasn't one strike. but 3,
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the 1st one then interval during which a workers got out of their vehicles, remove the what would you try to to another vehicle which was struck and then a 3rd strike. what as they try to move and escape in a 3rd vehicle, at which point all of them were dead. how would the 2nd and 3rd strikes of these marked vehicles be a mistake? and why would the us not more forcefully set conditions on the use of us made weaponry when it is being used to target aid workers? if the 1st one was a mistake, the 2nd 2 were targeted with the intent of killing everyone in that convoy. so how do you respond to the 1st of all, there's an investigation going on, so why don't we let it get done? and why don't we see what they find in terms of the decision making process that led to this terrible outcome. prime minister and the idea of has noticed that it
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was their error. you don't like the word mistake, their error. they're investigating it, let them do that work and let them see what they come up with. and then we'll go from there. when he was president 05, and it's not state entirely on the side sidelines that made this, he did say he was outraged by the killing of the aid workers. but despite public discontented with telling these actions, america continues to supply weapons to israel. and we spoke with the battle font a sack of the palestine red present society. she says, aid workers all being deliberately targeted, a kind of sign, the sons of society as the last states, as a body, they can go 7 in the work or west of the world. essentially, tension is as to traffic to see age workers be killed. targeted despite coordination, despite arranging their uh so you access those data workers when working. so i give you the 100 percent and suffering of people to think of what happens to,
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to down as exactly what do we have experienced. we need to be b or c. s. has the experience. this is right. does not respect this coordination. and they deliberately asked us to mount the key targeting and age workers out of human experience as what happened to 15 b or c us members who with just the way that they were on the jews. yeah. so the question as how many more age workers should be killed before the international community will opt out, takes serious steps and measures to ensure the projection for humanitarian on the workers tools. but i think has revised it's outlook for india is economy jacking up the growth to around 7 percent or come shortly after 5 minutes to moody over the national bank to prepare a strategy for the global acceptance of its currency. the ruby we have to enhance
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about it, so you cannot make self reliance. we have to endeavor that our economy should be least affected by global adversities. today, power it is becoming the engine of global growth with 15 percent in global g. d. p growth. in the circumstances, we should endeavor that our rupee is more accessible and acceptable globally with us. and so in the retro modi's firestick office in 2014 at the size of india's economy has doubled. but it's now outlined a strategy that would shape the next 10 years. the india leaders of the banking system to focus on the needs of old economic sectors and south asia strategies to talk to while a wide says the new plan will help india strengthen its role as a global power. actually this is a very ambitious planned by the problem, but the steps to is the financial sector is beating a 3 days conference started in the today in bombay. so therefore, the prime minister wanted to see the india and the girl is a,
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a global achievable. and also in the become the, an example for the leading the solid solid corporation. therefore, he wanted to see in the movie guide and then taking its position as a global india has been on this road for some time. now. they've already started said cd with the fees in the neighboring countries like bundle or they some of my life get a new pod, a city like got it on and even the but i sure and also you a, i think the india is a member, an active member of the rich guntee which or the haven't moved away from the, the, the zation on the 3 d as a part of that or dealing with locals. i don't see. now we have seen that the rubin have already taken into the baskets of other by most of the method, is your think the, the mean dominican a, the, the, to be try me, is got on see which also i've been having some effects on the plate and it's all of these, do he gets a jump into through the market. so it's in the i kept the deal with it. so i don't
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see also in this, we own it is a, it's a webcam step such as the by the bridge, somebody or just trying to stay away from the installers or from the phones, from the euro. or the initiative outcomes and made reporting negotiations over a free trade agreement between india and the ration economic union block that would reduce customs duties and a number of goods within the ration block. russia remains, india is top box and it was bilateral trade was almost 50000000000 dollars last year and payments between them are also being made in national current season. they'll take us on the problem. so, but helium, serious, there are no problems in determining the means of payment for the black gold exported by russia. the priority is given to national currencies. this makes it possible not to depend on the so called rules of the game imposed by the west when carrying out the banking transactions are blossoming, multiply already and the world is resulting in, well, as other countries increasingly distancing themselves away from the dollar. and
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i'll let you contribute to chris evans. he says india right now is in a public position to take full advantage. i think we can see in the magic now is not just the regional but local powerhouse. we see the amount of trade that he is doing, listing is on the output gain upon the increase. and of course, there are other reasons for that. indian has a rough exasperate, because obviously always helps the country to drive. but in terms of the management of the indian economy, i just think the indians and now, you know, shaking off the shackles of colonialism which they've been doing for awhile since their independence. and then now the, just as a real dominant lighting falls and india being one of those countries, which is it the full problem on the internet to the new technologies. now you've got a number of countries in the c multi poto. well, the, that, as i know, we don't want to have one global resent currency. we one country that uses that as that you know, that car and see to the type what we can do and use as a essentially of what kind of war they're talking about. using that currencies
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which should be dictated really by the size of their economy. right. it makes probably no sense to anyone that everyone uses the us dollar, whereas the us economies stock night thing, best thing. why didn't we use or lot currencies to trade with each other? and i think we've seen the way in which the us has managed to the fiscal policy. it has been completely reckless. they had a very big warning in 2008 with the financial crash and in many warnings, the full that but it seems they just ignored it. it continued to print a lot of money. they've continued to run nice financial sanctions against countries that some countries that i've done absolutely nothing to offend them whatsoever. it's the amount of debt to the us. the us, the us government is in treaty and zip on trains of dollars. if you're not much tested, you run the currency, then what's the value of it? i think the countries are looking at other options because the us, the, it doesn't take a rocket science. so we've been an economist to work out. it's a, it's a pretty dead stop. now. the lodge earthquake has left at least 9 people dead
