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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the associates sense, it's all we going to let that stay the outside of this out rather than investigated as find evidence linking the mazda close to the whole terrorist with the green conflicts off the obtaining photos. suspects move out as isabel killed 8 was losing gaza in red quote, numbers we looked at how little west react to trustees difficulty when they affect its own citizens on the scene. to turn a blind item must come in, pull no punches lives in the south side, se is phasing. it uses the philippines of intensifying and sort of a screw loose port from quote, external fund escalation in east africa, somalia, expelled the boss of the maybe you view, and then going rift over and disputed the
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a very well welcome to you from the entire scene. special needs to me come to life for most of this like it was at the top. so is this how russian authorities have a found evidence linking the thing conflict and the terrorist attack on the most good concert, the whole also obtaining photographs and the suspects phones to do for you. so that is the terrorists find contains very to images of people and comma flush along with the ukranian slug and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp, with enough unseen gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the terrace dads and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium. special services. an international is limited terrorist organizations in the organization and financing of the terrorist act. an investigation here in vasa has been ongoing since the
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horrific events of the 22nd of march, which took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. we have seen a number of arrests, the series of criminal charges for ford, and obviously investigation unfolds. we are getting more more information about the forces which choreographed via tax. the latest is the data from the phone of one of the atrocities suspected pop, the traits of which they actually tried to throw away understanding that it would probably incriminate them father. this data has been analyzed. what does it show? well, 1st off, like we had photos of a male admitted to fatigue straight into your brain in sac holding a chain with a symbol of ukraine. that's the try it. and photos of a tank of the buttons out building, presumably from the willowsford, plus an image that really became eye clinic. and the days of the war, thoughtful, the ukrainian soldier standing on snake island, giving the middle finger to
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a russian ship. this really went down in the annals of history. it was a legend almost although ultimately approved to be nothing up but missed on thoughts. no, to the websites on the morning of february 24th 2024. when the on the bus 3 of discounts of the special military operation, one of the co conspirators on the instructions of the curator, found screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus, the whole building and access roads to ridge on internet results says on sent them to have the suspect confirmed all of this in his testimony. so clearly the 22nd of march atrocity, what's not a spontaneous, let's go and show top crow cuz it was meticulously pond. it was coordinated with a number of players on the concept who was chosen as a target months in advance just to be clear. and none of this proves anything definitively. no location of the photographs or people in the photographs of being identified as far as we know. but what the investigation is thrown, upsets me,
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lend spot the creat installed top russian officials have been saying for weeks, which is the one way or not the ukraine because had, but it was no innocent bystander in the blood. the events of that day when we ship, i am still this attack, was prepared by radical islamic and was facilitated by western special services ukraine. special services also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly as well. you specify the yes, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries about behind the terrorist attack, the 2nd associated with well, i think, so we're currently talking about the findings that we have. and there are some general developments. it seems that the thing is, all beings of being pointed at ukraine,
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but have how the west of the reacts. it's all of this. can you tell us a bit more about that? well, fuss me. it is important to note that none of the rest of the sofa of ukrainian origin will my school have central asian heritage on sympathies with, is the most extreme is a lot of opinion, has been very clear on this, on how this was a calculated political decision by the mazda mind of the, of cox designed to go on to my good, honest, i'm a certain extent met in russia, which of course, is home to more than 6000000 foreigners over 90 percent of whom come from central agency. i see numerous with russia. it cannot be the talkative terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalist. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony and unity into religious and ethnic units. and in the external arena, russian behaves in such a way that it can hardly bain object of attack by is let, make fundamental is. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society,
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especially in more than conditions, is certainly visible in the past month. i must go, has long maintained that the gunman was simply pull ones and this why did to your political day and that's a true architects of the of trust is still remain at large very, possibly a broad now not point given current events. and given what we know about tips modus operandi, it was probably only natural that suspicion would for on ukraine. but really this suspicion became even stronger off to the very old reaction of cubes allies to the terrorist attack. the atrocity was basically still ongoing when washington came out insisting a 100 percent. it's isis pay. we've made that determination step. nothing to do with you quaint or look at you crate. now, just to reiterate, no investigation had been opened yet. no one had even mentioned new quaint. in fact, crow class was still literally bonding. and yet here was washington already
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defending its ward. it really seemed like a taste of the late digital protests too much. there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to ukraine. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement. how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine has anything to do with this attack. the media of course, occurred all of this measuring most of those concerns as baseless, but like i said, we really do need to look up the ukranian pay book. and very sadly,
