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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, the russian defense minister, whole spoken talks with his french how to pause with must go said k showroom cautioning paris awaiting you from sending a french contingent to ukraine. pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh reaches out to his sources. i'm confirmed, said washington provided less than specific information regarding the closest city for the fact the scales in these way the parliament is relatives of the how must hostages interrupt the session demanding move make is to move with new release that enough for the
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hello and thank you very much for joining us. this is on the international coming to line from us studios in moscow. it's just gone 5 am local time here. we're going to solve this our though with breaking news. it's coming from a ron. this is where the reports of 11 people have been killed, including 3 policemen there emerging from that. now this apparently being a series of attacks, a pull to the targeting and all me regiments headquarters and also a police station. the, well, the unconfirmed reports claimed that at least 3 attacks was carried out. simple a, in your city. this is the banks, the military faces and police station standing in the southeast and all of a wrong reports. also stated at least 3 of the, of the se,
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then so wounded and another was still fine to lose. now, in the reading and official has stated, the choice of either carry unit has claimed responsibility to those attacks at the 70 millis increase was formed back in 2012 and has carried out several of trucks in the wrong in use and his most fail for anything though, on the border region between around and to top this off, the phone says intention to send troops to fight and you quite well back far on paris. this has been the message now from the russian defense minister to his french counterpart during a phone call on wednesday. the past also discussed this quote because city whole tara attack in moscow and certification group brought up ukraine's links to that tragic incident. the key pushing does nothing without the approval of the western curators. we hope that in this case,
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the french special services are not behind us. well, we discussed this latest cool with french geo political, unless series of the lots. who said that mack calling would be foolish to expect french troops to get that boots on the ground in ukraine on the phone. the signs in the new programming goes to last year in the victory for single single person or anybody like to be released from the french territory, but also to, to feel different in gauging the fund commitment even for income 3 times a $1000.00 is fine because this year in february, march from them, the sign in the green, and i can tell you that as. but if we combine both things,
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then my friends will do me our work. that's the question so far. uh, so far i work better. yeah. and my best guess to see that this person to start praying because he knows exactly what's gonna happen. frontier is just starting to freak out. we all know that the french, the french lots of the stuff that we have is free. they are not specifically the medicine already or religion for these guys medicine or raises. this is what i explained. you are members that are directly afraid of going to expect bringing behind. so. ready with the system for funding of their stuff from kind of to him to shortly give a friend who most co is now demanding a full western states. the us, germany,
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fonts, and cypress come clean about, well, they know about foreign involvements in terror. attacks in russia. the legal request has been sent by the russian prosecutor general's office, was more or less, his ortiz don't quote to a full legal requests to investigate, to finance years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to a number of western nations. specifically the united states, germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and
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fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. that this statement comes and made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years. the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last month . it was carried out by islamic terrorists who tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects and starting to look like certain
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western nations may have been implicated, as well as the ukranian armed forces, a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield. the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive prearranged coverage by the western media in the direction they need it. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croaker city hall, were financed by ukraine. also, it is known that the chief of regime is not independent, but it is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the crocus city, whole massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil.
