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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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list, that's the again, the, the ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders around here. so top, different about right, they're ripping into the ukraine and it's west and sponsors, claiming they've all been to ready to turn a blind eye. the key of trust with ease of the data is chief in assessing the pumping ukraine with more military aid is an investment into the blog. so in future and the security from us goes full mandatory to the alliance. that's key of simply being used as a tool in a proxy war against the russian federation program will not be as part of the crane is an instrument for nato. to put it bluntly and straightforwardly data countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. the son of the prominent the palestinian political fig
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model, one about a goose he said his father is suffering from physical and psychological abuse. office spending more than 2 decades in his riley custody. made the remarks and an exclusive chat to walk to a block towing though they don't even think of in a very minimum fluid. he already lost. thank you. a grounds. the keep abusing the and different ways very many and deepen physically, the china, ukraine, the philippines, gods around washington. it's a full deck line up for you this hour here on how to international. but 1st, it's difficult to believe that russia could have been targeted by islamic fundamentalists. that's a quoting to vladimir putin reset the deadly terror attack in moscow. nearly 2 weeks ago, it was an attempt to undermine the country's unity and i see numerous
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russia and cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony in unity into religious and ethnic units. 8, and then the external arena russian behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack by islamic fundamentalists. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in more than conditions, is set the visible moment. well, meanwhile, the russian security service has revealed 3 more suspects involved in the months and months ago. a concert whole atrocity have been arrested. one was set to be directly involved in or recruiting the gunman. or the other 2 was set to have transferred money for the terrorist, 5 weapons, and the cough around this time the arrests were made and must go on and get catherine. but 2 of the suspects, foreign nationals, the other one? no russian citizen. meanwhile, russia's foreign ministers are declared ukraine an outright terrorist state. i
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forget, after office words came as he was commenting on the crocus, whole concert attack. you will so last out of what he called the ignorance of western countries when it comes to atrocities committed by the key ration. someone else today in the stella, ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. we see how keeps flagrant violations of human rights are being covered up by western n, g nose, and many international mechanisms. in february 2022, when the special military operation began, the key of regime declared itself free of virtually all human rights obligations. even then, i will remind you the entire world was covered with numerous images of ukrainian military atrocities, including on the battlefield. let us recall the video of ukrainian nazis were in uniforms of the ukrainian armed forces, shooting captive russian soldiers,
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whose hands and feet were bound and had bags over their heads, all of which was filmed and posted online with obvious pleasure. but no one is going to demand that ukraine, investigate this crime, and prove that they understand something and at least partially respect their obligations under international law. well mister lever of placed great emphasis on how the actions of both keys and the west have led to a re emergence of neo nazi as a, one of the main events being the so called anti terrorist operation. the key i've had launched against the people have done boss back in 2015, not long after the euro. my daughter's name came to power in ukraine. this operation drew much of its strength from armed neo nazi organizations like the as off battalion, which the united states that supplied with weapons and money over many years. and according to russia's a foreign minister, he says that it's unlikely that the west is ever going to conduct an actual investigation into the crimes of organizations like the,
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as on fatality. and some we'd be able to find the very 1st moment we've been demanding an objective open investigation. no one is going to do that. at the same time, the european union have fully as if it had only been waiting for this occasion together with the americans in the british introduce new packages of sanctions against the restaurant. we all know the key of is not independence. it is only following the instructions of its bosses, its masters, who need to implement their anti rush or project glowing, the new. the main thing for them is to defeat russia the most. this is the goal that was set for the key of regime period keeps giving his room a reference for administer also spoke a bit about how moscow was able to broker a ceasefire. and the don boss conflict in 2015 through multi lateral negotiations that resulted in the minster agreements. but after some several years it became clear the p. f and the west were not serious about upholding their obligations
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under these agreements. despite the fact that moscow had long warns the west and key of that, an escalation of this conflict would only lead to catastrophe, which is what it is. we honestly told the west, you are pushing you frame towards disaster. no one was listening. that's why i say again, we have nothing to hide. i do not know with what arguments the west uses, except that russia will conquer everyone now. and there was no logic there some time ago at the beginning of the special military operation, even before its western ideologists said, let's rather accept ukraine and to nato. then russia will not dare to attack it, because russia cannot attack a nato country. now as you see, those arguments have changed, and they are now saying that ukraine is about to lose, and they cannot allow you for and to lose. because as soon as it loses to russia, russia would immediately attack nato. where is the logic there?
