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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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a single handedly starts and showing the victory of good over evil forces within let's go home will. secondly, it is absolutely the obvious that they were extremely alarmed by the growing influence of left this communist move. but that may remind you that, for example, in front of the company's party had 1000000 members during that period and easily almost 2000000 members. the forces of peoples, democracy left this movement including communists, came to power in east and european countries. and of course, this radically reshape the political map of europe, not the way the anglo saxon centers of power had our gloves. and also national liberation movement started growing around the world and the authority of the soviet union. the gain was in harvest when use. well, this required the west to consolidate around american military clouds. and if we try to single out a significant mile started in that price as a starting point, we should perhaps we mentioned winston churchill tonight is electra, which is commonly known as his fulton speech, where he outlined several key points which like to shape later. but also based on
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what other well known statements and 1st thing that comes to mind is be quite from a speech by may 31st century general mode is made to set that nature. it was created to keep the soviet union out, the americans in, and the germans down and that is under control. and if today we replace germany with the european union, we'll see that the purpose of nato, the way it was designed 75 years ago, is not changed. the toner is still a tour of american history, many a choice of subjects in europe to american military and political interests. less to accomplish flights at the nice price you think. this is one of the reasons why donald trump skies everyone so much, especially if the american political lead to he said many times that the us should lead me to. so i suppose my question harris. how do you rate the chances of the united states putting out the blog? and secondly, how viable is this ever expanding allowance incognito is, is an internal defensive. i'm talking specifically about the us and to p a here at us. the 2nd distinction audience look,
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comes the bottom of the way. we have the diplomats deal with reality. and the reality is that native has been around. it is still the and apparently in the foreseeable future, the launch is going to stay the way it is now. and the way it develop, joseph is so we know, however, that the us is working now and creating glitched, the 2 adults in the way of any presidential decisions regarding it's nate type membership of the that's one thing. another thing is that the americans, and that's not only trumpeting but also the americans who insisted that european allies increase the military spending, using this threats of putting out of nato to force your pains to as trump points that pay more for security. and we're just looking at things realistically though it's an absurd situation. as of today, military budgets of nathan member states taken together and see 52 percent of the world's title to we're looking at 1.2 trillion at least similar to therapy and allies. contribution is 450000000000, and it's 450000000000 is 7 to 8 times more than the military budget of the russian
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federation. so plus, let's not forget that the usa is global military presence is very expensive to maintain, and several of the americans have some $600.00 to $700.00 military facilities and gas it across the globe. and here they think domination in all regions at old potential fav sculpture ration critics, we subtract the money that is spent on defending europe. it's going to be much less than the the $800000000000.00 bodies. the total amount of american military appropriations produce. if a militarist circles come to power in america and site increase the military budget to one for the and then of course the european shed will be much lower compared to that on the state. so regulation stick. take that 20 percent of military spending must go towards procuring new on the buttons. as of now you are paying the nato met the states, make about 80 percent of the frontier events abroad. and we do have a 60 percent of it comes from the usa. so if we crunch the numbers on the, if we get some $100.00 billions, what the weapons of the europeans will have to buy from the us saying, if he's going to get not such a profit is,
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that's why it takes it off to another round of such threats from washington to europe and is it going to hold in line and immediately fulfill any orders coming from the us capital safety. the already talked about 2 percent, not big enough. 3 percent thing they decide number is the sort of military psychosis that they will continue to drive, and that psychosis will be very favorable to the americans to continue that policy of subjugating gernado schemes are much you will have a wonderful book on your afford such a huge contracts right now, because all as a blissful ministry support, it would seem that continuing to spend such results as on insane goals, why confrontation with russia would be political suicide in the current situation. the fact is, the russian threatening, say suddenly in the minds of americans, of western europeans, or specifically those who make confrontation with russia. the basis of the foreign policy to be the experience of the cold war as tall as estimate hostile policies combine with very hostile and frankly military planning is an explosive mixture that would prefer the confrontation ultimately lead to an item's race. we had to
