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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian investigators find the evidence linking the moscow concept hole terrorists with the ukraine, conflicts out the operating photos from this last night to barcode. as usual, kills 8 workers in gathering becket. numbers. we'll look at how the west reacts to the atrocities differently when the effect it's over the citizens and seems to turn a blind eye to mazda kelly lovell. tensions rise in the south china sea of changing it to the philippines of intensifying the result of the dispute with support from quote, external forces and an escalation in east africa. as to molly,
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i spelled them back to the neighboring needs. he'll be in a glowing raft, over disputed regions. the coverage of the latest drive is shaping the world right now. this is our, the international i a michael point you now gosh, and i saw are, these are filed evidence linking the ukraine conflicts and the terrorist attack called the moscow concept hole, after obtaining photographs from the suspects. phones do for you, said i do use the terrorists phone contained by to images of people and comma flush along with the ukranian slug and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp with enough unseen gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the terrace stabs and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium. special services and
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international is domestic terrorist organizations in the organization and financing of the terrorist act. an investigation here in russia has been ongoing since the heretic abundance of the 22nd of march, which took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. we have seen a number of arrest, the series of criminal charges for ford, and obviously investigation unfolds. we are getting more more information about the forces which choreographed via tax. the latest is the data from the phone of one of the atrocities suspected pub. the traits of which they actually tried to throw away understanding that it would probably incriminate them father fis data has been analyzed. what does it show? well, 1st off, like we had photos of a male in minute tree fatigue straight. and then you prayed in slack, holding a chain with a symbol of ukraine. that's the trident photos of a tank of the bones out built in. presumably from the wizard,
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plus an image that really became eye clinic and the days of the war, thoughts of the ukrainian soldier standing on snake island, giving the middle finger to a russian shit. this really went down in the annals of history. it was a legend almost, although ultimately it proved to be nothing up but missed. and that's not the deluxe, which on the morning of february 24th 2020 for me on the bus 3 of those adults with the special military operations. one of the co conspirators on the instructions of the curator, found screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocuses, the whole building and access roads to its own internet resources, and sent them to him. the suspect confirmed all this in his testimony. so clearly the 22nd of march atrocity was not a spontaneous. let's go and shoot top crow cuz it was meticulously pond. it was coordinated with a number of players and the consumer was chosen as a target months in advance just to be clear. and none of this proves anything
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definitively. no location of the photographs or people all in the photographs of being identified as far as we know. but what the investigation is thrown, upsets me lens filed the create in store top. russian officials have been saying for weeks, which is that one way or not the ukraine figures had, but it was no innocent bystander in the bloody events of that day when we ship them . so this attack was prepared by radical islamic and was facilitated by western special services ukraine. special services also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the american soup also spoken about this repeatedly is why didn't you specify the yes, the you tell you and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack several associated with, well, i think, so we're currently talking about the findings that we have and there are some
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general developments and that seems that the thing is all beings of being pointed at ukraine, but have out of the west of the reaction to all of this. give us a bit more about the well fuss me. it is important to note, but not if there is a rest of the sofa of ukrainian origin. almost all have central asian heritage on sympathies with is the most extreme is on the bottom. the page has been very clear on this, on how this was a calculated political decision by the mazda mind of the attack designed to stoke onto my going on. is it on the 3rd big sentiment in russia which pulls this home to more than 6000000 foreigners over 90 percent of whom come from central agency? i see russia it cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalist . we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony and unity into religious and ethnic units 8 . and then the external arena russian behaves in such
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a way that it and hardly being object of a things by islamic fundamentalists. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in more than conditions is set. the best of all i must go has long maintained that the gunman was simply pull ones. and this why did to your political day mind that the true architects of the atrocities still remain at large very possibly abroad. now on that point, give an current events. and given what we know about tips modus operandi, it was probably only natural that suspicion would fall on ukraine. but really, this suspicion became even stronger off to the very old reaction of kids allies to the terrorist attack. the atrocity was basically still ongoing when washington came out and fisting a 100 percent. if isis pay, we've made that determination step. nothing to do with you quite and don't look at you crate. now just reiterate, no investigation have been opened yet. no one has even mentioned you quite in fact
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pro quest would still literally bonding and yet here was washington already defending its ward. it really seemed like a case of the lady of protests too much. there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting, but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you with this early hour of any connection to you print. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement of or how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. the media of course,