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at 1st, they assume that russia would never allow itself to attack nato, but now they are just convincing everyone that this is the plan of president putin and the russian leadership. all president has already commented on this calling it nonsense. of course, this all ties into mister lab, rob's earlier statement that the key ever seem has been a terrorist state for the past decade. he mentioned the attacks on the crime in bridge which took the lives of several civilians. the assassinations of journalists like daria, do gonna, and other terrorist attacks that have taken place on russian territory that have a centrally put key of in direct contradiction with its obligations under international anti terrorism conventions. according to a veteran india, and not different about anela. typically i add, it says that the global south share has ruptures. aspiration for a peaceful and view crime con. russia has been engaged in a big way with the country to the global south. and it has trying very hard,
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i believe, to have good relations with the rest of the country. it's a little trick automatically automatically, but sort of home because of the geo motor to color gear kind of a competition that has not worked up. and so in the building so which have suffered the most. but i'm glad that it is brand, i mean calder is broken bar and the one that is going on in the restoration of between design and i'm us all the that expecting you agree with the what is happening and the, the, the countries from the global south i think that that is one of these, and that's the most of the water warm since water to stop this war does not between the actually, you know, this is a war between the show and the west, and therefore, until the best as configurable. we cannot see the end of this war, but of relations between that rusher i, nato, are in a state of direct confrontation of the lot. it's involvement in ukraine, that's according to the criminal and supposed to pass the chestnut inside. these
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relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. indeed, the nature of mistakes, the lines itself is in fact already comes to be increasing its engagement. but it is already involved in the conflict around ukraine. they said, continues moving towards the board is expanding its military infrastructure towards the board is in fact, nato continues to demonstrate its essence. that's because nato was conceived as may lines. it was configured, created and managed by the us as an instrument of confrontation, primarily on the european continent problem that meanwhile, there was a chief as described, ministry support for ukraine as quote and investment in the block. so in security, we also urge alliance members to make a to key of obligatory, nothing voluntary. as i said, there's many, many times that's a supportive training. so child support, it's too great and is an investment in our own security serial for to well welcome bolden. contribution spot in the long run, we need to be less dependent on
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a voluntary contributions, short term, more the buttons on a strong nature commitments. and they've had chief also evolved that ukraine could eventually join the blog. however, you didn't mention any time line will coming that way. so the other, the lines marks the 75th anniversary of its creation and caves for a minister who was also invited to the both. they got everything to them. i meant to request more weapons, particularly american miss aisles in europe and diplomats have been devising whether to create this a 100000000000 euro funding for long terms. weapons deliveries to you may not be heard from moscow's former invoice and data links on the groups. he accused the bulk of using ukraine and upfront, see war against the russian federation. what could i am now not the instrument? ukraine is an instruments and they try to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes, 1st and foremost, informational and audiological aspects by demonizing,
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russia and attributing old souls militias plans to us. ok, it's such a looking a bit broad uh, now beyond ukraine's food is, i mean we currently witnessing increase need to activity in the south coaxes. what's the main goal of the alliance in this region? and does watch so already have an understanding of what specific methods the alliance will try to use to achieve this goal for any money upfront with me. absolutely, there is understanding, look at nato strategic documents, which dates to find rush as it directs an immediate threat to the lines they've decided. russia is a direct and immediate threat to the lights. this idea was born in that mind. secondly, by his middle tre, construction and old nato activities, wherever they had a aged containing rush up. and this time central asia and the south courses. also, regions where russia needs to be contained pressure can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and dog places. bottom is
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what i see. the china has warned the philippines against provocative actions in the south china sea. beijing claim, manila might be acting on the foreign influence on breaching it's can be found here until they show how can we show in the direct cause of the current escalation. the maritime disputes between china and the philippines lies in the fact that the philippine side relies on external forces finalizing its commitments and repeatedly provoking disputes to defend a paint sign should immediately stop its infringement of the little and provocative acts the by, by its own commitments and the relevant understandings and consensus reached by china and the fed up. it's called tensions have been high between many other in beijing and recent bonds over this ongoing territorial dispute in the south china sea. a most recent incident, you're looking at uh with no chinese. uh gotcha. so, talk to filipinos supply boat with a water cannon trying to clean the ship was attempting to bring materials to repair a military vessel that's being grounded on
