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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the size of the south and russian investigate is fine evidence linking the most good quotes and whole terrorists with the queen calls the author pertaining photos from the suspects for mobile phones as well, kills 8 workers in gaza in record numbers. we look at how the west reacts to the it's supposed to be different the when they effect this little citizen of the things that sort of bind item last 2 sessions. wires in the south privacy is phasing it offensive. and since the buying a code for them to speak, with support from quote, its the escalation and easy, i forgot some of the expo liam boxes of naming easier in with probably ation for
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a quarter to actual deal. the last some aid with a disappeared the for almost the to the well, this is obviously, it was good to have your company today. my name's up until the top story. russian authorities have found evidence linking the green conflict and the terrorist attack on the most good costs of hold off the obtaining photographs from the suspects phones to do for you. so that is the terrorists find contains by to images of people in camouflage, along with the ukranian flag and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the terrace stands and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium, special services,
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and international islamist terrorists organizations in the organization. and financing of the terrorist act, it's joining me now in the pseudo is obviously correspondence. that's good. say that's, that's good. thanks so much for taking the time. so interesting a revelations coming from the russian investigator as well moving into this well and investigation here in russia has been ongoing since the horrific events of the 22nd of march, which took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. we have seen a number of arrest, the series of criminal charges broke forward, and obviously investigation unfolds. we are getting more more information about the forces which choreographed the attack. the latest is the data from the phone of one of the atrocities suspected popular traits of which they actually tried to throw away understanding that it would probably incriminate them father. this data has been analyzed. what does it show? well, 1st off, like we had photos of a male in minute,
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3 fatigue straight. and the ukranian slack holding a chain with a symbol of ukraine. that's the tried and photos of a tank of the bones out built in. presumably from the wizard plus an image that really became eye clinic in the days of the war, about solving ukrainian soldier fronting on snake island, giving the middle finger to a russian ship. this really went down in the annals of history. it was a legend almost to vote, ultimately approved to be nothing up but missed and that's not a lot. 6 on the morning of february 24th 2020 for me on the bus 3 of the adults with the special military operations. one of the co conspirators on the instructions of the curator, found screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocuses, the whole building and access roads to its own internet resources, and sent them to him. the suspect confirmed all of this in his testimony. so clearly the 22nd of march atrocities was not
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a spontaneous. let's go and shoot top crow cuz it was meticulously pond. it was coordinated with a number of players on the concert who was chosen as a target months in advance. now, just to be clear and none of this proves anything definitively, no limitation of the site to go off to people in the photograph safina identified as far as we know. but what the investigation is thrown, upsets me lens followed the president's. what top russian officials have been saying for weeks, which is that one way or not the ukraine because had, but it was no innocent bystander in the lot. the events of that day literally ship items. this attack was prepared by radical islamic and was facilitated by western special services ukraine. special services also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what ukraine security services and
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the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly as well. if you specify the us, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries about behind the terrorist attack, 2nd associated with, well, i think, so we're currently talking about the findings that we have. and there are some general developments that of social security. it seems that the thing is all beings of being pointed at ukraine, but have have the west of the reacts to, to all of this. give us a bit more about the well fuss me. it is important to note, but none of those the rest of the sofa of ukrainian origin, almost all have central asian heritage and sympathies with is the most extreme is on the bottom, the page and has been very clear on this, on how this was a calculated political decision, by the most mind of the attacks designed to stoke empty mike on his, on the 3rd big sentiment in russia,
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which of course is home to more than 6000000 foreigners over 90 percent of whom come from central asian state. i see numerous, russia, it cannot be the talkative terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalist. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of inter faith harmony and unity into religious and ethnic units. and in the external arena, russia behaves in such a way that it can hardly bain object of a thing by is let, make fundamental is. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in modern conditions, is set the visible moment. so it must go, has long maintained that the gunman was simply pull ones. and this why did to your political day mind that the true architects of the atrocities still remain at large very possibly abroad. now, on that point, give an current events. and given what we know about tips modus operandi, it was probably only natural that suspicion would 4 on ukraine. but really,
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this suspicion became even stronger off to the very old reaction of kids allies to the terrorist attack. the atrocity was basically still ongoing when washington came out and sustained a 100 percent. if ice has pay, we've made that determination, but nothing to do with you quite in terms of what you great. now, just to reiterate, no investigation have been opened yet. no one has even mentioned your point. in fact, pro quest was still literally funding. and yet here was washington already defending its ward. it really seemed like a case of delay to death protests too much. there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to ukraine. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact,
