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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the result is this uh, for the 1st time it says a 2020 to the russian defendant submitted to speak with this person to walk from most of the one the prompts of intention to sign. the fight in your brain will butterfly empower us to take joined amazon vitamins. it's going to a 6. so concept also is a reveal the, instead of using a i, a, the old semantic checkout was run by underpaid, was in india was having the reconsider operating in multiple and gaza often that these really insight on the aid was however, the us from instead false, and it's simple as well. this flights in america than the among the on
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bought swan. i strengthens or send 20 files and database to get my, the not the same process. the buttons intention to restrict the inputs of huntington for the is just going 11. am here in the russian capital. welcome with a new catching the news from today. this is all to i'll tell the story. russia's defense smith. i have had a telephone conversation with his friends council for the 1st time since 2022. they discussed the recent pair of times in laska as well as the plain conflict on t c. net costs. what guns takes us through the major points. this telephone conversation between the 2, minnesota zip defense to place at the request. and at the insistence of the french side, the french minister sebastian liquid, knew the god bugs,
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pressing his condolences, who for the terrace types in moscow. the march of proof, a city in which most for the 100 people civilians, concert goes to the fridge with this the semester. they're quoting, you a gets ris repeatedly and try to convince the russian minister of defense of detroit go that ukraine and the western countries and touches the agencies had nothing to do with this attack. elizabeth was the isis the slab. it states the russian minister of defense reply by saying that the current investigation would kill long and would reach its logical conclusion. the key fishing does nothing without the approval of the western careers. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind us. the 2 businesses also agreed the relations in towns of terra intelligence, the those relations which itself are tremendously off of the stuff and the conflict
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in ukraine that they could be improved and the both sides could work closely together to counter terrorism. furthermore, the subjects of french troops being sent to you can potentially was also broached with the russian defense minister saying the french troops are indeed directed to you pay for our boots of the ground. if they take part in sizing. these will create friedman, this problems for paris. there was also a change of ideas about peace negotiations with russia. again, reiterating the disease, ready for peace, thoughts that the, those please folks, should we base the multiples achieved in you stumble, of the stumble piece initiative at the start of this conflict before you create you that before you grade, pulled out the landscape by little bad. i need to go, she ation sega show, who also expressed again and reiterated russia's position that the tools that they
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use, the landscape formula tools that are being held in switzerland, which russia, it isn't the attendance that those are given to achieve anything it was hailed as the shopping experience of the future. that's how i'm is on this guy. this quote just woke out stalls. i'm isn't davy, the sole is back in 2018. the technology allows customers to enter a store by identifying themselves with their amazon con, from the they could pick up the items of bullcrap, would that file goods all without having to interact with the cashier, amazon. okay, and it was the future, appraising the technology as magical, saying that off the visual intelligence was fucking a repurchase. but as i wasn't close, it is those suppose that the magical stalls,
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a new report shows like that it was a really a i a faith of a new was, was see quickly what seeing a remove of the shop was. i'm manually recording what they had selected. and despite the a i apparently is still being used. the workers have to do the computers job will over again to check it. reporting took hours for them to compile the data that was then used to generate the receipts. oh, there we spoke with over here in columbus. didn't came here from you, debbie, he commented about how i'm as and promoted as tech was secretly using human labor. a lot of these is going to be good because you know that just the end is that uh set to do the want. get them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using the new human beings. so, um, in the mean, the old kinds of technology is exploding in the world and they have to sell it. so
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it could be one of the marketing stuff to move your phone. never got. uh so, um, that's what i can do my due. um, you know, to say that did the dollar value of what it did, what i was doing, the packing in my mind, we believe, although we are also leading to the kind of for new sure. and can you model for the software and computers, et cetera. but we believe that i didn't want to get an able to please human beings need needs human beings to use them. so too much reliance on technology also is there misplaced a really a strategy and by us and other of the leading countries on disability? so, um, yeah, i mean it is a time to think about the interaction, the usual click on it and it is in the, in the, the government did work on it. so, i mean, it is, i can type it into a song, human and labor, right?
