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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

4:30 am
as a gasoline prices in 2 months, and you've got poles across the us in particularly in the sweepstakes for the election. and these polls the show 75 percent of the people that think inflation is not under control. us because oil prices arise and they're going to continue to rise in the spring as a, the has these global supply issues continue and us refinery shut down their refining capacity to do right. and so what we've got is a lot of pressure on rising inflation in your seat is mostly do the oil and gasoline. and that's going to continue. so, you know, i see the attempt not to buy a strategic oil as, as an effort, a futile effort to reduce the demand for oil and try to offset some of the supply side oil price increases. because inflation is a big issue in the election here. and uh, binds, losing that bottle, the people are, don't believe inflation is under control. then now we've got these global issues
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and domestic issues, driving the price up even further, the next couple months. a new fine law world news on our website. all see, don't com, one talk so is about western powers refusing to return historical artifacts of african heritage. funny permanent objects was stolen from africa during the colonial period. less than powers. i'm sorry to justify keeping those items by saying we are being put tech to. i'm phys, of in museums for the origin nations are increasingly cooling for the author, fax to be, which will justice pro sale for more on this end of the news though, is heading over to our website to the on the wow, that row some of this in news as well, which is great to have your company here on ok. the international, the bigger break right now will the back of a total of the out the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the seat in good of the was the name of the for the dates with, uh, it looks like she was reduced with a v exclusively to, to have somebody with them to come on that as soon as they said, because none of them could not doing that much and when you get them on the on
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the other the the, i'm just going to see what the you know, what you were new to me on purpose of the, the be doing the problem and i do need to be doing,
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i'm going to put in the block to maybe just loose up the whole fucking the police drama of the promotions paid for the both of the the commercial, the
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when we sent me the we sure thing to what you're saying. yeah. some of them is the disposing of some loan. we mean was a little more it's on the on tell us that are you basically the suited for the hold on for to link the incident. i think it's just the one that says the most to know to spanish was started into anybody my throne there with some of them by troy. but for the on the, on the board. you on a few that the course of both for the one on the ball that you just for nobody to produce so much for the other one. what do you mean the resume for some study? you mean on the digits on the coast? all so on. so i said, you know what, it always you're on your with the program, with the beauty and says that it includes the motion and motion. you put
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the, the premier period that's not for you on color must do me a dozen equipment is committed. so let me seduce you. the board was pretty lenient . you have privately now. my thought is each go to the bottles you you have done for us over just gets up. the go to the say use a lot also ready to the didn't things you just say. now you can do them. we mostly deal going to do what you and i did is the photos you will get. the solvers do not boost i, you just have to know generally,
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i seriously don't say you missed. i do have some great examples deal with the other the never for multiple assignments and nothing has a fever. this one was supposed to posting. if i send that, i'm looking at the me, the says this, of course not for you guys. it's live, it has 30 different mission. i don't want to have to put in check with
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you. thank you for the cost of the most of the payment of the funding within football, which is the interest for us. yeah. does that sound pretty good? something went away from us, but it did. it was due to the, the, you know, the suitable to them like a little, i'm sure it'll come to the sure entity business and also went to the transcripts including which,
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which is my the most of the the reason for the way that they use any of the time is that the for june, the amazon? yes. to start on the one you just move
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the the, the, the, the the court. no. not many. wonderful. that's what only right now i don't want you know, the,
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i think the longer them simply the butcher at the doug with the, one of the, of the shots and most likely nationally to is also the, the lawsuit less for the name of the student commentary for it shows for you, i'm sure there are lots of teachers that you know, it's a split up, at least for them to i don't see it for us because the,
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the shipper looks so here's the thing is that appears to be a couple minutes ago. but you can, my goal was to load the 232, if you thought a yellows headquarters of, of the which is a valid photo the photos i couldn't do without to get to the or the just, you know, the simple kids. there's more current than just one into 2 or 2 and then i have some interest. so this one was sure it was more than yeah, of course of course, i'm losing the state you know, the routine for me to
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question the government coverage. i could have a business that they knew the mean it's it's all right, no good. it should be invest again. it's only been a good phone tony. so i'm gonna go with the the ssl premiums. it was a compiler with the model system through the glasses. the theater,
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the interest of the ones is only can produce it as a public service to so don't all that is there's nothing wrong with that because the system in that, of course, the much to look at your buses. freaky the deepest of the data, the rest of it and say look, i've been yours for those which somebody in my little do related to but i didn't push them without them. gives me new courses. sooth risk, i'm good, just like the russian states. i never, i started the sense community best, not getting all sense and up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union the kremlin mission,
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the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request which is the staring into the best? israel's genocidal assault on gaza is dangerously just stabilizing the entire middle east. it is readily apparent to these railways are spoiling for a major war with many of its neighbors. and the plan is to have the united states fight, israel's enemies the,
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[000:00:00;00] the that's all the for the most the village or did you say the say i needed to send those the surely this one is
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the bad. he's the bar the unless somebody's willing use a cleaning as technology does the about the the reason why and they say yeah, because the summer most of schools who yeah. its own us know, we mean, oh gotcha. we knew it was the most affordable that is to just sell it. you know, we just thought that the, the deal and, and nobody that we see that we should just cover that much so they didn't just throw in it is that you'll know precious cool. um, would you? but if i did is the thing, it was just big enough to leave you a bit of that. you know, we just thought because because i changed level existent glitch in them. it's just so much of by, in the, uh, but as you move with the vision you,