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make colossal efforts to prevent escalation of that time and it was the time when the west side political leaders of the calibrate, needed to make decisions that would reverse the alarming trend. there's also the fact that sooner or later west of the lease, we'll have to explain to the societies why and how this money was spent. why they'd buy 10 explains in of it system in order to a pay it more or less credible to that constituencies. they will say, yes, we did that to prevent russian from attacking us. russia would certainly have attacked us if we hadn't done that and what sort of from us the power don't have the current situation. but it's also the power adults that this manufactured trend of demonizing, russia, is unfortunately necessary for the survival of native himself to, to the states or cannot exist without an external adversary. because all those who cons, imagined their security without nature, by the rest of the big instruction from washington and elsewhere, and confront merrily from the capitals of the baltic states. and also declared that they all front line states and the in the line of bias,
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that they will be the 1st victims of russian aggression if it's not resist statement. so they're the ones in charge. and that's a reality that we have to reckon with conditional bundles plus forming thumb. he wants a few mentioned the cold war era was just going back to that period. how would you describe nature's policy during the time of both the us saw on the wall? so true to denies ation existed. and is it that to say that most go gave the alliance of leadership any cause for concern? oh yes, a good. it's hope if we talked about russia's overall, the, the soviet union policy at the time. moscow did not give any cause for concern on the country. most coast policy in the past 4 years was focused on shaping a common european security architect job. several potential treaties were dropped in for one of them was literally holding tracy on common european security. for us, you propose other schemes, arms control instruments to solve them with measures rush insisted on solutions to the german questions that with united europe rather than divided. unfortunately,
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the west was not willing when we talk about the beginning of the confrontation era is started exactly with the formation of the native blog which divided europe into 2 camps. but as for the most impact which the west claims for cementing the structure of confrontation that led to the cold war, the story was very different. the us as all, was long, reluctant to form alliances with his east european partners. again, we were proposing different ways of transforming your europe, composed of 2 opposing groups of states into a place of peace and corporation and prosperity. and again, the west would not have any dorsal pranks came in to be when nature rejected us as of the bids to join the law and say, 1950 color. when he was at the same time, nature decided to accept the federal republic of germany as a member. in 1955 that was all packed was signed and the organization was bored. and maybe by the interesting thing is that according to one of the final articles was or treaty organization was created, i mean folded period of confrontation and also packed was to be terminated. as soon
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as a common european security architecture was in place. and this was, by the way, the protocol on the termination of the wolf pack, the so called prompt protocol, signed by the heads of the warsaw pact, states in 1990. 1 explicitly said, as the error of confrontation is ended, we, the heads of state, have decided to terminate the most will pack, is peace in europe, will now be established on the basis of common european prices. erupt since the 1954 when the us saw showed some desire to join nato and recent history vitamin to, to set the russia at some point have thoughts of joining the organization. why is it that the west was an interest, or anybody who didn't say the furnace prepared? well, they showed no interest of cost because the especially movie the us, as of all the russian federation, the latex was simply change the nature of this organization. and it would essentially become upon the european organization of us. it is the instrument of collective security in europe. so for this reason, by the way, it was actually directly written with the reply notes in the united states fronts
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in england, the soviet union was not accepted into this organization. there was some other things that might, we can be un, the soviet union did not belong to the club of democratic states, et cetera. but the main point was that it would change the nature of this military blogs. and so in that sense, nothing has changed. and if we talk about the formal side of things, of goals, restaurants, it's a new russia did not submit any actual bids to control, but that will explore the results of the reason the president vladimir putin publicly shared with all of us, his memories of how this issue was discussed, it talks with bill clinton and well beyond suppose to go to a fact. so i can say that there was such conversations in the community and the confidential talks between diplomats to the issue was present in one way or another . but 1st of all, it was clear from the reaction from the signals that we received from the capitals, the west would not go for it. and the 2nd thing to play the role was that it was also said that even if russia had applied that would be no exemptions in terms of the admission procedures on this mean following the membership action plan. and the