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this lawyer dime coveted says that amazon said it's customers would turn on the company if the extent of its work exploitation was it supposed? well, it appears to be both a deception and also a case of exploiting work nursed in india. do i think, you know, we need not, you know, always need to be careful not to disparage those workers or, or who are themselves being oppressed, but yeah, we're part of something really bizarre that violated people's privacy. and again, a really good, a representative misrepresentation upon consumers. several things happening here. one is, i think they feared if the consumers knew the truth. then in fact, there were, you know, a 1000 indian workers who were being exploited to pull this off, that they would be revile the reviled for that which they should be. but also,
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you know, reminds me of the scandal regarding that technology remember, and i'm forgetting her name, the woman who claimed to come up with the test contest, all your blood with just one drop. and that was a fraud. this sounds very similar to that, right? that they, they probably want to have a, i to be able to do that. they hadn't yet developed the technology, so they essentially perpetrated abroad upon people another country in the global south that is suffering from western dominance is the democratic republic of the congress. the was largest produce of cobalt is struggling with the marietta of health issues committed with the mining of the michael. a recent study has revealed a high risk of reproductive disorders and other problems.
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the despite the previous studies and publications, little action has been taken, leading to an increase in health issues. mining companies, lack updated environmental and social impact assessments. while they update mineral
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processing technologies mitigation plans for pollution, incidents are often neglected in water. pollution has led to widespread illnesses within communities, especially affecting women, young girls and children. the environmental protection is not a priority for these companies. their focus lives on production and profit generation. major corporations like tesla, google, apple, and microsoft as end consumers purchasing minerals from the d r. c, share responsibility due to their financial capacity and supply chain control to ensure human rights compliance in sourcing minerals and verify that their purchases originate from rights respecting cycles long. the
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buyer saw the tensions now in the middle east, a ship carrying, imagining suppliers for the past is, has returned to cyprus, off the several aid will cause a tube in his way. the s like on the coal boy in gauze. the under living a do is part of a shipment of spending for seats and being sent to gauze and by see the world central kitchen, an aide group working in gaza throughout the was just now suspended at operations. the following. the idea of attack, the u. n. a said the kidney, a few mandatory workers has impacted the over the struggling aid efforts for civilians. gosh, we can only underscore once more the delays and the denial of humanitarian missions . not only prevent us from reaching those in need, but they also impact other operations. and delivery by diverting scarce resources and remains of 64 and i was having taken by m is through the roof of crossing into egypt,
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where they have been handed over to the countries representatives intact on the humanitarian convoluted through international condemnation and highlighted the dangers faced by 8 workers in the region of the hospitality in gauze and supposed to be great for the losses. and as far as those died, as martha's of the humans are increasing the by without the ends of up this program versus the side. the level is currently speaking, i'm around say, live most good with for and in buses. next, isn't it to give the floor to administer love or else with this, but the gentleman, b, o, x o n, c's? no, good afternoon the, our meetings for the discussion, but it says some of the processes that are developing in the world because it was also some concern. so for those of you as long as prepared and finally been
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unleashed by the west, the hybrid war against the russian federation goes to the hands of the ring and visions have become a tradition. for us, the most viewed the video is the best time in january. and with this here, with this, this is lake issues of the militarization of the key of regime. there apparently lives in your most that's considered, these are persons to own the un security council. upon this initiative, the russian delegation dealt with multiple times today. what i would like to review humanitarians and legal aspects, including the human rights and aspects of the training process. i'd like to remind you that you know, it's very well 10 years ago the power was grabbed by the parents and autism, as it is the see now it did, it was an anti constitutional coded top. it was, they repealed the status of a russian language. has it reached them in sort of our way and sold the status of the russian language? is the state language that's showing the true intent and regarding the,