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a reef and an out of bounds areas on the side of the philippines, deliberately ground that there was something the philippines denies all commitment to maintain be a pc or a mentor. i would always be that so any attempt by china to interfere with resupply emissions will be meant by the philippines in a fashion that protects our troops. well, i'll take a trip to college. i believe there are external players who are storing tensions in that area. the president of bumble marco's campaign. he had comments to send to you directly is independent of policy. yet i actually became the president i, i believe the united states have made him a offer. he couldn't refuse because bumble marcos is the son of the former filipino dictator, 1st, and then marco's who, who accrues hundreds of billions of dollars across my club of money that was reciting the offshore account. the us government has also set cost gifts promo mark who's to, to see any of his dad's money. he has to get the approval follow the united states,
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and we seen that the tension between china and phillip is really clear. up in 2023, foster volleyball marco's a visit to the united states. because us sees philippines assets cats fall to contain shide was this has been a long us plan to run a proxy world. probably our attention increasing tension in the region. so $2.00 to $4.00 boxes and to china alliance. you know, but it is the, the, the goal of the us is to have the phone line in the asia pacific, close to china's backyard. and so this is where a draft is client, stays japan, australia, the philippines and boss and israel, the fame, the palestinian laid a model, one about a goose he is suffering from physical and psychological abuse. that's according to
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his relatives known as the palestinian up mountain dela bought a good. he is a one of the most popular political figures in palestine who was involved in numerous protests to the time of the 1st intifada. as was the leader of the 2nd. but a good he now 64 years old. these are serving 5 life sentences for orchestrating attacks on his riley civilians charges. he's always denied and we have the challenges to speak to his son, who says that since october, the 7th, his father's treatment is become steadily was. hello everybody. thank you very much for joining us today. thank you for having me. we're meeting you today because they have been allegations from your family that your father met one but go see one of the most prominent palestinian fingers has been physically and psychologically assaulted while in his really jail. could you please tell us more about that? there was so after october, the 7th, as part of the collective punishment,
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the policy of those 80 government, they started punishing prisoners left right and center. didn't know we know about cases of abuse and even killing, but it's the name, but it's got a prison. that's 812213 document that the cases of getting to attend the prison is a no entity and confirmed in those 5 months. yeah, that since october, the 7th, and this is something that we haven't seen before. the violence is on the we have testimonies from prisoners inside that got the abused and got beaten up with no medical treatment amongst these prisoners as my father lead to something. but he was moved to sort of the confinement and was i had the fault that prison was moving him. he asked him to put his hands behind his back end is down in front of all of the prisoners to humiliate him as they had a need. and he refused to do so,
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so they forced him to do it, which got his shoulder dislocated and they didn't get any medical treatment for that. he was moved between uh for the defense, but events also have to let them let the name back to them. and then to know what to do, and during those times, these are kept in a very tiny said, while they book the window, they don't even think of in the very minimal fluids, the heat or the last thing, kilograms, the, the keep, the abusing the heading in different ways very, very and even physically, because we just learned from a lawyer, the doctor visited an inmate of is that he was attacked and brutally beaten up on much 6. and these uh, negations were confirmed by him because he was visited by his lawyer
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a week ago for the 1st time. and the daughter's lawyer and he was beaten up. he was left leading for 3 hours on the floor, and he didn't get any medical treatment. and the best, the best out and didn't understand what was happening. and then he found many bruises and many entities on his right foot on his back, on his shoulder and even on his forehead. your father is an old man. what can you tell us about his condition right now? my father is yes, he is not the young anymore. i wish he was. he's 64 and i know he's going through a very tough conditions. the most dangerous thing is, is uh, the nutrition they don't give him the, they give him very minimum food of it. and then of course the many abuses that they are using against him. but we are very concerned about his life and they think that there is a policy of all started getting him. uh, because uh the is