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in taiwan. wilderness style was an injured dozens. still missing is the strongest quite to have hit the island in a quarter of a century. it's the, the quick adventure to up to us settling in magnitude according to various sources, land slides of tree, good buildings or pull down dozens of people in the field trapped under the rubble . we expect them more often, shots as well to continue for days. the last time taiwan was hit by a similar quake was 1999 over 2000 people killed about 800000 injured that prompted a major overhaul the various construction standards. plato geo political ex, but a russ feingold, witness wednesdays. quite a can says the severity of the impact was immediately clear. some earthquakes, uh they started out small and they got stronger over the succeeding seconds. this earthquake just started out strong and got stronger. and anyone with experience
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with earthquakes or who lives in a 1st grade. so we'd know immediately that the earthquake was, was a very big one. very, very serious. so we're seeing report building collapses. briggs are tiles falling off the facades of buildings, land slides, keeping in mind that the center center of taiwan pretty much from the top to the bottom of the island is, is very mountainous area. so a lot of images have a very large last slide. so we're coming across, i was actually in my fly at the tides and uh your window frame started to shake the, the curtains or shades started to shake violently. he'd been in my flat iron, several things fell off shelves onto the floor and i, i immediately ran to the doorway because experts say it's due for to be in a doorway because things like light fixtures, are things on higher shelves might fall down. and, and similar, literally the local news is reporting images of, of the school children,
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for example, being quickly ushered outside of the building into the athletics field to again, she's to try and mitigate the risk that things would fall down and hurt them. it's now about 3 hours since the earthquake here, but we've had a lot of after shops over the past 3 hours and some of the after shops are very, very strong as well. look at this, the, a well leading, semi conductor manufacturing company, t s m. c. in taiwan was forced to shut down temporarily. the quake may have damaged inventory, possibly meeting the $60000000.00 while the product could be written off of a send a piece of timelines economy. t s m c makes more than 60 percent of the wells chips powering everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. as high as monitoring professor sharefile research. he said there are key reasons why this latest quake was not as faithful as it could have been in 1999. also, there was a similar sized old greek in turkey, ink or jelly. in that event, he had lost
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a 10000 people because it was of the very best that populated the region. so that's one of the advantage of that. the epicenter is the 5 from the i you populate to, is to use. and also that the tie even has it was great or a warning system. and before the strong shaking and s waiving soto, its surface waves arrived, the large city and the population sewage cake, or the warning system in getting in the giving of them to the public and still electricity. the stuff back and natural gas also stopping the trams and sideways and trains to decrease that that's quick at hazards. so this is another advantage of, of this or good go to warning system. all right, over to you again the where a top cord in the east african nation has upheld an n. c l g
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b t little that ignited an outrage among western powers, little stipulates life in prison, and for quote, aggravated homosexuality, which is cost as a crime against a child or all the vulnerable people. you kind as president said western powers are trying to force that non traditional culture on the african continent. and you guys and pasta mazda in 75 says the quotes decision does reflect the interest of the countries people. we're very grateful because this comes up to 20 years of struggle . i believe we started this struggle back in 2009 with the time of arrival pharma. when he used the american government as a bully pulpit to expand that push l g b t on other nations. that's when we came up, but it's been a struggle since 2009 now. it was cancelled 2014. but again, it would come back in 2023. and today in 2024. the constitutional court has
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a problem with very elated, very excited. the fact that the constitutional court, with a 4 panel of 5 judges has come out. and i'm a pre buckley spoke, and i'd say this law is consistent with our constitution. it does not violate our international obligation, and you've gone, does highest load it being the constitution. it says this low is a reflection about aspirations as operate, guns. so in many ways we have been vindicated. in many ways, we feel that uganda is on the front line of demo straight into the rest of the world. but you can stand up against the rest of this european american western nations in the protection of your children. and you'll find that it depend to go on has a fumble that responds to what's happening to his troops in the chair is off of the
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west african states suddenly. and the military agreement with america last month declaring the presence of any foreign soldiers on his territory. as illegal, are there any updates on the need your situation an easier no updates on the what you referenced earlier in this meeting right now. i don't have anything for you. i'd refer you to the national security council to speak more to it. we might have something later today, but i just don't have anything for you at this time. it's important that the total of $650.00 us military personnel are in need. jarrett was our house is a major american drawing base for that region. and announcing the suffering of ties . and a, jerry and government official blamed a visit to the country by the american delegation, which was set to have violated diplomatic. it's a good position to end a ministry link. so piece, some people write that boating the american flag, the following a crew with the country back in july, last year, a wave of anti french and anti western protest swept the country. spokesperson for
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new jazz patriotic front, able to him by the says, the us ministry presence would actually making his nation complicit in conflicts abroad. so far, the united states is having a hard time coming back from that surprise. and i think that's what makes some slow to respond to the demands of the state of new share, especially in relation to the number of soldiers or on the shares territory, but also in relation to the retreat calendar of those military forces. you see how without us being aware, the united states is making the share a belligerent country because when you allow military forces from one country to take off and land on your territory to wage war and other countries, your country is transformed into a defacto belligerence. so we ask the american military to leave, we are masters of our own country and we will not take part in any conflict until our country has decided in the sun.


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