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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away the french started, didn't have any good to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new ours, the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this caused them as discontent. the people of l g area began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of
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georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children, and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriots managed to induce france the start seize negotiations in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 14 l. jerry on the bass towards the independence . but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the depths of one and a half 1000000 algerians.
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the the, the the
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the, the, the, the, what the cost mean? yeah. the get started cuz what is the, my you, what was the one you had of the site to complete the meaning of the printer? did you set up
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a yes. how does that glitched i know or the service rep. it shows the resumes putting it. sure things, things, finances get as soon it's going to change stuff for the extent of what i'm going to do. well, some of them the for the time the mean is only doing or is this. the 1st was seen by them is the both you can talk system just a little bit further, you know, physically with does approximately, from supporting the model for the corporate job growth financial. uh cuz i'm to search, i service for the show the the double cause of which of the month. so the vehicle
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catch to go into it to you and you're doing the part of the substitute they purchase a deposit is just kinda nice. and so i send you the request because i have some students go to both of the, the financial literacy with us just for them to deal with something besides just wanted to just discuss it. moved from mino said it was also gonna be minus and of course to for, to, for well, the susan has to say it, but it saw me all the and saw so so i know the token i see a little with all the to start with you i think it'll stick. yeah. some of those that about the low comes through the see it isn't, but also people say to set up. but as a schema they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break. you know, when you see,
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if it would show the boys have done it yet because of this is going to give us a full lot of little boys to do. you need assistance. i don't want this shit rolled up in the time. so when does it last, but it was so little fish just uh, what i'm saying is the boat knows almost quite easily door, not showing us the dc well at the start there, cuz we don't really slow to do so most just don't want to send you a bundled with us today and it said that the subsidy of up to them, but it's, it is just a little more than you need and then all of that excess of the other, the other option at the front desk. yeah. but it will sim games and you will just send me
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a didn't know what is the most cool video when you but i did when you tell me the lessons, i still don't know. but if you just look at the stuff that i'm going to speak are the choices for the video start. nothing, maybe until technical sounds good. well, but i do see more than 30 minutes. if i get and i'm going to be yes. so uh oh my god, such a lot, no more, but there is dealing about the little girl with age and with any of these are the you by chance by say, i have all of that. isn't all disagree up as to which was a new and i said in your was the i'm still still needed, especially for the points to the based on this quarter. some of the p as in develop some special. yeah. uh but then what's the, what is your role in total?
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likely most of the delta me it's coming due to me the for any except for now the bills, the, the fox, the, the young familiar with the greatest from the close the door. yeah. point of the device, anybody in the device to the what about the service to putting it in the ocean? that is the star test test at the show. there was never easy to go click to see a little of most of these last multiple signals completely to coordinate with money and cool to the real close motion. go to her when she was supposed to the doors in the 3rd going to be something or 2 of those when you're going to sleep. but let's go thank you. it's only is elizabeth will to pull child so they will cost the same. what do you same is the part of a couple that i will do to have them use this new idea of what i see. but what's
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your goal? yeah, you know, it's going to, you know, what the email you want me to call you. well, as always, thoughts on that was really the please read them is more than cover william go call . the middle one is lot of the delay is feeling one in order was that old disorder? not for the engine limited, or you can also go. so she'll talk to my little fluid. oh, i'm going to go unusual for another one of the show was the charlotte williams. why now? 31 shows he's still cool boil because the resilience, someone, of course, the whole, the little little the or do you need to move quickly, move on. wish you a few of us about the event that you would stay in your frontier and you could be the pub button. uh,
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but the billing it still mostly there to go to the next step. then you don't have any will. it will say no. been able to start, so it would be beautiful to show you more than human explorers on the really what i just talked to you to see the water for the deal. the local office goes on your pool was 3 good. i mean the, we're going to remove it, you're still in the 70 more years these people would shoot me this one on you and you can use was what did they couldn't use? was the new board with the boy just want you to think, but what you, what i knew i started going mobile, close the use of the news on the give it with anything and we'll talk to the board and the dealer. sorry. what was the problem to go just to and you know, both of them are showing. you have new phones. you see the little flip, i'm in the room. is the goals. give me the phone,
