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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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as they have that they don't care about what the americans think, but they what was to close their relations with the china in a for a single port. prime minister has also said, i don't understand why the believe beams went to get involved. then i'm going to click where the bible ground will be there on $3030.00. and it's not they've been talking about can bode yet, and i was in may of mars. and we know i have a close alliance of china. so by and large um the fact that we were the only part in the of the medic then it appears to be reflected also in our cards. was this done as far as timing is concerned? and as far as our abuse of the medical check, let's say we're probably that loan salesman for america in southeast asia, highly rogue form, a presidential space person of exposure rodriguez. that is a pleasure, as a thank you so much for your time. thanks again, veterans. my have a good day, the wireless total essentially. now to the apple who come to an escalation in east africa, somalia has expelled the i'm boss of the of neighboring if you here it would have
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ation for a controversial deal. the last i made with a dispute to terra 3 live loves easy. it has been trying to gain access to the sea with a port in the breakaway region of somal event. however, but those rate is not recognized by the way. it's a somalia as having the authority to make such a decision. somebody says it will defend its total integrity, a smell this $107.00, its sovereignty in lights, of se, open interference in our internal affairs. we've demanded few up as and best to leaf within 72 hours and our closing consulates in how gauged and guttural way reserve and protection. now, territory is steadfast. why? let's get more information on this. i plus live to auntie correspondent, know who they know who thank so much for joining us and bring us up to speed will tell us what more can you tell us about the current situation in the controversial,
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some of them who do the oil changes have been inflamed up between somalia and u. c. o, p as is just the by signed a memorandum of understanding would break. we've region off for some on the land under different circumstances. the kind of deal between ethiopia and somali land would have been actively straightforward because one country grants it's land, lots me, but access to see port add by extension took international trade and invitation is rewarded a political price. but some of the land is just a defacto country, and since the political price was nothing this, then it's the o p s taking steps towards recognizing some of the land as the southern states. serious repercussions have followed us since that deal discussion on the 1st of january, this, the, the symbolic government, to quote this and best suited to the field. and immediately declared the blocking.
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the accord a national priority days off to the use of the m. o. use somebody, prison signed a parliamentary bull decree, entering the deal not employed a position to the deal spread quickly among the public and government officials participated in the young protest. marching the somali capital on the 11th of january, this. yeah, and that is quite a lot, that's a monday it is. i'm angry, a box more than just that. the idea that the opium much recognize of somebody lands independence, somalia accused was just stop by a middling. and it's in turn in the face, initiating discussions about in a fee of state would have a somebody land without even trying to notify move i do soon in advance. and well, somali official said they do not object to your appeal. i'm not the poor to gaining access to a port along the some on the a close to for commercial purposes. they draw the line at the end. if you open
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military installation on what they consider, so montessori, this is of course deeper. and despite the fact that morgan issues not really so what exactly is in the memorandum of understanding which is now creating the conflict between the countries. on the other hand, if the opium prime minister and somebody lands president has presented the deal as a major win for the respective national goals. and over the last 2 decades, the success of administration to have strengths that the o p i is just over reliant on support is poor to which handles the ball coffee trade. but before the end, you remember random the closest is he o p o quarter to the ownership was some agreement in 2017, but after that everything just fell through. and of course to add to the epi center of the whole conflict. if somebody lands beer report which occupies a strategic position in the whole north africa and lies on
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a very busy shipping route for traffic to and from the middle eastern, eastern africa and the main beneficiary of all of those. and this whole complex power place could be somebody land, even though it is in a ton of them, is a break way. stay from somalia, that has the persistently pursued independence for 33 years. it has states institution. it has the military and is functioning, political and economic system. but it's independence is not recognized by any country. and somalia considered somebody lined up to be part of its territories. and why is that the opiate is impinging upon its sovereignty? but what we do know so far is that to the resulting crisis could escalate as tamaya is running into national support to the deal. while if you'll pin somebody lined up, he has determined to go ahead with this deal. observe is and indeed somebody officials the c f. the dispute may play into the hands of else above the islamist
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insurgencies, amaya and said that paula rises the region. the rain sensing data or a sign so much for that update. very, very uh indeed. all to correspond that look okay, thanks again. now the governor of rushes north west and in more months region has been attacked off to attend the meeting with local constituents. authorities say the victim onto a ship, this stuff with this fiber and it has been transported to a nearby hospital. i've sent into surgery the governess both of us and inside the attack. it could suddenly, with the say that not issuing any demands or shouting any sort of load them, the suspect is yet to be officially identified the tacoma where it's busy comparing an ever growing list of countries. it's claims