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terrorism does feature that web. a thought is to meet up 4 digits to list of needing american politicians, john officials, celebrities was about to i get a couple of things. what about to blow up the crime in bridge for camp? this is all side game. they've admitted as much to spin up. is it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the illumination of such persons as kiva cyrus and starsky? can you give any details if this is the case then? yeah, your question is exactly the right one, especially we cannot recognize this in any way, but at the same time i'm ready to disclose the details to you. so that is the context to the latest developments in this investigation. the task now will be unraveling, all of these threads father that they need most goes security services to the most mind of the massacre on, if indeed they do end up leaving to the landscape. government in kias will this be
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a watershed moment when ukraine's allies finally stop turning a blind eye to the bloody and terrorist actions open increasing the rogue state furnace. the attention now to the middle east, the gauze, the war has become dead. the imaginary wealth is in any of a conflict around the world in the last 2 years. now that's according to the aid workers security database. $203.00 of those posts have been killed in gaza since october. one reason is what east like on the human is hurting closely. killed 7 able of is all take cause don't for them as the details across the main stream media stories of 7 a to workers from the world central kitchen killed trying to provide relief in gaza by an israeli air strike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike the wealth. central kitchen is posing in scarsdale operations. off the 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6
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foreigners, including one dual american canadian, as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under an unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this is where the government's apologizing to the families of the i'd work is carols, including the 3 families in britain. all of us have expressed breast grief about this a gallery, but all you apologize, the frank, to be frank, if you let me on christian, there's no point attacking me already. i've just arrived having to talk to you and it's also a simple question. i want an answer to that. you want me to apologize, allow me to wants. so this was a mistake was moved. so you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology in the greeting family life, something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now, you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries,
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and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians speak to the flags, could have any repercussions. good states. i mean, i know you're gonna say that you're waiting for the, the results, the investigation of it and good, as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these really, it wasn't easy. 7, i think or 208 were so control right now is we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes filing, the masonic peoples of influence or not a violation of international humanitarian. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hating that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. it's about time. some serious public attention was given to the plight of aid workers and gaza. and in this case,
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the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism. but a war against humanity itself, for its part, israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology. it's identified, it's target. this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w, c k, a g. well, cuz it was a mistake that followed nbc identification at night during the war in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figured that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022, just one. look at the l. c. for hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming force is being used there. it all goes to
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show for why we're seeing such astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza. they were uh national rather than better still use. so it might, the more and we know the cable directly is the worse than new. yeah. as far as of this, uh, a, you know, support of these, right. there was the go through, these are all fees, right. and we are talking about the bus run yet. countries are not going to do them and you, for your country today. media in the west usually is live breaking the, the news on the, you know, and then what are they physically working today? but they both make an issue about it. when it comes to having to these, the eighty's, especially the box. we saw a different space for lease, i mean, yeah. and they were talking about, you know, the children and books,
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the children will be beheaded under uh, moving well. and they made a big, big and the huge campaign based on lies. which none of those accusations were approving, but it comes to the better. but assume is because we are not white the left and we are brownish people, so they don't get that much. you would say it's as these are 80, describe the better guys as a human anyways or, i mean those describe the 1st thing that will be good guys that so i've done an image, right? that would make a big fuss about 0 that can be seen is when it comes to that you will, you will be on or on a nation as like what happens with these 7 work? there's a what goes and do they give the cost of them? yeah, that is, and you know, best buy and use media or, or spend
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a countries in july to make every other issue out of the crimes committed by is in guest. china have hold onto the for the themes, the games problem with the actions in the south china sea raising. but in the might be, i can see on the phone info as i mentioned, it's commitments. i don't care until they show how can we show when the direct cause of the current escalation, the maritime disputes between china in the philippines lies in the fight. the philippine side were lined some external forces, violating its commitments and repeatedly provoking disputes are killed. the paint, the side should have meet least still pitts infringement of the law and provocative acts by, by its own commitments and the relevant understandings and consensus reached by china out of the front porch. our prices have been high with a manila amazing and recent months over the territorial spots in the south trying to see as on the bind for the, for the beans adoption and use security dumps in this in the meantime. useful as is