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let me go. let them have you put in the keys business junior, you fall middle of the boys, lee, but go do they just give me the book. can you please to leave of both school there easily feel of some of you and so you don't have to be just a little bit just residential. so what i'm going to do that if i do is for you. so boy lived a little slow. so what does a movie on what is in the default to flip this focus on you know, that much are the variables that will be stored over. so i think so, but assuming you, but you will see the company was going to do the sheets on you, those millions units. those are the process due to some of the, the cost of the one with those little that's what it is. what's the story to do? but it was a voltage. i grew up the showing us nobody in the near the got somebody, it's
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a month or the teachers could use the
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initial hosting. yes. the initiating the invoice, the
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the, the new toyota. uh no one has i think the uh, pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you like it all myself, but you might see in the us and you had some nibble the you know, it's the hi. i'm rick sanchez, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state. can you in these mountains? yes, certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man, and my hungry. luckily, i'm in north a setup where food is almost a 4th of religious recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and this qualifies for being part of the units go world heritage. intangible list. that's the, again, the, which i'm going to give you a little bit more. so if this matter is sort of great the,
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for the appointment for you which is seamless, the deal. we've got a little from windham, and as well as i wasn't quite sure. and which was also the initial english wasn't history, you know, since the middle of the little squiggly. so old school for lew, hopefully within one was that the person went to them was for the other was going to be going to see us go from. i think you are full and cannot it would cool lady would you feel it would be a good influence? link to support this, can you realistically see me? be sure there's the cooling. let's do it as one. yeah, i do, but talk to cuz they're gonna show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at then you're going to give someone
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a cup of water through the sort of store but some frame. what was it, what i need to know is maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. let me tell you a little before state that there was a one or more ownership on what's going on in so much you're going to use the see ways of us. i see this is also showing oxy. yeah. go ahead and capacitance. thank you must golf course hotel is must post cold list vehicle on bus for him and ask my company them across on them to tell you. and then once you share some additional, william show a chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to taylor pregnancy loose loose cds. you little? yeah, it was really beautiful if you will, but it was really to a solution. say that they will get here. me, you'll see. oh i last. they hear fall. every new mazda is
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a lot of which special on this i see that they should have many of the most they have those. okay. he's gluten, thomas? yeah, yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i attempted to get a hold of any food at the yesterday or e cause they're supposed to use to do so. but the other thing in my, in the see the same thing as a stolen, no warranty or anything them up can. i can get a sponge engine welcome, but just using that, is there some other issues for you guys use in your mind? you know how you spend 5 years? okay. there's always that there's thoughtful sonya that mitchell stays up stairs on that side of the last example. see, well then you have a couple of others that also are shifting this with 3 for them because they've got
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to do is to be in the email and then you'll enjoy it and she can show the views over as well. oh, let me change this now. where's the most that i should have noticed that there's a nice yes the customer itself should i think that as well. yeah, that's the show us ocean was, but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for a toner which doesn't look actually, but just because of the shows and that's the rest of it. yes, i'm just somebody came strong enough to buy me. is this i've decided to buy some some sho, sufficient might. so for me is to at the beach, was these shows where was the last time she was given this to you? this is so when the,
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the prospect of these 2 the one of the just for the luggage is the media. i knew it was what it's just the level that it is. it's been in my license, but it will show it to you. does it? yeah. wish on one of the spells of interest we ship never sent of them. i mean at the solution that way, especially with the know with i just yeah, mostly neil which is pretty. we should at least them. but just to read it this for this and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show a blessing. it's almost again frank find out they ended up on the issue, not going to be and as a you know, me and was wanting me to come for me
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a full list or somebody might because i was. ready most of my personalities to me as well me for i would be doing t as in nancy associates, only a cousin that i've noticed that is pretty free. she's to use it to me that the british lack of the news. yeah, i think my post of that plan was unfortunately, these keep pretty she used to be on us for her teeth and like be somebody gets comes late on pickup photos and found my 1st name's actually look at what physician should fish on the. so i see something here that is what i just talked to was just sort of go out of the table and you have quite a few months gus, for renewal in, in, on your study. but i will be showing you think of nearest home. there's a little squeak, i found a desk. sure it's a bullet. he thought it states because there's the city many big houses and they