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what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement. how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. now the media of course occurred all of this measuring most of those concerns as baseless, but like i said, we really do need to look up the ukranian pay book. and very sadly, terrorism does feet. so that was the thought is the meet up for this kill list of needing american politicians, john this officials, celebrities, whether or not the regular compliments. what was up to blow up the crime in bridge for gf, this is a side game they've admitted as much to spot. is it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the elimination of such persons as kiva cyrus and guitar
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ski? can you give any details if this is the case, then yeah, that was your question is exactly the right one. especially we cannot recognize this in any way, but at the same time i'm ready to disclose the details to you. so that is the context to the latest developments in this investigation. the task now will be unraveling. all of these threads, fathers that they need most goes security services to the most mind of the massacre on. if indeed they do end up leaving to the landscape. government into us, will this be a watershed moment when ukraine's allies finally stopped turning a blind eye to the bloody and terrorist actions open increasing the rogue states? well, that's type of so you know, the in those a met. so that's the truth prevails. so i scale was a pleasure. thanks so much for bringing this up to speed. thanks again. 5. now let's set a lot of patience to them. at least regardless of what has become deadlier for
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humanitarian workers than any other conflict around the world last 30 years. now that's according to the aid with the security data base $203.00 of those posts um have been killed and gall this and something about one recent is race like i'm human attending convoys killed 78. look, s o c cause when a don't quote, a has the d test across the main stream media stories of 7 a to workers from the world central kitchen killed trying to provide relief in gaza by an israeli air strike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike the wealth central kitchen is posing in scarsdale operations. off the 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian, as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under an unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this thing is where the government's apologizing to the families of the i'd work is carols,
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including the 3 families in britain. all of us have expressed breast grief about this together and but all you apologize the frank, to be frank, if you let me on christian, there's no point attacking me already. i've just arrived. i'm happy to talk to you . i'm just also a simple question. i want to add onto that. you want me to apologize, allow me to wants. so this was a mistake was moved. so you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology in the greeting family law as something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries, and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians, feed to the flags, could have any repercussions. but i'd states, i mean, i know you're gonna say that you're waiting for the, the results, the investigation, everything. but as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations,
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we keep seeing these routes. it wasn't easy. 7, i think are 208 were so controlled by it's right. yeah. dollars. we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's, so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes, filing the most of the peoples of info or not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there is no evidence of that. it's about time, some serious public attention was given to the plight of aid workers in gaza. and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism. but a war against humanity itself, for its part, israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology misidentified its
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target. this to i cause not carried out with the intention of homie w, c k, a g. well, cuz it was a mistake that followed me. so you didn't, if occasion, night during the war in a very complex conditions, it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figured that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022, just one. look at the l. c. for hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming force is being used there. according to an independent investigation, the is really military is even using an ai system called lavender to identify potential homeless militants with nothing more than a rubber stamp from its operators. in determining who was who,
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and it was apparently given the green light to kill up to 20 innocent people for every valid target killed that was classified as a junior operative. every person for him as uniform in the past year or 2 could be bump, or 20 civilians killed as a collateral damage even without special permission. in practice, the principle of proportionality did not exist. support that right to have acceptable collateral damage into perspective. the us military's right for low level commanders during the invasion of a rack was near 0. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such a astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza. they were at the national rather than parish the use. so it might the more and we know the able issue directly to us the new. yeah. as far as just a new support of these right there was the got,
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these are all feet is right and we are talking about the bus run. your countries are the gold between them and you for your country today. media in the west usually is live breaking the the news on the, you know, i've been working, they fixed the work you today, but they both make an issue about it when it comes to having to these are issues, especially the savings of the box. we saw a different face for these. i mean, yeah, and they were talking about, you know, the children and books, the children be, be beheaded under, uh, moving to read and they made a big, big and the you campaign based on lies. which none of those accusations were approving when it comes to the 50. but assume is because we are not white a lot and we are brownish people,
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so they don't get that much you. and so it's, as these are described, you better see guys as a human, any moves, or any letters describe the 1st thing that you guys that. so i've done an image right now, so we make a big fuss about the scene is when it comes to that you will, you will be on or on an action as like what happens with these 70 work? there's a lot of cars and then they get the cost of them year and you know, cost by these media or the countries in july to make every other issue out of the crimes committed by his right in guest china as well in the philippines against provocative actions in the south china sea, raising canes, and many of them might be, i can see on the foreign influence and reaching its commitments. i don't care until they show how can we show when the direct cause of the current escalation, the maritime disputes between china and the philippines lies in the fight. the
