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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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by the president. let's stop without please, is that spelled part of the headline 0? nazi as most code makes the legal requests to a number of western states demanding they reveal any danger about foreign involvement in terror attacks and russia. both it follows that that lead must occur in moscow nearly 2 weeks ago. the soul of chaos right there. the is ready, bonham and his relatives all the hostages still held by hum ops interrupt the session. the money lawmakers do more to get them back, but also in the program. don't the checkout amazon's store of the future too closely as a report exposure. the fleet of getting the secret and working behind the scenes pretending to be
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a i the so with, i guess the correspondence gutting by going to busy our for you right here. this is the international. so in the wake of the horrific, called sort of full trusted in nearly 2 weeks ago. moscow is now demanding for western states, america, germany, france, and cyprus, come clean about what they know about foreign involvement, entire attacks and russia. legal request has been sent by the russian prosecutor general's office, se on quota. now investing a slow legal requests to investigate finance, years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream. pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to
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their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. now this statement comes and made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last months . it's was carried out by islamic terrorist who tried to flee the ukraine after
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killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects, it's starting to look like. certain western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukranian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace masses out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive prearranged coverage by the western media in the direction they need it. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croakers city hall were financed by ukraine. also, it is known, but every game is not independent. but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis.
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however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results. so with russia now trying to hold western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions from the 1990s,
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it looks like the west is going to have to start putting. it's the rule of law where it's mouth is according to the chief editor of a and b. last he honest with the code and he says, the west could never admits to any rolled in terror, attacks against russia. and i think that they are not really to show their cards. we have, we are even hearing direct at meeting from the regime and the intelligent services that they don't have any other choices then to continue the terror attacks . and the hope that that would somehow change the course of the war. and of course, we know these 2014 and 13, that the grant in intelligent services are fully taken over by the m y 6 and c. i a . so the whole pack of cards, these calling to follow up the bar. if the west it meets its role, being in the terrorist attacks in the actions. what is happening, you know,
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crane there are more seems to be as the 2nd front open it. it gives dry shift, it seems that the stakes are getting higher and higher. something. what was happening from time to time is now every week in the news, and they f as b is seriously fighting against the 2nd from the cashiers. have they wrapped it in the is riley parliament as relatives of the house that is still held by hamas interrupted a session, demanding their immediate release. and that's what it's basically showing people, charting now in hebrew, members of the opposition, even getting involved as well. and earlier on wednesday night scuffles with police broke out, resulting and some of the protesters being dragged away by and just been building in the country for months now, ever since the security failings of october, the 7th, the bloody offensive in ga 0. and the failure to win back the safe for technical
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hostages. here's our middle east bureau to wednesday, the last day of these really solomon's plenum before it is supposed to go on a spring recess is the final day of the massive and to government pro tier. in jerusalem demonstrations that israel has been seen, students have masses attack and have cobra that lead to the different stake, a war and g as it is relatively called. now here in front of the connected, but in 3 days we've seen thousands coming to voice their concerns and demands and the loudest belief in london, families of these really hostages, held in captivity in the gaz tray for 6 months. now some of them you can see them behind me there from time to time shouting at shot, meaning now in zebra, they didn't mind the release of the their beloved ones from people to between guys that now earlier today they went inside the parliament and threw yellow paint on
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the glass, it's the parade, the gas gallery from the connected members, some of the protests are, is also covered. the fans in yellow pain. yellow is the official color of ring them home, contain that you nice relatives of the hostages and all those supporting them to demonstrate or his childhood. they will be no recess until the last captive is returned home. while they were being removed from the gallery by security guards, just to remind you 134 people, men, women, and children and elderly remain in gaza for almost 180 days. despite many rounds of talks with different states mediating so far, there was only one deal between israel and how much less the band or the lead to the release of more than $100.00 is really captives in exchange for a number of palestinian prisoners. housing is rarely jailed since then 4 months. no