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don't think that controversial needs are standards, pretty effective, but the picture we see with some european countries joining the european union is the same. but of course they've been waiting in line for decades. the aims of being twisted different chapters being open and close, and it's clear that this approach would be absolutely unacceptable to rush company, present careful bites from a formal and informal points of view, as well as from a conceptual point of view. since the issue could not be can say that most times, but i think if we threw back in the twin history to 99 to one to tell you, we know that both of us will parks. i'm the us a saw cease to exist and not yet understand. office it is he said, anya, nate, to need an external enemy. it's simply once divide without internet. so do you think that's the reason western countries didn't dissolve? naturebox then in 91, it was nothing about us portion. they said it wasn't just old primarily because of the united states stocks. it's a foreign policy so they weren't ready to give out the last the 1st reason. second
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rate is true that off to the most old pack was dissolved, nato ended up being like a fish out of was that without some opponent. and if nature had stopped expanded eastwards at that point, as was promised to mikhail gorbachev, who would it defend itself against who would be its opponent? now that was germany would have to defend against potent hungry on the baltic states. sort of, it's obvious that nature's role would have been reduced to 0, in that case, with all the ensuing consequences going to your american airlines that i mentioned earlier this year probably till more actually, you know, just continuing this topic of expansion. you apps, you use the credit to notice that there are countries that are waiting, standing in line to join the european union. the same property comp you set about nature kind of because as we know in the 1990s on to thousands, the broker actively moved eastwood in several ways. what was the goal of fast? and what effect did this expansion have on the bushes and trying to look for what you have cover globally? pretty sure. so as i said,
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the key goal was to keep nato as such. otherwise he had no chances of survival for quite a way. this is what the president had been saved in the 1990s. they would know objective reasons to keep that as they would know, threats. this is why they needed that expansion to retain ne, type as the west instrument to maintain the influence and government, both in europe and the globe illegal. besides, they also are and ask themselves when is in the cold worlds. although this is not the case by any means. so you need to pull out the cold war that's wide and data. in fact, they proclaim themselves when is in the cold war. and the winter is always right. i work for most i remember speech by and just by rasmussen, for my dates, a secretary general already outside of that position, need to speak you to a conference known as the brussels for him. about what is good about nature. first is the soul said political legitimacy, white, it's a good say because it's a club of somebody's democratic states and europe at the one wells. if this is why nobody can question without the decisions they make and the actions that they take . because democracy is always all about good things and a gaze over bad things. now the thing that makes nature better than other
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organizations is the fact that in any circumstances it is the lines that can outgoing anybody else in that. so anyone who dislikes the 1st of the above statements will have to face the 2nd one or the results of that, the catastrophic interventions or a note or 2. well, the most important thing though, is this native way of thinking. they are allowed every things one of us are allowed do nothing. you know, when you've highlighted a significant intervention, what sort of international, legal, and indeed political judgements can be made regarding data is operations in the 19 ninety's and to thousands of i'm talking specifically the in douglas and the former you can solve. yeah, i rock, did the scan a strong no more system wasn't, wasn't me? well, many descriptions can be provided aggression, flagrant violations of international law. catastrophe, humanitarian catastrophe. because if we look at the historical legacy of the lines, it concerns dismembered or devastation of states. about the emergence of vol spaces
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like a rock, libya, syria boss spaces, without any state control which would become a refuge for extremism, terrorism, with poverty destitution, lack of everything, a means of existence prevails, and this is millions of migrants and is millions of last lives. and of course, the license example in this series is afghanistan, and they stayed there for 14 years, based on a year in security council resolution state disgrace when he left without being held accountable to the un security council leaving afghanistan. and they basically said, that's it. we bought our hands with going right now, they continued as subversive activities using afghanistan to create tension around the russian federation. you know, something undervalued stuff is i used to go to speaking as nato russia relations. what's your assessment of most goes in get age when with the 9th and the 9th ninety's on thousands. was it as a constructive smoke or? well sir, was the sense that the other side was how brings us to the see that there was some