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use what they can to prevent supply shipped from access. now for the piece of movie outpost, the sierra madre, which is in a dispute area, the philippine said who will not tolerate such incense or commitment to maintain b r p c, or a mentor. i would always be that, so any attempt by china to interfere with resupplied missions will be met by the philippines in a fashion that protects all troops of the i spoke with heidi rogue, a full month presidential since the philippines. he says that the country's current government is relying on us support in case there's a further escalation in the hostility with china. and there was only been escalation of, i'm going to click give the nightstands come. so that depends on the philippines, because of the mutual defense, treat email, which is the protective security agreement. that means that the united states will come to his rescue. but um, actually i see no basis for the americans to declare war against their child. that
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exclusively, on the basis of the dispute that he thought he in the west would have been seat to begin with. the americans have not even made public that they approve of the philippine plains of the dispute, the territory. but the americans have been saying is they oppose anything that would violate the freedom of navigation, of the high seats? no. and they have that said that they recognize that the philippines know. so i think um the mark was administration is god believe in the fact that the united states with documents rescue if 5 this escalation of by maybe by activities in the union. but um, my assessment is americans will not get involved in any military improvement. often in the west philippines div, that's only because they don't really recognize that they've been fight though, but also because they're basically already into products. and i think it's not worth the time and effort of the medic tends to declare many barry i'm calling to retain that over the silence. now. i think there's been a major see if in the world perception or,
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and i think it blanked them to the fact that present president did they have, they never relies on external powers to defend the really be nice them into this. it took steps, the more they nice the i'm for is this, in whatever small way a good he bought you ship to see what's new by projects. and he's the so far, the only person that has done that, because he knows that only the filipinos got it. alternately, the sense that they're going to be doing the best thing to do with that thing. our national debt is starting now. but the major see here is the micros, rely on increasingly on us at this time because of the usual defense. creepy. now present the neighbors here that you it because he thought that americans do not use sports unless it is, but they're definitely good for us. we need the point investments, the wow. promote economic progress. and we also know that china now is probably the largest investor in south is a 7, if not in the whole world. so why would you inside would nice the biggest source
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adopted though, right now to national news. now, the governor of russia's northwest and more months region has been a south attending a meeting with the local constituents, authorities say the victim. andre, should this suffer? the style wound, he has been transformed into a nearby hospital and sent into surgery. the governess states was inside the attack . it says suddenly with the a say that not issuing and a month or shot the any sort of slow the, the suspect is yet to be officially identified. and after the african continent, the escalation in east africa, somalia has expelled the i'm boss of of neighboring if you be in retaliation for a close to the deal that lacks i made with a dispute in every line loves. if you has been trying to gain access to the seat with a port in the berkeley beach and of some of the event, however,
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the territory is not recognized by going to somalia as having the authority to make such a decision. somalia says it will defend its territory in tennessee, a smell. this tends to have an its sovereignty. elijah's cl pin interference in our internal affairs with demand, if you up as invested to leaf within 72 hours and our closing consulates in how gauged and guttural way resolving protection. now territory is steadfast. bolton shows has been inflamed, patrice along the a and e. c. o, p s is just the by signed a memorandum of understanding would break. we region offer some on the land under different circumstances. the kind of deal between ethiopia and some of the land would have been actively straightforward because one country grants it's land, lots me by access to see port add by extension took international trade and invitation is rewarded a political price. but some of the land is just
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a defacto country, and since the political price was nothing this, then it's a o p s taking steps towards recognizing some of the land as the southern states. serious repercussions have followed us since that deal discussion on the 1st of january, this, the, the symbolic government to quote this um, best suited to the deal. and immediately declared the pre op team on the accord uh, national priorities. these off to the news of the game of use somebody plays been signed, a parliamentary bull declaring the deal now little boy. busy a position to the deal spread quickly among the public and government officials participated in the young protest marching the somalis, capital, and the limits of january this. yes, and that is quite a lot. that's a monte, is i'm angry, a box more than just the, the idea that the opium much recognizes somebody lands independence, somalia accused is just the by of middling. and it's in turning in the face,
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initiating discussions about in the fee of state without a somebody land without even trying to notify move. i do see in advance, and all somali officials say they do not object to your appeal and not the ports, but gaining access to a port along the somalia, close to, for commercial purposes. they draw the line at the end. if the open military installation on what they consider somali soil, this is of course deepened by the fact that move up. this is not really sure what exactly is in the memorandum of understanding which is now creating the conflict between the countries. on the other hand, if the opium prime minister and somebody lands president has presented the deal as a major win for the respects of national goals. and over the last 2 decades, the success of administration to have stories that you'll p, i is just the over reliance on support is poor to which handles the ball coffee to