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breakthrough has been achieved and anti government protest or is it you can hear and then see a line made the yahoo is the progress on purpose because of the war would keep human power frustration for this or say is the government is acting in its own interests and not the peoples they ask for resignation and early elections, let's say can listen to some of them have to say this government has abandoned the hostages, the in gaza to actually get things moving. isn't demand to discover, be removed. or we both in protesting against this government now for over a year. and it's changed forms over time, but it only becomes more and more acute how this interested. they are in the future here. and the actual people who live here in, in building something that allows us to live in thrive and be safe here, plus nice to protest, one violence wars of israelis to the, to the guys
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a street in jerusalem. not far from here, where the prime minister is residence is located. several of them managed to go through very kays flashing with the security forces for testers. organizes telling people to calm down and avoid the tensions. but it seems that people are not ready to give up. these really literacy, it is on the term mentors. domestic pressure was bloated on condemnation. oh, so now they have been very freezes full day national keeping it seems to be concerned recently. for example, huge number of innocent civilians pills and is really offensive in jobs that local house administered towards more than 33000 people. died in 6 months of the war. also these rules plans to invade densely populated area and gaz. a saw where right now, up to 1500000 gallons sheltering the most recent incidents that alerted
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many in the world. these really army killings 7, a workers of various nationalities, gaza at the time they were delivering desperately needed english starving in play. the vehicle with a lot of all the charity on it was he went to the laser and me to take the idea of i'm in time to try president joe biden, who said he was out raised as an israel wasn't doing enough to protect civilians there. reaction signaling evan d for rates between the 2 closed. c lies the u. k. prime minister, inside the guy told him no way. canada and australia also reacted curiously. expressed astray is anger and concern. he made a tear and assistance must re, to people in gaza, unimpeded and in large quantities. i think it proves military machine which is out
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of control, but they fire on anything. if that could be a slight suspicion, which is in violation of all the rules of warfare that should be distinction between military and civilian targets. israel needs to respect international humanitarian law, and we will make sure that that is the case. but the incident, right, security concerns had threatened all humanitarian missions. currently working in guys, the united arab emirates, the attack stopped all its operations in the street in an emergency move. well, the girls who many, very ne returns to cyprus, they came from full of food that was not even on the grounds at the time when the u. n. is alerting spam and is spread across the valley still way. so clearly this. 7 might get things on the ground,
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even worse. let's learn more now of course, and live to guild, pick them on the customer of one of the hostages. as i understand you will also one of those protesting in the connected. he's joining us live right now from telling me very well. welcome to you. so thank you very much for coming on, gil. so was one of the people at the protest the in the can, that's it. did you? um, i guess, did you, do you think you had a positive effect? did you achieve what you want if i should ask? oh, well, we protested indigenous. it's because our relatives are held in gaza for a $180.00 days now and excessive. unfortunately, he's going on a pause, sort of a vacation that was planned ahead and we're in the midst of war. we have a hostage situation. we thought that it was be just preposterous to go on a break right now and to just go on vacation. so we said you shouldn't go out of and just said to stop doing your job. well, the hostages still held in god that was our way of it to protest and to,
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to make sure that the people remember there are hostages in the hands of how much and god that we did not achieve a higher goal media in the meeting. that the, that the or the break was caused that it was thrown away. but i think it was a way of reminding the is really public and the 120 of the members of trusted at their hostages. a 130 for hostages among the women, men, elderly people, and 2 babies that are still held in the hands of from us and israel and all the rest, whatever they can to make sure that they come home safely as quickly as possible. that's pretty astonishing. gale of what you say the, you know, major protests of the can asset. it's because the connect it's actually going on. it's a guess annual break good at the time when israel scale is what about 5 plus months into this wall. the hostages are still not getting home. did you feel
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deal in any way that you're closer to getting your relatives back? you never know. you know, um, before we had, we had a deal in november and my husband's sister in law came back and i'm not sure that we you whether we were closed or not before the deal was actually signed. so you never know. busy whether you're actually close or not, but in the last few days we got mixed signals and solve us were very worried. this is really not doing enough. i know that somebody is be very, very hard and of course does not let us know whether the hostages are dead or alive . they dug a sign of life and doesn't lead to red cross even meet with them. we don't really know what their situation is and we're talking about periods. it's a, it's a hard alterra going to zation as we're basing. and we're trying to be hopeful,
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and we really hope that the home. busy joins in order to solve this unbelievable tragedy that's we're tired out so we can have my cousin back and we can mourn her mother who was murdered on october 7th. or we do possible on our sincerest condolences for that. i wasn't aware of that bit of information gilbert. i appreciate you telling us. but yeah, was just going to ask you a clearly was seeing. we're seeing lots protests now. we're seeing some of the largest protests since the conflict kicks off in gaza. we're nothing yahoo. i mean, just to be fact he's, he's facing a lot of pressure. we've seen thousands, riley, and again, this, to me even protests outside the prime minister's residence deal. where do you think it's all gonna lead regarding the net on yahoo? government is it, is it under heavy pressure as well? busy as a democracy, so we have demonstrations all the time. we have demonstrations during 2023 and i gotta tell you as a family member of a hostage for me,