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would you like no pressure, cool, just land examples kind of not stuck on a do it was that a problem with the product? you post those bits. that's good. another be just not really going forward proper both for you. boy, if you're going to build so which means you can just keep a tool in there. so we see essentially the process of dealing with your new growth comes with the league of the free meals. if there's a beat that goes through, you know, wanting to chrome, but the only thing i'm most familiar and so i'm just a little bit of a looking for what is going to go through this 1st and show some view it, but it won't be, don't even know what else to just be able to help, but also to, to move them in. but there's actually a piece of interview. this is just the good times. usually if it's on your, the solution to let's see that you doing for them. i see you see me 3, if you do a signal or not, if the and,
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you know, probably mostly just doing too much income and i buy the machine can we can submit it to a simple list here. i've done that for you, but he is going to the script that was, is this not just the didn't yet? so because the reason i said all this is between to put in here what i'm going to put down, i'm associated with it. and that's what the cost and then the most. and then you know, when you, what else for you will take the be. and if we just have this apartment, if it goes up so doesn't need to squeeze choice because we can let me see what we divide. that as i mentioned to him, we'll go that are going to put into the united cheese. let's just do is get them in and then you might as well do you get a bit sort of need to know how she wrote in your thoughts. and so your reason is this just a stream problem is brought me, you know, that i've done my so it's just what is it because i didn't mean means, but actually the loop on you know, was little. and that by custom,
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those go to volume. i would love to share, it looks nice. it is the what other options the use can you just set it to buy something to read it to you at a cheap, cheap book you any questions or interest you or special simply the new most where you would have been useful for you only have 2 homes of, of the stuff when you phone particular thing and if i was any specialist, all you know, you want me to go for the switch for the full. and i need to go in and see to build splitting the thoughts of costco portfolio for this official form with
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the loan that you have any of the apartments available. the only thing it says to be able to redo the policy doc. well, definitely get not said all right, so even though you did the lease fee, did you do that? doesn't matter to me, it said it is a cool place the
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you, it's the studio. so that's the only thing you can look at the little mind to help with the, with the piece of them to go up to the frontier associates because it seems like we're still connect, never understood the ballistic. you should have then you get minutes. uh, via uh you know, the 3rd piece by side it's through let me know to do my shop, police give a bunch of so it goes for the vote on us and i still owe on those mostly showed us to me when he gets us the bad even the switch us initially to to me partly to get and also so i'm done with work out for the within the
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city though, i can usually so please the local people still on the phone and which one of the one more before but really cool for them to do is i can't pull the shows up, hopefully will solutions mobile need . just let me pull this up. the cell phone is here. that's machine will show the people the rest of the month. it fits and then we just need a couple of this. yes, when you go to
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the page, so from that, so what must be must be useful to someone and see the folder is still this is this new book published looks goes on. now there's, don't give us call the simple to go see we also, we prefer say this at the instance both of us call those diesel foldable contracts . playmate, do i mean using that, that pretty much is the only reason for the school such as the sometimes. so you're going to say you have to keep the kids from a, from, from the list of them, put it into the flow most the show potential punched in summer even you know, to what is the slice color if it isn't even just it does it and they said it almost advise you of groups completing the bus today to put them on some of the station.
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but see if you can go in usually. so i'm just, i'm going to move woke up. i don't, i use those moments i bought the think about the printing. let me pull out the photo to start and see what's up. i'm used to be the one to create. and what about the sub us? i mean, literally every son at the show was a sparkling over here in the reach of so many of the he was anybody the types searching copeland uh, maybe passing me giving to the dentist on the google and became was
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the abilities of the whole business. it is a key to from william south austin where uh, gm store uh, do i cancel uh or does it affect? obviously we are nice to mess to buy him to get us the movie. and the more you say i visited as a just of the last appointment is that over the holidays. so in the event, you understood this as a whole, just want to move level. so the police are somebody's homes. so, you know who's not reasonable as well as soon as you receive a vocal, almost pulse was before it was on the on the
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job on the liberal. elizabeth genia, the the bonus to put did you put it over like we don't necessarily mean the like show they're going to tell you that sort of scream francisco,
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but it's the the what is part of the is it that the employee would post that isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there. let's stop without pieces that stuff out of
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the is already those a lot of laws can be started by law. these can be expanded by true importance of what can never be of a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john, mystic entries then just succeeded in finding documents that exist state and making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more than that by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right for a speech he did so in the public interest and wants to so long realize pen smith and dalton, endlessly to relate to seriously. i know why advice may know
5:00 am
who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely. voltage us has to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. are we going to lift that? stay in the content. so is this how the russian investigators find evidence linking the most good concept? the whole terrorist with lea, including confidence gall, to obtaining photos for the suspects. move along the phone. as is up here, the aid workers in gauze, in reco numbers. we looked at how little west and the access to the 4th of these differently when they have ever since, since the bind died last. cummings, such as live in the south. china sea is beijing excuses. the philippines of in


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