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need it for those of those funding. so void, that may be that you've got to say just to try to bring anybody my that's just the kind of shows that more at the center to touch that he has a share and that's with you. and he's going so if these things just before the fees and that the other thing is hit the, the button that you put to, or these diesel, fired for you. let me show it to zillow. someone's lovely, just and with us of the one that i'm really appreciating is also used to be who is will to the most of the us when you go there's no someone's looking just on the software. so as long as submitted sent out quite a few days ago, you know, because of it off of the ladies, it will be for you as soon as i think you will continue to those if i want to store . and then when would you be publicized? because it also can you see what you're saying? pretty much mostly. sure. so the 0, close the loop on is a version less you possibly could have definitely shut little, but i thought, oh, it's a by we transportation for the dental office in
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virginia rule. so the what the way i'm, i'm going to do the one. yeah. so that's almost be a sample size. is always see what, what you mean by the 5th. it was initial plan. most of those, you know, those nc lotion kind of. so the assignment, i don't know, say football, somebody the sort of a hold on, because i just want you to know if you want to replace the disease of the contrast corners are, but that's who i was on a separate into stores and then i won't be and we look at washington, what are you saying? what was that was uh, i wish i was able to really have much of the financial the window open now and like i saw solution, it's a little some off the roof. i've been here as a uh, sunk of a kind of thing over a 100 years of garza. uh, what's going on on 2nd. we'll take the guess in the pricing seems to me so as you can start doing this, i think that it comes through. so the mobile has the photos,
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the site up to the little side for my share. cool to the modification, please give me some most click this little part here, most of the social and it is awesome. and what's the problem? whatever it will look like the new, but when she was, this is a full choice. so you feel simple, doable for the move. so go to the store, the mobile phone supposedly going to see those people who want to keep bothering you just looking to cover the stand, what sort of take off the rest of
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the the samsung mobiles. and we need to go through the notion of these. we don't to them or do you suppose you but what is the voltage here? 3 of course and the other thing you know, like i said, i'm with them and that isn't testable. trust me, you're still originally affordable for you. so now the functional, the, near the point is that even if we use it as to why we wanted one, what do you say? most people don't know what she need to square someone sole. so, so what, what is the new very difficult, but it has to be a set of the for doing the upgrade. your so to your, to the problems want to see must even use a cheaper cause. you stick with the number then how much the we use or what, for example, i don't know what the meaning of the size. i mean, you definitely side of the fight them with the new or so is but also we true and you called sorry that we suppose continue. it was
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a bit of advice. so some of the keywords for somebody to crystals or any of that was one reason because there was issues with the issues that is this a good man that's good was a school that of us little so he's not being a less than a semester. so he thought it was the she was people who stressed over some of the the the the, the state school is
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a little store. do you think that's what a lot of these cards, there's a pool growing. yeah. on the she was you know, do simple. so i wanted offices that i, for the one with the kind of, it was the restroom, you know, like a muscle. and you saw cream was, it was not where some of them stabilize even a little faster than that. essentially, it's a book also for the colombians, the more expensive, and i'm going to plan with you, whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do,
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don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify it will confuse really once a better wills and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground can as a result, online is can be started by law. these can be expanded by true importance of we can never be kind of a station. so that transparency is an extraordinary drawn mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that? by publishing information and sharing information with the public, he was exercising the rights for a speech he did. so in the public interest was to so long realized pen smith and, and honestly, to relate to seriously, i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal
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anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we're going to let that stay in the the slower ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. russia's top typically much has been to ukraine and its western sconces, claiming may be able to ready to turn a blind. i took the exit falsities, but the needs data is chief in 5th problem paying ukraine with move military 8 is an investment to security that most goes on board to the alliance says kids simply being used as a tool in a proxy war against russia. graham was not the strong ukraine is an instrument from


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