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meddled and it's past elections. it's all coming to like doing an ongoing for an interference commission inquiry. the problem is that just intruder is set to testify himself next week. it said his government is committed to protecting canadian democracy. and we know that certain countries and actors are engaged in trying to disrupt the attempts to disrupt our electoral process. that's why in 2015 we started to work on protecting our country more from for an insurance. the ongoing for an interference commission is an important way of highlighting some of the challenges we face to some of the solutions that we put forward to keep our democracy safe. and i look forward to being part of it. well 1st of all, guess he's talking about for an interference here in canada right now. no one except to go and some establishment folks in ottawa,
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everyone else is talking about the fact that the carpet docs went up again on april 1st and the installation is totally out of control right now. but hey, look at all the people wind to interfere with the election. they're called canadian voters because a back of let us here can cost up to $15.00 right now. but yeah, let's talk about how foreign governments are the problem and the likely future reason why canadian borders are limbering off to drop, kicked through those at the curb in the october 2025 federal election. so there's now an inquiry underway to figure out who exactly interfered in the previous canadian elections in 20192021. now at 1st, this seemed to be all about china. now that list is rapidly expanding to include pakistan and to run a member of parliament from here in the greater vancouver area wants to drop in yeah, into the next with accusations of general political intimidation and targeting. although not specifically tied to any election, a prior independent inquiry ordered by to go found last may that there wasn't any
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actual election. madeline just influence. no kidding. how many photos are out there online? have to go himself? do a estimate costs play pandering to estimate building blocks include a chinese doesn't really look like the former drama teacher was held down as forced into those costumes. but electra losers, absolutely love to blame for an actors instead of their own garbage policies, or campaigns take former conservative leader era no tool, for example, who showed up at the inquiry in recent years, there's been a ramping up of a for an interference operations. and that's why i think, i don't think some of those seats were turned because we had a more traditional or a more aggressive foreign policy posture with respect to china. i think a lot of people did not vote because they they weren't intimidated. countries like
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china and russia have routinely denied any election by language. global affairs counted as defined at the inquiry as misinformation and this information campaigns . because until now, political campaigns, i've been totally lie and manipulated free. and in india's response to kansas allegations, they try to flip the script entirely. we have seen media reports, canadian commission inquiring into foreign interferences. we strongly reject such baseless allegations of indian interference in canadian elections. it is not governments of india's policy to interfere in the democratic process of other countries. in fact, quite on the reverse. it is canada who has been interfering in our internal affairs . so there's a reference there to canada, providing a safe haven for exiles organizing separatist activities in india by working from home on canadian swell. no mention of american for an interference so far,
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guessed that's now just so stomach that no one even really notices or cares any more. how kind of became such a vassal for washington, that every canadian liter seems only too happy to now serve. we are light years away from the former prime minister shock, said chat, refusing to ride shotgun with george w bush into a rock back in 2003, for example. also, no mention of the canadian establishment pandering to ukrainian dyers for a, even though they just handed over another $1500000000.00 us to help cover t x budget deficit and social programs or canadians wonder why the heck their very own are tagging and over to south america. well ben is right, us present the have one the, the c i a is preparing an escalation against the southern, the south american country. and it goes with the polls. us as the us is building secret moves you bases in this space, it says create the tired feet in guy on
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a. i mean, it is the moment of defense of, of them ex mobile, the southern command because the president, our friend to not government guy, yada, yada, is governed by the southern command, the c i a and ex model. and i'm not exaggerating. and we have proven information death in the territory of diana, temporarily administered by diana. they have installed secret meals for a basis of the self and command the military and nuclei of the southern command. and nuclei of the c i. n s i believe is an on develops policy populated, but refills rich jungle times the region comes to. this is of the guy and he's touchy and has historically been a subject of dispute for the 2 countries. but it is where that has reaffirmed his play into the line and following the discovery of oil in waters off as the deepest coast in 2015 just a month ago. the veneers with i'm guy and he's president, announced a renewed commitment to maintaining peace in the region with the path to resolution
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remains unclear. with granite bank, you on a verdict from the international court of justice, which is what it does not recognize that we spoke with professor daniel, show an expert in the field of less than the matter that i am caribbean studies use it as of the us is present with the 2 countries against each other. so is that it's in paperless, the policies with the us media always does is acute is a my daughter or done yellow at the going to cut our or the cuban leadership, or any insight incurious leadership with being paranoid. but my daughter was not paranoid. the us is try is been trying to over through. busy the boulevard in leadership, we saw the 2002 attempted cool for 48 hours against hugo chavez. we've seen the assassination attempts against my daughter to him himself. so what the state department's plan has been just so they, they have a webinar as ukrainian nationalism against russia. they are webinar izing, the guy,