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trade. but before the end, you remember random the closest, it's a quarter to the ownership was some agreement in 2017, but after that everything just fell through. and of course to add to the epi center of the whole conflict. if somebody lands been report which occupies a strategic position in the whole north africa and lies on the very busy shipping route for traffic to and from the middle eastern, eastern africa and the main beneficiary of all of those. and this whole complex power place could be somebody land, even though it is in a ton of them, is break way, stay from somalia, that has the persistently pursued independence for 33 years. it has states institution. it has the military and is functioning, political and economic system. but it's independence is not recognized by any country. and somalia considered as somebody lied to be part of its territory. and why is that the opiate is impinging upon its sovereignty,
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but what we do know so far is that to the resulting crisis could escalate. somalia is running into a national support to the deal. well, if you to have somebody lined up, he has determined to go ahead with the steel observers and indeed some of the officials, the p, f. the disputes may place into the hands of also god. but the islamist insurgency is amalia and says that paula rises to reach. it kinda is busy compiling and ever growing list of confusion. it k as maybe a little it is past elections. it's all coming to live doing an ongoing for an interference commission inquiry. the prior method just included is set to testify himself. next week he said his government is committed to protecting canadian democracy. we know that certain countries and actors are engaged in trying to
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disrupt the attempts to disrupt our electoral process. that's why in 2015 we started to work on protecting our country more from for an insurance. the ongoing for an interference commission is an important way of highlighting some of the challenges we face to some of the solutions that we put forward to keep our democracy safe. and i look forward to being part of it. well 1st of all, i guess he's talking about for an interference here in canada right now. no one except to go and some establishment folks in ottawa, everyone else is talking about the fact that the carbon tax went up again on april 1st. and the installation is totally out of control right now, but hey, look at all the people line to interfere with the election. they're called canadian voters because a pack of let us hear can cost up to $15.00 right now. but yeah, let's not talk about how foreign governments are the problem and the likely future reason why canadian borders are liberated up to drop, kicked through those at the curb in the october 2025 federal election. so there's
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now an inquiry underway to figure out who exactly interfered in the previous canadian elections in 20192021. now at 1st, this seemed to be all about china. now that list is rapidly expanding to include pakistan and to run a member of parliament from here in the greater vancouver area wants to drop into the next with accusations of general political intimidation and targeting. although not specifically tied to any election, a prior independent inquiry ordered by true though found last made that there wasn't any actual election. madeline just influence. no kidding. how many photos are out there on line of to go himself? do a estimate costs play pandering to estimate building blocks include a chinese already. it looks like the former drama teacher was held down as forced into those costs jims. but electra losers,
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absolutely love to blame for an actors instead of their own garbage policies, or campaigns take former conservative leader era. no 12, for example, who showed up at the inquiry in recent years, there's been a ramping up of a for an interference operations. and that's why i think, i don't think some of those seats were turned because we had a more traditional or a more aggressive foreign policy posture with respect to china. i think a lot of people did not vote because they they weren't intimidated. countries like china and russia have routinely denied any election by language. global affairs counted as defined at the inquiry as misinformation and this information campaigns . because until now, political campaigns have been totally lie and manipulation, free. and in india's response to kansas allegations, they try to flip the script entirely. we have seen media reports,
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canadian commission inquiring into foreign interferences. we strongly reject such baseless allegations of indian interference in canadian elections. it is not governments of india's policy to interfere in the democratic process of other countries. in fact, quite on the reverse. it is canada who has been interfering in our internal affairs . so there's a reference there to canada, providing a safe haven for exiles organizing separatist activities in india. i'm working from home on canadian swell. no mention of american or an interference so far guessed that's now just so stomach that no one even really notices or cares any more. how kind of became such a vassal from washington, that every canadian liter seems only too happy to. now serve. we are light years away from former prime minister shock, said chat, refusing to ride shotgun with george w bush into a rock back in 2003, for example. also, no mention of the canadian establishment pandering to ukrainian dyers for a,
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even though they just handed over another $1500000000.00 us to help cover t x budget deficit and social programs or canadians wonder why the heck their very own are tagging. as you can find more well news on our website, i'll see the call by tom story is about wes, sometimes refusing to return a sort of polluted author back to fix an error message. any problem an object was stolen from life of the during the colonial period. by some powers of tried to justify hearing those items by saying they are being taken to, i'm because of in museums. but the origin and nations are increasing the court. and for those all defense to be which will adjust this profile for more on this, i'm the other news stories headed over to our website up to about from the flat rows of this is our rick sanchez,
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is on direct impact. bounce up next, a movie back. i looked over there, the pay, just a little reminder, once again as we get started here, we post a show now every day used to be a weekly. now we're doing this daily. we've gotten a great response from so many of you because we hold no punches, so look for it to pump. number one, it looks like a israel may have killed chef will say on dresses, volunteers with a precision guided missile of precision guided missile. what does that say to fund number 2? us military officials are now saying no way to the floating peer off of the got.


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