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a government does not want the, you know, to see someone like can uh, being released and they are going crazy about the news that they might be released as far as i understand the warrant, guys, it has dramatically affected your father and other palestinian prisoners, well is the reason for that. the reason is uh the color, the punishment, the police are going to is really government. they, they haven't changed out of it. they would own was financial and an empty foot for the anything that anyone does. and i think that the, the took advantage of october the 7th to continue with that project offer cleansing, and even to genocide the industry and people as we can see and goes. and i think that they took advantage of the fact that everyone is busy with their genocide and goes up to abuse the but it to get better than us. and as i said,
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we have heard about this to me on years that i never expected to hear them from prison. was talking about the beating people up until they done. one of them is the guy who painted this office. so he's a 25 year old guy who didn't have anything to do with politics, events. and he was taken on october 25th, and he even has a newborn daughter and he was left outside in the open area with no food, no water for 2 days. and he died. he simply died. they just take the body and they, uh, remove it from that. we have many other cases that are the same. have you tried to contact these really present in service regarding this matter about your father and other prisoners? what our communication usually happens with that across and unfortunately there's really, there's no sort it is not to go for anything. was that across whatsoever. and they know that they are doing these things against the international law. and yet no one
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is able to stop them. unfortunately, i think that the government has gotten a fleet green light for the west and government to do whatever they want with the understanding and people. and i think that the political prisoners issue is a very sensitive issue towards up into stevens. and especially in the west bank because this is something that could escalate things into west bank uh, dramatically is actually the us and some middle eastern countries have recently expressed that concerns about one by go see and how hayes treated and, and his really jail and the conditions of other palestinian prisoners, how has israel responded and then do you expect any changes holding these statements? so we're highly appreciate all the support and the pressure that is being put on there is really government to, to understand the sensitivity about uh,
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mistreating. and even targeting someone like mindful of that with the has the impact on the 15 in people and his popularity. i think that this is something that we is very aware of, and we are very thankful for the governments, but we need to see his change. we need to see that at least he is being treated with dignity. and i think that it's, it's something positive that the western governments are giving your attention to this issue. but we want to see that difference back to a difference inside prison. what would you expect to see what steps would satisfy you, at least for the moment, of course, what the website's find me is for him to be released and we are very confident that positive that there will be the least. but uh at the moment for him to get out of the solitary confinement and for the in human conditions like the food, the minimum food and the water and electricity. and you know,
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things like taking the mattress every day. that's like them bring it back up to 9 pm. things like, uh, the, the think opposite but isn't as and all of that. these are things that we want. the one didn't uh, to end because these are all against the international law. and unfortunately, there's a government to prove that they don't care about the international law. so what could be done actually, sanctions against these really governments or? i think about this. i mean, what we want is, of course, to see sanctions and to see punishment against isolated government for violating the international law. and to stop seeing that they say it is of zillow, the international law. they have been of the law for decades now. but since they're giving the creation of the state of wizard and even they need an occupation or file for that for the students that have to be since 1967. and i think that, you know, the genocide done, the trustees and domestic goods that they are practicing and goes, uh, is the biggest proof that the world has lost sense of humanity. because if they had
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any sense of humanity, they would stop the end is like they are trying to stop any other country to, to have, i need to get us in towards any other con, your father. my one by go say is reports of a new, the top of her message, least of prisoners, that one's israel to release and exchange for these really hostages held in guys, i'm how all of the 10. so it is that your father will be released and that is real except they still, we are very confident and very positive. the point for that wouldn't be the least. we think that it only makes sense that someone like my father, we'd be the lease because my father is someone that a struggle for the against the illegal occupation of, of palestine for more than 50 years now. and do spend 50 years of his life in prison. 7 years and exhausted, and i need position that he is and doing his uh, getting it was uh, elected in the us. he's a big believer in democracy. and also he's a big move in piece,
