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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the the, this, i'm sorry, so this off of the 1st time says, so it'd be 20 to the russian defense of this being. first accounts of moscow was the positive intention to include the bikes. the brain will impact the 2nd half of the binder. that's futuristic store concept, but ultimately reveal, but instead of using a high, they also want to check out with one of my underpaid workers in india. reconsider operating in road school. and in regards of the deadly is really it's back on the aide. what. however, the us remains instead faucet, it's simple to isabel despite the american being among the odds of pop
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swan, i threatens to offend $20000.00 elephants in germany concept prototypes again. but his intention to restrict the impulse of thing for the . okay, it's good to have good company today for the latest global news on of i'm, i'm on a and this is our feet into that we saw was on top. so it was defensive as i have had a telephone conversation with his friends council for the 1st time since 2022. they discussed the recent terror attack in moscow, as well as the clean conflicts all to the senior course. what i'm, what i'm guessing it takes us through the major points, a telephone conversation between the 2 ministers of defense to place at the request . and at the insistence of the french side, the french witnessed the sebastian liquid knew the god bugs,
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pressing his condolences, who for the terrace types and most of the much improved procedure in which move of the 100 people civilians come to go with look to the french with this the semester, they quoted you a gets ris repeatedly and try to convince the russian minister of defense and gave showing go that ukraine. and the western countries and touches agencies had nothing to do with this attack. and this was the isis, the slab. it states the russian minister of defense reply by saying that the current investigation would kill long and would reach its logical conclusion. the key fishing does nothing without the approval of the western careers. we hope that in this case, the french special services are not behind us. the 2 businesses also agree that relations in count tara intelligence the, those relations which itself are tremendously off to the stuff the conflict in
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ukraine that they could be improved and the both sides could work closely together to counter terrorism. furthermore, the subjects of french troops being sent to you, k, potentially was also broached with the russian defense minister saying the french troops are indeed directed to you paid for our boots to the ground. if they take part in sizing. these will create friedman, this problems for paris. there was also a change of ideas about peace negotiations with russia. again, reiterating the disease, ready for peace, thoughts that the, those please folks, should we base the multiples achieve in you stumble of the stumble piece initiative at the start of this conflict before you prayed you, that before you came, pulled out the landscape by little bad. i need to go, jason sega show, who also expressed again and reiterated russians position that the tools that they
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use, the landscape formula tools that are being held in switzerland, which russia, it isn't the intended that those are given to achieve anything. it was hailed as of the shopping experience of the food. so that's how i was on describe. this quote just will out stalls. amazon davy, the soles, watkin, 2018. the technology. i have customers to enter a store by identifying themselves with their amazon accounts. from there, they can pick up the items and woke out with our final goods, all without having to interact with a cashier. amazon claimed it was the future, appraising the technology as magical, saying that all to a visually intelligence was tracking and repurchase. but as i'm, as i'm closes those supposedly magical souls, a new report says light, but it wasn't really
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a i a fleet of indian workers was c whitney watching every move of the shoppers and manually recording what they have selective. and despite the a i a power on these still being used, the workers have to do the computers job all over again to check and report that he took hours for them to compile the data. it was then used to generate the receipts we spoke with also i'm columbus, d, kate and gary informed me that he commented about how amazon promoted is tech while singularly using human labor. a lot of these is going to be the, the, you know, that just the, it is that the stuff to do, to market them to go to the why in the columbus kindly using the new human beings. so, um the, the old kinds of technology exploding in the world and they have to sell it. so it
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could be one of their marketing strategy move you're just wondering about. so that's what i can do my view. um, you know, to say that did the dollar value of what it did, what as doing the packing in my mind, we believe, although we are also leading to the kind of for new sure. and can you model for the software and computers, etc. but we believe that it did what was it can never replace human beings and i need need to wouldn't be to use them. so too much reliance on technology also is i misplaced a really a strategy by us and other of the leading countries on disability. so, um, yeah, i mean, it is a time to think about the, you know, that some of the use of technology and it is the, the, it, the government did work on it. so any, any info is into
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a big song here, but i'm neighbor, rice, lawyer, dying coverage says that i'm as unfit it's custom as would ton on the company if the extensive as well. cuz exploitation was exposed. well, it appears to be both a deception and also a case of exploiting workers in india. do i think, you know, we need not, you know, always need to be careful not to disparage those workers or, or who are themselves being oppressed. but yeah, we're part of something really bizarre that violated people's privacy. and again, a really good, a representative misrepresentation upon consumers. several things happening here. one is, i think they feared if the consumers knew the truth. then in fact, there were, you know, a 1000 indian workers who were being exploited to pull this off, that they would be revile the reviled for that which they should be. but also,