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philippine side relies from external forces finalizing its commitments and repeatedly provoking disputes come with the fed up inside. sure to meet least still pitts infringement of the law and provocative acts by its own commitments and the relevant understandings and consensus reached by china and the for the price is a vain high between many of the amazing and recent months over the territorial spot in the south china sea, but it is on the balance of the philippines adoption and new security. the vin, based on a chinese, for his use, was a cannon to prevent supply ship from accessing it for the fans. movie. i'll post the sierra madre, which is in a disputed area. the fit of insight. it will not tolerate such incense all commitment to maintain be a pc or a match rate will always be that. so any attempt by china to interfere with resupply emissions will be meant by the philippines in a fashion that protects our troops. fine,
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that's close live. now to how we wrote is the full month presidential space was and of x present would be good to test it and he's joining us for that is look capital manila. thanks so much harry. i think we've just had a bit of a connection issue, but we're happy with connect said now can you hear me clearly? ok. yes. i can hear you. excellent. heart virus was taking the time. you know, we don't really show they've been hearing. so i'm mix news recently about the types of 2 in philippines. i'm china, but i mean, how serious is the current territorial conflict between the 2 countries as well? my for the government is i was fox sports and the former president said, what i can say is that we manage to keep the peace during that time off. i pressed them to that the by i agree and i both parties agree to respect this type is going on and these are the, the motors to be been, be the general must have remained, seems 27 be or is there was also an incident of what kind of in the industry in the area of
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a union show and saying that made it clear that they would not allow that the debris or file instruction number, their materials for the set of my table. the only thing the size of the data set then was to make sure not not the singles looking at of my dice, because if even one soldier dies, it would be a different that topic all together. but the vessel did not think because of each beverly condition which from me to think that perhaps the river bearing but struck them that the best in itself. but it was done not in the same manner that the car, that ministration is doing. the provoking, of course, a rather aggressive reaction from china. so i can always be for the past with me, space on women seem to be by respecting this type of school. right. how are you? we'll get, we'll get to the car and present in a 2nd. but right now is we're going to see a textbook example of gun but diplomacy and action i would,
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i would do. but in this disagreement could turn into something most serious. it is a potentially, on my part to know my person does the assessment is they would only be an escalation department, but usually noted, states comments of that depends on the philippines because of the mutual defense treaty. now, which is the collective security agreement that people comes after that the united states, they've gone through, it's west to buy the box where the i see no basis for the americans to declare war against the china. i, exclusively, on the basis of the dispute that there is already in the west philippine seat at the beginning with the americans have not been made public that they approve of the philippine claim to the dispute, the territory. but the americans have been saying is they oppose anything that would violate the freedom of navigation, of the highest fees now and they have not said that they recognize that the philippines now. so i think um the mark was administration is god believe on the fact that the united states with documents rescue if 5 days escalation of 5 me to
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die, i see the deeds in the union. but um, my assessment, these americans will not get involved in any military into action in the west philippine sees that's only because they don't really recognize that they've been fight though. but also because of the single red and blue cross. and i think it's not worth the time and effort of the americans to declare a 1000000 barry in contact with saying that over the side. let us know. so how you say that they were the us, of course, we know that the strong ties with definitive beings, but you'll say that they weren't mid totally get involved, however, on the back, so on the back, but behind the scenes do they influence bundled them good, marcus, these days let's just say that giving him boss colts that we found that it started growling as far as identifying capability, but the bands are debbie boy is concerned because americans have repeatedly said that there's support for the for the beams, boys, the ones with the mutual defense the ben street,
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the is called iron clad uncle know what you see in the past with the last 2 i let us know me see brief as well as cardboard. a sure the china in the, in both ends of this, the u. s. did not get there be many batteries. so i do at the sides we're at least um, optimism is coming from as far as the current administration is concerned, that people to stand up to china is might be a us intervention. all right. how do you know the sort of thing in the military depaula recently announced the adoption of a new defense doctor, which apparently comprises a move from a defensive pulse you to a more outward focus security strategy. what do you think of it and in your, in your opinion, was one of the reasons behind it? well, i would say it's commendable that the philippines is dreaming, that they've done on its own defense. it's david story. of course,
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i wouldn't be one with such an aspiration, but then he added to us, we didn't have the capability to stand up to the meeting by the might of china. and that's the only way we could even pop in the front saying that is with us. it's been something that it states. but as i've said in my and i this is it with not before it was interesting. yeah. we also saw that uh, what we heard from china, they, they, they, they make the argument, that's the philippines is to blame for the present conflict escalation by, quote, this is a quote, relying on for an faxes. you mentioned it briefly that but trying to say that they've written single abbreviations i'm part have instigating the dispute. what are your thoughts on that? well again i, i can only speak for the past administration. so we maintain the piece by respecting this type of school, of course the new administration is uh, invite them to come up with its own board policy on china and on the be see that