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and he's someone who has supported those low chords and supported this process in the ninety's and even after the ninety's. but when he realized, as i mean, the other going to see me and they say is, are only playing gus and they are not serious about that. you'd be so just based because that's the key point to, to my father. he understood that uh as any other people we have that right there is this, they need an occupation of a country and it's legal to do it as, as the legal occupation. and i didn't know he, i think he still believes in the time, the chance of the 2 state solution that is left. but i'm not sure how realistic data is the anymore. because to make it clear, you believes that your father could become part of an exchange deal between his ro and thomas right or released for another reason. the most realistic option is the exchange uh with the, with the resistance. and uh,
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i think that we are very hoping that that will happen. and not only him because we need to remember that there are many, but it's the latest insight present like outlets of death and the latest. and also we are hoping that or, but a senior political prisoners are released because it just, uh, its, its amazes me the fact that everybody is losing their minds about those really hostages. and nobody is talking about dependency connections and the thought of being in an under administrative detention which is illegal by instead of messing the load, the woman in the sense men that are there for 2 years without no knowing what way that we want this know been stand the to end to have for everybody to lose steven there's really hostages. you mentioned that already. and indeed, your father is very popular among the palestine and public and my one by go say 7 considered as a potential candidate to replace the current head of state. and i would advise have you talk to your father about that? does he have any plans?
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yeah, so that during the, in the past in the 2021 elections that got canceled the afterwards, he was planning to do it on foot. cuz then i haven't talked to him after that about this because i barely see him. oh yeah. i see him. maybe once a year, sometimes to a once every 2 years. it's a 45 minute visitation where i can't even touch him. i can't uh, we have to talk through the phone and all of that. and it's a very exhausting den to get that. but i think that this is something that i wouldn't wait for him to decide. i put me on his son or they cared about the the point for that is best on our family. he has 6 grand children that he's never met before. that's. that's something that uh, i kid about the most i, uh it a good thing is if you took any it or because, but it does tell you this is something that he has the right to decide. and also of
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course the but as to me and people have the right to decide on that, do you think israel is interested in releasing someone as popular as your fathers? so i think that those are the government does not interested in uh, someone who has uh, internationally recognized on my for that as someone who is an international that could recognize. and we have a very successful a companions for him in many countries around the world. and of course, that kind of disclose to my mother who had is a message to all over the world. he's even there knowing that it's sort of an open peace prize. and he's someone who's really committed to peace. but uh, i think that the big kid is that he's committed to just peace. he wants to take any piece like that piece that the, that ages are trying to throw a dependency on him. people which has no authority over the notes that are through, over to the people and just to what they call the set of governments. so i think
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that's what the, what makes it a bit uh complicated. i think the current government is very clear about their refusal to accept the scene in state. and i don't think that there is any hope for the peace and that agent unless we have our independence of it in the state. and we see that we are free and live with dignity on over the land. we have indigenous people understand. and i think the is really government has the taken steps to and show everyone that they're not interested in any piece process. but i think that if, if they become serious about any future piece process, my father's someone who of course is, has been interested in that 40 years now. all right, thank you very much for your time and for your thoughts. we wish your family house and to see your father back home as soon as possible. thank you. thank you so much
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bye. i started wrapping up the program with a quick side note here on, i'd say apparently the u. k. has wasted nearly $2000000000.00 on drones that conference in bad weather. according to the times, the drones was $5000000.00 a piece are a disaster, which also have a tendency to crash because they're simply too heavy. this is obviously, it's an optimal way back to see with the adoption is all around the, even if we don't see it, it is estimated that between 2 to 4 percent of americans have adopted and more than a 3rd have considered adoption gets hopeful parents the opportunity to raise a child that they wouldn't have otherwise. for a couple struggling with infertility. adoption is a guaranteed way to add
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a child to their family.


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