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occurred all of this measuring most of those concerns as baseless. but like i said, we really do need to look at the ukranian pay book. and very sadly, terrorism does feature, that was a thought is the meet up for the it's kill list of needing american politicians. john, let's officials, celebrities, why the thoughts of regular a couple of things was about to blow up the crime being bridge. so key, if this is all side game they've admitted as much tooth problem, is it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the elimination of such persons as kiva cyrus and starsky? can you give any details if this is the case then? yeah. what is your question is exactly the right one, especially. we cannot recognize this in any way, but at the same time, i'm ready to disclose the details to you. so that is the context to the latest developments in this investigation. the task now will be unraveling, all of these threads father that they need most goes security services to them off
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the mind of the massacre on. if indeed they do end up leaving to the landscape government in kias. will this be a way to shut moment when ukraine's allies finally stop turning a blind eye to the bloody and terrorist actions open, increasing the rogue states. these riley police in jerusalem have reportedly deployed gas and detain people from questioning a method charged atmosphere at the cities most prominent mosque. the the incident occurred after morning press 155 daniels ramadan said august i sold a side an estimated 65000 washington square in attendance. and the user id forces repeatedly used drugs to spray to a gas and then attempt to disperse the crowd. let's process now lied to all the middle east,
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mario and phenomena joining us from jerusalem from. all right, it's good to have you join me now. tell us more about the current situation at. i'll ask them ok. hello to you. well, we are in front of the mask who's jacob jerusalem on the 16th, which is relatively calm. now here, although security has been tightened up the rose leaves movie or has been pauses, often lots of is really is a round in fear of potential clashes as to some last friday before the end of you've been totally mindful, ramadan and thousands and deliveries have gathered for morning and the noon prayer is in a lot. so most one of the mistake replaces the movement. that is 6 acres in the city of jerusalem. now people, as you can see behind me leaving the prayers and seeing me for an tens very quickly and easily, se every body seems to be ready just like it's happened earlier in the morning.
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eric here, i sympathizing kind of thing and the guys are basically saying, the one people protests today. this is really military offensive in the guys is 3 claim lives of more than 33000 for the food you 2 guys with our furnace. 3, have been a common seen in the last 6 months, typically here in east jerusalem, but also all across the west bank. meanwhile, it looks like the only time seen in the arabs of israel, but israel, the thing is, ally is losing patience. the idea of killing 7, a worker is with 4 and passports in gaza at the time they were delivering to potentially needed to serve in, in play. became the last straw for washington and says they, they wasn't very 10 phone conversation between prime minister in yahoo and president. why didn't that last page? less than 10 minutes with the message was clear for the 1st time since the
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beginning of the war and needed to bring by didn't tell me from yahoo that he wants the war to stop. and if israel doesn't let a buzzkill too many caring a, please, us might change this call list which is read. let's take a listen. i would characterize this call is very direct, very business like very professional on both sides. and the president laid out his significant concerns about the direction and where things are going and quite frankly, laid out as here. there we go. we are willing to reconsider our own policy approaches here. and depending upon what these rallies do or don't do the direction and with things like going seemed to be alarming for washington award goes on with ideas, tribes intensifying these roles. so repeatedly that it is preparing to convey the roxanne in gaza, south square up to 1500000 gallons of carmen, please shelters without presenting
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a solid plan folder in the realm of taishan type style. so that means we're going to see move that in this ready, devastating and deadly military offensive is right. but the pressure from america for the 1st time, probably in models, have you the this resolved on thursday nights face since the cabinet decided to move in a going into gas. i cool because the restorative little has a great a is an open edit crossing. in addition to the county of racial kim sloane, i page a few who just on top of it, it also agreed to boost the mountains of trucks in from the car, in around 200 to 500 a day earlier. by the way, the u. n. claims that is the minimum amounts needed to need massive demands in gaza with sam and is driving and it's more than a 1000000 people are literally starving result of me. this was also decided to
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allow the use of the as don't portion is 0 south for a few minutes here, really systems to gather hard decision. i have to say for israel, whose idea as you remember back in apparently the beginning of the was to cut scans of all the outside world completely using scenes as a weapon. but since the national pressure eventually was too sweet, strong to resist. it is, though i'm clear as to when these measures, if at all will be implemented. as of yesterday, we know that 200 to the track has entered god effects from god, the theories all the things through boil. and israel's, nor where it ran in response to his low lunch is expected following the death of 7 and reading the features and what is thought to be and is really aris cross israel . by the way is user has never taken responsibility for these attacks, cause it running leader is pointing to the finger of blame at officials in telling these lowering israel who pays high prize. the says,
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says the grass is really have been reacting like, preparing for yet another song, the people who have been able to speak to a like, especially those in the middle. i mean they, we throw money from 8 and the rest to buy food, essentially. same senior rates rooms located by the way, i'm putting bone cell phones in dissipation of potential strikes. the idea of tried to calm the public down, say the arm is headspace and get it press the home for are trying to reassure is rarely everything is under control and they have nothing to worry about. but actually the action shows otherwise. it's not an early thursday morning by the way, is road jam gps 6 ways popular navigation system. so in people in tel aviv that they are actually in the room. and the idea of later admitted a was it protected measure and probably used to interfere into the signals of smart mesa. in addition,
