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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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how you see through their illusions, going underground, can the russian defense minister homespun talks with hasty french counts upon with most go certification. good cautioning parents away from sending a french contingency crane. pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh reaches that is sources and sometimes in washington, provided a less than specific information regarding the crocus, pretty pool. the tales in the is really parliament is relative to the how am i supposed to just interrupt a session demanding? you'll make this more when we release the
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hello and thank you very much for joining us. this is on the international coming to life from us studios here at most go. we have a package cuz i'm ahead but we'll get installed now with some news just a new from the japanese mutual roles and logical agency, an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.0 has struck those countries north east and perfect you're of because she might know, local media has also reported that the tri, much shook buildings in took care of this be no damage of casualties reported as of yet, and the authorities haven't issued. so no, i mean like the courses comes off to an earthquake in taiwan just yes, they will keep you updated on that. well, fox's intention to send troops to fight in ukraine will backfire on paris. that was
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the message from the russian defense minister to his french catapult and a phone call on wednesday. now, the pi i also discussed the focus city hall terror attack in moscow. and so, in case you pulled up ukraine's links to the tragic incident, the key pushing does nothing without the approval of the western curators. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind. this must go is not demanding for states. this is the us, germany, fonts and cyprus come clean about, well the know in regards to the foreign involvement in terror attacks in russia. this is a legal request as being sent by the russian prosecutor general's office. he's moving us some of these don't look forward to a full legal requests to investigate, to finance years of terrorism on russian territory. and the north stream pipelines have already been sent out by the russian prosecutor general's office to
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a number of western nations. specifically, the united states of germany, france, and cyprus, according to the prosecutor general's office. the idea is to hold these nations to their commitments, to international uh, anti terrorism agreements that they signed back in the 19 ninety's. and in light of recent events may have been violated by western nations. we express our hope that our colleagues from those countries will deal with the requests in good faith and fulfilled their obligations under the 1999 international convention. for the suppression of the financing of terrorism and the 1997 international convention for the suppression of terrorist bombings to investigate the information provided to assist in obtaining the evidence necessary for the proceedings. and to ensure the inevitability of punishment for criminal acts and exclude acquittals for political or other similar reasons. that this statement comes and made a, an increase in terrorist attacks on russian territory over the last several years.
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the most recent one of course, being the tragedy of the crocus city hall massacre that took place late last months . it's was carried out by islamic terrorist who tried to flee the ukraine after killing $145.00 people, including 6 children. moscow still investigating the details of this tragedy and trying to get to the bottom of who was actually behind it. and although key of has been pinned down as one of the prime suspects and starting to look like certain western nations may have been implicated as well. the slow, yes, as the ukrainian armed forces a needle can no longer do anything on the battlefield, the enemy is increasingly resorting to terrace methods out of impotence. the terrorist attack was well organized and was accompanied by extensive pre arranged coverage by the western media in the direction they needed. it has already been established that the direct perpetrators of the mass murder at croaker city hall, were financed by ukraine. also,
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it is known that the g ever game is not independent, but is controlled by the anglo saxons who are trying to impose the idea that the terrorist attack was carried out by isis. however, it has been noted many times by various sources that the us created al qaeda and also had something to do with the formation of isis. while the croaker city hall massacre was one of the bloodiest recent terrorist attacks on russian soil, it's far from the only one since russia launched its military operation in ukraine . kia has launched to terrorist attacks on the crimea bridge, and according to a recent article from the guardian, ukrainian intelligence believes that a 3rd attack is quote, unquote, inevitable. of course, there was no mention of the civilian casualties that resulted from those attacks in that article. but there's also the terrorist attacks on the north stream pipelines which are widely believes to have been the work of the united states, especially when the western led investigation came up with no significant results.