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and he's to go to war with their neighbor. that's the key deal can provide for all night. and e, as in all been as well as with the c, i a, was to divide a wage in this boulevard, in vision of unity among south american neighbors. the us already mobilized the troops to their 9 military bases in columbia. there are 11 u. s. military bases in panama, they have a significant fleet surrounding venezuela in the caribbean sea in the atlantic. they have the largest bass in and doris and all of the south america. so this is definitely not the case of my daughter was a, this is not a segment of his imagination. this is based on a track record of 200 plus imperial invasions the us, even though it's 2024, the quite gets 18. 23 with the monroe doctrine. they think they can do this is, this is their backyard and they can do whatever they want to control are you. we
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still the most important commodity in the world, and that's the oil and bit as well as a lot of it. the control button has canceled plans to purchase 3000000 barrels of oil for the us emergency was that's as washington's request for keith to stop attacking less than oil refineries made so implies falls on deaf ears. you frame has cooled, the destruction of these industrial plants, a top priority in the, within the framework of international law, within the framework on the defensive work. ukraine has the right to destroy all the infrastructures that ensures the dresser to conduct military operations. we've looked at all refining name with the diesel and gasoline are supporting the war effort and of course the crew will continue to destroy them. since it is a means of influenced the site from the destruction of support facilities for places where the mobilized or military equipment are highly concentrated to support facilities such as refineries our priority task for ukraine. so this one moment
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says the beginning of this year, i'm older than a dozen sites, so for flushes, you have a pen, pause, have become covenant targets, feed cleaning phones. the latest attacks hit all the finally facilities in southwest, and also the major cities of samarra. and the pieces would be well in the us, the strategic oil rizzo has full until its lowest level in full 2 years with the by the administration. now counseling plans to replenish it. economics and policy or politics expert and jack ross was in california says local rise in old prices is directly impacting the upcoming us presidential election. and what's really happening here is domestic politics in the us, your se, uh these events attacking these refineries. as i said, as an excuse for global oil, speculators who drive up the price of oil at the same time, they're doing it uh to raise the price of oil because of the global economy. uh,
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uh, oprah, to offer more put the mexico there. cutting supply of oil production, which is driving the price up. i don't know what's going on in russia, which with these attacks is, is really the main cause for the supply issue and the price going up. but new us, so we've got a 14 percent rise of gasoline prices in 2 months. and you've got poles across the us in particularly in the sweepstakes for the election. and these polls the show 75 percent of the people are thinking functions not under control. us because royal prices are rising and they're going to continue to rise in the spring as he has these global supply issues continue and us refinery, shut down their refining capacity to do right. and that. so what we've got is a lot of pressure on rising inflation in your seat is mostly do the oil and gasoline. and that's going to continue. so, you know,
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i see the attempt not to buy a strategic oil as, as an effort, a futile effort to reduce the demand for oil and try to offset some of the supply side oil price increases. because inflation is a big issue in the election here. and uh, binds, losing that bottle, the people are don't believe in places under control. then now we've got these global issues and domestic issues, driving the price up even further next couple bunch to find the laces opposite a gully on the option retired. same political science of vice, and john, my shame sir, lays out his protections folder, west reaction to what he calls russia. is it like the late fee in new? great. now here's a quick preview of the full conversationalist you can watch throughout the day. yeah, i think you see, you don't get russian media and global south media. there's talk of doubling down
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by nato countries. big lucas hol, massacring moscow. the ties to the, i mean, you might want to explain what isis k is, because i think most people around the world see it is a capitalized by us policy in afghanistan and iraq and syria. people are saying the doubling down on it and fronts a has plans, according to the russians. i'm sending more than a 1000, maybe one off 1000 foreign legion nato for it. and he chose a country member of soldiers to help zalinski of which page. and it said that they will, they will um, react to that military. i don't believe the french are going to send troops into ukraine. i believe the americans will tell them in no uncertain terms that that is not possible. and the germans will do the same. and i think to be significant resistance within france itself. if i'm a chrome tries to do that, or you were talking before about the possibility of the west using nuclear weapons
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to defend ukraine. sure, the russians when i think that's xtreme really unlikely. i think the team that states is not going to initiate we're use. i don't even think we're going to think seriously about that possibility. and again, i don't think we're going to send in troops either. i think that we will just have to accept the fact that we lost in ukraine, and what we will do foolishly, i believe, is everything possible to undermine russia's position in those parts of ukraine that it ends up annexing. and more generally doing everything we can to cause trouble for russia moving forward. so even if we get a frozen conflict, i think what's likely to happen here is that you're likely to have an intense security competition between ukraine and the west on one side at russia on the