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the question of whether that the now is going to be pregnant or, or not is, is the secondary, is that what i care for is the release of the hodges, that's what i protest about. that's what that's what i was interested today. and i think if you ask that during many demonstrations and rallies here, use real. some are for this government, summer against is some are for and more active approach to the war and some are against it was joins us what were unified about is the fact that the hostages must come home. so i feel as if getting the hostages home should be the, the solution to the very a conflicted. i must be right here in israel, and i really hope that the government enjoys forces based on the hostages upsized. the deal with come us with guitar, with the us, and then we can, we can go back to breathe normally. if we're going to ask you to let me let,
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let's just who is a hypothetical question here. if all the remaining of hostages was released and they all came home and they're all in perfect health. what then do you think those in israel, who will on both sides of the front of defense, those who support the war, those who don't support the war. do you think everyone would then be on the same page to support the war to get it done? if all the hostages were returned home safely or few things that might be a rising up against and that, and yahoo government, people saying right the hostages at home. now it's time to finish the war. what would you see happening? oh, well, that's an interesting question. i can tell you that we, we know that 34 of the 134 hostages, their health and gaza, i know perhaps dead. and that's how the i d. s. i actually that that's what it reports. so they're not all going to come back home safe,
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but given that most of them come back home safe as the numbers that we all are still alive, come back home safe. i think it will be a very, very indeed is boost to the is really society who suffered largely during the, during the last half a year. and i don't really know what it is going to mean politically. and you asked me, i really hope that's when our prime minister and ministers and all. busy all additions, when they sit down and he had to think when they're, they're going to say lives the same. the hostages saved lives is early. they're not thinking about political questions. they're not thinking about whether the government is going to roommate, or maybe it's going to collapse. if we do have elections or enough, i hope that they're thinking about is saving the lives of hostages is really hostages. and putting an end to this tragedy because this is what we want most is usually people. this is the leadership that should lead us. and i think
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a leader that will do this will prove itself to be an actual leader go that quinn is a cousin of one of the hostages, still being held by have icy, also one of the protest as in the connected, appreciate your time. thank you very much for joining us on on the thank you very much and that's how they bring them home very soon. we agree. thank you very much. is shifting gears now to uganda, where a top called in the east african nation has upheld on and c l g b, the lower that ignited the outrage among western powers that all stipulates life imprisonment. if a quote aggravated homosexuality, which is cost as a crime against a child, the vulnerable people, are you got as president said western powers or try to force the non traditional cultural onto the african continent. and you guys and pasta, martin sent both sides of the course decision does, is reflect the interest of the countries people. we're very grateful because this
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comes up to 20 as of struggles. i believe we started this struggle back in 2009 with the time of arrival pharma. when he used to marry con um government as a bully pulpit to expire and then push l g b t on other nations. that's when we came up, but it's been a struggle since 2009 now. it was cancelled 2014 button again. it would come back in 2023. 192024 the constitutional court has a problem with very elated, very excited. the fact that the constitutional court with a 4 panel of 5 judges has come out and i'm a pre buckley spoke, and i'd say this law is consistent with our constitution. it does not violate our international obligation, and you've gone, does highest load it being the constitution. it says this little is
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a reflection of our aspirations as operate guns. so in many ways we have been vindicated. in many ways, we feel that uganda is on the front line of demo straight into the rest of the world. but you can stand up against the rest of this european american western nations in the protection of your children. and you'll find that so you're going to enjoy this one. it was hailed as the shopping experience of the future. you walk into the shop, you select the item, you walk out, the technology will just send you the bill. a bit later was on the claim that was the future now. but it seems to come to light a fleece of india and what goes was secretly watching every move of the shop loose and manually recording what they were selecting. and the ramifications raised more than a few eyebrows on la. the amazon build its just walk out stores as i'm trying to, they are in reality. it was powered by thousands of low paid indian workers,
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manually adding up items in your cart as you shopped. how insanely dystopian i might just be an underpaid, overlooked indian virtual worker. that was ins. just walk out. technology was 1000 indian people watching you shop. glorious amazon that view the stores back in 2018, praising the technology as quote, magical is not being revealed. more than a 1000 indian workers were used by the company to manually truck customers purchases. it took hours for them to compile the data, which was on use to generate the receipts olva and called on as professor b k. get. he says big tech is secretly using human labor all the while. same, it gets artificial intelligence, but it needs to be the technology, you know, that goes there. and on the end is that, uh, did you want them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using the new
