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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way in st. louis this out for the 1st time since 2022, the russian defense was to speak with his friends council box pasco. one was that process. interesting. so, sensing to fight a new claim, will butterfly on fire us $6.00. amazon abandoned is futuristic still close. i was offered to bill, but instead of using a i was checking out was one of my under paid workers in india. tango reconsider the operating, enroll phones off of that leads really a platform paintwork. however, the us remain steadfast. its support is of this white to the american being among the on bus one, a sudden suspends at 20000 elephants in the gym in that same context again. but it
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has incursions through his input from the a very well and welcome to you from the inside of the international new. see, welcome to life from. let's take a look at the subspace was defense. and this, i have have a telephone conversation with his french count about for the 1st time since 2022. they discussed the recent terror attack in moscow, as well as the plain conflict. o teens senior course. what i'm, what i'm does, it takes us through the major points in this telephone conversation between the 2 ministers of defense to place at the request. and at the insistence of the french side, the french minister sebastian liquid, knew the god bugs, pressing his condolences, who for the terrace types in moscow, he'd be the much a crew could said you who in which move of the 100 people civilians come to go with
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what to the fridge with this, the sebastian liquid new a gets ris, repeatedly and tried to convince the russian minister of defense and gave showing go that ukraine and the western countries and touches the agencies had nothing to do with this attack. elizabeth was the isis via slab it states the russian minister of defense reply by saying that the current investigation would kill long and would reach its logical conclusion. the key fishing does nothing without the approval of the western curators. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind. this is who businesses also agreed. the relations in account with tara intelligence, the those relations which itself are tremendously off to the stuff and the conflict in ukraine that they could be improved. and the both sides could work closely together to counter terrorism. furthermore,
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the subjects of french troops being sent to you can potentially was also broached with the russian defense minister saying the french troops are indeed directed to you pay for our boots of the ground if they take part in size and these will create for men. this problems for paris, there was also a change of ideas about peace negotiations with russia. again, reiterating that it is ready for peace, thoughts that the most peaceful should we base the multiples achieve. and he stumbled of the stumble piece initiative at the start of this conflict. before you can do that before you grade, pulled out the landscape by little bad, i need to go. jason sega show who also expressed again and reiterated russians position that the tools of the, the, the landscape formula tools that are being held in switzerland,
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which rush it isn't attended. but those are given to achieve nbc it was hailed as the shopping experience of the future. but as how amazon describes, is quote, just walked out stalls. i was on, they do this, those back in 2018. the technology allows customers to enter a store by identifying themselves with though i'm as an account for their like the pickup items, a woke out with the final goods or without having to interact with the cashier. oh, amazon claim it was the future, appraising the technology is magical, saying that all to official intelligent was tracking every purchase. but as i was in close is low supposedly magical souls. a new report says life, but it wasn't really a lie. a faith of indian workers was seek with me watching a remove. the shop was on manually recording what they had selected and this,
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but to the 8 i apparently still being used. the workers had to do the computers job all over again. subtract reporting took hours for them to compile the data that was then used to generate the receipts we spoke with. i'm also i'm columbus d k gary who commented about how i'm as an promoted it's tech while secretly using human labor. a lot of these is going to be the, you know, that just the, it is that, uh, strategy to market them to go to the y in the columbus kindly using um the human beings. so um, the, the old kinds of technology is exploding in the water and they have to sell it so it could be one of their marketing stuff to move your phone. never got. uh so, um, that's what i can imagine. um, you know,
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to say that did the dollar value of what it did, what as doing the packing in my mind, we believe, although we are also leading the, the kind of for new sure. and can you model for the software and computers, etc. but we believe that did what was it can never replace human beings and i need need to wouldn't be to use them. so too much reliance on technology also. is there misplaced really a strategy by us and other of the leading countries on disability? so um, yeah, it is a time to think about the reduction of the use of technology and it is into the yearly uh, in deep to going to do to implement. so any, any, did you type it into a song? a man, a neighbor rice, lloyd don, call the inside of the amazon fit as customers would turn on. the company is the extent of his work, his expectation was exposed. well,
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it appears to be both the deception and also a case of exploiting workers in india. do i think, you know, we need not, you know, always need to be careful not to disparage those workers or who are themselves being oppressed, but yeah, we're part of something really bizarre that violated people's privacy. and again, a really good, a representative misrepresentation upon consumers. several things happening here. one is, i think they feared if the consumers knew the truth. then in fact, there were, you know, a 1000 indian workers who were being exploited to pull this off if they would be reviled the reviled for that which they should be. but also, you know, reminds me of the scandal regarding that technology, you member, and i'm forgetting her name, the woman who claimed to come up with the test to test all your blood with just one drop. and that was big fraud. this sounds very similar to that right today. they
