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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 4, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
i started, in other words, this support is the upper rates as a box visual respiration full prolonging the existence of the regime. oh don't. we believe that the us is directly responsible for the dual actions of the zine, his regime and the address all around us? message send through diplomatic channels says that the american side will not be able to escape responsibility for the murder committed, elliptical on the list on visiting professor at the university of jeff wrong dr. to hit i saw the fees is well, is trying to pull more plays into it specials and that would put the whole region a risk. he says, this is an extremely escalated situation and the of knocks us madness of these really we seen is just printing the west asia on the verge of a full list bar and sport to ron. of course and all loud floor scenario has been most unwelcome auction on the table, given the fact that such an option will run the risk of dragging the entire region
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and even beyond into a full fledged allowance confrontation. therefore, iran was trying to practice sort of the strategy patients so far serving and march significant purpose of avoid inc. additional complications. however, this patience based on but the courage from the spokesman and father officials in iran is not limited to these really use are doing to do active. busy or into a new they say extensive battlefields coming from the fact that they have failed in the bathroom fit. that they are the they, they feel that they are in sort of disaster situation after these failures, after killing hundreds and thousands of civilians and o d r. trying to bring as many as possible of players into this battle both and they can sort of provide justification for their best or allies to get into
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this barrels. been here's the rock and gets into it and do wrong is very cautious about this situation. because the chief purpose here is to the floor. and before we go, the governor rushes north west and met a months region was attacked after attending a meeting of his constituents, a local authority, say that onto the cheapest, has been transported to a local hospital. he has a stab wound, is being sent into surgery at the suspect is yet to be officially identified. but for more on this and other news stories do, how does that to all websites of change stuff called the plaza, set the head over to a website, to read more on those stories. that's all we've got time for this hour, but we'll be back with move in around 30 minutes. would you say enjoy the
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the the
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same i. so that was i told her about the so the, the what the media gets loaded up that goes, what is the my you,
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what was the one you had of these sites to conflict at noon? if we don't have the print speed, you set up a vehicle, is that glitched? i know the service. yeah, sure. they're doing some funny sure things, things finances get that. it's going to just look for the external and i'm going to do some other people the time on the me, it is only doing all this stuff and was seeing what am is going to do both or you can talk system this the pacific is supposed to be off the school, but it does approximately comes by in
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the building for the pauper's job post the natural uh cuz of the uh, search i service for the sure. the double cuz he's over the just a month. so the whole catch to a lunch or you and you didn't put off the substitute, they purchase a process just on a so. so i send you the request because they have some students go to both of the, the needs of literacy with others for, for the, for the video and sometimes facebook. so i have to just, physically, yes, it was for me just that it was also going to your mind instead of us to, for, to, for all the says it has to say it, but it saw me all the and so i'll say, so i know the token i see that a with it starts with you. i think it'll show you some of those. what about the low comes
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through the see this, but also people say the self dog. but as a schema, they let me know, but that's what i did when it goes down to break. you know, when you the hotels from other boys and put it on the go on. shared rooms are full of little boys to do. you need assistance. i don't want this shouldn't rolled up in the time. so when does it go past it? it was. so when a fish, just the thing is the book. most of most of you to do it. not showing us what you do. you see what the start looks to be something so that it needs to do so most just don't want to change. if i go to kind of fits with the feeling also that the subsidy of up to them as you see frontier. it's just the new using and all that access to the other. the other option at the
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front desk. yeah. but it will seem gains, and you will just send me uh, i need to know what is the most cool video when you think to them, when you get to the list of them, i still don't know what easiest if i'm still the speaker, the choice before yeah, we'll start nivia technical sounds good. well, but i do see most of the be nice if i get and i'm good. okay. yes. so uh oh my god such a lot. no more, but it was doing about the little girl with age and with any of these are the new but sure is published today. oh, there is no dispute as to which was a universal video. is it in the code? i'm still still needed, especially for the 20th the the football this quarter. some of the guys in the village. some special.