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kind of hidden agenda, the little more of the good it's coming up as well for the one could talk about the hidden agenda for this. i would like to point out something else, of course, the russian leadership by that time was faced with a difficult choice choice of how to organize its relations with day sir. by the way, the story i told you about the us is all applying for membership and fight and to keep your boss from being divided into blogs. that story. is there any way similar to the period you're asking about now? the ninety's and it was a very clear choice. we could either ignore data, we could accept the fact that they exist for the european unit exists along with the geopolitical ministry and political realities that come with it. it should not prevent us from trying to build a common european architecture. but as we build this coming europe in architecture, which is designed to minimize the employees that are 3 blocks that would hardly be reasonable to ignore them altogether. then we decided 1st of all, to establish official relations. secondly, considering that the cold war was over and there was no longer any danger of
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confrontation between the blogs. but new threats and challenges were looming on the horizons. it was the 1st of all, those relates to international terrorism and rush, it had become the main victim of these international terrorism. we decided to look for ways to use the existing military potential and the possibilities dependent to gone on. so we talked about the work of the nature of russia, permanent joint counsel, and then the nato, russia council. they what 3 main parts of the 1st day, it was the costs and monitoring of the security horizon by maintaining political dialogue, discussing the problems and challenges that arise. so thinking your 2nd, there was the search but common ground and ways to join efforts. so need times of coordinating some steps, but also in terms of implementing concrete projects, even conducting joint operations, followed i would say was the residual tasks such as continuing to dismantle the legacy of the cold war building. understand the between the military's sharing military development plans, holding joint exercises and so on. and so focused on what to a certain extent is cooperation on the new threads and challenges was not very
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expensive, but it did not overlap with all working of the international organizations and provided added value in terms of security or counter terrorism. cooperation is one example, maritime the search and rescue is another. we created modules to rescue crews of submarines in distress. the anti terrorist component included the range of projects, the greatest strength and security, including by drawing on the lessons of september 11th the russian nato acetate in the system was established and it was designed to share real time information about aircraft, including commercial blades that did not follow ground commodities, or maybe they may have been hijacked by terrorist and to compel them to latin against the producer george exercises were conducted over the black sea and the baltic sea together with probably the dental kia. all these things works. i've gotta solve was a major focus since i've gotten some players, the threat to both national and social security, the primary challenge being drugs because a lot of the largest project and trade anti narcotics, personal napkins complex stuff. and central asian countries was implemented within
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the framework, the russian nature council diploma, and the total of $4000.00 offices were trained full engine called success. so we'll start with the material and come back to capabilities to be after national ami, what reinforced or enabling it to independently control the situation. and i've got a sore throat and the number of other projects including comb, bass and i received your let me tell you about the last thing we did from this positive agenda. we developed a project and came pretty close to implementing it of the 1st day of a joint operation in the history, the russian and agent council. his goal was to ensure safe destruction of the chemical weapons for move from syria and syria, then joined the chemical weapons convention. they were transported to both the us special k. right. so try contain a ship that was to be anchored family and the specific areas of the mediterranean sea and could not be moved during the disposal period. everyone understood that it was a very attractive target for service organizations and needs to be protected. and so at the initiative of the leaders of nato countries on russia, we began planning this operation. we were in the midst of the planning process of
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planning the forces and rules of engagement. when you're in my job and the state to have indeed cap nato abruptly castle, virtually old cooperation with us. and this corporation like so many others, was left by the wayside of history. published by what's your view on the joining of sweden, vin, the, the latest and nato additions is also to ensure nato's future and how like this impact the international situation overall. um, yes, the model may of stomach disc of us with of causes from what they said, the mobile as well. this has the most negative impact. firstly, speaking about the regional situation of the northern european in the baltic sea region intensive, military security, stability were among the most peaceful in europe, fiscal, the phrase and complex no whole complex, no acute territorial disputes. well, not everything was for the result of situation will stable from a military standpoint. and then we know issues in ministry relations with the russian federation. when the baltic countries gained independence,