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the ration of human rights is up to the same rights of minorities us up. because that does have a sense of the real, of course, as to its own versus to because of the people there to refuse to recognize the letters on the vehicle sloop us loser. but a legitimate, obviously i'm them are you still get that the shows and that it's a group. and then there was a referendum in front of me at the out of wish you originally all know, screwed by mia returns to the russian federation. so it's what i saw on my own, it's a decent clip. so this year with the rising of the samsung, the grocery local unit system abuse. that goes away and we like to receive script it out. so just the right thing is stay on the 10th anniversary of the terrorist that's just due to ration against the people on bus feel like she wished. the key version that you marked as nazis sure. to be honest, getting older sermon that he said to give you the tool that you use,
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the new to it because that's or sign you up because the same proclaimed the people of little goes because don't ask republic with your service just as far as using to recognize, be there's really let me check it a little bit else does a bones for residential areas and don't ask them about it as an all taylor and i've ation lima looks look what are you with with the science, the honest forces, brain rather just do face counts of so called the council service operations to you, but the involves irregular possibility, melisha battalions, comprised of blatant office. i mean it was as old, i dog and many other problems. and as all patel is naples before, long before the beginning of the special notional crazy. so you'll see the list to go over and move with yourselves. the done by the russian was fighting it. so people say why lation? if somebody could bring them to sean scheme, as all the thailand has been included by the lives of american families and those
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are the least of organizations, even though you guys are punished about submitted the, the health and the supplies and use equity to glover a. but it was written, yeah, that's the, that's is the fact the police are wrong and screwed his room was spelling normally the supply in reference to that, just, you're not seeing lots of the names the but what do you mean the game, the more for europe and where you states that you have to deal with the design that's in the published and now they want to turn the state for sherry lawson. hey, what's the rate to the price they want to make it mandatory is listening to the large with the sources of this. i'd say to remember stays instruments here to me in the email to provide the school. what is financing those as well? and so your cameras asked me if you get us only for him to continue to fight thing as russian, but a ration you let us on, the zillow could i use that alone resolved no excuse, but the front investigations are process aspect traits and by the military
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battalions at the office of the brain. i use them including social assertion, really slow, horrifying savings. but 48 people live in the union's house in odessa. if, if she'd be able to put some sort of full change, there was no investigation. that's what it was on to have a token investigations to a selective so slow you to put that super quick to say that the little project. but the come through. it was just the just and attempts to, i'll say, you know, being council to take the investigation of the control about this look for you here in the district. but that's the growth of douglas of somebody's account. so wasn't powerless for the folks. no, no, to that the decided mean skewed the c e sent over to say a does a bus and the minister agreement as for science and approved by the us security council muscle results you make sure he just makes cause reasons provided for a special status of a smaller law so fast the rights to stick their own language from rice to have
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their own law enforcement agencies. i still believe it's associated with this. sometimes the right sort of thing comes and said it was assign assigned name, just like it doesn't charge. is there a be show personally to say what president control reasonably mean? excuse me, with my most, with the varsity trying you for and see because of the subset of the it was you in the case of the music acquaintance of the u. s. is up with you, but strongly show to them romances resolution and some of the images to hooked up thrown that the were absolutely false is on bus. see, miss, but i will go to the saw your music, you will check them so they don't pass simply wanted to so much it would be so used to stick their own language to have the right to know and love the history of their traditions. so to their students, religion needs for me to, to some studies you know, group let us know or see the principles that had been growing there for centuries
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familiarly as i said. so the shelter of management agreements and the salt to the president or some foam and a direct violation, a to a little bit minutes, but the months for a cease fire and a direct dialogue with sensitive and don't pass. she was too much something to do president for a handful of meals in 2017, really me on to sort of the speech that i'd say. i'd be able to turn the saw both anti terrorist operation into a utilize it for software ration we sort of as a, as a full scale army authorization to us on reaching or against like lessons through the button. although he was the like said, it made sense, a 1400 us 1000. i am the president of the pages that they should do. it's not so much like president last came to the tennessee. so you might say it was like i said under the same motto, you were pulling that new scale to do a promising to stop the war immediately to send a signal to main street. they were the figure where we are now. what do you live at the completion of all those years?