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probably want to have a, i to be able to do that. they hadn't yet developed the technology, so they essentially perpetrated abroad upon people wireless and i sent this out to them in these a ship carrying humanitarian supplies for positive. as we tend to cyprus office several a was killed and is really asked like on that come way in gaza. the under the aid was part of a shipment of spending 40 tons being sent to gauze of my c wells central fiction in a group working in the throughout the was just now suspend this operations by following the idea of time, you in a sense that the killing of humanitarian workers has impacted already struggling 8 assets for civilians in the us. we can only underscore once more the delays and the denial of humanitarian missions. not only prevent us from reaching those in need,
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but they also impact other operations and delivery by diverting scarce resources. 2 little lines of 64 and 8. what others have been taken by amazon through the rough crossing into egypt, where they had have been handed over to the countries representatives. they talked on the he might of setting convoy to international condemnation and highlights of the dangers faced by 8 workers in the reach of the as a hospital in gauze, expressed requests for little offices and describe those who died as monsters. although he met 70 to the home said to have that set up, the martyrs include 3 british civilians, as well as one american, one australian, and one poll. they are martyrs, that there are few minutes harry and duty. they were targeted by these rarely occupation yesterday. and today we bid them farewell and deliver them to their families through the rock for crossing via the united nations. as you can see, the coordination has been finalized to transfer them to their home countries. for
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now, the world central kitchen has suspended a 2 man to terry and work. the situation is tragic for the displaced as well as for the staff and patients at mohammed yusef almo jar hospital, where the services by the world central kitchens have stopped, which is now as you can see, the palestinian people are bidding farewell to those martyrs, provided humanitarian aid to our people, despite the international outcry over the coming of age was, as the us is not ready to condemn, is i like is my or a binding is meant feasible. as we need to see what they, what they find as a result of this incident, they have already admitted that they end up to destroy, save already publicly said their fault for this. right. and they're working their way through the specific findings and details. and i think we need to let them finish that work and speak to it themselves. so i'm not prepared at this point to,
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to uh, to speculate about anything we might or might not do. you know, we were, we're gonna have to wait, see what the investigation says. finalize of those. a 2 of us who was killed are in morning one of the workers was let me find on who's what it is in. india told auntie that she was on a scene, monetary mission to prevent starvation. the details are on our website oxy dot com, the, the son of policy and political lead, a model one bottle go to says his father has been suffering from physical and psychological abuse. while and is really custody, he made those comments and exclusive interview with optic. that hello everybody. thank you very much for joining us today. thank you for having me. we're meeting you today because they have been allegations from your family that your father met one but go see one of the most prominent poundstone in fingers has been physically and psychologically assaulted while it is really jail. could you please tell us
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more about that? there was so after october, the 7th, as part of the collective punishment, the policy of those 80 government, they started punishing prison has left right and centre on didn't know we know about the cases of abuse and even killing understanding. but it's can prison has 812215 document that the cases of getting to attend the present as a know entity and confirmed, you know, those 5 months. yeah. since october, the 7th. and this is something that we haven't seen before. the violence is on the we have testimonies from prisoners inside that got abused and got beaten up with no medical treatment. and amongst these, uh there isn't as, as my for that lead to something. but he was moved to sort of the confinement and i was, i had no fault that prison was moving to him. he asked him to put his hands behind
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his back end is down in front of all of the prisoners to humiliate him as anatomy that and he refused to do so. so they forced him to do it, which got his shoulder dis, located and they didn't get any medical treatment for that. he was moved to between uh for the different events i offered to it. i'm let, i'm literally many him back to london to know me to do. and during those times he's a kept in a very tiny said one. uh they book the window. they don't even think of in the very minimum food he'd already lost. then kilograms, the, the keep the abusing, get him in different ways, very many. and even physically because we just learned. busy from a lawyer, the doctor visited an inmate of his that he was attacked and brutally
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beaten up on march 6th. and these additions were confirmed by him because he was visited by his lawyer a week ago for the 1st time and the to this lawyer. and he was beaten up, he was left leading for 3 hours on the floor, and he didn't get any medical treatment and the best, the best out. and didn't understand what was happening. and then he found many bruises and many entities on his right foot on his back, on his shoulder and even on his forehead. your father is an old man. what can you tell us about his condition right now? my father is yes, he is not the young anymore. i wish he was. he's 64 and i know he's going through a very tough conditions. the most dangerous thing is his uh, the nutrition. they don't give him and they give him very minimum food of it. and then of course the many abuses that they are using against him. but we are very
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concerned about his life. and they think that there is a policy of all started getting him because of the is the government does not want the, you know, to see someone like can being released. and they are going crazy about the news that they might be released as far as i understand the warren guys or has dramatically affected your father and other palestinian prisoners. well is the reason for that. the reason is the, the color, the punishment, the policy by the is really government. they, they haven't changed, that of they would own was financial into protecting. i'm thankful for anything that anyone does. and i think that the, the took advantage of october the 7th to continue with that project offered cleansing, and even to genocide the understanding of people as we can see and goes. and i think that they took advantage of the fact that everyone is busy with the genocide