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so with russia now trying to hold western nations to their obligations under these anti terrorism conventions from the 1990s, it looks like the west is going to have to start putting in the rule of law where its mouth is a pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh. has meanwhile confirmed with his sources that the information washington provided on lots are attacked, lacked any specific details about. so of course, well west and media continues to claim that the information had been highly specific. the american official took issue with the post account explaining that the target as depicted in the duty to one report was not known other than as a public gathering. and the c i a office as brief as spelled out and the message did not specifically site the march 22nd concert. although it was a likelihood, the worry, he said, was that focusing on the concert as the target would certainly reduce precautions taken elsewhere. the official also caustically viewed the account presented to the
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post as being deliberately spun to make russian president vladimir putin is fairly a far worse. the latest article from investigative journalist seymour hersh confirms what russia has said all along that the reports given to russia by the united states were too vague to prevent the terrorist attack. and this comes in light of a campaign in western media, trying to blame the attack on the russian president. now, more specifically, according to the report we understand, according to see more versus article that there was a report given by the c, i a to russian intelligence under a procedure called duty to war. and these intelligence, 2 intelligence warnings, they included a document that was marked urgent that was provided by the c i a to russia prior to the concert. now, the official who spoke with courage, the anonymous official says that the account of this in the washington post was,
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quote, deliberately spot to make the russian president's failure far worse. and that the account had been presented by someone ignorant of the process. now it's important to know that the director of the russian security services has gone into detail describing how the reports they received from the united states were simply vague in their language and did not provide the information that would be needed to prevent the attack. this is what the russian f, as the director had to say, like that. but i think this is the practice when the american side, even if it provides a certain amount of information, is not always specific. that is why we have to refine it when it comes the. now the russian prosecutor general's office has called for western countries to now come clean about what they knew about foreign involvement in terror, attacks on russian soil. they are expected to fulfill their obligations under the
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1999 international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie is the car about, expressed her discontent with american warnings in the lead up to the attacks. we know we've got was a pretty we, we have become civil custom to american misinformation, beings rushed into the media landscape followed by refusals to retract their own statements. that i would very much like to ask you to get detailed factual material from the american side. maybe not detailed, just the factual material on the topic that is when and to whom they pass this information. because you can talk as much as you want. and from what we've heard different things about coca city hall from the united states and it's satellites. so 1st let them tell us to whom and want to they gave for 50 because we're really tired of their list, the new window switch over. so at this point, we have
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a very important american journalist coming forward and saying what's being put forward in american media, making it sound like somehow the attack that was carried out. so it's a 140 get us the lives of this attack was somehow the fault of the russian government that just doesn't measure up the backs. uh, the information that was presented to russia by the united states was very vague and could not, you know, enables the russian government to stop the attack. uh and this uh seems a pattern on the part of us leaders and the way that they handle this kind of intelligence in the lead up to potential attacks. the french foreign minister has said that a ukrainian wrote an attack on one of the biggest russian or refineries in talk to us and on tuesday was a legitimate defense bite. yes. now that despite the us constantly urging you quite not to target or ashen oil refineries is it could upset the energy markets only to
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keep clean is acting within the framework of legitimate defense. there we consider russia to be the aggressor based on this. there can be no other comments though, so you create a use drones and then attack early on tuesday to target rushes, 3rd largest oil refinery, representing over 6 percent of russia's entire refining capacity. so pretty important for civilians that particular target. ultimately the damage was forwarded by moscow is jeremy technology for the most part. but this is a target that's over a 1000 kilometers away from the front lines of the complex. and it's exactly the kind of thing that washington has apparently told t a not to do according to our report and financial times at the end of march. because it risks jacking up the price of oil globally, particularly if this escalates with a russian counter stripe on a similar target. that's critically important to energy infrastructure for the west
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. us secretary of state antony blinking, went over to france this week. because if there's one country whose recent rhetoric makes us look almost past assessed by comparison right now, it's for us. so here's blinking, play big cop to single of these bad top on tuesday. it has been our view and policy from day one when it comes to ukraine to do everything we possibly can to help you train, defend itself against this russian regression. at the same time, we have private support is nor enabled. strikes by ukraine outside of its territory. washington sounds like it's back. he has the room on this one. wall francis giving he has cast a gloss like pay who really cares what a nuance of hitting major oil refineries are. like generally civilian character when it's ukraine, that's doing it. even the united nations sounded more prudent than france. we stand