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we have known exact believe it has in st officially at the functions at tech positions of don't boss and service are falls and lines that agree with this model . and the suit now is the, the welcome friends by the us international council and the verdict of january 23rd to you is you started us assessments or tools that does also put as much international cards. no to didn't mind to be on screen, little noticeable. whichever reason why she is so recognized, don't ask and look at staples and public service organizations, but that i see spoofing. it also splintered, refused. he says the in the rest of the situation, this is on 0 terrorism to you, but i've done yet as it goes on the end, this very decorative notified a new york deck is ation. so the key of rushing still in the bus, but to do it, at least on the same tower as they were claiming that's responsible for the russian federation. so for the ends on this, with this bird explained to national court,
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essentially confirms that kids aggressive actions against donors can look down and been, there's based on why is the key of that area outside of the sort of an international quotes utilities malicious because they are the most sort of houston accusations against russia and we would have sure thing now mh $117.00. no, no good. the challenge from a task is updated to you and your 2 of us. so we just put him in the also frontier said to keep speculations on some race. doesn't leave much of these impressions on impressions and by me a put up lecture them is up with them. but i did see that the thing is that see me viewed of them. there's no to the secretariat, refused to, with the renewal process provided by western organizations and excerpts from materials provided by the russians in relation to the international goals and some of the forensic science a free. so the use of them which for ultimately ruled by the thoughts as a valid or that's
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a big one. the are in front of you is least mostly to see me as liquids, but doesn't look good because she will be able to familiarize yourself with the most exciting. that'd be of these documents showing how crazy it is. developing the newly in schools in kindergarten on thursday to restore, including monuments, crane in and let me finance. i talk salter bainbridge store and as well due to the movie and the children, which deserves all in a time when you have the minutes to you to rush and i see some mentors and public segers has been destroyed in places where a russian empire at once built roads, sushi swords, in rain waist. it was about shots you are with me on today. the seats in it prints . are these look, i think go back to this are given a listen to the terrorist as the reason for his actions and the crime itself has become plaintiff,
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lead terrorist to reduce change because of the sort decade dylan evan, terrorizing their own citizens. the solutions is inside and outside of salvatore, and i would like to express that everyone's here. destitute for yourselves. i would say with the russian people might have to go to pursue in connection with that bar executive terrorism. that's insults to progress, all set of holes and i have to go back to the 22nd of march 24th. we have whole receipts. your let me say those days we know that to your employees and colleagues to the false and morning ceremonies on this issue. is but will send all this symbolizes our unity, and our commitment to 5 minutes have arisen in any form of use and manifestations without any compromises, without any double standards needs. and if someone was to lead me through the proceeding attached so that terrorism has no nationality or religion, it's the ultimate. so. ready email, excuse me, that as soon as you know this active service in the state and accidentally
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investigated by the investigation committee for cyprus, general's office and other law enforcement agencies, would you? and it has already become all this stuff. we go to the city of doing it. i'll shoot you this thing you'll been reporting it was little bit at a loss without the ukrainians to price, from looking through the categories to just give them up and a few grains involvements, and many other aspects of terrorism. and the russians favorites for me because there's no, it's out to anybody else. i mean back. so service in the say can lies i'm showing on this to gain then $2.00. can you like you to defend enter injury is a harvard 11 in his driver. so shipping a new so that the death of the labels age. if we're interested in the, you know, man tech, i guess, to find me in the fridge of some text, i've sent that as bergen's phone here to the minister of foreign affairs as options that russian has recently passed on, official demands on to do with the premium authorities and just immediately sees