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everybody's. but already we're seeing that this more and more conflict arising from the new policy approach adopted by the market was at this rate. so however, i'm the president, in fact, as a cheap architect before the policy and that people, i'm just afraid that the policy direction adopted by the current administration will eventually lead to more me decided confrontation, which i know that it's quite does the subbing. well, we look at the middle, the fee side of things. sure. perhaps we're witnessing up a bottle of ships on the high seas. what does this go to a different environment? it shouldn't. how to, i mean i, we know here this economically does that affect business between for the things i'm china? certainly because the last time we had um, um, you know, escalation of dance and they've been victims inside of that. china. what about also we cannot mix down some snow, the bar to the n p, all our topics points to china,
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including but not enough and buy an apple. so it's china repeat this uh movies will be better be in the book where i get it booked for the producers. bescedy. and the reason we're a former president that, that, that comes from people's almost it's 100 percent of our exports of banana and pineapple come from the home be john of the board. where prescott my interest and the other aspect between tre, the oil didn't just trade. and the other forms of other freedom of movement does that get it involved as well? it would seem that during the time of the day when there was bread at the ease, there was a tremendous increase in terms of investments, trade, and even doris arrivals from china. we hardly have any police arrival from china now, and the mazda, obtain these investments independent beans compared to their investments and governors like that, families and indonesia is really the best. so i was, i a, that the car in the thought about how it is because of the problem. is that
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a problem or the of course it is a problem now. um we need um for an investments the wow um promotes economic progress. and we also know that china now is probably the last largest investor in southeast asap, if not in the old world. so why would you and cyber dies? the biggest source of the topic though, right now, is that what we're doing your time? you said that was always piece and then there's always a state as close peace between the philippines in china. you're a citizen at the end of the all the philippines. you may not be involved in the car and government, per se. but do you think there's really a different stocks in the way the colored president is now looking at china? forget just was gay on, on the south china seas, but overall, is there a bigger plan here? well, i think they've been a major shift in um world perception and i think it blank. and the fact that present president did that,
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they never relies on external powers to defend the really be nice them into this book steps the more they nice, the armed forces, in whatever small way a good he bought you shipped to see what's new pipe objects and he's so far the only president that has done that because he knows that only the filipino scans ultimately the fans that they're going to be doing the best in due date. but that the, our national debt, i thought, you know, but the major see here is the markets rely on increasingly on us at this time because of the usual defense. creepy. now present the neighbors here that you because he thought that americans do not use force unless it is but the national get the best interest. and this thing hostings as guides or elizabeth took a little bit about public opinion. how would you define that in your country? do do people every day people support a stronger aptitude with the china, they typically prefer
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a diplomatic solution or do they not really bother themselves about much and leave everything to the government as well? you have to remember we were purchased by the americans from state and the americans learned from this by his experience of what is important is not just basic of putting it evasion. but more importantly, mental, but don't use age on the spanish state in the philippines by more than 300 years. but they never quite a nice i mind. they did not succeed in making a speech. i guess the 1st thing that americans did was the part and they started miles. so as far as public opinion is concerned, make no mistake about it. you know, people are overwhelmed, overwhelmingly pro america. but in a survey, it was found out that the population was split right in the middle. and whether or not the, the philippines is big sites. now in case of file, a possible use of course now, which is their pricing. because given our colonial history, you would think that that leaves the majority. what's the point of getting involved
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in that public? got because of the americans. but the findings this, it's really been right in the middle. so about how are in favor and how are, again, being involved in the maybe tie, but based on because something added states might very clear. indeed, i've actually been to been in the i enjoyed it very much a few years ago while last questions. uh uh, how about your neighboring countries? do they get involved in the do they want to know de escalate things or how your relations with the neighboring countries or? well, we are part of last year. we're funding members last year. but we are sticking out like a sore thumb as far as latino policy spencer. i think the only country that some see this time that the 36 here in p is the philippines. in the mesa, the newly elected president in the east side, the very 1st the 3, but the under the book was to try not to be
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a firm. it's wish foreclosure advice. would say that i'm on what he said, that they don't care much about the american space, but they were was to close their relations with china and enforcing the prime minister has also said, i don't understand why the belief beams want to get involved with an importantly where the bible ground will be their own $3030.00 and it's not, they've been talking about on board yet. and i was in by a mar who we know i have a close alliance of china. so by and large, i'm the fact that we were the only part in the of the americans. it appears to be reflected also in our current position as far as china is concerned. and as far as our abuse of the medical check, let's say we're probably the loan salesman for america in southeast asia, highly rogue, for my products, and so suppose bus and of exposure. rodriguez. the pleasure sir. thank you so much for your time. thanks again, veterans. my have a good day, the wireless total on site just now to the apple who content an escalation in east


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