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against and call for a whole to all the tax on civilian infrastructure, translation. the u. n. is not going to get down and the weeds on the merits of the whole military versus civilian target qualification, in this particular case. but they are covering their behind with the toilet or plate statements saying that any and all attacks on civilian targets are bad from the office now or was that so hard? apparently friends think so granted, this whole performance does just happen to serve both washington and paris. it makes by didn't just by contrast, look more level headed headed of presidential election and acting. all tough with russia is something that's my home can use in the upcoming european elections as a wedge issue against the surging right wing. but he's trying to characterize as weak on russia, bleeding, flying over to this show is kind of like an actor traveling to film on location. maybe they can just record it and submit it to next year's oscars,
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maybe in the documentary short category and have ukranian president and former actor glenmere zalinski presented. maybe throw in some footage of mac hold boxing with coach photoshop and blake, and holding the punching bag. well, warning man, don't mess with this french guy, just totally not. i warn them that we have to stick to fighting russia and ukraine parking lot, but here is wanting to go kick down doors. in any case, russian president vladimir putin, i suggested that something is up between the countries of these respective jo verse people. who are you? why should someone, once revenge for the failures in the fight against russia, back in historical periods for the unsuccessful campaigns of hitler against russia, napoleon and the line? and someone wants to strive to maintain the gemini in today's rapidly changing world, including at our expense, naturally a huge territories to human resources,
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natural resources, and so on. to do this, including at the expense of russia, it's after it's possible fragmentation. but apparently, someone considered our country a weak link to the wrong. and in my opinion, choosing many have already realized that they are wrong. this has never happened. no one has succeeded. it will not happen. and no one will be able to do it says one of those parents stand right in front of washington like social and they just did with blanket and then just say, screw you, you craig can just do whatever the heck it wants to case closed. unless of course, washington isn't that totally cool with seeming like the level headed one for once, it would be nice to know what the u. s. is offering for as a exchange for playing bad pop role, or whether friends is just dumb enough to be doing it for free. the american journalist on political commentator tucker calls and
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a said that zalinski has snubbed multiple invitations for an interview. while discussing usa decap with congresswoman marjorie taylor green, the journalist question whether the endless payouts benefit united states, we are angry and people have had it. we don't want $60000000.00 to go to ukraine because as we slept last night tucker, we just went $40000000000.00 more in the debt. and that's because the interest in our debt is so huge and our debt is so massive. this is happening while we sleep every single night. so no, we don't want to send $60000000000.00 to ukraine. we want to put our country 1st as time to care about america. a hello. open sources have trans washington's total aid to ukraine since january 2022, to january 2024, which adds up to nearly $75.00. a $1000000000.00. that includes over 46000000000 in military age in the form of equipment,
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assistance and logistics. support of about $26000000000.00 were given in financial assistance including budget 3, a 2 kids. and that's a me, a $1500000000.00 left over with a few monetary and support was sent to the people in need. let's get more or less on cost live to eddie smith is the co director of the midwest and marks institute to discuss this further. thanks very much for joining us. doing all t international, i just to stop by asking you what do you make of the divisions within the us government right now when it comes to avoiding any, for the 18 crane? yeah, thanks for having me. it's really interesting that we're seeing the sort of isolationist trend in the republican party led by figures like marjorie taylor reed, and were in this weird situation in the united states. and i believe it's the same
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of parts of western europe where the last in this country is, is considered people like hillary clinton flyer, you know, neil level more miners who dress up their one monitoring politics and, and progressive the year for him. and so now you apologise, you to consider themselves to be who are considered to be on the left calling for more war. while these politicians are considered to be on the right, like marjorie taylor green, are sending more money to israel and ukraine. so it's really interesting and now you're seeing the intrinsic interest in the republican party. people like best mcconnell i'm trying to fight back against this isolation for installation is trained and kind of try and stamp it out. in another moment, we've got this situation. well, to see that as being this big question about move money from ukraine. we've seen that the bite and the demonstrations twice. and they've been to different funds to be able to keep funnelling money. but without that approval from congress, how likely do you think it is that ukraine is going to receive any more additional
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support from washington with that pushed back that's happening. i mean, at this point i think it's, it's likely that they'll see another stimulus. i mean, there's been a large amount of pushback, but it hasn't seem to change the by the ministrations policy. right now there's been a lot of changes to the writer with like victoria new and stepping down was previously heading out the us as ukraine policy. but i'm still the, the strategy of washington seems to be to try and get them to fight for the last few crated, keep dumping money into the products where to keep it going as long as possible. so i don't see it stopping any time soon despite the fact that regular americans are suffering and the money to be invested here at home. just before speaking to you, i went through some of the figures now the open source is saying that the us has given a run 75000000000 dollars to keep making it now the largest recipient of
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e usaid in recent years. that means it's getting more money than long term allies like israel. how do you think ukraine is managed to do that? i was a good question. it's unbelievable. but i mean, i think it's just such a a, an important point of nato's policy. they said not so much and not very 2017, that they're number one and, and he's going forward, are china in russia, and they see ukraine as being a big piece of the puzzle and their ability to, to wage awards instruction to intact rush. ringback so, and they've already don't so many resources into this, it's almost like they think we can't pull out now they, they, of course, blocked a piece agreement in 2021. they've done everything that they can to exacerbate this conflict and drive it forward. so it's almost like they're in too deep to, to pull out at this point. yeah, that's interesting in, so you take that at the same time,