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other side for the foreseeable future. and the potential for escalation in this competition, this nasty competition will be significant. the i'm finally in our program, rosalie may have put kung food on the global my for the 1970s. but now the 1st of african last costs are going to add time is procedures. sheldon book is continuing that tradition. he will, his skills and most of the message of how the motto, op can be a full of the good around the a set of knives has been called to them by so they'll just float around the world and especially in his homeland. cameron is the founder of, of the african last lot special that brings together competitors for most of the 16 countries. every year we haven't talked if i sit down and have a conversation if i so how much
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of it and people know if marshall not, you know, and of course that the football is more develop in the uh, you know, if we go on to have turns to be studied in shouting templates and also to be what i'm today, you know, i see how cool. so kind of had bring to the people based on the on bring also the piece to those stream. it was very important for me. so for me it was very good. and also it does seem that relation between china and africa was so support for them. um uh, i cleared in 2017 and the 1st edition was born in cameron in 2018. so i was in 2000 and it's in china when china or the olympic game. and in that moment it was very,
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very big on how china promotes. she's on the culture of the to see what can we do to help. also, i forgot to promote, she's on control even they can not have possibility to on the, on the big game. you know? so for me it was like a defense of it because if you would see too deep, there's a different motion. i don't, the world does more than to, to marshal out as to what to look to see how it can create something. what kind of joint can bring or marshall up to get, you know, and then i created for them. i bring a lot of african nicholas it from scholarship in china to bring a lot of like them to go to study in china, especially in shouting templates. so, and this is the head them to promote the bite. but this says they also, when they come back, they continue and they can, maybe they get their life for what they come to do in china. you see, also to did the relation, we've, russia and africa is also more than most on,
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you know. so hopefully is could be like a ton of why not so the politic should not involve to support disseminate this portion not to involve to the body to what do we know is a pallet, right? is what the question is, what do we know to do on politics? is another jump. so it shouldn't be separate to give more comfortable for each act led to feel good until if you flip them, you can be to know these. you can be, i don't know doctor, you can be loyal, you can be whatever you can be, but you can practice sport. so the, this part should be based on that is what you need to when the people are fighting or when the people did not happy, it just spoke and bring them to be to get a how you can find out more well news on our website or com, what other type store is it is about a west. some power is refusing to,
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it's an historical news. it ought to, frankly, inherited any pullman objects of stolen from africa into in the colonial period with the powers of slides it justified keeping those items placing they are being sent to them because the museums but the origin nations are increasingly coolant for the architect to be which will justice profile, the laurel this and other news that we've had over the website of the russian states. never as one of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up
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to 5 must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you see a request for check? the is a lot. it's can be cited by lines. these can be expanded by a true importance of wickedly. the name of the study. since i have transparency is an extraordinary drawn mystic trees. then just succeeded in finding the
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documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest wants to so long realized pen smith and golf and, and honestly, the biggest of late continuously. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought. adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay. the
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screen of the boss can be arriving to speak with key at the washington state, the bruce to complete the rest of the guys as to phone. i assume that you are 2 of us to professionally prep the list of all of a huge but they use the is already those online laws can be started by lawrence. these can be
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expanded by a true importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic, patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right for a speech he did so in the public interest. so mom realized tends to me and golf and, and honestly, to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely voltage us has to be on box weighing a 175 used for virtual sense. it's all we going to lift that,
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stay the outside of this out. rather than investigated as find evidence linking the mazda close to the whole terrorist with the green conflicts off the obtaining photos. suspects move alpha as is killed, 8 was losing gaza in red quote, numbers we looked at how little west react to trustees difficulty when they affect its own citizens on the scene. to turn a blind item must come in to load the french as rise in the south side. se is facing excuses, the philippines of in defense of biotech, and sort of a screw loose port from quote, external fund escalation in east africa. somali, expelled the boss of the they, we, you view and then going rift over disputed.


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