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yeah. so the sofa. uh, but the most them will this roll into it on most likely most of the data. me come and get them in the next. uh uh uh, part of them the bills, the fox, the uh, the young lady that's okay. just from the policy door. yeah. point oh, stick. nice. anybody in the by to the what about the service to putting in the, the ocean that is the stone chest just to the show that there was never easy to go look to see a little of look up these last multiple significant political coin with money and cool to the single couple. when she was the doors in the state of georgia and so forth, you of that was when you pull insurance, and if i understood what it was,
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only is elizabeth true, simple child. so they will cost me the same. what do you think is the bottom you couple that i will do to have them use this new idea of what is the point? what's your goal? yeah, you would always come and you don't want the any of you want me to call you or go as low as long as the, the model for these thing is more than cover william dot com. the middle one is lot of the delay is feeling in order was that all destroyed, if not for the engine, give me that or you can also go. so she'll also, my little fluid is going on. i'm going to going usually another one of the show most, the charlotte, maybe you cook. why now, through our shows these through cool boil before the resilience, someone of course, because the little little the, or if you need to, of the book when we load on on what you think us about the
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technical which then your friends, even you could be a part of the billing you still remotely see that it goes to the next step, then you don't know when you will. it will say no. been able to start so, but you feel able to show you more than the image source on the really what i just talking to me. you see the water for the deal the local office goes on your pool was 3 good. i mean the, we're going to remove the 70 more years. these people will choose your own order and you and you can use was, what are they going to use as the new board? we get the boy just want you to take. but what you, what i mean, you started to go home, will close the use of the news on the give it with anything you will talk to the board and the deal side of the brother go just to and you
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know, board with the soon you have new phones to see because the mother will let them in the room. is the goals? give me the soon. let me go, let them have you put in the keys business junior, you fall middle of the problem with lee, but that will do b. b, excuse me, we will pay you please to leave a boat school at least with feel of some of you. and so you don't have to be just let me just let you know. so what i'm going to do that if i do is for you to void the lives of the loop at a slow, the default to flip your focus on, you know, the mature, the local to restore the services you need, would you. but you will see that using it isn't, it's completely what's called the sheaves. are you? those leads us literally the process be to smooth the hospital and with those
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results, movies flush a bunch of the storage of it that they do. but it was a full insurance through the soonest. they'll bring in the near, they've got somebody a month or the teachers could use the
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initial hosting. yes. the, the, the initiating the invoice, the via the side as the, the,
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the, the new speed of the billing is going to be the pretty uh, pretty good. how much would it be possible for them? i don't think you like it all myself, but you might want to get some nibbling closer and then putting it on the parking in these mountains. yes, certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man and my hungry. luckily, i'm in north,
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the city of where food is almost a 4th of religious recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and this qualifies for being part of the unit. sco world heritage, intangible list, that's the again the what is part of the blog post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stuff without collision? is that stuff? part of the as the what somebody did, they give you
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a little bit more. so if this matter is so great, what's the appointment for you which was seamless? reading, pennsylvania was deal. we've got a little from windham, and as well as i was. and which was also the initial english with history, you know, since the middle of the it was clearly so old school for the whole couple. it was the one was that the person wasn't them was for the other was good. beautiful. if you're going to see us go, what do you think you were full and cannot? it would clue. the lady would you feel it would be a good influence level of support this? can you really quick see me issues there's the cooling. let's do it is only i do, but talk to like it'll show me what you mean. nice. i'm assuming i'm was looking at
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and you're growing up someone couples with the reason for the short of stillwell but some frame. what was what i need to know if maybe it's not easy to put you on hold. let me tell you a little before split the bill was the one or more from the ownership on what's going on in the luxury or yeah, the use of the series of us, i see nice and also showing like she yeah. go ahead and almost capacitance. thank you must go, school is must go, school was to hold on bus for him and ask montgomery them across on them to tell you. and then once you share some additional, william show a chance. i didn't tell you enough. i'm going to taylor pregnancy loose loose cds. you little? yeah, yeah, this was really beautiful if you will, but it was really to a solution. said that the, well, you near me,
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you'll see this thing here fall. every new mazda is a lot of visual on this my see if they should, how many of us will stay? yeah. those. okay. he's gluten thomas? yeah, yeah. and those are the ladies. i knew i'd sent that to down quickly to go to any of his as of yesterday was the cause they're supposed to use disease so possible. but the other thing in my, in this yeah. and that's what same thing as this problem. no warranty or anything? no upgrade, can't get a suspended engine working, but just using that, is there some other issues for you guys on your mind? you know who is yours? how you spend time is always for the 1st of all sonya the michel stays up stairs on the side of the oh, i see them both see one of them and then you have
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a couple of them. is that also shifting this o. s 3 for them? and then you get to do is to be in the email and then you enjoy it that you've shown the views of it as one of the changes. so westcove and the other much that they should have with us to there's a nice yes, the customer itself should i think that as well. yeah, that's the show us. the question was, but i'm frustrated because of all that as well. somebody for that's what i'm interested in. look actually, but just based on the shows and i left the rest of that, yes, i'm just so we can still hold on somebody's this. i've decided to buy some some show. let's see this pretty much the fishing mindset for me is to the beach. was these shows where was that accurate? let's see here.