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i mean when the baltic states would grunted independence by the us is all there was an issue with cleaning grad transit for military purposes, but it was the result. there was no more military disputes in the class. yes, we have serious problems in all bilateral relations with these countries. these problems were not military in nature, and they primarily concerned the situation of russians and russian speaking people in the baltic states, the note citizenship phenomena is a disgrace to bottom democracy with the fact that such countries easily accepted into europe in unit a. nato, which speaks volumes about the hypocrisy of these 2 organizations, brought me a moment in reality, to political reasons, prevailed to neutral countries which enjoyed unquestionable authority in europe, sweden and finland admits a felon will always be associated with the helsinki. final act. feeling had always mean as a full front of the device, but it's to create tenure pain structures. but they, along with sweet and then other than on the line, countries played a prominent role. the establishment administrate transparency instruments. they
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served as a bridge between 2 blocks, allowing them to continue to come together to solve common problems with forces. so they've turned away from this twice reason frames are rapidly increasing, then manager expenditures, purchasing american weapon rate. i mean, time machinery is in motion, does all of this? so if you are paying interest for simply the interest of peace and security in this region, set the north, but it serves american interests. and that's what matters most. and let's say it's sweden and finland. they submitted our application on monday. they basically signed the agreement the very next day on tuesday, the ukraine, on the other hand, has been waiting for almost 2 years and we still don't know to be accepted. it will be time will tell. so i'd like to ask you relating to that. i mean, we know that a nature delegation visited ukraine on the 21st of march, and was actually the 1st visit since the beginning of the conflict. back in 2022. what does this long absence mean in your opinion? now?
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does nato still believe in the viability of the key of government? what could i am a no, nothing in spring and ukraine is an instrument for nature to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes, 1st and foremost, informational and ideological aspects. the demonizing, russia and attributing old souls of malicious plans to use the latest spin has pain that if the west suffers any setbacks in the crate and brush it will definitely evade probably to the end the baltic states. and then there's all the hysteria about the swanky gap, claiming pressure and bella roost were close enough to get a connection to come in and grab new invite the baltic states. and this will be the end of may 2nd, because nathan must always have the all behind it any situation and dictated times, every one. that's number one is below. so number 2 is what's happening in the economic space that i have 15000 sanctions. and the same is happening in other areas, political and military. ukraine is just a favorable where the proxy wars unfolding directly on the battlefield. it didn't
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start today. i remember vividly the time when the my dad was just beginning to quit at that time. nato countries made and the statements that you on a cove it should never use truth so that the armed forces should remain to that barracks. as soon as the victorious government came to pound key, if they wasn't armed code, a native language to 190 degrees, they started talking about how each country has the right to use as all forces to defend against separate tests across the web at the what the separatist was too drunk from their rhetoric because that would mean nato. acknowledge that the conflict in the crate was internal. they needed to position the conflict, has ukraine's rule against russia with ra, shipping label, and aggressive country because, you know, unfortunately that's what data is. miller fried policy and you create, looked like so ukraine was deliberately tied into an empty rush at projects actively supporting types. it's a long story. it's hard to say just how far they will go into support. and it's clear that no one is planning to accept the crate or whatever remains of it any way . however, the support provided by no mean data. so those are the you countries,
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as a long term horizon. for example, you funds allocated for you create support, including purchasing weapons and performing coalition to supply outs. henry, i mean, nation shelves, mon protected vehicles. and so i won't have a plan to rise until 202017 separate plans exist within native frameworks before they re thinking ways to continue training the ukraine of courses by snail or they will continue contributing and target designation, recognizance communications, and so on. and that's reality, but we know that they are already huge numbers of most reason. ukraine is one is volunteers, and offices of all of them will be gradually and systematically eliminated. as all forces advanced and striking training territory and brushes, special military operation effort. it is, you just close this question about how fall will go in supporting your career. and that's because we know that he has for its hard is increasing looking to drive nature deeper and deeper into this conflict. i mean, only recently we hud ukrainian foreign minister,
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pointing on nato to return to the practice of conducting training exercises in ukraine and deploying the tub bases. so i just want to know, in your opinion, do you think that nature will key to schools? and if so, what reaction can we expect from russian? very is both that there's a buzzer, some of those bases one, but that was already, i made a treat based when nature troops afraid and that. so that's what they say. it's a completely legitimate, talkative work, one that sort of suddenly, just a small kids. so that's actually looking a bit broad uh, now beyond ukraine's food is, i mean, we've already witnessing increased need to activity in the south main goal of the alliance in this region. and does watch so already have an understanding of what specific methods the alliance will trying to use to achieve this goal?