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these role has also posed on their highlights and folded. soldiers were not allowed to return home for the weekend, which they usually do. so a previous occasion of pricing for the best of preparing for the reason that things are clearly boiling and is back to slide far to mid least the chief myra financing. i think you i think as a war has become deadly. your for humanitarian work is been 80 other conflict around the world in the last 30 years. and that's according to the aid workers security database to $103.00 of those personnel had been killed enough in gaza since october 1, recent eas, ready to mike on the humanitarian comm void killed $78.00, work as our take to respond. and donald quartet has the details there across the main stream, media stories of 78 workers from the world central kitchen kills,
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trying to provide relief in gaza. buying is really air strike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike the wealth central kitchen is posing in scarsdale operations. off the 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian, as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under an unusually high amount of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this is where the government's apologizing to the families of the i'd work is carols, including the 3 families and breton, all of us have expressed breast grief about this together. and that all you apologized the frank. to be frank, if you let me on christian, there's no point attacking me already. i've just arrived. i'm happy to talk to you . i'm just also a simple question. i want an answer to that. you want to apologize. allow me to wants for this was a mistake was moved so you can apologize already. you don't need to know the precise details to issue an apology for grieving family life. something. there are grieving families and we grieve with them because clearly,
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so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries, and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians feed to the flags. could there be any repercussions of united states? i mean, i know you're gonna say that you're waiting for the, the results, the investigation, everything. good. the, as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these really, it wasn't usually something i think are 208 were so control right. now is we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes. following the masonic peoples of info is not a violation of international humanitarian law. your, your question presumes at this very early hour that it was
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a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. it's about time, some serious public attention was given to the flight of aid workers in gaza. and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism. but a war against humanity itself for its part. israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology. misidentified its target. this try cause not carried out with the intention of homie w, c, k, a g well kills. it was a mistake that followed me so you didn't if occasion, night during the war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figure that surpasses the total number of dead
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kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. for hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught, would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming forces being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv. and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza. they were nice, the better still use. so it might the more and we know the able to see if there were some directly the worse than you. yeah. as far as just uh, a you know, support of these, right. there was the go through, these are all fees, right. and we are talking about the bus run yet. countries are not going to do them and you go to your country today. media in the west usually is live bringing the the news only, you know, then what worked or do they fix the work you today?
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they both make an issue about it. when it comes to having to do these ladies, especially the sounds of the box, we saw a different space for these. i mean, yeah. and they were talking about, you know, the children and books, the children be, be beheaded, and, uh, moving to read and then made a big, big and the you campaign based on lies. which none of those accusations where, when it comes to develop. but assume is because we are not white enough and we are brownish people, so they don't care that much you. and so it's, as these are easy, describe the better seeing guys as a human anyways, or any letters. they describe the 1st thing that the big guys that so i've done an image right now, so would make a big fuss about do you know that can be seen is when it comes to that giving will
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you will be an or, or in a nation as like what happens with these 70 work, there's a lot of cars and do make any costs of them. yeah, that is. and you know, best buy these media or doors them. countries in july economic areas issue out of the crimes committed by his right in guest. china has one they, philippines, the guys fucking to actions in the south. china sea being claimed bonilla might be acting on the foreign influence and bringing its commitments. i don't care until they show how can you show me the direct cause of the current escalation. the maritime disputes between china in the philippines lies in the fight and to the philippines side, relies on external forces, finalizing its commitments, and repeatedly provoking disputes on the page. so i to to meet least still pitts infringement of dental and provocative ext with 5 by its own commitments and the
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relevant understandings and consensus reach by china. and the for the tensions have been the high between manila had b, g, and risk and bonds over their territorial spot in the south china sea. and that's on the bad drop all the philippines. adopting a new security doctrine. recently, chinese forces use water can to prevent supply a ship from accessing philippines military all post the syria madre, which is a disputed area of the philippines as that they will not tolerate such incidents or commitment to maintain v a pc or a match rate will always be that so any attempt by china to interfere with resupply emissions will be meant by the philippines in a fashion that protects our troops. that we spoke with holly rock hall for my presidential spokes, boston full of the philippines, and the size of the country is covering gap and he's relying on us support. and in case there is a further escalation in hostilities was tied, or they would only be an escalation department, but it's like a really negative, same kind of. so that's, it depends on the philippines because of the mutual defense, treat email, which is