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i was given this to you. this is so when the prospect may be said, you know, most of the, one of the just thought they look at the media and use the what, because what is to you? because the level of this, explain your my license to the other side to you. does a guy who is on one of us does of interest, we ship never sense of them. i mean, it's a solution that way, especially with the know with i just yeah. mostly neil, which is pretty nice, at least and, but just to read it to somebody else and you can assess the 1st 11 years to just show a blessing. it's focused almost to go from my desk and they had to get some use in
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the north of the industrial me and was wanting me to come from minneapolis to somebody who might because i get the most. ready most of them that they might possibly be doing mutual nice, but i would be to t as in nancy, associated his phone with that cousin. let us know if that is free for you choose to use anything infected with my cousin, z he's yeah, i think my post that plans and those unfortunately these keep but each unit separate the floor in the might be something it comes out of it. i think i pull it up and down with last names, actually look at office and she should fish on the so i see if i can view of the these that i just talked to was just sort of goal kind of the you know, quite a few months gus, for the beginning, well, you need on your study, but i will be showing a total of needs to hold as,
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as all the major task we've already found the s key sure. at the blue the products face cuz there's the safety. many big houses in the near post those of those funding the void. and then you've got to say just to kind of been anybody my last just to kind of shows that no, i think i sent it to the 5 star. here's a shirt and that's with you and he's to so if these 365 season it the other 10 years will hit the, the bottom one that you put to i used google by at the nation. what does it listen? was lovely just and with us of the one that i'm really appreciating is also used to, to be who needs to go. so the question just on the software services on a submitted sent out quite a few weeks ago. it was cut off of the ladies that were produced with i think you apply to you to those 3 pretty much the other one which is the template furnished because it also can you see where you soon too much more or less. you're so busy with those the blueprints, i'm not sure why she possibly could have done several, but i thought, oh it's i wish transportation for the dental office. the
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and the the rules, it doesn't, it will go at the moment either one. yeah. and it also puts almost piecing it, but i was, i was always see what was even, you know, by the 5th it was initial plan was about, you know, those entity which doesn't, lucian kind of. so the was on the assignment. i don't know, say football, somebody the sort of a hold on because i just want you to know if you want to. if i said in a couple of days, what's the contrast corners of the sales and support and just the whole thing and yeah, it will be a we look at watching. what are you 1st see what was i was on the shelf tables. i'm really bad. i'm actually going to provide you to one of both now and like i saw solution, it's a little, some of the problem here is uh uh, sancho is kind of thing, okay, is uh version of what's going on. i don't think it'll take the guess in the pricing says to me,
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so i see consulting this site as opposed to think that it comes through to the level of support as the site up to the middle. so for my share cool modification, please give me some more personal ballpark the most of the social and it is awesome . i want you to the problem, whatever it will go with the new. but when she was, it is a full size. so you have to go, simple, doable for them on. so good about them is doable, like the mobile phone for him, but it's still available for me when you see part of it, i mean, usable thing. i'm looking to cover the scan, what sort of take off with michelle completely some of
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the the samsung mobiles and need to go super close and he's with going to the use of issue. what is the voltage here at the 1st, of course, and i, but i thing you know, like i said, i'm with them and that is an festival showing me your thoughts really affordable for you. so the 1st, the near the point is that even though this is why we wanted one, what do you say? most people don't know what she just quit some more sole. so, so what, what is the brand new? very difficult, but it has to be a set of people doing the upgrade your social 0 to pause want to see must even use a chief of police cars. he's stuck with me and i'm just, i'm almost the with usually what, for example, i don't know what the meaning of the size. i mean, you definitely side of the fight them with the new or so is but also lead to on
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your thoughts are that were supposed to continue. it was a bit of advice. so subtle science, the keywords for somebody to crystals right now, that was one reason because there was issues with the issues. do so good. now let's go with the school with the school and so he's not being a less, less and less. and so he thought it was so she was people sure. as soon as she comes over to the
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the other side of school with her use of those to do things with what a one of his cards, there's a little drawing. yeah. on the okay. she lets you know, do simple something, walk it off of this, is there any further on? so could it be kind of, it was the mushroom, you know, like a muscles and his talk retails was not where some of them stabilize even a little faster than that. essentially, it's even possible to someone who can odms the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants
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a better wills and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground can in 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the massages claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp. a place associated with the was the trustees committed in yugoslavia during will go to use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the scene of us. campbell, who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners. they send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was
12:00 am
incredible genocide. the 3 of us, the ukraine, has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders versus 12 people that has in going on it's west and claiming that they've been all to ready to turn the blind guys to see if it falsities, within views. they chose chief insights, probably bring new credit with military aid is an investment in the clump of the security. but most of those formal voice, the line says here seems to be being used as a tool in approach. see who james workshop probably in the face to ukraine is an instrument for nature to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they take countries of waging a hyper boy.


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