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you know, reminds me of the scandal regarding that technology, you member, and i'm forgetting her name, the woman who claimed to come up with the test contest, all your blood with just one drop. and that was a fraud. this sounds very similar to that right. the day they probably want to have a i to be able to do that. they hadn't yet developed the technology, so they essentially perpetrated abroad upon people. another country in the global south that is suffering from western dominance is the democratic republic of the congo. the was largest seduce of cobalt is struggling with the myriad of health issues connected with the mining of the metal. a recent study has revealed a high risk of reproductive disorders and other problems. and the
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despite previous studies and publications, little action has been taken, leading to an increase in health issues. mining companies, lack updated environmental and social impact assessments. while they update mineral
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processing technologies, mitigation plans for pollution, incidents are often neglected in water. pollution has led to widespread illnesses within communities, especially affecting women, young girls and children. the environmental protection is not a priority for these companies. their focus lives on production and profit generation. major corporations like tesla, google, apple, and microsoft as and consumers purchasing minerals from the d r. c, share responsibility due to their financial capacity and supply chain control to ensure human rights compliance and sourcing minerals and verify that their purchases originate from rights respecting cycles long. the
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quote you frayne has become an outright terrorist state. that so statement viruses for mr. sega level, as he commented about the recent attack on the most good concert home. he said that was clearly you could involvement in the atrocity you. some of that are you in the stellar ukraine has become an outright terrorist state for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. this terrorist attack, as you know, is now being investigated by the competent authorities. it is already obvious that there was a ukrainian trace more over no one doubts ukraine's involvement, and many other terrorist attacks on russian territory. the russian foreign ministry recently conveyed to the craning authorities, official demands that they take immediate steps to stop any support for terrorist
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activities. extradite those responsible and compensate for the damage. we have done all this and full compliance with the international conventions against terrorism and it's financing these conventions contained corresponding obligations and in the russian form, industries appealed to the ukrainian side. we demand that you have fulfilled those obligations. a specialist live now. so i'll see costs on donald, pull it out to get some more details. donald, because i'm strongly a momma from sago by the address the amazing l for an different mindset. these take us through what he has said in detail. well, mr. lever off put great emphasis on the fact that the actions of key of and the west have lead to a re, re emergence of neo nazi id ology. one of the main events being the. so called anti terrorism operation, the key of had launched against the don boss, people in 2015 just about
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a year after the euro. my don regime had come to power in ukraine. this operation drew largely its strength from neo nazi groups that had weapons like the as of battalion, which also were supplied with weapons and money by the united states for many years actually. and according to the russian foreign minister of the west continues to cover up flagrant human rights violations committed by groups like these we didn't get, we'd be you, she and i will show you, we see how he ups, flagrant violations of human rights are being covered up by western and zeros and many international mechanisms. in february 2022, when the special military operation began, the key of regime declared itself free of virtually all human rights obligations. even then i will remind you the entire world was covered with numerous images of ukrainian military atrocities, including on the battlefield. let us recall the video of ukrainian nazis were in
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uniforms of the ukrainian armed forces, shooting captive russian soldiers, whose hands and feet were bound and has bags over their heads, all of which was filled and posted online with all the his pleasure. but no one is going to demand that ukraine, investigate this crime, and prove that they understand something. and at least partially respects their obligations under international law. some we'd be able to refund the very 1st moment. we've been demanding an objective open investigation. no one is going to do that. at the same time, the european union is happily as if it had only been waiting for this occasion together with the americans and the british introduce new packages of sanctions against the restaurant. we all know the key of is not independence. it is only following the instructions of its bosses. it's masters who need to implement the n t rush or project a global midland you. the main thing for them is to defeat russia the most. this is
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the goal that was set for the key of regime period keeps giving his human rush as far administer surrogate. lab rope was also uh, speaking a bit about how moscow was able to broker a ceasefire in 2015 through multi lateral talks that resulted in the men's agreements. but after some years, it became clear that both key of and the west were not serious about upholding their obligations under this agreement. that's despite the fact that russia had warned them that an escalation of the conflicts could only leads to catastrophe. which is what it is. we honestly told the west, if you are pushing you frame towards disaster, no one was listening. that's why i say again, we have nothing to hide. i do not know with what arguments the west uses, except that russia will conquer everyone. now, and there was no logic there some time ago at the beginning of this special military operation, even before its western ideologists said,