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any steps of the support terrorist activity system was not expedited for the conference. so and compensate total damages on the, on the see a little bit of info that was a visa on in for be a compliance and international terrace which is going to be international law. and so far as in terrorism and money going during the these conventions system provides for relevance. the publications, lupo, new indian, our address to the key of your machine. we do moms is that we can do that to you to solve locations that are under which to me on the piece of machinery aspects of the old states, from the center of the vertex of the international forces. when considering what it basically initiates samsung cameras name and it's masterminds. let's move on to keep the mind you. that's the right. it's as far as the problem by the international un, towards the silver, the, there is a cause ations against russia and terrorism. assembly one of the many un
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resolutions, if that's hard points and really anti russian in nature, those are thought seems to be considered as a to b. and that's where explains the absence of goals. and it says use for is the which and now to continue using the un general assembly or go slowness. i'd really, we still have using the standing anti russian. the solution isn't we should be using one of them in rush on servers will be on rounded. but other than us, but union funding, you mean you still with us? the get was like, just along with the address, the minister of foreign affairs, our secretary generals of office, the shooting. you could us them the bottling inside of our bands. favorite space, the phones that i'm addressed as by individuals and organizations. if you could sort of address them to the us gallery from the ship facing the actions, we expect them to take the international group of the recently this last factors
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with this the most is that only that show that the ukraine, english, he was complex as the person, terrorist of titles, the solution you are the people, mostly elizabeth, international courts during the care range. this could have been, let's see, could i even speak? you could even skip that, the claim presented as solomon as a fighter, i guess discrimination of them by me as the top top is like roku that we should though suggest you could i use but i'm skipped out those sites to all the here as well by me, i was considered part of your brain into her language, was not a good one year. but look, frank recognized by the cameras and you can also, single models has been built and i can get them to create a new frame. all they recognize the top to our language and after fi me a voice with the reconciles, i see square united, russia and the smarsh sunset uses as a full team cru. see, could i used the last one, russia. we still announced the state languages, other public,
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a pride in russian to bring it in and talk to our language of the images of remove score of the one you would see you have 3 typical when you go to the mosque has been found to inquire, may i spell the 1st time, the bar stools, the video to something that looks pretty good. they have never seen the ones we've been playing was really live and then so uh, so could i use the pool, use the thumbs up initially. let me remind you to most of it as much of your brain as band old asked me to add to magic ation. you or you propose the institutions and cultural events and russian language, you know, but you know, from the luggage discrete energy attacks against they that's the discharge from beads, legally orange, the pool is not facing hands of the martian there. but i see if you get upset with most of them, they get the name of i do that stance is elusive. when you do, for many years,
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the ration has been supplying the filing resolutions to your end with all of this, of the sales board or buying, but to do with us as a silver. and ukraine has been saying that just to look up the ways within benefit those resolutions are specific to justifying a special needs for operation. just to let me emphasize the fact that they haven't been introducing over the filing this resolutions as trends a 2005 was me. she took with me on the tip of the window. she never has your pain voltage for this dr. lynch, which has been supported by the overall the majority of the states, but it was so it's refusing to vote in trends in 2005 and groceries into health for resolution sort of fine. s, as i'm moving the reps in pain in people headphones during almost against this during world war 2 is going to use us and that's something i would say. that's the
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task that was the skis, fight thing, the glorification, the do this as soon as my proposal projected by the training and routine main name, the involve default is special, notional pricing stuff, but it doesn't. and then right now that sort of deal with it was so united states as a living in other countries, electrical, lex and was, you know, you can see the to the last 2 is a car, 2 issues world out of the key version. use up products that have been use, i've seen you log in and there's not. and then you can use is up at the room number associated with your facility. much to key verse, i believe of the west street. so when use this note is usually used to create the thing is of sydney on the spare place on the plane, or what could i mean or just tracing the actions you, what are we doing in the quote and then we're going to set up a problem i'm sure we have kind of the office of this just brain. so guess human


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