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and goes to abuse the but it to get better than this. and as i said, we have had about this to me on years that i never expected to hear to them from prison. were talking about the beating, get people up until they die. one of them is the guy who painted this office, so he's a 25 year old guy who didn't have anything to do with politics. events. and he was taken on october 25th, and he even has a newborn daughter and he was left outside in the open area with no food, no water for 2 days. and the, the itd simply died. they just take the body and they, uh, remove it from that. we have many other cases that are the same. have you tried to contact these really prison service regarding this matter for your father and other prisoners? what our communication usually happens with that cross and unfortunately those are
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usually present alternatives not to go for anything with that across whatsoever. and they know that they are doing these things against the international law. and yet no one is able to stop them. unfortunately, i think that the government has gotten a fleet green light for the west and government to do whatever they want with the understanding and people. and i think that the, but it's good for it isn't as issue is a very sensitive issue towards up in stevens and especially in the west bank because this is something that could escalate things in the us bank uh, dramatically actually the us and some middle eastern countries have recently expressed that concerns about one by go see and how hayes traded in his rarely jail and the conditions of other palestinian prisoners. how has israel respond and then do you expect any changes following these titans? so we highly appreciate all the support and the pressure that is being put on there
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is really government to, to understand the sensitivity about uh, mistreating. and even targeting someone like my for that with the has the impact on the but it's to me and people and his popularity. i think that this is something that we, it is a very aware of. and we are very thankful for the governments. but we need to see his change, we need to see that at least he is being treated with dignity. and i think that it's, it's something positive that the western governments are giving your attention to this issue. but we want to see the difference back to a defense inside prison. what would you expect to see what steps would satisfy you? at least for the moment, of course, what, what types find me is for him to be released and we are very confident that positive that they will be released. but uh at the moment for him to get out of the
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solitary confinement and for the in human conditions like the food, the minimum food and the water and electricity. and you know, things like taking the mattress every day at 5 and bring it back as 9 pm. things like that. be think up that there isn't as and all of that. these are things that we want the one that to end because these are all against the international law. and unfortunately there's a government to that they don't care about the international law. so what couldn't be done actually, sanctions against israeli government, or i think the p s i b. what we want is, of course, to see sanctions and to see punishment against the government for violating the international law of and to stop seeing that they say these are above and below the international law. they have been above the low for decades now. but since they're getting the creation of the state of wizard and even de leon ok patient or felt that the student that have to be since 1967. and i think that you know,
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the genocide in the atrocities and domestic good is that they are practicing and goes is the biggest proof that the world has lost sense of humanity. because if they had any sense of humanity they would stop in is like they are trying to stop any other country to, to have any i get us in towards any other con, your father, my one but go say is a 4th a, they knew the toefl come master's list of prisoners, that one's israel through needs and exchange for these really hostages held in guys, i'm how all the 10 so is that your father will be released and that is real. accept they still, we are very confident and very positive that my father wouldn't be the least. we think that it will and you make sense to someone like my father and we'd be the lease because my father is someone that has to get in for the against the illegal occupation of, of palestine for more than 50 years now. and do spend 50 years of his life in prison, 7 years and exhausted. and i need position that he's had to do it in cuz the getting
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it was uh, elected. and he's a big believer in democracy. and also he's a big believer in peace, and he's someone who has supported those low chords and support. and this process the in the ninety's and even after the ninety's. but when he realized as any other student, and they say is, are only playing us and they are not serious about that. he is just please because that's the key point to, to my father. he understood that as any other people who we have the right to resist the legal documentation of a country and it's legal to do it as, as the legal piece sense. and i didn't know he, i think he still believes in the time, the chance of the 2 state solution that is left. but i'm not sure how realistic died. is there any more just to make it clear you believes that your father could become part of an exchange still between his ro and thomas right or released for
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another reason. the most realistic option is the an exchange with the, with the resistance. and i think that we are very hopeful that that will happen. and not only him because we need to remember that there are many, but it can lead us inside, present like governments are death and others need this. and also we are hoping that or, but it's to me and political prisoners underneath because it just a, it's, it's amazes me the fact that everybody is losing their minds about there's really hostages and nobody is talking about the kind of senior children that are being at an under administrative detention, which is in the good boy instead of nice in the lower the women in the sense men that are there for 2 years without knowing what way they did it. we one business can stand up to and, and to have all the every but bitterly stephen does read it listed as you mentioned that already. and indeed your father is very popular among the palestine in public