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it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation. and ukraine kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge. and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believed to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results. so with russia now trying to. busy the western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting its rule of law where its mouth is. will pulitzer prize winning journalist single hash, has confirmed, with his soul, says that the information washington provided on the tire attack blocked any specific details. that's while west and media continues to claim that this
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information was highly specific. the american official took issue with the post account explaining that the target as depicted in the duty to one report was not known other than as a public gathering. and the c i a office as brief as spelled out in the message, did not specifically site the march 22nd concert. although it was a likely hit the worry he said, was that focusing on the concert as the target would certainly reduce precautions taken elsewhere. the official also caustically viewed the account presented to the post as being deliberately spun to make russian president vladimir putin say we are far worse. the latest article from investigative journalist seymour hersh confirms what russia has said all along that the reports given to rush it by the united states were too vague to prevent the terrorist attack. and this comes in light of a campaign in western media,
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trying to blame the attack on the russian president. now, more specifically, according to the report we understand, according to see more versus article that there was a report given by the c, i a to russian intelligence under a procedure called duty to war. and these intelligence to intelligence warnings. they included a document that was marked urgent that was provided by the c i a to russia prior to the concert. now, the official who spoke with curse, the anonymous official says that the account of this in the washington post was, quote, deliberately spawn to make the russian president's failure far worse. and that the account had been presented by someone ignorant of the process. now it's important to know that the director of the russian security services has gone into detail describing how the reports they received from the united states were simply vague
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in their language and did not provide the information that would be needed to prevent the attack. this is what the russian f s b director had to say. but i think this is the practice when the american side, even if it provides a certain amount of information, is not always specific. that is why we have to refine it to that country. now the russian prosecutor general's office has called for western countries to now come clean about what they knew about foreign involvement in terror, attacks on russian soil. they are expected to fulfill their obligations under the 1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marizza car about expressed her discontent with american warnings in the lead up to the attacks. we know we've got was a pretty we, we have become some old custom to american misinformation being thrust into the media landscape followed by refusals to attract their own statements. that i would
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very much like to ask you to get detailed factual material from the american side. maybe not detailed, just the factual material on the topic. that is one and to whom they pass this information. because you can talk as much as you want, and for a month we've heard different things about coca city hall from the united states and it's satellites. so 1st, let them tell us to whom and want to. so they gave for 54 because they were really tired of the endless me window switch open. so at this point, we have a very important american journalist coming forward in saying, what's being put forward in american media, making it sound like somehow the attack that was carried out. so it's a $140.00 against the lives of this attack was somehow the fault of the russian government. that just doesn't measure up to fax. the information that was presented to russia by the united states was very vague and could not, you know,
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enables the russian government to stop the attack. and this seems a pattern on the part of us leaders and the way that they handle this kind of intelligence in the lead up to potential attacks. well, and my colleague mike mccourt che spoke with all the contributors tar reed, who believes that the us end is allies and likely to be held responsible for any of the crimes they support for so many international work. crimes being committed right now, not only in ukraine, but also in gaza and was flouting international laws flooding treaties. and there doesn't seem to be any investigation or consequences when it has to do with western nations being involved. and that's really leading to some reflection that has the u. s. has ukraine become a rogue state by rogue state? i mean, they flout laws, they do whatever they can to, to enhance and keep their power. the fact that in the light of all of this that's
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happening, they're still going to give billions of dollars to crank in weapons. says at all they're still funding this regime. and it's not a democracy. let's talk about these. the issue of crucial information like best mm . hm oh, of what benefit is it to a country when they have information yet they sit on it and don't really use it exactly. and you, there used to be some sort of, if there was a terrorist, a threat, there would be some sort of communication even if there was rivalry going on. there would be a communication if it was rove. but in this case, you have to understand, you know, the us and britain are funding this proxy war against russia, the ukraine, their funding, it, so their weapons they're using, and they're committing these act. so this leads to the rule. international rule of law is the us and britain should they be held accountable for work crimes if they're going after civilian infrastructure, like the cursed bridge and crimea like um north string to which was
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a civilian infrastructure. they said that the ukraine was involved. they're admitting to being participating and funding a terrace act. so they're trying to deny it. they're trying to cover it up just like they covered up north spring to only this was much more egregious in the sense that, you know, hundreds of civilians were killed, many injured and you know that it was a horrific attack. and it was funded by crypto, apparently is what russian invest together said. and they know very well that the u . s. has been um, planning some ways to weekend russia from within. now you have to understand what you're talking about. why doesn't the us tell the truth about this, or that the us lied about. i racked, they lied about vietnam. they lied about many other, um, tons, like libya and it's due, right? you know, all of that mean we'd be there all night if we change all the complex, right. it's very in line with, you know, that, unfortunately, and it's,