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let's rather accept ukraine. it's nato. then russia will not dare to attack it. because russia cannot attack a nato country. now, as you see, those arguments have changed, and they are now saying that ukraine is about to lose, and they cannot allow you for and to lose. because as soon as it loses to russia, russia would immediately attack nato, whereas the logics, their menu at 1st, they assume that russia would never allow itself to attack nato. but now they are just convincing everyone that this is the plan of prison, including and the russian leadership. our president has already commented on this calling it nonsense that was picking up a union. i'm not going to see of course, this ties into what mr. lab. ralph said earlier about the fact that the cameras name has been a terrorist government for about 10 years already. he mentioned things like the cry, me a bridge attacks and which civilians were killed. assassinations of journalists like
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daria do gonna. and other terrorist attacks that took place on russian territory that have essentially brought key of in direct contradiction with its obligations under international anti terrorism conventions. yeah. rather interesting data on thank you so much for that update. we'll see who can send it out. thanks again. a joyous life to discuss this is a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in both of us. miss adults, samuel, i don't. that's why that's a really interesting uh. so the level of took the earlier clinic, rushes, sending a message to for empowers both friendly and i'm friendly. but what do you think of this message essentially was the thing, the messages that late so is heading to was disaster by continually pushing you grain into acting as a terrorist state and inflicting terrorist of trust that is on russia
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that this cannot go on forever. right. russian cannot tolerate this forever, and i think that's a little the message is that a come for later, which is the somehow, you know, we are ready to deploy forces in ukraine to prevent ukrainian defeat or to prevent russian making any advances. and the message from uh, blinking to the french foreign minister, the other day that ukraine will be a member of late. so it's not a matter of, if it's a matter of when it's saying that this is we do a heading towards a very serious, a military confrontation. so would you say that ross is voice in the world is getting more attention now then perhaps in previous he is or i think that's probably true because um, you know, most of the rest of the world are very troubled by the fact that the uh,
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the western powers, instead of doing whatever they can to bring this war to an end, which is, which is why i would have sort the, the rational decisions by any great power. the fueling this well, they're trying to, you know, keep, make sure that the war keeps the bubbling over, but keep throwing in more um, more width and volt training. uh, more tactic to ms. uh, advise and know that doing the same thing in gaza. and so the rest of was looking on the thing will we, who are the, the powers that was peace and stability in the world? and who are the powers that once the continuum was and the instability. so it's, you know, one of the, uh, i was into the, the, the speech the one of the key points that i totally got going away. i took away from that. so it was about how a lot of leaves somebody. so pre determined summons of being focused on and they
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tried to sort of get that a lot of countries together under one roof to push the lens keys piece process. do you think this is dividing the world or do you think that the other foreign country is more than full for these tricks? i don't think it's going to work up for an obvious reasons. you know, the common sense reason that the only way you can bring about piece is if you book bring together the antagonistic bodies around the table and then have them thrash it out. does the idea of having a single piece process in which one of the patches we essentially the most important body, which is russia, is excluded, is by definition, nonsensical. it's obviously just simply a propagate of the weapon that is being used against russia. and again, who's behind this, this is the late powers that wants to generate
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a world wide support full, they're essentially we're making agenda right now. i love a whole set of tools about russia's flight against terrorism. that was a big focus for him. i mean, i do think that this will bring a more global willingness to fight terrorism, or has that transformed to the day? what happened? i croak, this whole was pure terrorism. i mean, innocent people over a 144 people affected well that the ball and the world together to fight together. what do you mean? well, the problem is that the united states, and of course it's a, it's clients elsewhere that would immediately scream or was isis isis know, what else of the isis was involved with, or 2 problems with the person who most of the rest of the world when they hear the word isis, they make it, they think the united states, they don't really think the ice is,
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has any independent thoughts on his existence. it's a creation of the united states that they use. again, states that they don't like, whether it's a rock or they'd syria, whether it's libya, so they, they don't really believe it has any. what's on his existence? well, that's one thing. the 2nd thing is that the united states to declare within half an hour the no other the ice is, was involved as opposed very suspicious when it's the 18 months off to the destruction of the north stream gas pipelines, the united states and the rest of the profession to be completely baffled as to who was responsible for the destruction. it was a north stream gas, black as it was, the case of industrial sabotaging world history. so right away there's a great suspicion as to what exactly is the united states as game? why is it so such a grain is not involved when there is a track record. and you know, you highlighted that your audio report all service fact. so, you know, such as in the, the, this oscillation of the military blog. and it was this escalation of darya do,
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going to the attack on a coach bridge. so there's a long track record of uh, ukraine, engaging into our respect park in the united states. you make it ruled out that there was no ukraine involved. yeah, it's very interesting and you would have to leave in that was a pleasure talking to you, julie simon, i senior research the global policy institute and bit of best buy and 2nd. okay. theres uh, sizes out to the middle east, 8 ship carry, few monitoring supplies. the policy is, has been sent to cyprus office. several 8 was killed and is ready as like on that cold way in garza they don't deliver. the aid was part of a shipment of 340 tons being sent to garza by sea wells, central kitchen and a group working in gaza throughout the was just now. suspended is operations the find the idea of attack you and has said that the keeping of humanitarian workers has a positive the what he's struggling aid efforts to severe and think off that we can