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human beings. so, um, in the mean, what kinds of technology is exploding in the water and they have to sell it. so it could be one of their marketing strategy movie. it's one of that. so that's what i can do my view. um, you know, to say about the audio, but it did what i was doing, the packing in my mind. we believe, although we are also leading the, the kind of for new. sure. and can you model for the software and computers or tundra, but we believe that did what was it can never replace human beings and i need needs who wouldn't be to use them. so too much reliance on technology also is i misplaced uh, the instructed you. um by us and the other uh uh the leading uh of the countries on disability. so yeah, it is a dime to think about the interaction,
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the usual good quality and it is in the, in the to the way up on it. surely any it is. i can type it into a song. what is all the 1st time? amazon's face aflac for its practices. uh 2022 on black friday. the busiest shopping day of the work is the stage strikes that is warehouses in america. in europe. they were demanding better paying conditions. last year, the us labor rights agency filed lawsuit saying workers are being exposed to safety assets. so let's take this conversation further, not with the human and la labor rights, while i done providing that, joining us 0. and i'll see international down a variable. welcome to you. what a bizarre story. this is amazon was, was hailing. the technology is the future of shopping. i mean, at the end of what we know now it was it all at the section. well, what's your take on this done? well, it appears to be both the deception and also a case of exploiting workers and india. do i think, you know, we need not,
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you know, always need to be careful not to disparage those workers or, or who are themselves being oppressed, but yeah, we're part of something really bizarre that, that violated people's privacy. and again, really representative misrepresentation upon consumers. yeah. yeah. yeah, it's really weird. i'm just trying to get my head around it down because i mean, why conceal the truth about what was really going on behind the scenes? what do you think amazon was with trying to achieve with this so called a future shopping or shopping of the future as well? i think there's several things happening here. one is, i think they feared if the consumers knew the truth. then in fact, there were, you know, a 1000 indian workers who were being exploited to pull this off, that they would be revile the reviled for that which they should be. but also, you know, reminds me of the scandal regarding that technology, you member,
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and i'm forgetting her name, the woman who claimed to come up with the test to test all your blood with the just one drops me and that was a big fraud. this sounds very similar to that right? that they probably want to have a i to be able to do that. they hadn't yet developed the technology, so they essentially perpetrated and brought upon. yeah, it seems like it, i mean, you certainly got some governments around the world that i was working in in one way or another with a. i mean it's got all sorts of applications, whether it's economical or, or, or social, or even, or even military. but of course, i'm as on it is one of the huge global innovators. did you think a little scandal i live is ever going to scarlet letter or the reputation of amazon? i mean it's, it's just going to carry on being the behemoth right. most likely, mostly because it's still a very convenient you know, way to shop and people tend to do. it's convenient and cheap. sadly. you know, if you'd like to think people would, you know, buy with their conscience,
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but often they don't. but this is embarrassing. i'm glad it was an outage, and again, i hope that those workers are taken care of in india. the. and i hope that amazon, uh course, correct though i ended down rory, are we thinking like, you know, they put it put in the car in front of the whole. so does it suggest on that technology isn't quite advancing that the rate that we're being told do you think well that's what it sounds like does. and it also reminds me which for the self driving car, when i, you know, few years ago we itself driving cars over town, pittsburgh, where i live, was one of the flagship cities for hoover to test itself driving cars. you don't see them anymore because they weren't working properly, right. i think there was, in fact, a couple of faith holidays from them. uh, yeah, i mean look for the sake of the working class. i certainly hope these technologies
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don't work so well that people don't, can't find jobs anymore. and then yeah, like maybe those jobs are saved for a while. my schuman and labor rides. why done, colleagues, always good to see you. thank you so much for your time. thank you very much. thank you and thanks for your time as well. and joining us for this program live from moscow, this is obviously into the the good in the united states. the united nations takes a lot of heat. most americans don't like or respect the work that it does. the far right wing believes that it's the tip of the spear of the so called one world government and articles routinely appear in the american media saying that the u. n is corrupt and that its employees are lazy and overpaid. i know the truth. i used
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to work at the united nations, its employees earn their money and many of them spend the bulk of their careers in harm's way. and another truth is that the united states usually gets what it wants at the you when, because it's a bullying the security council, but that's a topic for another show. in the meantime, in january of this year, these really government arrested, detained, and apparently tortured, eat employees of the united nations relief and work agency on run over their alleged ties to come us. and that was just the beginning of a very slippery slope. i'm john kerry onto welcome to the whistle blowers the which of the world is focused on the war in gaza and on the atrocities that are taking place there. the united nations. busy in mid march that more.


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