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you know pretty much any upfront with me. yes, absolutely. there is understanding to look at nato strategic documents, which the dates are defined brush as it directs an immediate threat to the lines. of course they've decided russia is a direct and immediate threat to the lights. this idea was born in their minds. secondly, by some military construction and no nato activities, wherever they had a aged containing rush out. and this same central asia and the south coast system, also regions where russia needs to be contained in some pressure can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and ok. places bought this, this containment is not any about nature. as i told you about the us, the european union, another act is involved in this. you want me, they can tell you, brush it by preventing the strengthening of the, your ration economic unions preventing the strengthening of the collective security treaty organization. and preventing the strengthening of the shanghai corporate ration organizations. in fact, all arrive is about preventing you raise your news. i'm here for what they don't want be your agent region to be shaped as a region of peace, security and harmonies enough. this is
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a nightmare for our apartments in the west and you know that this is the trends that will likely prevail in the coming years of which you know, because of our desire. but because the world is becoming multi pilot with an economic drive, as is what his drive is, the political influence of shifting as of today towards asia. typically the rage and region went. china rush and a deer are present, getting you on the over arching task is to find a new fed balance of relations with that would allow firstly to maintain peace and security and stability of as well into sol, problems through political media. certainly, it would create conditions for trade, economic interaction and prosperity for all the people sharing this off your rage and regions to what's out there for the global task lies precisely and preventing the formation all busy ration unity to drive wages between russia and china to drive wages between russia and india as a drive, which is of course, between russia and his partners in the south coast is naija. you said that they see peace of some kind of night, but how can not be, as they say over notice, like
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a nato is the defense of a lot. so how does that fits in with these claims of being of a purely defensive nature historically? uh, no. unfortunately, the history of nato is the history of import into trying to shop to put it mildly loved here because these things they have done in 1999. they told me to stay in the centre of europe. they'd been attacked by international terrace which they bumped it for 78 days. they caused the tragedy in the rock and the tragedy in libby, i don't know, it's the almost destroyed series and many others with like a dentist on that history. so i don't know what they mean when they say it has to be successful. the 1st phase of the alliance as a source of confrontation, holston division. they toe as it is now, does not serve the goal of common to european security, or even the interest sivitz our members the the
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other way not. right? so see what's printing, what was the other one that's good there. so sounds good. just so basically of course we need, the last name was needed, read it was can, will be used to be live. imagine we have support for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the of
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the some of the units of the ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians, both within its own country and beyond its borders. russia is a top different matter why they're ripping into the ukraine, and it's western sponsors, claiming they've been old to ready to turn a blind di the kids atrocities are big yet they chose that chief insist pumping ukraine with more military aid as an investment in the law own security adults goes a former invoice to be a lie and says, key of is simply being used as a tool in a proxy war against russia. could i am of no nothing. how strongly do you crane is an instrument for nature type to put it bluntly and.


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