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only underscore once more. the delays and the denial of humanitarian missions, not only prevent us from reaching those in need, but they also impact other operations and delivery by diverting scarce resources. the remains of 6 fall on a 2 of those have been taken by amber's through the rafa crossing into egypt, where they have been handed over to the concierge representatives. the attack only humanitarian calmly drew international condemnation and highlighted the dangers faced by aid with his in the region along a hospital in gauze, expressed regret for the losses and his wife. those who died as monsters of the thing that having to do so at home said to have the martyrs include 3 british civilians as well as one american, one australian, and one pole. they are martyrs of their humana, terry, and duty. they were targeted by these rarely occupation yesterday,
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and today we bid them farewell and deliver them to their families, through the rav for crossing via the united nations. as you can see, the coordination has been finalized to transfer them to their home countries. for now, the world central kitchen has suspended a 2 man to terry and work. the situation is tragic for the displaced as well as for the staff and patients at mohammed yusef almo jar hospital, where the services by the world central kitchen have stopped. now as you can see, the palestinian people are bidding farewell to those martyrs. i provided humanitarian aid to our people. disliked the international alkali of the killing of aid with this view as is not ready to condemn its ally is may or abandon is meant to support. and we need to see what they, what they find as
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a result of this. and that they have already admitted that they conducted the stripe say of already publicly said that they are full for the stray. and they're working their way through the specific findings and details, and i think we need to let them finish that work and speak to it themselves. so i'm not prepared to just point to, to uh, to speculate about anything we might or might not do. you know, we, we would have to wait see what the investigation says. we had fallen about fast off a search was over the palace sign, red crescent society. she said the israel is deliberately and systematically and targeting aid was engulf the sun. trust and society is the last piece is by the beginning of the southern end worker west of the world and ascension changed . it is so drastic to see a workers be killed targeted despite coordination, despite arranging their uh so you access to the workers when working to actually donald for spends and suffering of people. think of what happened to,
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to them as exactly when we have the experience or needs to be b or c. s has the experience. this is right. does not respect this coordination. and they deliberately, as just amounts of the targeting age workers out of the human historians as what happened to 15 p r c s members, which is why that they were on the duty. and so the question as how many were age workers should be killed before the international community. when i take serious steps, measures to ensure protection for the humanitarian on these workers. how many of those a lot of who's who was killed are in morning one of the 0 me franklin who's a relatives in india told all to the she was on
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a few monetary emissions to prevent starvation. the details are on our website up to some of the, the southern african nation, all booked swan. i have threatened to send 20000 elephants to germany. but in what was the rest of the import of hunting for the fees of books? one of the president says that could come tourism to his country and result in an over population of the great memo. it is very easy to sit in berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in books. one where paying the price for preserving these animals for the world. the greens look at us with contempt, i want mrs. lemke of whom i deeply respect to take the time to accept the facts and the science. if you like them so much, please accept this gift from us. you should live with the animals the way you try to tell us 2 boats. one has offered to send 20000 elephants to germany is not shocking. as berlin, one of the books, one is largest hunting trophies,
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importers continues to entertain the idea to bend those imports. both one, as president emphasizes, once again that the band suggested would impose grades, threats on local communities. officials eps trust. any bad would mean be already $130000.00 strong elephant population would only grow more, which in turn would have worse and poverty in the community. germany though it does not want to hear any of that. they are essentially responding with. no, no, we know better. this bad is for your own good germany as a key country and the you must finally take responsibility and stop the unnecessary shooting of countless endangered animals at a time. but more animal speeches, audrey scoff, extinction than ever before. any additional threat to the continued existence of species must be excluded. the shooting of lines derives lab parts and all the animals speeches by trophy hunters whose populations have significantly decreased
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in recent years cannot be justified. often decades of setbacks drawn money must fund that would take a stand for the ethical and sustainable protection of specious it indeed is much more comfortable to sit in europe and impose dangers decisions on another sovereign state miles away. but hey, there just your opinions. what a good heart and careful, wild life except that the catch is they are not the ones to deal with. the consequences was even more interesting is the fact that germany's master plan is not quite original a bit earlier the u. k. came up with a similar idea, but it's one i again had to thoroughly explain why this ben presents risks for the country. we implore your government to carefully consider the implications of an acting, the hunting trophies and port prohibition bill. such
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a decision could have for.


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