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we've got congress that continues to want to book passing this new for an aid package that would include fresh was a fresh assistance. you quite what you read into the fact that it's still, it seems to be unlikely that that's going to be passed and then use of fit you. i mean, it definitely shows the feeling in the country to the americans are fed up with this for obviously 80 percent of us are living paycheck to paycheck. and now it's not just those who are on the traditional anti were left to are calling for an end to this. it's many people within the bathroom and they trump followers are calling for an end to this trump himself, and has been critique into proxy war. and i know marjorie taylor green sees herself a sort of a my trump and kind of politician. so again, there's all these isolationist voices now, on the right. and you know, i think at this point, american politics, it would be smart for us to build an anti war coalition between those on the left
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and the right who are willing to bring it in to this. but um, yeah, yeah, we'll see what happens. an additional ask you one final question, this is about the distribution of that money that's being sent to you quite some 46000000000 sent and military aid. me 1500000000 spent on humanitarian a. what you think not says about washington's goals. i think it says everything, i mean i just saw today, i can't remember what news of the post it but the russians were delivering humanitarian aid. some of the regions that they had taken just to some of the residential areas that had been bombed by the key every year. so you have russian brain, humanitarian and age of people, you know, get themselves in the people's good graces. whereas all of that us funding is going . ringback it's going towards weapons and then going towards what their ultimate goal is, just hurting russia as much as possible at
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a great time. bill visa not thanks very much for joining us today. that's eddie smith, midwest and monk's institute co director. thank you. as well. an old adults priest, a new crane was savagely beaten by agree for the young man. local police apparently stood by as the men broke into the flat rates home and assaulted him. well, footage of the attack which you're watching now has quickly spread online. women can be heard in that video, screaming for the police off screen, but none of the intruders were arrested. now, incidents like face apparently taking place and regularly with the un issuing a warning, but also don't touch human subject to constant intimidation in ukraine. we gauge reaction from former, purchased diplomats, and also william mullins. and to that,
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what you're seeing here is a group of maniacs. young men, who by the way, a power because why don't they fighting the russians as soldiers? who are the paid for? totally. i'm christian fanatics who is a committed suck, would you just act? but the question does arise, cooling us, of these maniacs and why didn't the police immediately arrest them and show it to them? which shows some good, there's something months, months of deep press on this. so i'm afraid what we're seeing is the poisoning of religion by politics the far as he's a one to as much trouble from us mostly as possible. and so they're now indulging in in symptom terrorism over actually all their own citizens. the as was to become the so vicious, has gone down to the religious level. at the end of the day though, you can never shake the face of the masses. and don't forget that what it shows
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though, is that religion is not controlled by political poisonous to well, let's had to is run our classes of a rep to day news. ready parliament as relatives of the hostages still held by homicide into up to the session that demanding that we need to release the problem. well, the process is we're seeing smearing yellow paint on the windows of the public gallery and chanting. now in see for several members of the opposition were also seen joining in on that cooling to action. relatives of how most captives are demanding that is way the parliament councils. it's some of recess until every stage is returned. but we've heard from phil vesman, his cousin is still being helped by how much he was also one of those who was protesting up because message we protested. it's because our relatives
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are held together for a $180.00 days now and excessive. unfortunately, he's going on a pause. it started off vacation that was plan ahead and we're in the midst of war . we have a hostage situation. we thought that it would be just preposterous to go on a break right now and to just go on vacation. so he said that you shouldn't go out off and then just said to stop doing your job. well, the hostages still held in god that was our way of good to protest and to, to make sure that the people remember that there hostages in the us and god, that we did not achieve our goal. i hope that they're thinking about is saving the lives of hostages is really hostages and putting an end to this tragedy because this is what we want. moses gives early people. oh thank you for your company this out. that's it. from me, louis allow me will be sitting in a hot seat next,
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i'm sure, with the july 5th. returning the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense i'm at the, in the $65.00 with the keys $195.00 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the you are of the
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kremlin. the media machine stayed on the rushes to day and split the r t spoke neck . even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the box on the
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the he has all his faults involve 4 times slot of yes. because call 0. that's what this guy for fresh and closer shots. so for this young like operation. so we have a special meaning for you to solve. yes, those are the let's say that was a tragedy is it was incredible genocide over
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people. because because of the ration german units exterminated, 50000 people among them. 22000 children. this. tell them your concentration camps. so most of them died in the senate. let's consultation kemp. the this is, liz ami, 1941. arriving in valuable slightly in the, in the town with australia. look carefully at the images. clearly, the gentleman i'll make conte in any way be seen as occupiers or enemies, but as liberators. that was especially the case with courageous capital city. is that good luck.


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