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it's the propaganda. and unfortunately you have some people in washington that both are believing their own propaganda. and that's been the, the real problem as well. that's had to, is around our classes, have a rep that in the parliament that this is relatives also hostages. so being held by how much interrupted a session demanding their immediate release, the news will protest. this was seen smearing yellows until the windows of the public gallery and a chanting shop, which means now in the pre, several members of the opposition were seen joining any on the call to action. the relatives of how much captives all demanding be, is waiting on a mac 10 select summary sets until april hostage is retained. but we've heard from 06 and how soon it is still being held by how much. there's also one of those who's
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processing at the connected a week of distance because it's because our relatives are held in gaza for a $180.00 days now and excessive. unfortunately, the, he's going on a pause is started or be cation that was plan ahead, and we're in the midst of war. we have a hostage situation. we thought that it would be just preposterous to go on a break right now. and to just go on vacation. so he said that you shouldn't go out of and just said to stop doing your job. well, the hostages still held in god that was all the way on did to protest and to do to make sure that the people remember that there are hostages, and they have the promise of god that we do not achieve our goal. i hope that they're thinking about is saving the lives of hostages is really hostages, and putting an end to this tragedy because business. we want moses usually people
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out there on wednesday night, there was scuffles with the police that broke out. this resulted in several protest . is then being dragged away. i'm get has been building in the country for months. this is against the government of its security failings ahead of the atrocities. back on october, the 7th, the blood, the offensive in garza, i'm the failure to win the safe return of all its hostages. all tease middle east bureau, chase marie if an officer has this report. wednesday the last day of these really solomon's plenum before it is supposed to go on a spring recess, is the final day of the massive and to government pro. here in jerusalem demonstrations that israel hasn't seen since. how masses attack of cobra, that lead to the state, a war in guys that it is relatively called. now here in front of the class and within 3 days we see thousands coming to voice the concerns and demands and the
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loudest believe in london. families of these really hostages, held in could cvt in the gaz tray for 6 months. now some of them you can see them behind me there from time to time shouting and shot, meaning now in zebra, they didn't mind the release of the their beloved ones from could see between guys that now earlier today they went inside the parliament and threw yellow paint on the glass that separates the gas gallery from the connected members. some of the protests are, is also covered. the fans in yellow thing, yellow is the official color. i'll bring them home, contain that you nice relatives of the hostages and all those supporting them. the demonstrators shouted, they will be no recess until the last captive is returned home. while they were being removed from the gallery by security guards. just to remind you 134 people,
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men, women, and children and elderly remain in gaza for almost 180 days. despite many rounds of calls with different states mediating so far, there was only one deal between israel and how much less the band or the lead to the release of more than $100.00 is really captives in exchange for a number of palestinian prisoners. hamilton is really a jail since then, mine's no breakthrough has been achieved and anti government protest, so you can hear and see a line made. the yahoo is the progress on purpose because of the war would keep human power. frustration for the state is the government is acting in its own interests and not the peoples they ask for resignation and early elections. let's say can listen to some of them have to say this government has abandoned the
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hostages, the in gaza to actually get things moving. isn't the mazda discovery, be removed? we both been protesting against the silverman and now for over a year, and they've changed forms over time, but it only becomes more and more acute how this interested. they are in the future here and the actual people who live here in, in building something that allows us to live in thrive and be safe here. plus nights of protests, one violent scores of israelis took to the guys a street in jerusalem. not far from here. where the prime minister is residencies located, several of them managed to go to barricade, flashing with the security forces for testers, organizes telling people to come down and avoid the tensions. but it seems that people are not ready to give up. these really literacy, it is under tremendous domestic pressure, was blown by condemnation. also. now they have been various reasons for the
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international community to be concerned recently. for example, huge number of innocent civilians pills and is really offensive in jobs that local house minute serving for more than 33000 people died in 6 months old. the war also, israel's plans to invade densely populated area and gas is where right now, up to one point. 5000000 gallons sheltering the most recent incidents that alerted many in the world. these really army killings, 7 aid workers of various nationalities, gaza at the time. they were delivering desperately needed english, starving in play, the vague so with a lot of all the charity on it was, he's new to the laser. i'd me to take the idea of, i'm in time to try president joe biden, who said he was out range for one thing as an israel wasn't doing enough to protect
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civilians there. reaction signaling, evan d, for rates between the 2 close allies, the u. k. prime minister said the guy told him no way, canada and australia holes are reacted furiously, expressed astray is anger and concern. he met a tear and assistance, must re, to people in gaza, unimpeded and in large quantities. i think it proves a military machine which is out of control, but they fire on anything. if that could be a slight suspicion, which is in violation of all the rules of warfare that should be distinction between military and civilian targets. israel need to respect international humanitarian law, and we will make sure that that is the case. but the incident raised security concerns and threatened all humanitarian missions. currently working in the united arab emirates, pinned down the attacks stopped all it's operations in the street in an emergency