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end. but one by go say is even considered as a potential candidate to replace the current head of statement with a buzz. have you talked to your father about that? does he have any plans? yeah, so that during the, in the past in the 2021 elections that got cancelled as the words, he was planning to do it on foot. cuz then i haven't talked to him after that about this because i barely see him. i see him maybe once a year, sometimes to a once every 2 years that so for 45 minutes visitation with i can't even touch him . i can't. uh, we have to talk through the phone and all of that and it's a very exhausting den. it took a day, but i think that this is something that i wouldn't wait for him to decide. i for me, i'm his son. all i care about is that my father is backdoor our family. he has the 60 grandchildren that he's never met before. that's. that's something that uh, i kid about the most. i had
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a good thing cuz if you took any it or because but it's just a, this is something that he has the right to decide. and also of course, the 1st thing that people have the right to decide on that. do you think israel is interested in? it really isn't someone as popular as your fathers. so i think that there's really government is not interested in uh, someone who was internationally recognized. and my father is someone who is an international that could recognize and we have a very successful the companions for him in many countries around the world. and of course, that kind of disclose to my mother who had is a message to all over the world. he's even there knowing that it's sort of an open peace prize. and he's someone who's really committed to peace. but uh, i think that the kid is that he's committed to just peace. he wants to take any piece like that piece that, that he does. i think this will end up in a standing people which has no authority over the no authority over to the people
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and just do what they call and the set of governments. so i think that's what the, what makes it a bit uh complicated. i think the current government is very clear about their refusal to accept the scene in state. and i don't think that there is any hope for the piece in the region unless we have our independence over in the state. and we see that we are free and. busy live with dignity on over the land. we have the indigenous people understand and i think the government has the taken steps to uh, show everyone that there up interested in any piece process. but i think that if it says a, become the serious about any future piece of process. my father's someone who of course is, has been interested in that 40 years now. all right, thank you very much for your time and for your thoughts. we wish your family house
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and to see your father back home as soon as possible. thank you. thank you so much . the, the southern african nation of botswana has to, i sent a send a 20000 elephant to jeremy, but then also it was through the input of hunting trophies and bought swan is presence. that is, i could cut tourism to his country. i result in an over population of the great memo. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in botswana where paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want mrs. lamb kit, whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the science. if you liked them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try to tell us to. box one is offered to send 20000 elephants to germany is not shocking. as berlin one of the books one has largest hunting trophies in porters
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continues to entertain the idea to bend those imports. both want us, president emphasizes once again that the band suggested would impose great threats on local communities. officials eps trust, any band would mean the already $130000.00 strong elephant population would only grow more, which in turn would have worse and poverty in the community. germany though, does not want to hear any of that. they are essentially responding with no, no, we know better. this bad is for your own good germany as a key country and the you must finally take responsibility and stop the unnecessary shooting of countless endangered animals at a time. but more animal speeches, audrey scoff, extinction than ever before. any additional threat to the continued existence of species must be excluded. the shooting of lines derives leopards and other animals speeches by trophy hunters whose populations have significantly decreased in recent
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years can not be justified. often decades of setbacks, jerome one you must find that would take a stand for the ethical and sustainable protection of specious of it. indeed is much more comfortable to sit in europe and impose dangers decisions on another sovereign state miles away. but hey, there just europeans would have good hearts and careful wild life, except that the catch is they are not the ones to deal with. the consequences was even more interesting is the fact that germany's master plan is not quite original a bit earlier the u. k. came up with a similar idea, but it's one i again had to thoroughly explain why this band presents risks for the country. we implore your government to carefully consider the implications of an acting, the hunting trophies and port prohibition bill. such
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a decision could have far reaching negative consequences on wild life populations exacerbate human wild life conflicts undermine conservation efforts, and impact the livelihoods and wellbeing of communities residing in wild life areas and over population is an easier way for wild life to mix with humans. it also means that the times when a wild animal wouldn't dare to step into a humans home, are long gone. wild animals can no longer be intimidated or scared of humans. instead, they will be found next door eaten crops leaving people hungry, stealing water from pipes, leaving the community thursday. and that is something only locals understand very well. they are killing children who get in their path. they trample, indeed, farm is crops leaving africans hungry. they steal the water from pipes that is flowing to the people. they have lost the fear of humans. i want britons to have
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a taste of living alongside elephants, which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts than people. the floods want to is not alone in this its neighbor and the media is suffering from apparel scenario. despite explaining the negatives common from the trophy, hunting in port span is formal colonial rule or germany choose us to turn a blind eye. nevertheless, and it may be a studious ground, an openly called the band in neo colonial interference. we consider any input restrictions or bands of trough is listed in c, i. d. s convention of international trade and endangered species of wild phone and flora attendance is one and 2 which go beyond the c i. t as regulations as unilateral unlawful, new colonial interference with our sovereign rights. the sustainable use of our resources. europe's heroes syndrome be.


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