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a protective security agreement. that really means cops after that the united states will come to be switched to. but um, actually i see no basis for the americans to declare war against a child that exclusively on the basis. often these people story in the west philippine seat at the beginning with the americans have not even made public that they approve of the philippine blender that these people say restoring. but the americans have been saying is they oppose anything that would violate the freedom of navigation, of the high seas now and they have not said that they recognize that thank the philippines now. so i think um the mark was administration is definitely on the fact that the united states with documents rescue in 5 days, escalation of i mean, do they have to get these in the union? but um, my assessment is americans will not get involved in any military into but, and in the west philippines east. not only because they don't really recognize that they've been by philip,
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but also because of dc already in blue cross. and i think it's not worth the time and effort of the medic dentist to declare the battery encounter with china over the side. i think there's been a major shift in the world perception of and i think you'd like them to find the present president of them. they never relies on external bowers to defend the really be national interest in the steps to modernize the armed forces in whatever small way a good he bought you ship to see what's new by projects. and he's the so far, the only president that has done that because he knows that we need to really be know scanning ultimately the sense that they're going to be doing the best thing to do with that thing. our national debt, i thought, you know, but the major shift here is the markets rely on increasingly on us at this time because of the future. they've been strictly now present the neighbors here that you because he thought that americans do not use force unless it is, but they got you to look into this. we need the warrant investments to uh, um,
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for most economic progress. and we also know that china now is probably the last largest investor in southeast asap, if not in the old world. so why would you, as i would nice, the biggest source of topic though, right now, is that what we're i'm escalation in east africa. somalia has expels be i'm baset of neighboring and see will be the dispute is over access to a port in the break away a region of somebody land, mortgage issue savvy must defend its own territorial integrity. a smell that stands for a minute. sovereignty in light of se, open interference in our internal affairs. we've demanded if you up as an investor leaf within 72 hours and our closing consulates in how gauge the and guttural way. i'll reserve in protection. now territory is steadfast. bolton shows have been inflamed patrice of malia, and if the o p s is just the by signed,
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a memorandum of understanding would break. we've region office to model the land under different circumstances. the kind of deal between ethiopia and somali land would have been actively straightforward because one country grants, if land lots nearby access to c port add by extension to international trade. an invitation is rolled at a political price, but some of the land is just a defacto country. and since the political price was nothing less than, it's the o. p. s taking steps towards recognizing somali land as the southern states serious repercussions have followed us since that deal discussion on the 1st of january, this, the, the somali government to call these and best suited to ethiopia, and immediately declared the block to be a code uh, national priority to days off to the use of the m. o use, the money president signed a parliamentary bull decree, entering the deal, not in void
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a position to the deal spread quickly. among the public and government officials participated in the young protest. marching the somali capital on the 11th of january, this. yeah, and that is quite a lot. that's a model. it is. i'm angry about more than just the the idea that you might recognize if somebody lands independence, somalia accuse is just the above of mid range. and it's in turn in the face that initiating discuss is about in a fee of state with a um, uh somebody lands without even trying to notify move out to you soon in advance and baltimore, oddly official sage. they do not object. so you get to your appeal, i'm not the ports, i'm gaining access to a port along the. so monte, are close to for commercial purposes, they draw the line actually, if you open military installation on what they consider. so, monte sewing, this is of course deep and despite the fact that move, that issue is not really sure what exactly is in the memorandum of understanding
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which is now creating the conflict between the countries. on the other hand, if the opium prime minister and somebody lands president has presented the deal as a major win for the respects of national goals. but before the time you remember random, the closest you'll appeal court to to the ownership was some agreements in 2017, but after that everything just fell through. and of course, to add to the epi center of the whole conflict is somebody lands been reported, which occupies a strategic position in the whole north africa. and lies on a very busy shipping route for traffic to and from the middle east, and east and africa. and at the main beneficiary of all of this, and this whole complex call a place could be somebody led to even though it is the time to move break way, stay from somalia. that has the persistency pursued independence for 33 years. it has states institution. it has the military and is functioning,
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political and economic system. but it's independence is not recognized by any country. and somalia considered as somebody lied to be part of its territories. and why is that the opiate is impinging upon itself and see, but what we do know so far is that the resulting prices could escalate. as the model is running into a national supports to the deal was at the open, somebody lined up he has determined to go ahead with this deal. observe is and indeed some of the officials. the cf. the dispute may play into the hands of also bob, which is the missteps, insurgency, samaria, and said that paula rice is the region and that's the update this. i'll see you again in boston submitted the


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