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move. well, the girls humanitarian. hey, do you guys have all the states returns to cyprus? they came from full of food that was not even on the grounds at the time when the u. n. is alerting them and is spread it across the valley still way so clearly they might get things on the ground even worse. well, guild dickman, who we heard from earlier, is now asking the international community to help with a really solve the remaining hostages, including his cousin. in the last few days, we got mixed signals and solve us were very worried. this is really not doing enough. i know that somebody is be very, very hard and of course, does not let us know whether the hostages are dead or alive, but it's not a good sign of life that the red cross even meet with them. we don't really know
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what the situation is and we're talking about serious. it's a, it's a horrible, arrogant invasion that we're facing. and we're trying to be hopeful, and we really hope that. busy joins, in order to solve this unbelievable tragedy. that's where i'm tired of. so we can have my cousin back and we can mourn for mother who was murdered on october 7th . the not all going to come back home safe. but given that most of them come back home, said that the numbers that we all are still alive, coming back home safe. i think it'll be a very, very deed is bruce to the is really society has suffered largely during the, during the last half a year. and i don't really know whether it's going to mean political to banks revised up. it's outlook for india is economy projecting
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a growth now around 7 percent. it comes shortly, else department us and the movie age, the national banks to prepare a strategy for the global acceptance of its comments, the, the re fi. we have to enhance about it. so you cannot make self reliance. we have to endeavor that our economy should be least affected by global adversities. today, part of it is becoming the engine of global growth with 15 percent in global g. d. p growth. in the circumstances, we should endeavor that our roop is more accessible and acceptable globally as well . since during the 31st acc office in 2014, the size of it in this economy has doubled. but he's now outlined a strategy that would shape the next 10 years. the indian need to has which the banking system to focus on the needs of all economic sexes. south asia strategist, dr. why and i'll, it says the new plan will help strengthen india and it's role as a global power. actually this is
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a very ambitious plan by the private this the says, the financial sector, this meeting and the this conference started in the today in bombay. so therefore, the prime minister wanted to see that india and the girl is a global achievable. and also in india have become the, an example for the leading the solid solid corporation. and therefore you want to see in the movie guide. and the thing is position as a global india has this thought for some time. now they've already started to see what that will be in the neighboring countries like bundle of the some of my life ever find the palm city like got your on and even the but i sure and also you a, i think in the i them about an active member of the groups guns are you which order the have moved away from the be the is ation on the right to the as a part of that or dealing with local currency. now we have seen that they're open to have already taken into the boss, get the other by most of the method. if you think the, the mean dominican a, the,
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the, the chinese got on sale, which also i've been having some effects on the date on it sort of each do. he gets a drop and definitely the market. so it's in the, i can do it. it's got on see also in this we own it is a, it's a webcam step such as the by the bridge, somebody or just trying to stay away from the installer and the from the phone to from the utah gene. yes. well, what do i mean? well, the initiative comes in and reported negotiations of a free trade agreement between india. um, the ration economic a union block that would reduce custom duties all a number of goods within you ration block russia remains in yes. all right, and if i latch will trade with almost 50000000000 dollars last year, payments between them, they're also made international currencies. probably of submit helium, serious. there are no problems in determining the means of payment for the black gold exported by russia. the priority is given to national currencies. this makes
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it possible not to depend on the so called rules of the game imposed by the west when carrying out the banking transactions are imagining. multi polarity in the world is resulting in countries also being able to distance themselves away from the dollar arctic contributor chris and says india is in, in an ideal position to take full advantage. i think we can see in the imagine now is not just the regional but local powerhouse. we see the amount of trade that any is doing listing is on the output did upon the increase. and of course, there are other reasons for that. we need to have a rough exasperate before, obviously always helps the country to drive. but in terms of the management of the indian economy, i just think the indians and now, you know, shaking off the shackles of colonialism which they've been doing for awhile since their independence and, and how they're doing that, just as a real dominant lighting falls and india being one of those countries,
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which is the full problem on the internet to the new technologies. now you've got a number of countries in the few multi total. well, the that is saying, no, we don't want to have one global reserve currency. we one country that uses that as that you know, that car and see to the type of what we can do and use as a essentially of what kind of war that talking about using that come and see who should be dictated really by the size of their economy, right. it makes probably no sense to anyone that everyone uses the us still know where is the us economies stuck night thing? best thing, why didn't we use or lot currencies to trade with each other. and i think we've seen the way in which the us as manage to the fiscal policy, it has been completely reckless. they had a very big warning in 2008 with the financial crash and many warnings the full that . but it see they just ignored it. they continued to print a lot of money. they've continued to recognize financial sanctions against countries. that some countries that i've done absolutely nothing to offend them, whatsoever is the amount of debt to the us. the us.


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